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吸毒人群基数估计方法的研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
目的 探讨估计吸毒人群基数的有效方法。方 法在乐山市市中区强制戒毒所、乐山市市中区自愿戒毒门诊和针具交换点收集相关数据资料,分别采用捕获一再捕获法、乘数法和德尔菲法对乐山市市中区现有吸毒人群基数进行估计。结果 捕获-再捕获法、乘数法和德尔菲法估计乐山市市中区现有吸毒分别为3455,1703和2600人。结论 依据戒毒所现存登记资料,采用捕获-再捕获法估计吸毒人群基数易于操作、费用低,结果可信性较好。乘数法计算简便,但在吸毒人群中获取准确的乘数较为困难。德尔菲法对难接触人群进行调查的可行性较好,但影响结果的主观因素较多。  相似文献   

052095吸毒人群基数估计方法的研究/袁萍…∥中国公共卫生.2003,19(8).1023~1024探讨估计吸毒人群基数的有效方法。在乐山市市中区强制戒毒所、乐山市市中区自愿戒毒门诊和针具交换点收集相关数据资料,分别采用捕获_再捕获法、、乘数法和德尔菲法对乐山市市中区现有吸毒人群基  相似文献   

目的探索用同伴推动抽样法(respondent-driven sampling,RDS)结合乘数法进行男男性接触者(men who have sex with men,MSM)基数估计的可行性,为当地疫情估计及制定针对MSM的艾滋病防治策略提供科学依据。方法2006年采用RDS招募在宁夏某城市连续居住3个月以上的MSM,并进行面对面的问卷调查,获得其特定时间点击目标网站人数的比例(1/m),通过RDS分析软件进行权重处理;结合目标网站特定时间的点击数和网络调查获得网络基数(r);采用乘数法(N=r×m)估计当地MSM的规模。结果2006年6—8月共招募90名MSM参加调查。被调查的MSM访问目标网站比例为49.0%(90%CI:35.9%~66.0%),访问目标网站的目标人群基数为1 653人,估计该城市MSM为3 372(90%CI:2 513~4 612)人,占该市15~49岁男性人口的1.20%(90%CI:0.9%~1.64%)。结论RDS结合乘数法对MSM进行基数估计是可行的,应进一步研究如何提高MSM的应答率。  相似文献   

目的 了解广东省东莞市社区吸毒人群对美沙酮维持治疗(MMT)的认知,并探索MMT项目覆盖率的影响因素.方法 2008年采用同伴推动抽样法(RDS)招募东莞市社区吸毒者进行面对面问卷调查,利用RDSAT分析软件进行权重处理和双变量分析,SPSS对RDSAT导出的权重数据进行多因素分析.结果 经过15周,共招募303名东莞市社区吸毒者,MMT项目覆盖率为8.4%(95%CI:3.4~16.5);62.9%对MMT有一定了解,其中80.8%目前未参加MMT,原因主要包括:担心被抓捕(25.0%)、对办理程序不清楚(18.9%)、不能提供戒毒证明和或户籍证明(18.7%)、认为MMT效果差(18.3%).多因素logistic回归模型显示,本地户籍人口(OR=22.5,95%CI:6.6~75.7)、对MMT效果评价为显著的个体(OR=24.1,95%CI:6.3~91.6)应更大比例地参与到MMT项目.结论 东莞市社区吸毒人群对MMT项目存在认知不足和不合理认知,应利用各种媒体和吸毒人群之间的社会网络加强MMT相关知识宣传.  相似文献   

王贝贝  林爱华 《现代预防医学》2011,38(18):3640-3642
[目的]采用乘数法和捕获-标记-再捕获法估计广东省某市吸毒人群的数量,为该人群健康干预工作提供依据。[方法]对广东省某市社区、美沙酮维持治疗门诊和劳教所的吸毒人员进行调查,获得该人群的基本情况,依据该市8家强制戒毒所的吸毒人员数据,运用乘数法和捕获-标记-再捕获法估算该市的吸毒人群数量。[结果]该市吸毒人群以青壮年为主,文化程度较低,地区分布广泛,乘数法和捕获-标记-再捕获法估计的吸毒人员基数分别为49619,(47599~54734)人。[结论]乘数法与捕获-标记-再捕获法有较好的一致性,估计该市吸毒人数约为50000人,对吸毒人群的基数估计要根据实际需要综合运用各种估计方法。  相似文献   

应用简易乘数法估计吸毒人群基数   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨采用简易乘数法估计吸毒人群基数的可行性和准确性。方法对公安人员进行定性访谈以及对某市所有的强制戒毒所进行调查,了解该市目前的吸毒人员登记在册数和2004年该市强制戒毒所收治入所的吸毒人员数量;采用分层随机抽样方法在该市所有强制戒毒所抽取360名吸毒人员进行匿名访谈,获得其毒友中曾经被公安人员抓获或曾经在2004年内进入过该市的强制戒毒所的比例;分别采用该市的吸毒人员登记在册数和2004年该市强制戒毒所收治的吸毒人员数量作为基数,估算该市的吸毒人员数量。结果目前该市在册登记的吸毒者11 327人,2004年全市戒毒所共收押吸毒者4 670人。成功访谈戒毒所内吸毒人员340名,两种方法估计该市的吸毒人员数量分别为16 424人和19 614人。结论简易乘数法估计吸毒人员的规模可以在较短的时间内完成,且结果基本可信、耗费较少,适用于资源缺乏地区的快速评估。  相似文献   

目的探索同伴推动抽样法(respondent-driven sampling,RDS)在社区吸毒人群HIV/STI流行病学调查中应用的可行性。方法2008年选择佛山市南海区和东莞市,借助当地的美沙酮维持治疗(methadone maitenance treatment,MMT)门诊选择初级种子,采用限额招募和双向激励机制招募社区吸毒人群进行HIV/STI相关行为学调查和生物学检测。其中南海调查地点为美沙酮门诊,招募限额为3,激励机制早期为超市购物券,3个月后增加部分现金;东莞调查地点为健康体检门诊,招募限额为5,激励机制为现金。对所得数据利用RDSAT进行统计学校正。结果佛山市南海区17名种子经过26周共招募127名社区吸毒人员,招募人数达到预期样本量的63.5%,每周招募人数为0~16人,中位数为4,招募链最长为8轮,其中3条招募链超过3轮,所招募人数占总招募数的70.1%;东莞市13名种子经过15周共招募290名社区吸毒人员,达到预期样本量的145%,每周招募人数为5~41人,中位数为17,最长招募链为11轮,2条招募链超过3轮,所招募人数占总招募数的88.6%。南海和东莞的招募样本分别在第6轮、第8轮达到平衡;经RDSAT校正后,估计南海区及东莞市吸毒人群参加MMT的比例分别为15.7%、8.4%。结论RDS用于社区吸毒人群的HIV/STI流行病学调查是可行的,使调查对象感到安全的地点和适当水平的激励机制是促使目标人群参与的关键因素。  相似文献   

用乘数法估计株洲市区吸毒人群的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的科学估计株洲市吸毒人群基数,为掌握此人群中HIV/AIDS流行状况和防治对策提供依据.方法应用两种乘数法对株洲市城区吸毒人群基数进行估计.结果公安部门估计吸毒人群4 083人,吸毒率0.54%,乘数法1估计吸毒人群2 879人,吸毒率0.37%,乘数法2估计吸毒人群3 255人,吸毒率0.42%.乘数法1和乘数法2估计数无显著性差异,公安部门估计数过高.结论乘数法可很好地估计吸毒人员基数.  相似文献   

本研究采用乘数法,分别以广东省英德市公安局2015年登记在册的吸毒人员数和强制戒毒所2014年收治的吸毒人员数作为基数,估算英德市吸毒人群规模。结果显示,2015年英德市登记在册的吸毒人数3 615人,2014年强制戒毒人员603人,估计的吸毒人群总数为4 004~5 965人,分别是英德市公安机关登记在册人数的1.11~1.65倍。以乘数法估计英德市吸毒人群规模是可行的,需考虑调查样本的代表性。  相似文献   

目的 了解2008年东莞市社区吸毒人群人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)感染率及影响因素.方法 招募13名有吸毒行为者作为种了,采用同伴推动抽样法(RDS)招募东莞市社区吸毒人群进行面对面的问卷调查,采集血样进行HIV、丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)和梅毒抗体检测;利用RDS分析软件(RDS analysis tool,RDSAT)进行权重处理和舣变量分析.结果 经过15周,共招募和访谈303名社区吸毒人员,采集和检测血样300份.经RDSAT校正后,东莞市社区吸毒人群HIV抗体阳性率为14.7%(95%CI:6.1%~25.4%),HCV抗体阳性率为63.2%(95%CI:55.7%~71.7%),梅毒抗体阳性率为4.7%(95%CI:1.8%~8.2%).HCV抗体阳性者、流动人口、第1次吸毒年龄小于26岁及静脉吸毒合并针具共用者的HIV抗体阳性率分别为22.9%(95%CI:10.8%~37.0%)、26.9%(95%CI:11.4%~44.9%)、19.9%(95%CI:8.3%~35.7%)和29.1%(95%CI:12.3%~45.1%).本地人口和流动人口参加美沙酮维持治疗的比率分别为20.9%(95%CI:4.1%~44.6%)、2.3%(95%CI:0.0%~7.0%).结论 东莞市社区吸毒人群HIV流行形势较严峻;HCV抗体阳性、流动人口、第1次吸毒年龄小于26岁及静脉吸毒合并针具共用者有着更高的HIV感染率.  相似文献   

A number of sampling methods are available to recruit drug users and collect HIV risk behavior data. Respondent-driven sampling (RDS) is a modified form of chain-referral sampling with a mathematical system for weighting the sample to compensate for its not having been drawn randomly. It is predicated on the recognition that peers are better able than outreach workers and researchers to locate and recruit other members of a “hidden” population. RDS provides a means of evaluating the reliability of the data obtained and also allows inferences about the characteristics of the population from which the sample is drawn. In this paper we present findings from a pilot study conducted to assess the effectiveness of RDS to recruit a large and diversified group of drug users in New York City. Beginning with eight seeds (i.e., initial recruits) we recruited 618 drug users (injecting and non-injecting) in 13 weeks. The data document both cross-gender and cross-race and -ethnic recruitment as well as recruitment across drug-use status. Sample characteristics are similar to the characteristics of the drug users recruited in other studies conducted in New York City. The findings indicate that RDS is an effective sampling method for recruiting diversified drug users to participate in HIV-related behavioral surveys. Abdul-Quader, Sabin, and Gallagher are with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, USA; Heckathorn is with the Department of Sociology, Cornell University, New York, USA; McKnight, Bramson, and Des Jarlais are with The Baron Edmond de Rothschild Chemical Dependency Institute, Beth Israel Medical Center, New York, USA; Nemeth is with the New York State Department of Health, Albany, USA. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

目的了解社区静脉吸毒人群(IDU)高危行为相关疾病重叠感染状况及影响因素,为开展行为干预工作提供基线资料。方法采用同伴推动抽样法(RDS)在清城区和连州市招募社区IDU;于2009年4-12月对调查对象进行问卷调查,并采集血样检测HIV、HBV、HCV和梅毒。结果共问卷调查社区IDU203人,62.07%曾与别人共用针具吸毒,最近6个月、最近1月以及最近1次与别人共针的比例分别为38.92%、26.11%、15.27%;40.87%最近1年有商业性行为,与商业性伴从不和每次使用安全套的比例分别为15.66%、33.73%,最近1次与商业性伴使用安全套的比例为57.83%;HIV、HBsAg、HCV和梅毒感染率分别为6.59%、18.56%、65.27%、11.38%,二重、三重和四重感染率分别为17.96%、6.59%、0;多因素Logistic回归模型分析结果表明本市户籍、累计入戒毒所次数多和曾共用针具吸毒是社区IDU高危行为相关疾病重叠感染的危险因素,商业性行为每次使用安全套和最近一年接受过性病艾滋病相关服务是保护因素。结论清远市社区IDU高危吸毒和性乱行为仍较普遍,安全套使用率较低,高危行为相关疾病感染率较一般人群高,不安全注射吸毒和不安全性行为是主要危险因素,有必要广泛、持久地在吸毒人群中开展艾滋病性病相关知识宣传教育和行为干预活动。  相似文献   

Several recent studies have utilized respondent-driven sampling (RDS) methods to survey hidden populations such as commercial sex-workers, men who have sex with men (MSM) and injection drug users (IDU). Few studies, however, have provided a direct comparison between RDS and other more traditional sampling methods such as venue-based, targeted or time/space sampling. The current study sampled injection drug users in three U.S. cities using RDS and targeted sampling (TS) methods and compared their effectiveness in terms of recruitment efficiency, logistics, and sample demographics. Both methods performed satisfactorily. The targeted method required more staff time per-recruited respondent and had a lower proportion of screened respondents who were eligible than RDS, while RDS respondents were offered higher incentives for participation.  相似文献   



This study aimed to evaluate the practical utility of respondent-driven sampling (RDS) among regular tobacco and alcohol users in Taipei, Taiwan.


RDS was implemented from 2007 to 2010 to recruit seed individuals who were 18 to 50 years old, regular tobacco and alcohol users, and currently residing in Taipei. Each respondent was asked to refer up to five friends known to be regular tobacco smokers and alcohol drinkers to participate in the present study. Information pertaining to drug use was collected using an audio computer-assisted self-interview instrument. RDSAT software was used for data analyses.


The prevalence estimates of illegal-drug-using behaviors attained equilibrium after three to five recruitment waves. Nearly one-fifth of the participants had ever used illegal drugs, of whom over 60% were polydrug users. The RDS-adjusted prevalences of illegal-drug-using behaviors among early-onset smokers were all two or three times higher than those among late-onset smokers.


Our results provided an empirical basis for the practicality and feasibility of using RDS to estimate illegal drug use prevalence among regular tobacco and alcohol users.Key words: respondent-driven sampling (RDS), illegal drug use, computer-assisted self-interview  相似文献   

Beth Israel Medical Center (BIMC), in collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH), used respondent-driven sampling (RDS) in a study of HIV seroprevalence among drug users in New York City in 2004. We report here on operational issues with RDS including recruitment, coupon distribution, storefront operations, police and community relations, and the overall lessons we learned. Project staff recruited eight seeds from a syringe exchange in Lower Manhattan to serve as the initial study participants. Upon completion of the interview that lasted approximately 1 h and a blood draw, each seed was given three coupons to recruit three drug users into the study. Each of the subsequent eligible participants was also given three coupons to recruit three of their drug-using acquaintances. Eligible participants had to have: injected, smoked or snorted an illicit drug in the last 6 months (other than marijuana), aged 18 or older, adequate English language knowledge to permit informed consent and complete questionnaire. From April to July 2004, 618 drug users were interviewed, including 263 (43%) current injectors, 119 (19%) former injectors, and 236 (38%) never injectors. Four hundred sixty nine (76%) participants were men, 147 (24%) were women, and two (<1%) were transgender. By race/ethnicity, 285 (46%) were black, 218 (35%) Hispanic, 88 (14%) white, 23 (4%) mixed/not specified, and four (<1%) native American. Interviews were initially done on a drop-in basis but this system changed to appointments 1 month into the study due to the large volume of subjects coming in for interviews. Data collection was originally proposed to last for 1 year with a target recruitment of 500 drug users. Utilizing RDS, we were able to recruit and interview 118 more drug users than originally proposed in one quarter of the time. RDS was efficient with respect to time and economics (we did not have to hire an outreach worker) and effective in recruiting a diverse sample of drug users.  相似文献   

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