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In order to measure ejection fractions (EFs) from nuclear ventriculograms, we devised a semi-automated edge-detection technique based on a combination of inverse Fourier analysis and second-derivative techniques. Initial clinical studies showed that, for the left ventricle, our method gives EF values statistically identical with those obtained using a conventional isocontour technique. For the right ventricle, however, the values obtained using the two methods were somewhat more at variance. Despite requiring a longer processing time, the results obtained with our method are reproducible because less operator intervention is necessary.  相似文献   

目的探讨平板探测器DSA在左室射血分数(LVEF)分析的检查方法、技巧及临床应用价值。方法在左心室造影后,用轨迹法绘制左心室舒张和收缩末期容积时的轮廓线,利用面积-长度法计算左室射血分数。结果获得左室射血分数及相关参数。文中讨论了操作中应注意的影响因素。结论平板DSA左心室造影及左心室分析方法安全、快速、有效,为缺血性心脏病人的左心功能评价提供有价值的信息。  相似文献   

Objective  There are different protocols of reconstruction in myocardial gated imaging that produce different values of left ventricular ejection fraction (EF). We attempted to determine how the parameters of reconstruction affect the calculated EF. The results were statistically compared with the values obtained from angiography and echocardiography. Methods  In this retrospective study, the data from 23 patients were used. All the patients had the angiographic and the echocardiographic data within 2 weeks before the test. Imaging was performed using a single-head gamma camera using technetium-99 methoxyisobutylisonitrile. The image data were reconstructed using 50 different combinations of the ramp, Hanning, Butterworth, Wiener, and Metz filters. The ordered subset expectation maximization (OSEM) technique was also examined using 12 combinations of iteration and subset. The calculated EF values were analyzed and compared with the echocardiographic and angiographic results. Results  The backprojection technique produced higher values of EF than those derived from echocardiography and angiography. The OSEM on the other hand produced lower values when compared with echocardiography and angiography. On using the backprojection technique, the maximum correlation between the values derived from gated single-photon emission tomography and echocardiography (r = 0.88, P < 0.01) and angiography (r = 0.81, P < 0.01) was observed when using the Metz filter (full width at half maximum = 5 mm and order = 9) and the Gaussian filter (α = 3), respectively. In the case of the OSEM technique, the maximum correlation with both angiography and echocardiography was observed when using the iteration = 2 and the subset = 12. Conclusions  On the average, the backprojection technique produces higher values, and iteration technique produces lower estimation of the EF when compared with angiography and echocardiography.  相似文献   

目的 研究高压氧对左心室射血分数(LVEF)正常的心力衰竭患者血浆中一氧化氮(NO)、降钙素基因相关肽(CGRP)、内皮素(ET)和抵抗素的影响。方法 将67例左心室射血分数正常的心力衰竭患者分为高压氧组(33例)与对照组(34例)。治疗前后分别检测血浆中NO、CGRP、ET和抵抗素的水平。结果 与治疗前比较,高压氧与...  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: To overcome some of the limitations imposed by planar imaging, we aimed to optimize the use of first harmonic Fourier phase analysis (FPA) in electrocardiography-gated blood-pool single photon emission computed tomography (GBPS) by comparing different quantitative, 3-dimensional methods. METHODS AND RESULTS: Three groups of patients who underwent GBPS were evaluated: group 1, 8 patients with no heart disease; group 2, 10 patients with left ventricular disease; and group 3, 6 patients with right ventricular disease. Six different methods for FPA were compared: surface, cylindrical, spherical, and hybrid methods with fixed thresholding and spherical and hybrid methods with multiple thresholding. The hybrid method with multiple thresholding for the left ventricle and the spherical method for the right ventricle provided the highest discrimination score (phase) between normal and abnormal ventricles. Among methods with similar discrimination score for these 2 methods, the cylindrical and hybrid methods for the left ventricle and the spherical method for the right ventricle provided the best homogeneity of phase distribution histogram in normal ventricles. These were considered the optimal methods for FPA. CONCLUSIONS: The hybrid or cylindrical method for the left ventricle and the spherical method for the right ventricle with fixed thresholding are the optimal methods for FPA in GBPS.  相似文献   

Purpose Inter-institution reproducibility of gated SPECT quantification based on institutional preferences was evaluated. This sort of variability is crucial for a multicentre study when many hospitals are involved.Methods A total of 106 institutes participated in this study and were grouped according to their use of five workstation types. Fifteen sets of 99mTc-tetrofosmin gated projection images with normal ejection fraction (EF) (70%, group A, n=5), borderline low EF (50%, group B, n=5) and low EF with large perfusion defects (30%, group C, n=5) were prepared. The projection images were processed by QGS software in each institute based on its own routine settings. Based on 318 QGS results, the reproducibility of EF and volumes was analysed for each group and workstation.Results The reproducibility of EF was good in 14 of 15 cases, showing a standard deviation (SD) of <3.6%, and the coefficient of variance of the end-diastolic volume (EDV) was <9.3% in all cases. When the deviation from the average value was analysed, the difference between EF at each institute and the average EF of the workstation (dEF) showed an SD of 2.2–3.7% for each group. The ratio of the EDV divided by the average EDV (rEDV) showed an SD of 0.061–0.069 for each group. One case in group C that had a large anterior defect with low EF showed bimodal EF distribution in one of the five workstations. The SD of EF was workstation dependent, owing to the SPECT reconstruction conditions.Conclusion The reproducibility in EF and volumes within a workstation was good, even though the gated SPECT preferences varied. This reproducibility study supports the use of gated SPECT as a standard of ventricular function in multicentre studies.Organisation of JACCESS and committee members participating in this study: Principal Investigator: Tsunehiko Nishimura, MD, Department of Radiology, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine. Committee of Image Analysis: Kenichi Nakajima, MD (Chief), Department of Nuclear Medicine, Kanazawa University Hospital; Shinichiro Kumita, MD, Department of Radiology, Nippon Medical School; Kazuki Fukuchi, MD, Department of Radiology, National Cardiovascular Center; Hideki Kobayashi, MD, Department of Radiology, Tokyo Womens Medical University; Shinji Hasegawa, MD, Division of Tracer Kinetics, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine; Hirotaka Maruno, MD, Department of Radiology, Toranomon Hospital; Junichi Taki, MD, Department of Biotracer Medicine, Kanazawa University Graduate School of Medicine; Susumu Nakagawa, MD, Department of Internal Medicine, Tokyo Saiseikai Central Hospital; Yasuchika Takeishi, MD, First Department of Internal Medicine, Yamagata University School of Medicine. JACCESS office: Kanji Kato, Kenji IchiokaJ-ACCESS has no conflict of interest with any computer companies. This study is not intended to show the superiority of a specific workstation.  相似文献   

Orthogonal and oblique factor analysis represent an alternative to Fourier analysis in the evaluation of cardiac dynamic behaviour in gated blood pool studies. In order to estimate their respective places, orthogonal factor analysis (OFA), factor analysis of dynamic structures (FADS) and Fourier analysis (FA) are tested on a dynamic and periodical phantom with well known and reproducible kinetics. The phantom data are acquired under standard conditions by varying the counting rates and the temporal frequency sampling. To compare the results of the three methods with maximal objectivity, the relative contribution of each component is calculated. With standard acquisition conditions, FA and OFA give very close results. Only a minor advantage in evaluation of small phase differences is observed with OFA. FADS solutions are effectively related to the dynamic behaviour of the phantom, but their interpretation is more complicated and the quality of the oblique factors is reduced as the number of calculated factors increases. The influence of the counting statistics on FA, OFA and FADS is very similar. However, in cases of undersampling, robustness is demonstrated with the factorial technics.  相似文献   

The current technique of choice for perfusion imaging is gated single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), which allows the simultaneous assessment of perfusion and left ventricular (LV) function. We examined the relationships of infarct size and severity with LV ejection fraction (EF) and volumes in 215 myocardial infarction patients treated with primary percutaneous coronary intervention within 6 h of symptom onset. Patients were studied with resting gated SPECT 1 month later. Infarct size was expressed as LV percent, and infarct severity as the lowest activity ratio within the defect. LVEF, end-diastolic (ED) and end-systolic (ES) volume indexes (Vi) were calculated with commercial software. There was a significant correlation between infarct size and LVEF (r=–0.68, P<0.00001), EDVi (r=0.53, P<0.00001), and ESVi (r=0.62, P<0.00001). Slightly lower correlations were demonstrated using infarct severity. LVEF and volumes were related to infarct location. A significantly higher correlation was observed between infarct size and LVEF in anterior than in non-anterior infarctions (r=–0.75 vs –0.60, P<0.05). In multivariate analysis, infarct size and infarct location were significant predictors of LVEF (R2=0.50) and ESV (R2=0.40). Infarct size and infarct severity were significant predictors of EDVi (R2=0.29). Infarct size (and severity) and LVEF (and volumes) derived from a single gated SPECT study correlate closely. Infarct location influences this relationship, with anterior infarctions showing a lower LVEF than inferior or lateral ones of the same extent.  相似文献   

Gated myocardial single-photon emission tomography (SPET) allows the evaluation of left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), but temporal undersampling may lead to systolic truncation and ejection fraction underestimation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of temporal sampling on thallium gated SPET LVEF measurements. Fifty-five consecutive patients (46 men, mean age 62±12 years) with a history of myocardial infarction (anterior 31, inferior 24) were studied. All patients underwent equilibrium radionuclide angiography (ERNA) and gated SPET 4 h after a rest injection of 185 MBq (5 mCi) of thallium-201 using either 8-interval (group 1, n=25) or 16-interval gating (group 2, n=30). In group 2, gated SPET acquisitions were automatically resampled to an 8-interval data set. Projection data were reconstructed using filtered back-projection (Butterworth filter, order 5, cut-off 0.20). LVEF was then calculated using commercially available software (QGS). A higher correlation between gated SPET and ERNA was obtained with 16-interval gating (r=0.94) compared with the resampled data set (r=0.84) and 8-interval gating (r=0.71). Bland-Altman plots showed a dramatic improvement in the agreement between gated SPET and ERNA with 16-interval gating (mean difference: –0.10%±5%). Using multiple ANOVA, temporal sampling was the only parameter to influence the difference between the two methods. When using 8-interval gating, gated SPET LVEF was overestimated in women and underestimated in men (ERNA minus gated SPET = –4.0%±9.6% in women and 3.6%±7.6% in men, P=0.01). In conclusion, 16-interval thallium gated SPET offered the best correlation and agreement with ERNA, and should be preferred to 8-interval gated acquisition for LVEF measurement.  相似文献   

Purpose Quantitative gated single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) is known to have high accuracy and precision for measurement of the principal cardiac functional parameters. We hypothesised that normal values for EF and LV volumes may differ among nationalities, and that optimal threshold values specific to the study population are required. Methods Among 4,670 consecutively registered patients for a J-ACCESS (Japanese investigation regarding prognosis based on gated SPECT) study from 117 hospitals, a total of 268 (149 women, 119 men) were selected who had no baseline cardiac diseases and had experienced no cardiac events during the preceding 3-year period. A gated SPECT study was performed with 99mTc-tetrofosmin and analysed with Cedars Sinai Medical Center’s quantitative gated SPECT (QGS) software. The results in respect of ejection fraction (EF), end-diastolic volume (EDV), end-systolic volume (ESV) and stroke volume (SV), and EDV, ESV and SV normalised by body surface area (EDVI, ESVI and SVI), were calculated and summarised to obtain normal limits. Results EF for women and men was 74 ± 9% and 63 ± 7%, respectively (p < 0.0001). EDV, ESV and SV were significantly smaller in women than in men. Based on multiple regressions for linear models, the primary and secondary predictors of EF, EDVI, ESVI were gender and age. By stepwise multiple regression analysis, a statistically significant third predictor for EDV, ESV, SV and SVI was body weight. No colinearity was found between age and body weight. Important factors for the studied Japanese population included a high incidence of small hearts in women and the relatively advanced age of the population (the mean age ±SD was 64.1 ± 10.0 years for women and 60.9 ± 11.7 years for men). Conclusion EF and volumes determined by gated SPECT with QGS were significantly affected by gender and age, with body weight as a third predictor for volumes. Moreover, the normal limits were so specific for the population studied that standards appropriate for the study in question should be utilised.  相似文献   

Shape irregularities of intracranial aneurysms may indicate an increased risk of rupture. To quantify morphological differences, Fourier analysis of the shape of intracranial aneurysms was introduced. We compared the morphology of 45 unruptured (UIA) and 46 ruptured intracranial aneurysms (RIA) in 70 consecutive patients on the basis of 3D-rotational angiography. Fourier analysis, coefficient of roundness and qualitative shape assessment were determined for each aneurysm. Morphometric analysis revealed significantly smaller coefficient of roundness (P<0.02) and higher values for Fourier amplitudes numbers 2, 3 and 7 (P<0.01) in the RIA group, indicating more complex and irregular morphology in RIA. Qualitative assessment from 3D-reconstructions showed surface irregularities in 78% of RIA and 42% of UIA (P<0.05). Our data have shown significant differences in shape between RIA and UIA, and further developments of Fourier analysis may provide an objective factor for the assessment of the risk of rupture.
Joachim BerkefeldEmail: Phone: +49-69-63015462Fax: +49-69-63015989

OBJECTIVES: The ventricular phase angle, a parametric method applied to Fourier phase analysis (FPA) in radionuclide ventriculography, allows the quantitative analysis of ventricular contractile synchrony. However, FPA reproducibility using gated blood pool SPECT (GBPS) has not been fully evaluated. The present study evaluates whether by using GBPS, the reproducibility of FPA could be improved over that in planar radionuclide angiography (PRNA). METHODS: Forty-three subjects underwent both GBPS and PRNA, of which 10 subjects were normal controls, 25 had dilated cardiomyopathy, and 8 had various heart diseases. Interventricular contractile synchrony was measured as the absolute difference in RV and LV mean ventricular phase angle as delta(phi) (RV - LV). Intraventricular contractile synchrony was measured as the standard deviation of the mean phase angle for the RV and LV blood pools (RVSD(phi), LVSD(phi)). Two nuclear physicians processed the same phase images of GBPS to evaluate the interobserver reproducibility of the phase angles using data from the 43 study participants. Phase images acquired from PRNA were processed in the same manner. RESULTS: Excellent reproducibility of delta(phi) (RV - LV) was obtained with both GBPS (Y = -3.10 + 0.89 x X; r = 0.901) and PRNA (Y = -4.51 + 0.81 x X; r = 0.834). In regard to RVSD(phi) reproducibility was not adequate with PRNA (Y = 18.56 + 0.35 x X; r = 0.424), while it was acceptable with GBPS (Y = 5.22 + 0.85 x X; r = 0.864). LVSD(phi) reproducibility was superior using both GBPS (Y = 4.15 + 0.97 x X; r = 0.965) and PRNA (Y = -0.55 + 0.98 x X; r = 0.910). CONCLUSION: Our results demonstrate FPA obtained using GBPS to be highly reproducible for evaluating delta(phi) (RV - LV), RVSD(phi) and LVSD(phi), in comparison with the PRNA method. We thus consider GBPS appropriate for evaluating ventricular contractile synchrony.  相似文献   

In this study a new method for assessment of perfusion defects (PDs) derived from myocardial perfusion tomograms was evaluated in patients treated with thrombolytic therapy. Using global constraints and dynamic programming, a model-based delineation algorithm defined myocardial borders, the basal plane and absolute and relative PD size in 49 thallium-201 chloride (201TL CL) and 60 technetium-99m methoxyisobutylisonitrile (99mTc-MIBI) tomograms. Tomographic (single-photon emission tomography: SPET) and planar quantification of PDs was compared to enzymatic infarct size as well as to global (LVEF) and regional ventricular function (RWM) obtained by contrast angiography. The algorithm delineated the myocardium and the valve plane in most cases, even when large PDs were present. Manual correction of the automatic delineation of the basal plane was necessary in less than 20% of the studies. Using 201T1 C1, LVEF correlated better with tomographic PD (r=–0.67) than with planar PD (r=–0.54). Comparing planar to tomographic imaging using 99mTc-MIBI, a higher correlation with enzymatic infarct size (r=0.73 vs 0.57) and with global ventricular function (r=–0.64 vs –0.52) was found when tomographic techniques were used. No close correlation between PD and RWM was found. The beneficial effect of thrombolysis was shown by a significant difference of PD in patients with open versus occluded infarct-related vessels. It can be concluded that this new automated algorithm for quantification of SPET perfusion defect size provides a useful tool in evaluating thrombolytic therapy.  相似文献   



Longitudinal shortening is traditionally considered the predominant part of global right ventricular (RV) systolic function. Less attention has been paid to transverse contraction. The aim of this study was to evaluate RV transverse motion by cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) in a large cohort of patients and to assess its relationship with RV ejection fraction (RVEF).

Study design

We retrospectively analyzed the CMR scans of 300 patients referred to our center in 2010. RVEF was determined from short axis sequences using the volumetric method. Transverse parameters called RV fractional diameter changes were calculated after measuring RV diastolic and systolic diameters at basal and mid-level in short axis view (respectively FBDC and FMDC). We also measured the tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (TAPSE) as a longitudinal reference.


Our population was divided into 2 groups according to RVEF. 250 patients had a preserved RVEF (>40%) and 50 had a RV dysfunction (RVEF ≤40%). Transverse and longitudinal motions were significantly reduced in the group with RV dysfunction (p < .0001). After ROC analysis, areas under the curve for FBDC, FMDC and TAPSE, were respectively 0.79, 0.82 and 0.72, with the highest specificity and sensitivity respectively of 88% and 68% for FMDC (threshold at 20%) for predicting RV dysfunction. FMDC had an excellent negative predictive value of 93%.


RV fractional diameter changes, especially at the mid-level, appear to be accurate for semi-quantitative assessment of RV function by CMR. A cut-off of 20% for FMDC differentiates patients with a low (EF ≤ 40%) or a preserved RVEF.  相似文献   

Right ventricular ejection fraction (RVEF) calculated from ECG-gated steady-state 81mKr angiocardiography and from 99mTc first-pass studies were compared in 30 patients using a digital, single crystal, gamma-camera. Despite the two entirely different approaches RVEF values obtained by the two methods were comparable (r=0.97): the mean absolute difference between the two techniques was 2.5%+/-1.5% and the largest observed absolute difference was 5%. In the absence of an accepted reference method for measuring RVEF, this close correlation provides indirect validation of both techniques. The choice of method will therefore depend on several factors, including radiotracer availability, the characteristics of the gammacamera and the protocol of clinical investigation.  相似文献   

目的系统评价热疗联合化疗(热化)与单纯化疗(单化)比较治疗晚期胃癌的疗效和安全性。方法计算机检索Cochrane Library、PubMed、EMBASE、中国生物医学文献数据库、中国期刊全文数据库、中文科技期刊数据库和万方数据 数字化期刊全文数据库,同时辅以其他检索。收集所有比较热疗联合化疗与单纯化疗的随机对照试验。根据Cochrane系统评价员手册51质量评价标准对纳入文献进行质量评价,并使用STATA SE 120软件进行Meta分析。结果最终纳入5个随机对照试验(351例晚期胃癌患者)。Meta分析结果显示:在疗效方面,热化组的完全缓解率[OR=213,95%CI(117,386),P=0013]及总有效率[OR=137,95%CI(109,173),P=0006]均高于单化组,其差异均有统计学意义;在安全性方面,热化组与单化组的不良反应均无统计学差异。结论与单纯化疗相比,热疗联合化疗治疗晚期胃癌可明显提高完全缓解率与总有效率,不良反应发生率未增加。受纳入研究质量和数量所限,上述结论尚需开展更多高质量研究,特别是大样本、关注更多主要结局指标的随机对照试验。推荐结合患者具体情况进行临床应用。  相似文献   

For the absolute quantification of myocardial blood flow (MBF), Patlak plot‐derived K1 need to be converted to MBF by using the relation between the extraction fraction of gadolinium contrast agent and MBF. This study was conducted to determine the relation between extraction fraction of Gd‐DTPA and MBF in human heart at rest and during stress. Thirty‐four patients (19 men, mean age of 66.5 ± 11.0 years) with normal coronary arteries and no myocardial infarction were retrospectively evaluated. First‐pass myocardial perfusion MRI during adenosine triphosphate stress and at rest was performed using a dual bolus approach to correct for saturation of the blood signal. Myocardial K1 was quantified by Patlak plot method. Mean MBF was determined from coronary sinus flow measured by phase contrast cine MRI and left ventricle mass measured by cine MRI. The extraction fraction of Gd‐DTPA was calculated as the K1 divided by the mean MBF. The extraction fraction of Gd‐DTPA was 0.46 ± 0.22 at rest and 0.32 ± 0.13 during stress (P < 0.001). The relationship between extraction fraction (E) and MBF in human myocardium can be approximated as E = 1 ? exp(?(0.14 × MBF + 0.56)/MBF). The current results indicate that MBF can be accurately quantified by Patlak plot method of first‐pass myocardial perfusion MRI by performing a correction of extraction fraction. Magn Reson Med, 2011. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Criteria for the detection of coronary artery disease in nuclear cardiology include visualization of perfusion defects and functional impairment of contraction. The purpose of this study is to combine both methods in one procedure with the new myocardial perfusion tracer, 99mTc-methoxy-isobutyl-isonitril (MIBI), reducing time and radiation burden to the patient. Following an uncomplicated recovery, ten patients with first myocardial infarction participated in this study. Radionuclide ventriculography (RNV) was performed at rest and during exercise. Within 2–3 days, 370 MBq 99mTc-MIBI were injected and SPECT acquisition commenced 1 h later. Data processing included a scar image in polar coordinates. Areas of significantly reduced tracer uptake were expressed as a percentage of the total myocardial area. Directly following SPECT, resting and maximum exercise gated planar LAO images were recorded and the contraction was quantified. The concept of the contraction fraction (CF) rested on the end systolic change in count distribution: their increase in density and their centripetal concentration. For comparison, geometrical inner edge detection techniques were also applied. All algorithms for describing an EF equivalent were verified by computer simulations, showing a perfect correlation over a wide range of preset EFs. When applied to the patient studies only the non geometric methods revealed a good correlation with the ejection fraction (EF) obtained by RNV, and with the infarct size measured by SPECT. The corresponding correlation coefficients (r), standard errors (SEE) and the regression lines read as follows (in %): CF=0.56×EF+24.8; r=0.87; SEE=4.98; CF=-0.53×SPECT+71.5; r=0.93; SEE=4.19. Thus, estimation of the left ventricular function by the above defined CF is feasible, easy to perform and clinically meaningful. In one procedure with 99mTc-labelled MIBI not only the perfusion abnormalities were detectable, but also any reduction in function by a valied EF equivalent. Although the monochromatic gamma spectrum of the radionuclide provided better tissue penetrating power, the inner edge of the left ventricle was poorly outlined (especially in the stress studies) and does not lend itself to clinical routine practice.Supported in part by the grant LFS28 from the ministry of science, Stuttgart, Federal Republic of Germany  相似文献   



To assess the systematic errors in liver methylene fraction (LMF) resulting from fat–fat interference effects with dual‐ and triple‐echo gradient‐recalled‐echo Dual/Triple GRE) sequences and to test the robustness of these sequences after iron overloading.

Materials and Methods

Forty type‐2 diabetic patients underwent LMF measurement by 3.0T 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy (corrected for T1 and T2 decays) as the reference standard and liver fat fraction (%Fat) measurement by four Dual/Triple GRE sequences with 20° and 60° flip angle (α), corrected for T1 recovery. The same four sequences were repeated in eight patients after ferumoxide injection. Corrections for systematic errors were determined from the linear regressions (spectroscopy LMF values over Dual/Triple GRE %Fat values). Robustness was tested using Wilcoxon's signed‐rank test.


Fat–fat interference effects produced a ~10% relative systematic error and T2* decay produced a 1.9%–4.2% absolute systematic error in LMF. When comparing before and after ferumoxide, dual‐echo imaging with α = 20° and α = 60°, even when corrected, showed absolute differences of 7.23% [2.81%–10.25%] (P = 0.0117) and 5.65% [1.89%–8.216.8%] (P = 0.0117), respectively; compared to only 1.17% [0.08%–2.83%] (P = 0.0251) and 1.15% [0.37%–2.73%] (P = 0.2626) with triple‐echo imaging and α = 20° and α = 60°, respectively.


Triple‐echo imaging with α = 60° corrected for both T1 recovery and fat–fat interference effects is robust after superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO) administration and can reliably quantify LMF. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2011;33:119–127. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Background  We have previously described an automatic method for measuring left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) for myocardial perfusion single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT). The repeatability of this method has not been previously described. Methods and Results  This study compares LVEF and relative end-systolic and end-diastolic volumes assessed from myocardial perfusion SPECT by our automatic method in 180 consecutive patients undergoing gated myocardial perfusion SPECT with injection of 99mTc-labeled sestamibi in whom the acquisitions were performed sequentially in supine and prone positions. The algorithm operated completely automatically in the prone and supine positions in 178 of the 180 patients. Very high correlations were observed for LVEF (r=0.93), relative left ventricular end-systolic volume (r=0.98), and relative left ventricular end-diastolic volume (r=0.97). The mean paired absolute difference between LVEFs in the prone and supine position was 3.8±3.2, for left ventricular end-systolic volume was 4.9±4.8 ml, and for left ventricular end-diastolic volume was 7.4±6.7 ml. When patients were classified by the extent and severity of stress perfusion defect, there was no significant difference in repeatability for the measurements in any category. Conclusions  Our algorithm for automatic quantification of LVEF and relative end-systolic and end-diastolic volumes from gated 99mTc sestamibi myocardial perfusion SPECT is repeatable. When performed in the prone position, values of ejection fractions and ventricular volumes are essentially identical to those obtained in the supine position.  相似文献   

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