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Breastfeeding patterns in Puerto Rico.   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
In the 1950s, Puerto Rico began an active industrialization program. We used data from the 1982 Puerto Rico Fertility and Family Planning Assessment to describe the trend in the incidence of breastfeeding in Puerto Rico over time and to ascertain some of its determinants. From 1946 through 1982, 5,884 infants were born among this statistically representative sample of reproductive-aged women. The proportion of infants who had ever been breastfed was 59 percent for births before 1960 (mean duration = 7.8 months), dropped to 25 percent for infants born from 1970 to 1974 (mean duration = 4.9), and rose to 38 percent for births delivered from 1980 to 1982 (mean duration = 3.4). Prior breastfeeding experience was an important determinant of breastfeeding a newborn. Infants of mothers who had breastfed a previous baby were 7.3 times more likely to be breastfed (95% confidence interval = 6.6, 8.0) compared with infants of mothers who had not previously breastfed. The 38 percent of infants who were breastfed in Puerto Rico in the early 1980s is below the 74 percent to 97 percent reported in Latin America and below the 54 percent reported in the United States for the same period. This study provides baseline data for any future intervention strategies.  相似文献   

Asthma in Puerto Rico is a serious Public Health Problem. This study extends our cross-sectional self-reported asthma prevalence survey of 3,000 volunteers. The purpose of the present study was to analyze the importance of known prognostic factors of asthma severity among 486 self-reported participants. Patients with more than one visit to the emergency room in the previous 12 months due to asthma exacerbations were classified as cases of "severe asthma", and those asthmatic patients who did not visit emergency rooms were classified as "non-severe asthmatic subjects". Severe cases and non-severe asthmatic subjects were compared regarding age, sex, family history of asthma, presence of household pets, and in the previous 12 months: history of hospitalization due to asthma, respiratory infections, tobacco smoking, exposure to passive smoking, and avoidance of passive smoking. Crude and logistic regression adjusted odds ratio was used as a measure of association between each prognostic factor, and the outcome namely severe asthma, while adjusting for all confounders simultaneously. The results clearly showed that previous hospitalizations due to asthma (OR = 7.3, p < 0.0001) and frequent of respiratory infection (OR = 2.5, p = 0.0003) were prognostic factors associated with increased asthma severity. A statistically significant, two percent less likelihood to have severe asthma for each year of age was found. Weak associations were found between asthma severity and male gender, family history of asthma, passive smoking, and presence of household pets. Avoidance of environmental tobacco exposure (passive smoking) was found to be an important and statistically significant protective factor associated with a 47% less likelihood for severe asthma. In conclusion, appropriate management of patients with history of hospitalization due to asthma is very important. The correct management of respiratory infection in asthmatic patients may result in a reduction of up to 60 percent of the odds of having asthma severe enough to require emergency treatment, and may reduced by 86.3 percent hospitalizations.  相似文献   

Asthma prevalence in the Cata?o Air Basin of Puerto Rico is 27% for children aged 13-14 years and 45% for children aged 5-6 years. There is concern that these rates are related to air pollution. The authors conducted a nested case-control study to evaluate whether proximity to air pollution point sources was associated with increased risk of asthma attacks. For 1997-2001, 1,382 asthma-related medical visits (International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, codes 493 and 493.9) in children under 17 were identified through health insurance claims. Controls were children with no asthma attacks who were randomly selected from enrollees in two health insurance companies by incidence density sampling (1:5) and matched to cases on gender, age, insurance company, and event date. The distance from a point source to the subject's residence area represented a surrogate exposure measurement. Odds ratios for a 1-km decrease in distance were obtained by conditional logistic regression. Risk of asthma attack was associated with residing near a grain mill (odds ratio (OR) = 1.35), petroleum refinery (OR = 1.44), asphalt plant (OR = 1.23), or power plant (OR = 1.28) (all p's < 0.05). Residence near major air emissions sources (>100 tons/year) increased asthma attack risk by 108% (p < 0.05). These results showed that proximity to some air pollution sources is associated with increased risks of asthma attacks.  相似文献   

The incidence of melanoma has been increasing worldwide since the early 1960's. Melanoma in situ in the earliest stage of melanoma which has been increasingly recognized in our population. We performed a retrospective study of the cases of melanoma in situ diagnosed between 1996 and 2002. Clinical characteristics and detection patterns were examined through the use of a questionnaire submitted to the dermatologist. 53% were males and 47% were women with a mean age of 57 years. The most common skin type was type III (35%). The majority of the lesions were on the head and neck region. Most patients detected their own melanoma (62%) while physicians detected 38%. Self detection occurred irrespective of the anatomic distribution with the exception of those presenting on the trunk area. No relation was found between the lesion size and the detection pattern. Patients younger than 70 year-old were more likely to detect their lesions than patients older than 70 year-old, in whom lesions were more frequently detected by their physicians. Routine skin self examination can improve the detection of melanoma when it is clinically a macule, a curable stage. Techniques about skin cancer prevention and self examination should be emphasized and taught by their physicians so that lesions of melanoma can be diagnosed in their earliest stage.  相似文献   

In Puerto Rico, risk for transmission of B-virus from free-ranging rhesus monkeys to humans has become a serious challenge. An incident with an injured rhesus monkey, seropositive for B-virus, resulted in inappropriate administration of antiviral postexposure prophylaxis. This incident underscores the importance of education about risks associated with interactions between humans and nonhuman primates.  相似文献   



People who inject drugs (PWID) take on significant risks of contracting blood-borne infection, including injecting with a large number of partners and acquiring needles from unsafe sources. When combined, risk of infection can be magnified.


Using a sample of PWID in rural Puerto Rico, we model the relationship between a subject’s number of injection partners and the likelihood of having used an unsafe source of injection syringes. Data collection with 315 current injectors identified six sources of needles.


Of the six possible sources, only acquisition from a seller (paid or free), or using syringes found on the street, was significantly related to number of partners.


These results suggest that sources of syringes do serve to multiply risk of infection caused by multi-partner injection concurrency. They also suggest that prior research on distinct forms of social capital among PWID may need to be rethought.

A contraceptive service was established in Puerto Rico in 1937. Detailed study of the reproductive history of low income families admitted to the service provides information for the basis of the present high fertility of the population and the likelihood of its continuance. The experience of these families following admission to the contraceptive service shows the impact of the service upon their fertility, testing the view that Puerto Rico might respond to an organized birth control effort. The sample consisted of 1962 families selected not randomly but on the basis of indigence and interest in contraceptive advice. 1/3 of the couples reported some previous effort at contraception, with most of the contraceptive practice depending on withdrawal. Residence, education, occupation, and income are all associated with the marked variation in the proportions who reported contraceptive experience. The percentages are 26 and 52 for rural and urban residence; 21, 27, 44, and 59 for the educational groupings with less than 5 to 7 and 8 or more completed grades. For the low, medium, and high occupational groups, the percentages are 20, 45, and 69, and for the corresponding income classes they are 22, 42, and 66. Women aged 25 to 29 and 30 to 34 report contraceptive practice with much greater relative frequency than younger women. Clearly marked differences are found in the rates for contraceptors of different social and economic classes. Although the reason for high fertility in Puerto Rico is due to lack of cultural and economic pressure to limit families, there is evidence to suggest that use of birth control has begun. It appears that fertility reduction would be implemented if the population possessed better knowledge of birth control measures and readier access to contraceptive materials, particularly condoms. A clinical program to encourage the use of contraception might also prove effective.  相似文献   

The Puerto Rico Heart Health Program is an observational epidemiological study of coronary heart disease (CHD) among 9824 Puerto Rican men conducted from 1965 to 1980. Increased level of education was associated with decreased total mortality and increased CHD incidence among the urban participants. Urban men with more education, age 45-64, also showed higher levels of blood pressure and serum cholesterol, more obesity, less physical activity and more atherogenic diets. The increased level of risk factors among those with high education could statistically account for the elevations in CHD incidence. Among rural participants there was an increase in total mortality among those at the highest and lowest levels of education.  相似文献   

In 1953, a programme to control schistosomiasis mansoni was started in Guayama and Arroyo, Puerto Rico, employing, first, chemical and, later, both biological and chemical methods to control Biomphalaria glabrata, the snail host of Schistosoma mansoni. Sodium pentachlorophenate was the molluscicide, and an ampullarid snail, Marisa cornuarietis, was used for biological control in ponds and reservoirs. In addition some chemotherapy was given to infected persons. The prevalence of intestinal schistosomiasis was measured annually, sampling about one-third of the 6-year-old population in Guayama and Arroyo and in Caguas, an untreated area. Costs of the programme and the results are discussed in relation to similar projects in other parts of Puerto Rico. In Guayama and Arroyo the prevalence of schistosomiasis reached zero in 6-year-olds by 1966 despite the persistence of the disease in a nearby untreated area. Although this decline appeared related to the control effort, it is noted that a large decline also occurred in the untreated area, suggesting the influence of other factors such as economic development or improvements in sanitation.  相似文献   

This paper examines the association between fertility and religious affiliation among Puerto Ricans. Bongaarts' proximate determinants framework is used to compare religious categories on behaviors that directly affect fertility. We found no difference in recent fertility between Catholics and non-Catholics in Puerto Rico (total fertility rate = 2.5). We also found Catholics and non-Catholics to be similar on age at first marriage (23.3 and 23.4 years, respectively), contraceptive use (71 percent and 69 percent of married women currently contracepting), and breast-feeding practices (mean duration of breast-feeding of 4.4 and 4.3 months). Differences were observed between less committed and more committed Catholics in total fertility rate, age at first marriage, and contraceptive use, but these differences were not large and were in the opposite direction from the expected. Our findings support the theory of convergence of Catholic and non-Catholic fertility for the US. Our discrepancy with findings from the National Survey of Family Growth is evidence of the cultural diversity in the US Hispanic population and indicates the importance of disaggregating by ethnicity or national origin when studying this population.  相似文献   

Mental illnesses generate social costs by reducing the productive capacity of manpower and increasing government and private expenditure in mental health services. The social costs associated with a mental illness depend on several factors: the level of impairment caused; the type of specialized service required, such as medical treatment; the chronicity of the disorder; and the age of onset of the disorder. Finally, the total cost to society depends on the size of the population affected by the disorder. Results confirm those of other research, which has found schizophrenia to be a costly illness. Annual loss of income represents 3.7% of the annual gross national product of the island. The expenditures for mental health services are 26.8% of the total budget of the Mental Health Secretariat. The large human capital cost caused by the disorder justifies more funds for research and treatment for people who are schizophrenic.  相似文献   

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