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Harmon C  Nolan B 《Health economics》2001,10(2):135-145
The numbers buying private health insurance in Ireland have continued to grow, despite a broadening in entitlement to public care. About 40% of the population now have insurance, although everyone has entitlement to public hospital care. In this paper, we examine in detail the growth in insurance coverage and the factors underlying the demand for insurance. Attitudinal responses reveal the importance of perceptions about waiting times for public care, as well as some concerns about the quality of that care. Individual characteristics, such as education, age, gender, marital status, family composition and income all influence the probability of purchasing private insurance. We also examine the relationship between insurance and utilization of hospital in-patient services. The positive effect of private insurance appears less than that of entitlement to full free health care from the state, although the latter is means-tested, and may partly represent health status.  相似文献   

Currently, the median waiting time for total hip and knee replacement in Ontario is greater than 6 months. Waiting longer than 6 months is not recommended and may result in lower post-operative benefits. We developed a simulation model to estimate the proportion of patients who would receive surgery within the recommended waiting time for surgery over a 10-year period considering a wide range of demand projections and varying the number of available surgeries. Using an estimate that demand will grow by approximately 8.7% each year for 10 years, we determined that increasing available supply by 10% each year was unable to maintain the status quo for 10 years. Reducing waiting times within 10 years required that the annual supply of surgeries increased by 12% or greater. Allocating surgeries across regions in proportion to each region’s waiting time resulted in a more efficient distribution of surgeries and a greater reduction in waiting times in the long-term compared to allocation strategies based only on the region’s population size. This project was funded by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care through the Ontario Joint Replacement Registry (OJRR), hosted by the London Health Sciences Centre. LEC, CKA, and GSZ were also supported by the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).  相似文献   

Waiting times for elective surgery are a key issue for the NHS. The principal policy response in the English NHS has been to introduce maximum waiting time targets against which performance is measured and rewarded. The aim of this paper is to identify the effect of government targets on the distribution of waiting times in the NHS. Specifically, we investigate the following questions: How does the probability of admission for any given patient vary during the time that they wait? How is the probability of admission for any given waiting time affected by the targets? Can variations in waiting times be explained by clinical, patient, or provider-level characteristics? What implications may be drawn from our results with respect to providers’ managerial responses to the targets? This paper investigates these questions by applying duration analysis techniques to waiting time data from 2001/2002 and 2002/2003 for three specialties: general surgery, trauma &; orthopaedics and ophthalmology. Estimation of survival functions reveals considerable variations in waiting times between specialties, operative procedures and hospitals. Hazard rates vary over time and peaks in them—high probabilities of admission—coincide with targets and change when targets change. Amongst patient characteristics, whether they are NHS or private and whether they are day or inpatient cases both influence waiting times, but other characteristics such as age, sex and ethnicity do not.  相似文献   

In the absence of priority criteria, waiting times are an implicit rationing instrument where the absence or limited use of prices creates an excess of demand. Even in the presence of priority criteria, waiting times may be unfair because they reduce health care demand of patients in lower socio-economic conditions due to high opportunity costs of time or a decay in their health level. Significant evidence has shown a relationship between socioeconomic status and the length of waiting time.The first phase of the study involved an extensive review of the existent literature for the period of 2002–2016 in the main databases (Scopus, PubMed and Science Direct). Twenty-eight met the eligibility criteria. The 27 papers were described and classified.The e mpirical objective of this study was to determine whether socioeconomic characteristics affect waiting time for different health services in the Italian national health system. The services studied were specialist visits, diagnostics tests and elective surgeries.A classification tree and logistic regression models were implemented. Data from the 2013 Italian Health National Survey were used.The analysis found heterogeneous results for different types of service. Individuals with lower education and economic resources have a higher risk of experiencing excessive waiting times for diagnostic and specialist visits. For elective surgery, socioeconomic inequalities are present but appear to be lower.  相似文献   

We investigate the distributional consequences of two different waiting times initiatives, one in Norway, and one in Scotland. The primary focus of Scotland's recent waiting time reforms, introduced in 2003, and modified in 2005 and 2007, has been on reducing maximum waiting times through the imposition of high profile national targets accompanied by increases in resources. In Norway, the focus of the reform introduced in September 2004, has been on assigning patients referred to hospital a maximum waiting time based on disease severity, the expected benefit and the cost-effectiveness of the treatment. We use large, national administrative datasets from before and after each of these reforms and assign priority groups based on the maximum waiting times stipulated in medical guidelines. The analysis shows that the lowest priority patients benefited most from both reforms. This was at the cost of longer waiting times for patients that should have been given higher priority in Norway, while Scotland's high priority patients remained unaffected.  相似文献   

The demand for referrals and diagnostic procedures in Italy has been rising constantly in recent years, making access to diagnostic services increasingly difficult with significant waiting times. A number of Health Authorities (known as Local Health Units) have responded by implementing formalised waiting-time prioritisation tools, giving rise to what are known as Homogeneous Waiting Groups (HWGs). The study describes the implementation of the HWG approach in Italy. This represents a promising tool for improving the prioritisation of patients waiting to see a specialist or to receive a diagnostic test. The study of the Italian HWG experience provides useful insights to improve the outpatient referral process for those countries where the demand prioritisation policies have focused more on inpatient care than outpatient specialist care and diagnostic services.  相似文献   



The disconfirmation model hypothesizes that satisfaction is a function of a perceived discrepancy from an initial expectation. Our objectives were: (1) to test the disconfirmation model as it applies to patient satisfaction with waiting time (WT) and (2) to build an explanatory model of the determinants of satisfaction with WT for hip and knee replacement.


We mailed 1000 questionnaires to 2 random samples: patients waiting or those who had received a joint replacement within the preceding 3-12 months. We used ordinal logistic regression analysis to build an explanatory model of the determinants of satisfaction.


Of the 1330 returned surveys, 1240 contained patient satisfaction data. The sample was 57% female; mean age was 70 years (SD 11). Consistent with the disconfirmation model, when their WTs were longer than expected, both waiting (OR 5.77, 95% CI 3.57-9.32) and post-surgery patients (OR 6.57, 95% CI 4.21-10.26) had greater odds of dissatisfaction, adjusting for the other variables in the model. Compared to those who waited 3 months or less, post-surgery patients who waited 6 to 12 months (OR 2.59, 95% CI 1.27-5.27) and over 12 months (OR 3.30, 95% CI 1.65-6.58) had greater odds of being dissatisfied with their waiting time. Patients who felt they were treated unfairly had greater odds of being dissatisfied (OR 4.74, 95% CI 2.60-8.62).


In patients on waiting lists and post-surgery for hip and knee replacement, satisfaction with waiting times is related to fulfillment of expectations about waiting, as well as a perception of fairness. Measures to modify expectations and increase perceived fairness, such as informing patients of a realistic WT and communication during the waiting period, may increase satisfaction with WTs.  相似文献   

The health care system in Greece is financed in almost equal proportions by public and private sources. Private expenditure, consists mostly of out-of-pocket and under-the-table payments. Such payments strongly suggest dissatisfaction with the public system, due to under financing during the last 25 years. This gap has been filled rapidly by the private sector. From this point of view, one might suggest that the flourishing development of private provision may lead in turn to a corresponding growth in private health insurance (PHI). This paper aims to examine the role of PHI in Greece, to identify the factors influencing its development, and to make some suggestions about future policies and trends. In the decade of 1985–1995 PHI show increasing activity, reflecting the intention of some citizens to seek health insurance solutions in the form of supplementary cover in order to ensure faster access, better quality of services, and increased consumer choice. The benefits include programs covering hospital expenses, cash benefits, outpatient care expenses, disability income insurance, as well as limited managed care programs. However, despite recent interest, PHI coverage remains low in Greece compared to other EU countries. Economic, social and cultural factors such as low average household income, high unemployment, obligatory and full coverage by social insurance, lead to reluctance to pay for second-tier insurance. Instead, there is a preference to pay a doctor or hospital directly even in the form of under-the-table payments (which are remarkably high in Greece), when the need arises. There are also factors endogenous to the PHI industry, related to market policies, low organisational capacity, cream skimming, and the absence of insurance products meeting consumer requirements, which explain the relatively low state of development of PHI in Greece.   相似文献   

This paper investigates the affordability of private health expenditure among Irish households and the services contributing towards financial hardship. We use data from the Irish Household Budget Survey, a representative survey of household spending in Ireland, covering 2009-10 and 2015-16. Private health expenditure comprises out-of-pocket payments for health and social care services and private health insurance (PHI) premiums. The poverty threshold is 60% of median total equivalised consumption and households with consumption below this level were defined as poor. Households were classified as having unaffordable health expenditure if: 1) they were poor and reported any spending; 2) they were pushed below poverty threshold by health spending; or 3) their spending on health exceeded 40% of capacity to pay. Despite signs of economic recovery, the incidence of unaffordable private health spending increased over the years—from 15% in 2009-10 to 18.8% in 2015-16. People on low incomes were disproportionately affected. The largest component of unaffordable spending for poorer households is PHI and not user charges, which have actually fallen as a cause of hardship. Our findings indicate that reliance on private health expenditure as a funding mechanism undermines the fundamental goals of equity and appropriate access within the health care system.  相似文献   

The analysis used the 2013 Survey of Income and Living Conditions to examine the extent and causes of unmet need for healthcare services in Ireland. The analysis found that almost four per cent of participants reported an unmet need for medical care. Overall, lower income groups, those with poorer health status and those without free primary care and/or private insurance were more likely to report an unmet healthcare need. The impact of income on the likelihood of reporting an unmet need was particularly strong for those without free primary care and/or private insurance, suggesting a role for the health system in eradicating income based inequalities in unmet need. Factors associated with the healthcare system – cost and waiting lists – accounted for the majority of unmet needs. Those with largely free public healthcare entitlement were more likely than all other eligibility categories to report that their unmet need was due to waiting lists (rather than cost). While not possible to explicitly examine in this analysis, it is probable that unmet need due to cost is picking up on the relatively high out-of-pocket payments for primary care for those who must pay for GP visits; while unmet need due to waiting is identifying the relatively long waiting times within the acute hospital sector for those within the public system.  相似文献   

Waiting times are commonly used as a rationing device in health care and the public sector. We develop a stylised model, which predicts the dynamics of waiting times and waiting lists over time as a function of differing demand and supply parameters. We show that a path with decreasing waiting time and increasing waiting list over certain time intervals is a possible solution, which is consistent with some empirical evidence.  相似文献   

企、事业职工家庭卫生服务公平性研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
研究不同企事业职工家庭卫生服务利用及影响因素,为卫生服务公平性研究提供客观依据.利用家庭健康询问调查结果,对各类企事业职工家庭成员的门诊、住院服务利用及其影响因素进行分析.南通市年人均门诊6.4次,淄博市4.9次,两地住院率为60.5‰和67.9‰;Logistic回归分析发现,人均收入、企业性质及效益、医疗保健制度覆盖以及医保制度运行情况对卫生服务利用率有重要影响.建议发展社会经济,提高医疗保险覆盖率以及改善企业经济效益达到提高卫生服务利用的公平性的目的.  相似文献   

Ireland's private health insurance market provides primarily supplementary health insurance for hospital services, operating alongside a public hospital system to which residents have universal access entitlements, subject to some copayments for those without a medical card. The State subsidises the purchase of private health insurance through measures including tax relief on premiums and not charging the full economic cost for private beds in public hospitals. Furthermore, privately insured patients occupying public beds in public hospitals did not, until 2014, incur charges for such accommodation, apart from modest statutory charges. In the Budget in October 2013, a number of measures were announced that began to unwind these subsidies. Although it was initially feared that these measures would add to premium inflation, leading in turn to further discontinuation of health insurance, the evidence suggests that premium inflation has eased and take-up has stabilised, although some of this may have been due to the introduction of lifetime community rating in May 2015. Nevertheless, it would appear that the restriction on the subsidisation of private health insurance has not had a significant adverse effect on the market, while it has reduced an inequitable cross-subsidy.  相似文献   

目的了解中国全球基金耐多药肺结核防治项目覆盖的24省67地市患者诊疗费用在不同的医疗保障制度中的报销情况。方法设计专题调查表,以地市为单位收集24省67个地市2012年三种医疗保障制度(新型农村合作医疗制度、城镇居民基本医疗保险制度和城镇职工基本医疗保险制度)现况,计算住院和门诊费用能否报销和报销百分比,分别采用χ2检验和秩和检验对相应数据进行分析,P〈0.05为差异有统计学意义。结果住院费用纳入新农合、城居医保以及职工医保中报销的地市个数依次是60、58和55个;门诊费用纳入三种医保报销的地市个数依次是38、34和36个。住院费用在三种医保中的报销比例依次为70.00%(P25:65.00%,P75:75.00%)、70.00%(P25:60.00%,P75:70.00%)和80.00%(P25:72.00%,P75:87.00%)(χ2=36.10,P=0.000 1);门诊费用在三种医保中的报销比例依次为60.00%(P25:27.00%,P75:70.00%)、60.00%(P25:43.00%,P75:70.00%)和80.00%(P25:50.00%,P75:85.00%)(χ2=11.26,P=0.003 6)。结论部分项目地区耐多药肺结核住院和门诊诊疗费用尚未纳入医疗保障中进行报销,报销比例有待进一步提高,尤其是门诊报销比例偏低,有待进一步加强。  相似文献   

Access to scheduled healthcare is a continuing challenge. A synthesis of the international literature was conducted to examine the potential of patient choice systems to reduce waiting times in Canada. A multitude of factors appear to influence the actions and outcomes of patients, providers, and systems. For choice systems to be effective, there must be uptake, which requires incentives and supports. Choice should be considered as but one element of a comprehensive waiting time management strategy.  相似文献   

法国的补充医疗保险及其借鉴意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主要研究了补充医疗保险在法国社会保障制度中的作用,强调了其市场结构和业绩方面的主要特征。首先简要回顾了法国医疗保险制度发展的历史以及补充医疗保险与公共医疗保险的关系,接着介绍了公共医疗保险和补充医疗保险的保障范围和程度,考察了法国补充医疗保险的市场结构、监管法规和市场业绩。最后阐述了法国补充医疗保险对我国发展医疗保险的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Subsidized voluntary enrollment in government‐run health insurance schemes is often proposed as a way of increasing coverage among informal sector workers and their families. We report the results of a cluster randomized experiment, in which 3000 households in 20 communes in Vietnam were randomly assigned at baseline to a control group or one of three treatments: an information leaflet about Vietnam's government‐run scheme and the benefits of health insurance, a voucher entitling eligible household members to 25% off their annual premium, and both. At baseline, the four groups had similar enrollment rates (4%) and were balanced on plausible enrollment determinants. The interventions all had small and insignificant effects (around 1 percentage point or ppt). Among those reporting sickness in the 12 months prior to the baseline survey the subsidy‐only intervention raised enrollment by 3.5 ppts (p = 0.08) while the combined intervention raised enrollment by 4.5 ppts (p = 0.02); however, the differences in the effect sizes between the sick and non‐sick were just shy of being significant. Our results suggest that information campaigns and subsidies may have limited effects on voluntary health insurance enrollment in Vietnam and that such interventions might exacerbate adverse selection. Copyright © The World Bank Health Economics © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The study aims to explore the perceived satisfaction of insured clients in financing health services through National Health Insurance in Ghana. A quantitative method was used to recruit 380 respondents, selected by multistage cluster sampling. Data were collected through the administration of questionnaires. More than half, 57.9%, of respondents were males, and the average age was 34 years. Most respondents, 74.3%, were insured. Overall, 53.12% of insured clients were dissatisfied with the services of providers. Factors, such as benefit package of insurance, willingness to pay higher premium, and perceived discrimination were significantly associated with poor satisfaction with health services. The current advocacy for and awareness about the use of health insurance as a prepayment plan should be prioritised in policy initiatives. The benefit package for the insurance should be increased in order to cover all disease conditions that afflict the Ghanaian population.  相似文献   

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