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There are huge regional variations in the utilisation of hospital services in Germany. In 2007 and 2008 the states of Hamburg and Baden-Württemberg had on average just under 38 % fewer hospitalisations per capita than Saxony-Anhalt. We use data from the DRG statistics aggregated at the county level in combination with numerous other data sources (e.g. INKAR Database, accounting data from the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KBV), Federal Medical Registry, Germany Hospital Directory, population structure per county) to establish the proportion of the observed regional differences that can be explained at county and state levels. Overall we are able to account for 73 % of the variation at state level in terms of observable factors. By far the most important reason for the regional variation in the utilisation of in-patient services is differences in medical needs. Differences in the supply of medical services and the substitutability of outpatient and inpatient treatment are also relevant, but to a lesser extent.  相似文献   

Beginning in October 2017 a system of basic hospital service provision, popularly called the ‘hospitals network’ was implemented in Poland. It covered 594 hospitals out of a total number of approx. 920 operating in 2017. The regulation’s official objectives were to: “(1) improve the organization of services delivered by hospitals; (2) improve access to hospital care; (3) optimize the number of specialist wards; (4) improve coordination of in- and out-patient care; (5) facilitate hospital management”. The aim of this paper is to describe the background of the reform planning and its formal objectives, content and implementation process, as well as to assess the preliminary results and discuss the possible limitations and implications. Although the official term ‘hospitals network’ is used to describe the reform, in practice it does not involve an element of cooperation between hospitals. The regulation’s main feature was changing the financing methods for a pre-defined scope of services (from per-case to global budget).The reform was planned and implemented on a rather ad-hoc basis while its major controversy is the lack of quality of care, health outcome and population health need measures in the network inclusion criteria. The assessment of the reform’s impact on service provision requires long-term analysis and access to detailed quantitative data.  相似文献   

The main aim of the article is to analyze the occurrence of agglomeration effect in the hospital sector on the basis of financial performance. The considerations are made on the example of hospitals in Poland—the country that survived the latest economic crisis relatively well, usually generating positive values of GDP, but where still there is an ongoing discussion on the final shape of healthcare financing model. The article is based on the assumption that there occur significant differences in financial performance between hospitals according to their location. The research hypothesis is as follows: Hospitals operating in big cities are featured by better financial condition than their counterparts operating in smaller towns. To verify the hypothesis, the methods of financial analysis and statistical hypothesis testing are used. As it is emphasized in the article, the assumption is true and the hypothesis can be verified positively.  相似文献   

There has been considerable momentum within the NHS over the last 10 years to develop greater patient and public involvement (PPI). This commitment has been reflected in numerous policy initiatives. In patient safety, the drive to increase involvement has increasingly been seen as an important way of building a safety culture. Evidence suggests, however, that progress has been slow and even more variable than in health care generally. Given this context, the paper analyses some of the key underlying drivers for involvement in the wider context of health and social care and makes some suggestions on what lessons can be learned for developing the PPI agenda in patient safety. To develop PPI further, it is argued that a greater understanding is needed of the contested nature of involvement in patient safety and how this has similarities to the emergence of user involvement in other parts of the public services. This understanding has led to the development of a range of critical theories to guide involvement that also make more explicit the underlying factors that support and hinder involvement processes, often related to power inequities and control. Achieving greater PPI in patient safety is therefore seen to require a more critical framework for understanding processes of involvement that can also help guide and evaluate involvement practices.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is that of analyzing the hypothesis that, as originally stated by its creators, the reengineering methodology for the improvement of efficiency and productivity, cannot be successfully implemented in Spanish public hospitals, and in fact, the so called experiences do not keep with the basics of such an approach. The technique employed for this study consisted, on one hand, of reviewing and comparing the literature published on this subject and, on the other, on experimentation by means of a case study conducted at a public hospital for the purpose of testing out the outlined hypothesis. The review and comparison of works previously published on this subject revealed that the technique for improving on-the-job efficiency according to the theory-based concepts of the process reengineering approach is not adaptable to public hospitals in Spain. The case study supported this finding, additionally highlighting the fact that in order for any relatively major changes in the working processes at public hospitals to be recommended, a number of organizational and human factors must be taken into consideration as aspects involved regardless of the methodological approach taken. The indiscriminate implementation in public hospital administration of trends currently fashionable in the business administration field may defeat its own purpose if these trends are not previously evaluated prior to being implemented. An assessment must first be made as to their being suited to the intended purpose.  相似文献   

Not-for-profit hospitals rely heavily on tax-exempt debt. Investor confidence in such instruments was shaken by the 1998 bankruptcy of the Allegheny Health and Education Research Foundation (AHERF), which was the largest U.S. not-for-profit failure up to that date and whose default was accompanied by claims of accounting irregularities. Such shocks can result in contagion whereby all hospitals are viewed as riskier. We test for the significance and duration of resulting contagion using an industry-specific model of interest cost determinants. Empirical tests indicate that contagion does occur, resulting in higher interest on new debt issues from other hospitals.  相似文献   

The paper addresses the question in the title via a survey of experienced healthcare modellers and an extensive literature review. It has two objectives.
1.  To compare the characteristics of ‘generic’ and ‘specific’ models and their success in hospitals for emergency patients
2.  To learn lessons about the design, validation and implementation of models of flows of emergency patients through acute hospitals
First the survey and some key papers lead to a proposed ‘spectrum of genericity’, consisting of four levels. We focus on two of these levels, distinguished from each other by their purpose. Secondly modelling work on the flow of emergency patient flows through and between A&E, Bed Management, Surgery, Intensive Care and Diagnostics is then reviewed. Finally the review is used to provide a much more comprehensive comparison of ‘generic’ and ‘specific’ models, distinguishing three types of genericity and identifying 24 important features of models and the associated modelling process. Many features are common across model types, but there are also important distinctions, with implications for model development.  相似文献   

The objective of this article is to estimate the value of ‘follow-on’ or ‘me-too’ drugs from the payer, industry and societal perspectives. Since me-too drugs do not bring additional clinical benefits, they are only valuable to payers if they save costs. An empirical model was constructed to identify the factors affecting whether a me-too drug results in cost savings to the pharmaceutical budgets of payers. These factors included the intensity of promotional spending, price discount and time to entry. Twenty-seven second-entrant products with limited differentiation were identified; their launch dates ranged from 1988 to 2009. On average, me-too drugs launch 2.5 years after the first entrant, with 20 % more promotional investment, and capture 38 % of market share within 4 years. Peak market share is significantly affected by share of voice (p?<?0.001) but not price discount (p?=?0.77). Launch delay was significant in terms of reducing both market share (p?<?0.001) and price (p?<?0.05). With a launch price 15 % below the incumbent, cumulative savings from use of a me-too drug peak at over $1000 million, but decrease rapidly after the first entrant becomes generic and only amount to $450 million over the me-too drug’s lifecycle. With a price discount less than 10 %, cumulative savings are negative over the life of the me-too drug. Therefore, me-too drugs may be cost saving in the short term, but can represent a cost in the longer term. From a societal perspective, me-too drugs always decrease the economic surplus if they do not grow the market. If me-too drugs grow the market by 20 %, they augment, on average, the economic surplus only if the variable costs (including promotional investment) do not increase by more than $300 million per year.  相似文献   

Evaluation of suicide prevention programs, both on the local and national level, is a methodological challenge. In September 2000, France initiated a nation program for suicide prevention. But, as was noted in the Prémutan report and more recently the FNORS report, very few of the hundreds of preventive measures taken annually are evaluated. In addition to this assessment challenge, new data, particularly concerning the different phases of the suicide process, are needed to design new programs, define their objectives with precision, and assure their implementation. For example, if the objective is to improve prevention in men aged 25-54 years who suffer from a state of depression, alcohol abuse, impulsive personality disorders, and life events implicating loss, the necessary information is currently unavailable or sparse. The lack of data and research in this domain can be grouped into several categories: lack of proper definition and quantification of the objectives; insufficient study of the mechanisms by which prevention measures are effective: lack of monitoring tools providing information on the rate of implementation of planned actions. These arguments demonstrate the need for collecting new information to develop a dynamic prevention program. Such data collection should be synchronized, conducted by a wide range of actors, and concern multiple actions. Without a coherent information system, it is doubtful the current impetus for the prevention of suicide can be sustained.  相似文献   

Objectives: The economic implications of a lack of competition in the grocery retail sector are hotly contested. However, there are also significant health implications of such anti-competitive practices that seldom receive attention. This paper hopes to draw attention to the potential public health issues that arise as a result of lack of competition in the grocery retail sector.
Method: Relevant supporting literature was reviewed to explore the possible effects of market concentration on various health outcomes.
Results: High retailer concentration may adversely affect affordability, accessibility, quality, and choice of healthy food options to consumers. In turn this has significant implications for public health.
Implications: Unless these upstream factors are addressed through the development of healthy competition, policy public health programs aimed purely at encouraging the public to consume higher quantities of healthful foods may be rendered ineffective.  相似文献   

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