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OBJECTIVE: As blockade of CC-chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5) has been proposed as therapy for HIV-1, we examined whether the CCR5-delta32/delta32 homozygous genotype has phenotypic expressions other than those related to HIV-1. DESIGN: Study subjects were white homosexual men or men with hemophilia who were not infected with HIV-1. In this study, 15 CCR5-delta32/delta32 homozygotes were compared with 201 CCR5 wild-type (+/+) subjects for a wide range of clinical conditions and laboratory assay results ascertained during prospective cohort studies and routine clinical care. CCR5-delta32 genotype was determined by polymerase chain reaction, followed by single-stranded conformational polymorphism analysis. RESULTS: Hypertension and conditions attributable to hemophilia were the only diagnoses frequently found in clinical records of CCR5-delta32/delta32 study subjects. Based on blood pressure measurement and treatment history, CCR5-delta32/delta32 homozygotes had a 2.8-fold higher prevalence of hypertension than age-matched CCR5-+/+ study subjects (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.2-6.4; p = .01); none of the homozygotes had severe hypertension. Hematologic measures were generally similar across the genotypes, but total lymphocyte counts were approximately 20% higher in CCR5-delta32/delta32 study subjects than in CCR5-+/+ study subjects (p < .05). Among patients with hemophilia who were infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV), mean alanine aminotransferase levels were 117% higher among CCR5-delta32/delta32 homozygotes (p < .05), but serum HCV levels did not differ by CCR5-delta32 genotype. CCR5-delta32/delta32 homozygous study subjects had a lower prevalence of antibodies to measles virus than those with other genotypes, but this association was not confirmed in a group of blood donors. The prevalence of antibodies to nine other common viruses, HBV, and HCV was not related to CCR5 genotype. CONCLUSIONS: CCR5-delta32/delta32 homozygotes are generally similar to wild-type persons. Confirmatory investigations are required to determine whether hypertension, increased lymphocyte counts, and higher hepatic enzyme levels in the presence of HCV infection represent true phenotypic expressions of this genotype. CCR5-delta32/delta32 homozygosity does not provide broad protection against viral infections.  相似文献   

Subtypes B' and E are the two major subtypes of HIV-1 among injecting drug users (IDU) in Thailand. However, there are not many reports on subtype distribution during the early epidemic. Random blood specimens collected during 1994-2000 from 3,286 IDU at the Thanyarak Hospital were tested for HIV antibody and subtyped by using peptide binding enzyme immunoassay. The prevalence rate of HIV infection was 36.8%. All HIV-seropositive IDU were ascertained for "year of first HIV seropositivity" from their medical records. Of 1,512 HIV-seropositive samples, 1,408 (93.1%) were typeable. During 1987-1988, the proportion of subtype B' was as high as 80% but decreased rapidly to 27.6% during 1999-2000. At the same time, the proportions of subtype E increased correspondingly (Chi-square test for the trend, p < 0.05). The relatively high proportion of subtype E among IDU since an early stage of the epidemic suggests early co-existence of both subtypes and needs further investigation.  相似文献   

During the last three decades, both the injection of illicit psychoactive drugs and HIV infection among injecting drug users (IDUs) have spread throughout industrialized and developing countries. Extremely rapid transmission of HIV has occurred in IDU populations with incidence rates of 10 to 50/100 person-years. In sharp contrast, there are many examples of very effective HIV risk reduction for IDUs, both in preventing initial epidemics and in bringing existing epidemics under control. IDUs are capable of learning basic information about HIV/AIDS and modifying their behavior to protect both themselves and their peers. Effective HIV prevention for IDUs requires programs that treat IDUs with dignity and respect, provide accurate information and the means for behavior change-access to sterile injection equipment, condoms, and drug abuse treatment. Programs that provide these services need to be implemented on a public health scale for IDU populations at risk for HIV infection.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The interaction between chemokines and their receptors is extremely important in controlling T cell migration into sites of CNS inflammation. Because trafficking of inflammatory T cells into the central nervous system (CNS) is a key player in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis (MS), we investigated the possible association of CCR5 delta32 deletion in this disorder. METHODS: DNA isolated from postmortem brain tissue samples of 132 patients with MS and from blood tissue samples of 163 gender and ethnicity-matched healthy controls was used to screen for the CCR5 delta32 deletion allele. RESULTS: An increased frequency of 32-bp deletion allele was found to be associated with early death (P = 0.00005) and with a progressive reduction in the years of survival (onset to death). The death hazard ratio of CCR5 with deletion versus no deletion was 2.12, suggesting that MS patients with the 32-bp deletion have twice the mortality rate of patients with the normal genotype. This effect was more significant in females (hazard ratio 3.58). CONCLUSION: A strong association of the CCR5delta32 deletion with early death could serve as a prognostic marker for MS.  相似文献   

Specific features of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) transmission among injecting drug users were studied on HIV infection outbreak in Lysva, the Perm region. During the period from November 1998 to March 2000, 32 injecting drug users infected with the subtype A HIV-1 variant originating from the same source, were found in this town. To understand the role of the CCR5 delta 32 mutation in parenteral transmission of HIV-1 the distribution of the mutant CCR5 delta 32 allele in HIV-infected and in non-infected but HIV-exposed drug users (n = 74) was analysed. The percentage of the homozygous CCR5 delta 32 genotype among HIV-exposed individuals (4/74, 5.4%) was significantly (p < 0.05) higher than the analogous rate for healthy blood donors in Russia (1/163, 0.6%). Thus, the homozygosity for this mutant allele confers a high resistance level to HIV even in parenteral transmission.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C infection commonly complicates injecting drug use. The outcome of end stage liver disease for this cohort in Ireland has not been estimated. (1) to estimate the prevalence of persistent hepatitis C viraemia and distribution of genotypes in a drug using cohort. (2) To measure the frequency of poor prognostic co-factors. (3) To extrapolate the burden of hepatitis C related disease nationally for this route of infection. A cross section survey of attendees at an East Coast Area drug treatment clinic. Of 94 patients studied (63 male), 70 were hepatitis C antibody positive and 39 were PCR positive. 26 had genotype 1 and 11 had genotype 2 or 3. Most displayed factors associated with a poor prognosis: 72% male, 83% problem drinkers and 87% abnormal liver blood tests. Using published data, we extrapolate over 1,214 cases of cirrhosis via this route of infection nationally, leading to approximately 35, 60 and 50 cases of hepatocellular carcinoma, hepatic decompensation and liver related death respectively per annum. A high prevalence of hepatitis C infection in injecting drug users, compounded by a high frequency of poor prognostic co-factors, means a significant burden of disease can be expected from this group.  相似文献   

The CCR5 gene encodes a cell-surface chemokine receptor molecule that serves as a co-receptor for macrophage-tropic strains of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). A mutation in this gene may alter the expression or the function of the protein product, thereby altering chemokine binding and/or signalling or HIV-1 infection of cells that normally express CCR5 protein. Individuals homozygous for a 32-bp deletion allele of CCR5 (CCR5 delta32), heritable as a Mendelian trait, are relatively resistant to HIV-1 infection. The CCR5 delta32 mutation is present in the Caucasian population at different frequencies. The aim of this study was to investigate the frequency of truncated alleles of the CCR5 delta32 gene in a Sicilian population, as the interpopulation variation in CCR5 delta32 frequency may be a significant factor in the prediction of AIDS endemicity in future studies. We examined 901 healthy individuals from several Sicilian provinces. We found a mean (+/- standard deviation) delta32 allele frequency (fr) of 0.04 +/- 0.012. The highest value was observed in the province of Messina, with a mean delta32 allele frequency of 0.06 +/- 0.024, where we collected samples from a cohort of 114 HIV-1-infected individuals. The observed frequency amongst these patients was quite low (fr = 0.03 +/- 0.031) compared to the healthy population, although the difference was not statistically significant.  相似文献   

Six major genotypes of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) have been described; it is assumed to be uncommon for genotypes to change in chronically infected individuals. Venous blood samples obtained from Vietnamese-Australian injecting drug users who participated in successive studies conducted in Melbourne, Australia, were genotyped using the Bayer line probe assay and genotype confirmed by sequencing whenever possible. Three changes of HCV genotype were observed, and one infection in an individual not exposed previously. The rate of change of genotype was 3 in 11.4 person-years (py), or 26.4 per 100 py (95% CI: 8.5, 81.6). Traditionally-calculated HCV incidence was 1 in 4.3 py, or 23.3 per 100 py (95% CI: 3.3, 165.1). These data imply that HCV genotype change in injecting drug users occurs at least as frequently as infections in naive individuals, and that traditionally-calculated HCV incidence rates represent a minority of actual HCV transmission among practicing injecting drug users.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the frequency of the mutant CCR5 delta 32 allele in high-risk HIV-seronegative Africans as compared with the general African population, and to assess its in vitro protective efficacy against HIV-1 infection. STUDY DESIGN: In the homozygous form, the CCR5 delta 32 allele confers resistance to macrophage-tropic (M-tropic) strains of HIV-1. Assuming that genetic characteristics favoring HIV resistance would prevail in a high-risk HIV-seronegative population, we examined the CCR5 genotypes of female commercial sex workers (CSWs) from Dakar, Senegal, who have remained uninfected for an elongated period. METHODS: The CCR5 genetic profile of study participants was determined by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of genomic DNA followed by sequencing. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were infected with different strains of HIV-1 and monitored by p24 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). RESULTS: We confirmed the presence of two CCR5wt/delta 32 genotypes among 139 individuals (1.44%). PBMCs from these 2 heterozygous individuals were also found to be less susceptible to in vitro infection by an M-tropic HIV-1 primary isolate. CONCLUSIONS: Evidence was found of an increased prevalence of the CCR5wt/delta 32 genotype in a high-risk HIV-seronegative cohort in West Africa. Furthermore, reduced susceptibility to HIV-1 infection among heterozygous individuals supports a role for 32-bp CCR5 deletion in HIV-1 resistance.  相似文献   



The chemokine receptor CCR5 has been detected at elevated levels on synovial T cells, and a 32 bp deletion in the CCR5 gene leads to a non-functional receptor. A negative association between the CCR5Δ32 and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) has been reported, although with conflicting results. In juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), an association with CCR5 was recently reported. The purpose of this study was to investigate if the CCR5Δ32 polymorphism is associated with RA or JIA in Norwegian cohorts.  相似文献   

Mathematical modelling can provide valuable insights into the biological and epidemiological properties of infectious diseases as well as the potential impact of intervention strategies employed by health organizations worldwide. In this paper, we develop a deterministic, compartmental mathematical model to approximate the spread of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) in an injecting drug user (IDU) population. Using analytical techniques, we find that the model behaviour is determined by the basic reproductive number R(0), where R(0) = 1 is a critical threshold separating two different outcomes. If R(0) ≤ 1 and HCV is initially present in the population, we find that the system will reach a disease-free equilibrium where HCV has been eliminated in all IDUs and needles. If R(0) > 1, then there is a unique positive endemic equilibrium which we show is locally stable. We then use simulations to verify our analytical results and examine the effect of different parameter values and intervention measures on HCV prevalence estimates.  相似文献   

Outbreak of Hepatitis B among injecting drug users in Denmark.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
BACKGROUND: The incidence of hepatitis B is low in Denmark, but injecting drug users (IDUs) remains a high-risk group for this infection. OBJECTIVES: The aim of the study was to describe a hepatitis B outbreak among IDUs by comparing existing registers. Additionally, we wanted to analyze the genetic variation of the hepatitis B virus involved in the outbreak. STUDY DESIGN: In the County of Funen, registers of laboratory diagnosis, hospital records and reports from clinicians to the Medical Officer of Health (MOH) were compared between 1992 and 1998. HBsAg positive sera recovered from the epidemic were sequenced and compared to known HBV strains. RESULTS: We identified 648 cases of hepatitis B of which 51% (332) were acute infections. The laboratory database identified 96% (319/332) of these, 45% (150/332) were admitted to hospital and 38% (127/332) were reported to public health. By capture-recapture analysis based on MOH reports and hospital records the estimated total number of acute cases were 334 (95% C.I. 283-385). We sequenced 75 HBsAg positive samples and identified two very similar strains of genotype D (serotype ayw3) among IDUs involved in the outbreak. CONCLUSIONS: The current surveillance system did not detect the majority of acute hepatitis B cases in County of Funen. We suggest laboratory-based surveillance of hepatitis B to be implemented at a national level as this may identify new outbreaks faster and more complete than the current surveillance system.  相似文献   


Objectives: Recent animal experiments showed that CCR5-deficient lupus mice (CCR5?/?) were closely associated with aggravated lupus nephritis. CCR5 Δ32 variation, a nonsynonymous mutation of CCR5, resulted in altered CCR5 function. However, the CCR5 Δ32 mutation in human lupus nephritis has been rarely reported in the literature. Methods: A large case-control study that included 2010 samples from a Chinese population was conducted, followed by a meta-analysis combining the current and previously published studies to explore the effect of CCR5 Δ32 on lupus nephritis susceptibility. Results: Four CCR5 Δ32 heterozygote carriers were detected in lupus nephritis patients only. We detected no CCR5 Δ32 homozygotes in our study population. In the meta-analysis, including 1,092 cases and 2,229 controls, we found great heterogeneity between studies (p?<?0.001, I2?=?89.6%). Furthermore, stratified and sensitivity analyses suggested that ethnicity and CCR5 Δ32 allele frequency were the main origin of heterogeneity. In the subgroups without obvious heterogeneity, we observed a positive correlation between CCR5 Δ32 and lupus nephritis risk (p?<?0.05). Conclusions: Our study confirmed that the CCR5 Δ32 mutation is a very rare variation found in the Chinese population with Han ethnicity. However, CCR5 Δ32 might play a role in lupus nephritis susceptibility. Future replications and functional studies are needed.  相似文献   

Intravenous drug users constitute a group at risk for hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. Today, no data are available on the molecular epidemiology of HCV in Bulgaria despite the fact that in recent years the incidence of acute hepatitis C infection among Bulgarian intravenous drug users increased sixfold and about 2/3 of them developed a chronic infection. The aim of this study was to determine the circulation of hepatitis C genotypes among drug users and to study the evolution and transmission history of the virus by molecular clock and Bayesian methods, respectively. Sequencing of NS5B gene showed that the genotype 3a was the most prevalent type among intravenous drug users. In the Bayesian tree, the 3a subtypes grouped in one main clade with one small cluster well statistically supported. The root of the tree was dated back to the year 1836, and the main clade from Bulgaria was dated 1960. The effective number of infections remained constant until about years 1950s, growing exponentially from the 1960s to the 1990s, reaching a plateau in the years 2000. The not significant intermixing with isolates from other countries may suggest a segregated circulation of the epidemic between 1940s and 1980s. The plateau reached by the epidemic in the early 2000s may indicate the partial success of the new preventive policies adopted in Bulgaria.  相似文献   

A 32-base pair deletion in the CC-chemokine receptor 5 gene (CCR5), associated with resistance to human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection, has recently been suggested to act as an adverse host factor in hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. To examine this hypothesis, we determined the CCR5-Delta32 allele frequency by polymerase chain reaction in a Belgian cohort of 163 HCV-infected patients and 310 healthy control subjects. The resulting CCR5-Delta32 allele frequencies were 0.080 and 0.119 for the patient group and control group, respectively. In contrast with a previous study, we could not show a statistically significant difference between the CCR5-Delta32 allele frequencies in HCV patients and controls. Moreover, genotype distributions in both populations were in agreement with Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Our results do not support the hypothesis that the CCR5-Delta32 mutant allele is a risk factor for hepatitis C virus infection.  相似文献   

T cell immunity protects against diseases caused by the obligate intracellular bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis. Incidentally, host inflammatory response that includes T cells appears to also contribute to the pathogenesis of chlamydial diseases such as trachoma and tubal factor infertility (TFI). Therefore, designing effective prevention strategies requires a delineation of immune processes responsible for pathology and those mediating immunity, and identification of the immunogenetic factors predisposing to complication development. The chemokine receptor CCR5 is crucial for T cell activation and function since its deficiency causes suppression of T cell response. We investigated the hypothesis that the clearance of genital chlamydial infection in CCR5-deficient mice could be delayed in the short term; however, a beneficial effect could include protection against inflammation-related complications such as TFI. In a translational study in humans, we investigated the effect of a functional 32 bp deletion in the CCR5 gene on the risk of developing tubal pathology in Dutch Caucasian women with immunologic evidence [i.e., immunoglobulin G (IgG) responses] of chlamydial infection. When genitally-infected wild-type (WT) and CCR5 knockout (CCR5KO) mice were evaluated for microbiologic shedding of chlamydiae, there was a greater intensity of infection and delayed resolution in the knockout mice. However, compared to WT mice, the fertility of infected CCR5KO mice (measured by pregnancy rate) was only mildly affected in the short term and unaffected in the long term (70% vs 30% reduction in the short term, and 50 vs 0% in the long term, respectively). Immunobiologic analysis revealed that the diminished capacity of CCR5KO to control acute chlamydial infection correlated with the relatively low chemokine [interferon-inducible protein 10 (IP-10) and regulated upon activation normal cell expressed and secreted (RANTES)] and cytokine (mainly interferon-gamma and tumor necrosis factor-alpha) expression corresponding to a poor early T-helper I response. However, the reduced incidence of complications in the CCR5KO mice appears to correlate with the low activity of long term inflammatory mediators. Besides, the translational studies in humans revealed that among patients with positive anti-chlamydial IgG responses, tubal pathology correlated with a low incidence of CCR5delta32 deletion (7%), while women without tubal pathology had higher incidence of the CCR5delta32 deletion (31%) as compared to controls (19%). Thus, in mice and humans the inflammation associated with CCR5 function may predispose to development of complications of chlamydial infection, such as TFI.  相似文献   

China has an ethnically diverse population. Genetic differences may contribute to disparities in the efficiency of HIV transmission. To further characterize this risk, we examined the HIV-related genetic diversity in the predominant Han Chinese and in six minority groups. We searched for the delta32-CCR5 mutation, a common cause of relative HIV resistance in the white population. In addition, CCR5 receptor expression was measured. Blood samples were obtained from adults belonging to the Han, Meng, Zang, Weiwuer, Zhuang, Yi, and Dai ethnic groups. Polymerase chain reaction analysis was performed on genomic DNA samples. Surface expression of CCR5 on peripheral blood mononuclear cells was measured by flow cytometry. One-way ANOVA was used to determine mean statistical differences. Samples from 10 members of each minority were examined. A delta32-CCR5 heterozygote phenotype was detected in one Weiwuer subject, but no mutations were found in the other 69 subjects studied. The mean CCR5 expression of cells harvested from the Dai minority was greater than that of cells from all other minorities studied, for both CD3+CCR5+ and CD4+CCR5+ sets (p < .01, one-way ANOVA). The delta32-CCR5 mutation seems to be rare in most Han Chinese and the minority populations studied. CCR5 expression appears to be greater in the Dai minority than in the other minorities investigated. The mechanism for this increased expression requires further study.  相似文献   

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