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The private sector exerts a significant and critical influence on child health outcomes in developing countries, including the health of poor children. This article reviews the available evidence on private sector utilization and quality of care. It provides a framework for analysing the private sector's influence on child health outcomes. This influence goes beyond service provision by private providers and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). Pharmacies, drug sellers, private suppliers, and food producers also have an impact on the health of children. Many governments are experimenting with strategies to engage the private sector to improve child health. The article analyses some of the most promising strategies, and suggests that a number of constraints make it hard for policy-makers to emulate these approaches. Few experiences are clearly described, monitored, and evaluated. The article suggests that improving the impact of child health programmes in developing countries requires a more systematic analysis of how to engage the private sector most effectively. The starting point should include the evaluation of the presence and potential of the private sector, including actors such as professional associations, producer organizations, community groups, and patients' organizations.  相似文献   



This study evaluates the inclusion of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) topics in preclinical US and Canadian medical education.

Study Design

Between 2002 and 2005, we sent surveys to the student coordinators of active Medical Students for Choice chapters at 122 US and Canadian medical schools. Students reported on the preclinical curricular inclusion of 50 specific SRH topics in the broad categories of pregnancy, contraception, infertility, elective abortion, ethical and social issues, and other topics.


We received 77 completed surveys, for an overall response rate of 63%. Coverage of pregnancy physiology and STIs/HIV was uniformly high. In contrast, inclusion of contraceptive methods and elective abortion procedures greatly varied by subtopic and geographic region. Thirty-three percent of respondents reported no coverage of elective abortion-related topics.


Inclusion of contraception and elective abortion in preclinical medical school courses varies widely. As critical components of women's lives and health, we recommend that medical schools work to integrate comprehensive family planning content into their standard curricula.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The number of voluntary organizations active in health care is considerable. There have been recent calls for a new closer working relationship between voluntary bodies and the National Health Service. The relationship between the two healthcare sectors needs to be efficient and harmonious in the interests of patient care; however, little is known about the nature and problems in the current relationship. The present study was undertaken to examine aspects of this relationship from the point of view of health board personnel. OBJECTIVE: To identify the practices and views of Scottish health board staff concerning the funding, role and responsibility of voluntary organizations in the health sector. METHODS: A qualitative study based on in-depth interviews with health board officials in all 15 Scottish health boards. RESULTS: Policies for financial and other relationships with the voluntary sector were often not explicit. The levels and method of funding voluntary health organizations varied across boards, as did the tenure of awards (from 1 to 3 years). Demand for funding far exceeded monies available. Some health boards ensured accountability through audited accounts, annual reports and site visits; however, others thought this inappropriate for small organizations. Health boards recognized the problems of the precariousness of funding and the administrative burden of the monitoring process and the ritual of applying for funding. CONCLUSION: The uncertainties of long-term funding may impede the contribution of voluntary organizations. There is a tension between the requirements of clinical governance and the ability of small voluntary organizations to provide the necessary documentation. One proposed solution, to reduce the number of organizations, might not appeal to the voluntary sector. Future initiatives could address the problem of tailoring funding and accounting to the resources of voluntary organizations.  相似文献   

Guy GP  Adams EK  Atherly A 《Inquiry》2012,49(1):52-64
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) will substantially increase public health insurance eligibility and alter the costs of insurance coverage. Using Current Population Survey (CPS) data from the period 2000-2008, we examine the effects of public and private health insurance premiums on the insurance status of low-income childless adults, a population substantially affected by the ACA. Results show higher public premiums to be associated with a decrease in the probability of having public insurance and an increase in the probability of being uninsured, while increased private premiums decrease the probability of having private insurance. Eligibility for premium assistance programs and increased subsidy levels are associated with lower rates of uninsurance. The magnitudes of the effects are quite modest and provide important implications for insurance expansions for childless adults under the ACA.  相似文献   

Perceived quality of private and public health care, income and insurance premium are among the determinants of demand for private health insurance (PHI). In the context of a model in which individuals are expected utility maximizers, the non purchasing choice can result in consuming either public health care or private health care with full cost paid out-of-pocket. This paper empirically analyses the effect of the determinants of the demand for PHI on the probability of purchasing PHI by estimating a pseudo-structural model to deal with missing data and endogeneity issues. Our findings support the hypothesis that the demand for PHI is indeed driven by the quality gap between private and public health care. As expected, PHI is a normal good and a rise in the insurance premium reduces the probability of purchasing PHI albeit displaying price elasticities smaller than one in absolute value for different groups of individuals.  相似文献   

The 153-327 million new cases of treatable sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) each year are a critical health problem and are increasingly associated with transmission of HIV infections. There is strong epidemiological evidence that STDs (especially HIV-1 and genital ulcer diseases such as syphilis, herpes, and chancroid) increase a person's ability to transmit or acquire an HIV infection. In addition, HIV may alter the clinical presentation, natural history, diagnosis, and responsiveness to therapy of STDs; and STDs may alter the natural history of HIV infection by inducing immunosuppression, by chronic immune stimulation, or by direct viral interactions. Most reports on HIV infection and syphilis document neurological manifestation of syphilis in HIV-1 infected individuals. HIV-1 may modify an individual's response to syphilis infection, producing more persistent and higher RPR titres, increasing the likelihood of losing reactivity to treponemal tests correlating with advanced HIV disease, and increasing biological false-positive reactions. HIV also appears to reduce the responsiveness of chancroid to standard therapy, especially single-dose therapy, thus requiring multiple-dose therapy over 5-7 days. Herpes simplex viral infections are more frequent and severe in HIV-infected individuals, but dosage adjusted acyclovir therapy is effective in most patients. Gonorrhea does not appear to be affected by the presence of HIV infection, except that HIV-infected women may be more susceptible to cervical gonococcal infection and pelvic inflammatory disease. The clinical presentation of human papilloma virus, however, is altered by HIV infection as is the rate of recurrence and the responsiveness to standard therapy. Because of the recognition of the interaction of HIV and STDs, STD control is now recognized as an essential component of HIV prevention programs. Parallel prevention campaigns, such as condom promotion, could reduce both.  相似文献   

I write in response to Dr. Gina Dallabeta's article with this title (HIV and STDs: How Are They Linked?). Prospective studies in sub-Saharan Africa have established the following: 1. Seropositive commercial sex workers have a higher prevalence of genital ulcer disease (GUD) and positive serology for syphilis. 2. Seropositive men with chancroid more frequently have a history of prior GUD. 3. Seronegative men with a history of recent contact with a commercial sex worker are more likely to seroconvert if they have GUD than urethritis. GUD increases the infectiousness of HIV. Similarly, there is increased susceptibility to the virus in cases of genital chlamydial infection and Trichomonas vaginalis. The mechanisms are basically two--mechanical and biological. Mechanically, the raw area resulting from the STD provides a portal of entry for the virus. Biologically, activated lymphocytes and macrophages enhance HIV shedding and increase the susceptibility of the individual to HIV.  相似文献   

Two advocates for providing consumers the information they need to make informed choices among HMOs point out that the data being gathered for purchasers and others steeped in health plan analyses have little meaning for the end user. Foundation for Accountability President David Lansky, Ph.D., and PacifiCare's Vice President of Health Services Sam Ho, M.D., discuss the outcomes information consumers need, the style they need it in and the steps being having taken to ensure they get it.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: We examined the published literature on health programs in faith-based organizations to determine the effectiveness of these programs. METHODS: We conducted a systematic literature review of articles describing faith-based health activities. Articles (n = 386) were screened for eligibility (n = 105), whether a faith-based health program was described (n = 53), and whether program effects were reported (28). RESULTS: Most programs focused on primary prevention (50.9%), general health maintenance (25.5%), cardiovascular health (20.7%), or cancer (18.9%). Significant effects reported included reductions in cholesterol and blood pressure levels, weight, and disease symptoms and increases in the use of mammography and breast self-examination. CONCLUSIONS: Faith-based programs can improve health outcomes. Means are needed for increasing the frequency with which such programs are evaluated and the results of these evaluations are disseminated.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This paper aims to empirically demonstrate the size and composition of the private health care sector in one of India's largest provinces, Madhya Pradesh. METHODOLOGY: It is based on a field survey of all health care providers in Madhya Pradesh (60.4 million in 52,117 villages and 394 towns). Seventy-five percent of the population is rural and 37% live below poverty line. This survey was done as part of the development of a health management information system. FINDINGS: The distribution of health care providers in the province with regard to sector of work (public/private), rural-urban location, qualification, commercial orientation and institutional set-up are described. Of the 24,807 qualified doctors mapped in the survey, 18,757 (75.6%) work in the private sector. Fifteen thousand one hundred forty-two (80%) of these private physicians work in urban areas. The 72.1% (67793) of all qualified paramedical staff work in the private sector, mostly in rural areas. CONCLUSION: The paper empirically demonstrates the dominant heterogeneous private health sector and the overall the disparity in healthcare provision in rural and urban areas. It argues for a new role for the public health sector, one of constructive oversight over the entire health sector (public and private) balanced with direct provision of services where necessary. It emphasizes the need to build strong public private partnerships to ensure equitable access to healthcare for all.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Several studies in recent decades have assessed the effects of different probiotics in acute gastroenteritis, showing that specific strains of Lactobacilli (mainly Lactobacillus casei GG) and Saccharomyces boulardii may exert some beneficial therapeutic actions, mainly when used in rotavirus gastroenteritis, at a high dose, and in the early phase. The mechanisms of action of probiotics are not completely elucidated but seem to involve a complex interaction among epithelial, molecular, metabolic, and immune responses. Data on the prevention of community-acquired, nosocomial, and travelers' diarrhea are currently conflicting. Because each micro-organism has different properties, an accurate selection of the strain, dose, and patient should be cautiously considered. METHODS AND RESULTS: Several reports from developing countries have demonstrated that supplements of zinc also provide significant reduction in stool output and duration, persistency, and severity of diarrhea. In view of the published data and of the different actions of zinc (such as improvement of the immune status, intestinal permeability, epithelial and enzymatic function, and electrolyte transport), the use of zinc as adjunctive therapy to oral rehydration solution has the potential to improve the management of diarrhea and decrease complications in children worldwide. In contrast to probiotics, which most trials in the developed world have used, there has been no trial with zinc performed in developed countries. CONCLUSION: Data on the effect of a combined administration of zinc and probiotics in acute gastroenteritis are urgently needed.  相似文献   

What can be done about the private health sector in low-income countries?   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
A very large private health sector exists in low-income countries. It consists of a great variety of providers and is used by a wide cross-section of the population. There are substantial concerns about the quality of care given, especially at the more informal end of the range of providers. This is particularly true for diseases of public health importance such as tuberculosis, malaria, and sexually transmitted infections. How can the activities of the private sector in these countries be influenced so that they help to meet national health objectives? Although the evidence base is not good, there is a fair amount of information on the types of intervention that are most successful in directly influencing the behaviour of providers and on what might be the necessary conditions for success. There is much less evidence, however, of effective approaches to interventions on the demand side and policies that involve strengthening the purchasing and regulatory roles of governments.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Researchers often use census-derived measures of socioeconomic status (SES) when personal information is not available. Theory predicts that the resulting misclassification will blunt associations between outcomes and SES and that control for confounding by SES will be less effective. The purpose of this paper was to examine the magnitude of this problem using data from the National Population Health Survey (NPHS). METHODS: Subjects were 4,037 respondents to the NPHS who were linked to the Ontario Health Insurance Plan. An ecologic measure of income was obtained by linkage of subjects' postal codes to the Census. RESULTS: The relationships between the ecologic-level measure and health outcomes or health services utilization were attenuated in comparison to the relationships relative to the direct measure of household income. The ecologic measure also produced poorer control for confounding by income in the analysis of other health relationships. CONCLUSIONS: Many interesting public health and health services questions can be addressed only with the use of ecologic level socioeconomic information. While most of the results were qualitatively similar when the direct and ecologic measures were compared, researchers and users of research findings should be aware that attenuated or potentially misleading findings may result from the use of these methods.  相似文献   



Low literacy is common in Hong Kong and China, especially among the females and the elderly. These are often the patients with the greatest health care needs. However little is known about how low literacy affects the ability of patients to obtain adequate medical care and comply with the recommendations of health professionals.  相似文献   

Child marriage is an important driver of poor health outcomes at the global level, particularly for those related to sexual and reproductive health (SRH). Relatively few programs focus specifically on married adolescents, however, and most focus narrowly on SRH rather than broader well-being. Programming that combines SRH with economic empowerment (EE) may lead to greater well-being while enhancing the effectiveness of both programmatic components, but few evaluations have directly addressed this.

This study explores the relative effectiveness of combined versus single-focus programming using data collected as a part of the evaluation of the Towards Economic and Sexual Reproductive Health Outcomes for Adolescent girls (TESFA) program in Amhara, Ethiopia. Between 2011 and 2013, linked baseline and endline data were collected from 2,272 ever-married adolescent girls aged 14–19 from three arms: the first including training on SRH only, the second integrating EE, and the third serving as a comparison group.

The effect of participation in the different program arms is assessed against five SRH and three EE outcomes using difference-in-difference models. Participation in either intervention arm significantly improved four of the five SRH outcomes, with the largest gains in the single-focus arm. In contrast, those girls in the combined arm experienced improvements in two of the economic outcomes compared with one in the single-focus arm. These results provide strong support for broad program impact, but little evidence of a synergistic and mutually reinforcing relationship between the two program elements. Overall, the findings suggest that programmers may face a choice between a program model that delivers somewhat greater impact in terms of SRH outcomes and one that delivers somewhat smaller effects across a broader range of outcomes.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: To systematically review the literature concerning the effect of stages-of-change-based interventions in primary care on smoking, physical activity, and dietary behavior. METHODS: An extensive search (until July 2002) was performed using the following inclusion criteria: (1) (randomized) controlled trial (RCT/CT), (2) intervention initiated in primary care, (3) and intervention aimed at changing smoking, physical activity, or dietary behavior, and stages-of-change-based outcomes, and (4) behavioral outcomes. Methodologic quality was assessed, and conclusions on the effectiveness at short-, medium-, and long-term follow-up were based on a rating system of five levels of evidence. Odds ratios were calculated when methodologically appropriate. RESULTS: A total of 29 trials were selected for inclusion. Thirteen studies included a physical activity intervention, 14 aimed at smoking cessation, and five included a dietary intervention. Overall methodologic quality was good. No evidence was found for an effect on stages of change and actual levels of physical activity. Based on the strength of the evidence, limited to no evidence was found for an effect on stages of change for smoking and smoking quit rates. Odds ratios for quitting smoking showed a positive trend. Strong evidence was found for an effect on fat intake at short- and long-term follow-up. Limited evidence was found for an effect on stages of change for fat intake at short-term follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: The scientific evidence for the effect of stages-of-change-based lifestyle interventions in primary care is limited. Limiting aspects in the stages-of-change concept with respect to complex behaviors as physical activity and dietary behavior are discussed.  相似文献   

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