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The dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) has been implicated in various cognitive functions, including response suppression. This function is frequently probed with the antisaccade task, which requires suppression of the automatic tendency to look toward a flashed peripheral stimulus (prosaccade), and instead generate a voluntary saccade to the mirror location. To test whether activity in the DLPFC is causally linked to antisaccade performance, we applied electrical microstimulation to sites in the DLPFC of two monkeys, while they performed randomly interleaved pro- and antisaccade trials. Microstimulation resulted in significantly longer saccadic reaction times for ipsilaterally directed prosaccades and antisaccades, and increased the error rate on ipsilateral antisaccade trials. These findings provide causal evidence that activity in the DLPFC influences saccadic eye movements.  相似文献   

The dorsolateral area of the prefrontal cortex (PFC) in primates is involved in visuospatial working memory, but the cellular basis of spatial working memory for auditory information is poorly understood. Here we examined dorsolateral PFC neurons using visual and auditory oculomotor delayed-response tasks. We found that the dorsolateral PFC contains two groups of neurons, each showing directional delay-period activity depending on the location of the visual or auditory cue, suggesting that parallel neuronal processes for visual and auditory spatial working memory occur in the dorsolateral PFC.  相似文献   

The topographic distribution and organization of visual neurons in the prefrontal cortex was examined in alert monkeys. The animal was trained to fixate straight ahead onto a tinty, dim light spot. While he was fixating, we presented a stationary second light spot (RF spot) at various locations in the visual field and examined unit responses of the prefrontal neurons to the RF-spot stimulus. Many prefrontal neurons, especially those located in the relatively superficial layers of the cortex, responded with a phasic and/or tonic activation to the RF spot illuminating a limited extent of the visual field, a receptive field (RF) being so determined. The visual neurons were found to be widely distributed in the prearcuate and inferior dorsolateral areas. One hemisphere mainly represented the contralateral visual field. According to the location of the neurons in these areas, their visual properties varied with respect to RF eccentricity from the fovea and in size. The neurons located in the lateral part of the areas and close to the inferior arcuate sulcus had relatively small RFs representing the foveal and parafoveal regions. When the recording site was moved medially, the RFs became eccentric from the fovea and were larger. Then, the neurons located between the caudal end of the principal sulcus and the arcuate sulcus had RFs with a considerable eccentricity. The size of the RF became progressively larger for anteriorly located neurons and this occurred generally without a change in RF eccentricity. The visual neurons were not organized on a regular pattern in the cortex with regard to their RF direction (vector angle) from the foveal region. From these observations, we conclude, first, that the prearcuate and inferior dorsolateral areas of the prefrontal cortex are functionally differentiated so that the lateral area's function is related to central vision, while that of the medial area to ambient vision. Second, the RF representation on the cortex with loss of the vector relation may generate an interaction between separate objects in visual space and may subserve the control of attention performance.  相似文献   

Summary The topography of commissural fibers of the prefrontal cortex was studied in the rhesus monkey using autoradiography. Commissural fibers originating in the medial prefrontal and the caudal orbital regions course through the anterior portion of the genu and the rostrum of the corpus callosum, while those from the arcuate concavity travel at the rostral border of the body of the corpus callosum. Fibers emanating from the peri-principalis region occupy an intermediate position in the genu of the corpus callosum.  相似文献   

To investigate how visuospatial mnemonic and target selection processes are represented in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (PFC), we studied neuronal attributes of the dorsolateral PFC while monkeys were performing oculomotor delayed visual search (ODVS) and oculomotor delayed-response (ODR) tasks. In the ODVS task, the subject made a memory-guided saccade to a remembered target location that had been presented along with distractors before a delay period; in the ODR task, the target was presented without any distractors. A total of 252 neurons in the dorsolateral PFC showed directional delay-period activity and were divided into two groups; neurons that showed directional delay-period activity predominantly in the ODVS task (n=112), and those that showed such activity similarly in both the ODVS and ODR tasks (n=140). These neuronal groups shared similar temporal properties (i.e. onset latency, peak time of delay-period activity) and spatial tuning. Our findings suggest that the dorsolateral PFC contains a particular visuospatial memory system for information selected by target selection (selective attention), and this attention-memory system (or 'memory system for special use') appears to be represented in the dorsolateral PFC, in parallel with a more 'general' memory system that is not specifically associated with target selection.  相似文献   

Exposure to cannabis impairs cognitive functions reliant on the circuitry of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and increases the risk of schizophrenia. The actions of cannabis are mediated via the brain cannabinoid 1 receptor (CB1R), which in rodents is heavily localized to the axon terminals of cortical GABA basket neurons that contain cholecystokinin (CCK). Differences in the laminar distribution of CB1R-immunoreactive (IR) axons have been reported between rodent and monkey neocortex, suggesting that the cell type(s) containing CB1Rs, and the synaptic targets of CB1R-IR axon terminals, may differ across species; however, neither the relationship of CB1Rs to CCK-containing interneurons, nor the postsynaptic targets of CB1R and CCK axon terminals, have been examined in primate DLPFC. Consequently, we compared the distribution patterns of CB1R- and CCK-IR structures, determined the proportions of CB1R and CCK neurons that were dual-labeled, and identified the synaptic types and postsynaptic targets of CB1R- and CCK-IR axon terminals in macaque monkey DLPFC. By light microscopy, CB1R- and CCK-IR axons exhibited a similar laminar distribution, with their greatest densities in layer 4. Dual-label fluorescence experiments demonstrated that 91% of CB1R-IR neurons were immunopositive for CCK, whereas only 51% of CCK-IR neurons were immunopositive for CB1R. By electron microscopy, all synapses formed by CB1R-IR axon terminals were symmetric, whereas CCK-IR axon terminals formed both symmetric (88%) and asymmetric (12%) synapses. The primary postsynaptic target of both CB1R- and CCK-IR axon terminals forming symmetric synapses was dendritic shafts (81–88%), with the remainder targeting cell bodies or dendritic spines. Thus, despite species differences in laminar distribution, CB1Rs are principally localized to CCK basket neuron axons in both rodent neocortex and monkey DLPFC. These axons target the perisomatic region of pyramidal neurons, providing a potential anatomical substrate for the impaired function of the DLPFC associated with cannabis use and schizophrenia.  相似文献   

The corticocortical afferents innervating the prefrontal cortex in the monkey were studied by means of the retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase. After injection of small amounts (0.3-0.5 microliter) of this enzyme into various parts of the prefrontal cortex, many labeled neurons (mostly pyramids of 15-25 microns in diameter) were found in various cortical regions of the ipsilateral hemisphere. A small part of the prefrontal cortex received fibers from other parts of the same cortex. For example, area 8 receives many fibers from both the rostral part of area 9 and a small area adjacent to the inferior branch of the arcuate sulcus. On the other hand, area 9 in the inferior prefrontal convexity receives fibers from localized parts of areas 8 and 9 in the dorsolateral convexity as well as from area 6. It is also apparent that association connections from the dorsolateral to the inferior convexity are stronger than those going in the opposite direction. The prefrontal afferents from other cortical regions include many fibers originating from the posterior association cortex as well as some fibers arising in the cingulate and orbital gyri. The prefrontal cortex does not receive direct corticocortical fibers from the motor and "primary" sensory cortices. There is a topographic pattern in the prefrontal projections from the cortical walls (STs area) surrounding the superior temporal sulcus. Thus, the caudal half of the STs area projects to area 8 and a small adjacent part of area 9. The dorsal wall of the rostral half of the STs area projects to areas 9-12, the fundus to the inferior convexity, and the ventral wall only to the caudal part of the convexity. Projections from the circumjacent association cortex of the STs area to the prefrontal cortex as well as to the STs area are likewise found to be topographically organized. This suggests that certain parts of the posterior association cortex projecting to particular areas of the prefrontal cortex, also send fibers to those parts of the STs area which project to the same prefrontal areas.  相似文献   

Summary The present study sought to determine whether differential effects could be found in the free behavior of early-operated monkeys with selective removal of the dorsolateral and orbital prefrontal cortex. The early-operated monkeys were first observed in their home cages in stable living groups which had existed for at least 6 1/2 months (together condition) and then again immediately after they had been separated from one another (separated condition). The major results indicated that the monkeys with orbital lesions differed from unoperated controls in more ways than did the dorsolateral monkeys: in the together condition, the orbital group slept more and were more sedentary even when awake; in the separated condition, by contrast, they became hyperactive and spent most of their time in locomotion. These findings lend support to the notion, derived from studies of cognitive behavior in infant-operated monkeys, that functions of the orbital cortex, unlike those of the dorsolateral cortex, are not spared following brain damage in infancy. Further, the nature of the behavior exhibited by the impaired monkeys led to the suggestion that the orbital cortex may play an important role in modulating arousal mechanisms in the infant and adult monkey alike.Now at: Department of Psychiatry and Regional Primate Research Center, University of Washington Medical School, Seattle, USA.Now at: Department of Biostatistics, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. Maryland, USA.  相似文献   

The dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (PFC) has been implicated in visuospatial memory, and its cellular basis has been extensively studied with the delayed-response paradigm in monkeys. However, using this paradigm, it is difficult to dissociate neuronal activities related to visuospatial memory from those related to motor preparation, and few studies have provided evidence for the involvement of PFC neurons in visuospatial memory of a sensory cue, rather than in motor preparation. To extend this finding, we examined neuronal activities in the dorsolateral PFC while a rhesus monkey performed a spatial delayed matching-to-sample (SDMTS) task, which allows us to adequately access visuospatial memory independent of any sensorimotor components. The SDMTS task required the subject to make a lever-holding NOGO response or a lever-releasing GO response when a visuospatial matching cue (white spot, one of four peripheral locations, 15 degrees in eccentricity) matched or did not match a sample cue (physically the same as the matching cue) that had been presented prior to a delay period (3 s). Thus, the SDMTS task requires the subject to remember visuospatial information regarding the sample cue location during the delay period and is suitable for accessing visuospatial memory independent of any sensorimotor components, such as motor preparation, for directed movements. Of a total of 385 task-related neurons, 184 showed a sustained increase in activity during the delay period ("delay-period activity"). Most of these neurons (n = 165/184, 90%) showed positional delay-period activity, i.e., delay-period activity where the magnitude differed significantly with the position of the sample cue. This activity appears to be involved in visuospatial memory and to form a "memory field." To quantitatively examine the properties of positional delay-period activity, we introduced a tuning index (TI) and a discriminative index (DI), which represent the sharpness of tuning and the discriminative ability, respectively, of positional delay-period activity. Both TI and DI varied among neurons with positional delay-period activity and were closely related to the time from the onset of the sample cue to the onset of positional delay-period activity; positional delay-period activity with sharper tuning and a greater discriminative ability had a slower onset. Furthermore, at the population level, both TI and DI were increased during the delay period in the neuronal population with a high DI value. These results extend previous findings to suggest that integrative, convergent processes of neuronal activities for increasing the accuracy of visuospatial memory may occur in the dorsolateral PFC. Thus, a critical role of the dorsolateral PFC in visuospatial memory may be to sharpen it to guide behaviors/decisions requiring accurate visuospatial memory.  相似文献   

Sensitivities of neurons to acetylcholine (ACh), noradrenaline (NA) and dopamine (DA) were investigated at different depths of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (PFC) in awake or halothane-anesthetized macaque monkeys, using microiontophoretic techniques with multi-barreled electrodes. The laminar locations of tested neurons (n = 403) were estimated by reconstructing electrode tracks based on the microlesion made by passing a current through the recording barrel, which contained a carbon fiber. Iontophoretically applied drugs induced excitatory or inhibitory responses. Neurons excited by ACh (n = 105) were located mainly in layers III and V, and those inhibited by ACh (n = 126) were in layers III and IV. The majority of the NA-sensitive neurons (n = 123) were NA-inhibited neurons (n = 100), and were found most often in layers III and IV. The ratio of DA-sensitive neurons (excited, n = 74; inhibited, n = 63) to tested neurons was higher in the deep layers than in the superficial ones. These results indicate that sensitivities of the PFC neurons to ACh, NA and DA are not uniform between cortical layers, suggesting that each of these substances may predominantly influence the neuronal activity of particular layers of the monkey PFC.  相似文献   

Ghashghaei HT  Barbas H 《Neuroscience》2002,115(4):1261-1279
The amygdala has been implicated in processing information about the emotional significance of the environment and in the expression of emotions, through robust pathways with prefrontal, anterior temporal areas, and central autonomic structures. We investigated the anatomic organization and intersection of these pathways in the amygdala in rhesus monkeys with the aid of bidirectional, retrograde and anterograde tracers. Connections of the amygdala with orbitofrontal and medial prefrontal areas were robust and bidirectional, whereas connections with lateral prefrontal areas were sparse, unidirectional and ascending. Orbitofrontal axons terminated densely in a narrow band around the borders of the magnocellular basolateral nucleus, surrounded by projection neurons along a continuum through the nuclei of the basal complex. In contrast, the input and output zones of medial prefrontal areas were intermingled in the amygdala. Moreover, medial prefrontal axonal terminations were expansive, spreading into the parvicellular basolateral nucleus, which is robustly connected with hypothalamic autonomic structures, suggesting that they may influence the expressive emotional system of the amygdala. On the other hand, orbitofrontal axons heavily targeted the intercalated masses, which issue inhibitory projections to the central nucleus, at least in rats and cats. The central nucleus, in turn, issues a significant inhibitory projection to hypothalamic and brainstem autonomic structures. This evidence suggests that orbitofrontal areas exercise control on the internal processing of the amygdala. In addition, the results provided direct evidence that the connections of anterior temporal visual and auditory association cortices occupy overlapping territories with the orbitofrontal cortices particularly in the posterior half of the amygdala, and specifically within the intermediate sector of the basolateral nucleus and in the magnocellular part of the basomedial nucleus (also known as accessory basal), suggesting a closely linked triadic network. This intricate network may be recruited in cognitive tasks that are inextricably linked with emotional associations.  相似文献   

Mnemonic coding of visual space in the monkey's dorsolateral prefrontal cortex   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
1. An oculomotor delayed-response task was used to examine the spatial memory functions of neurons in primate prefrontal cortex. Monkeys were trained to fixate a central spot during a brief presentation (0.5 s) of a peripheral cue and throughout a subsequent delay period (1-6 s), and then, upon the extinction of the fixation target, to make a saccadic eye movement to where the cue had been presented. Cues were usually presented in one of eight different locations separated by 45 degrees. This task thus requires monkeys to direct their gaze to the location of a remembered visual cue, controls the retinal coordinates of the visual cues, controls the monkey's oculomotor behavior during the delay period, and also allows precise measurement of the timing and direction of the relevant behavioral responses. 2. Recordings were obtained from 288 neurons in the prefrontal cortex within and surrounding the principal sulcus (PS) while monkeys performed this task. An additional 31 neurons in the frontal eye fields (FEF) region within and near the anterior bank of the arcuate sulcus were also studied. 3. Of the 288 PS neurons, 170 exhibited task-related activity during at least one phase of this task and, of these, 87 showed significant excitation or inhibition of activity during the delay period relative to activity during the intertrial interval. 4. Delay period activity was classified as directional for 79% of these 87 neurons in that significant responses only occurred following cues located over a certain range of visual field directions and were weak or absent for other cue directions. The remaining 21% were omnidirectional, i.e., showed comparable delay period activity for all visual field locations tested. Directional preferences, or lack thereof, were maintained across different delay intervals (1-6 s). 5. For 50 of the 87 PS neurons, activity during the delay period was significantly elevated above the neuron's spontaneous rate for at least one cue location; for the remaining 37 neurons only inhibitory delay period activity was seen. Nearly all (92%) neurons with excitatory delay period activity were directional and few (8%) were omnidirectional. Most (62%) neurons with purely inhibitory delay period activity were directional, but a substantial minority (38%) was omnidirectional. 6. Fifteen of the neurons with excitatory directional delay period activity also had significant inhibitory delay period activity for other cue directions. These inhibitory responses were usually strongest for, or centered about, cue directions roughly opposite those optimal for excitatory responses.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

It is now widely accepted that the prefrontal cortex (PFC) plays a critical role in the neural network subserving working memory (WM). At least three related questions are still under debate: (1) is the PFC critical for all constituent processes of WM (i.e., short-term storage, manipulation, and utilization of mental representations) or only in one or a few of them? (2) Is there segregation of function among different cytoarchitectonic subdivisions of the PFC? (3) If this be the case, is this segregation based on the nature of the information being processed or on the type of cognitive operation performed? The present review article describes findings in the monkey supporting a modular "domain-specific" model of PFC functional organization with respect to WM operations. In this model, the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) is composed of several subregions, based primarily on the nature of the information being processed in WM. Storage and processing functions are integrally related in each area. Future studies designed to map as yet uncharted areas of prefrontal cortex with refined anatomical and physiological approaches may provide a critical test of the model and evaluate the extent to which it applies generally or, instead, mainly to visual domains or only to dorsolateral convexity areas.  相似文献   

We studied the role of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in procedural learning. Normal subjects completed several blocks of a serial reaction time task using only one hand without or with concurrent non-invasive repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation. To disrupt their function transiently, stimulation was applied at low intensity over the supplementary motor area or over the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex contralateral or ipsilateral to the hand used for the test. Stimulation to the contralateral dorsolateral prefrontal cortex markedly impaired procedural implicit learning, as documented by the lack of significant change in response times during the task. Stimulation over the other areas did not interfere with learning. These results support the notion of a critical role of contralateral dorsolateral prefrontal structures in learning of motor sequences.  相似文献   

To explore a visual scene, the brain must detect an object of interest and direct the eyes to it. To investigate the brain's mechanism of saccade target selection, we trained monkeys to perform a visual search task with a response delay and recorded neuronal activity in the prefrontal (PF) cortex. Even though the monkey was not allowed to express its choice until after a delay, the response field of a class of PF neurons was able to differentiate between target and distractors from the very beginning of their response (135 ms). Strong responses were obtained only when the target was presented at the field. Neurons responded much less during a nonsearch task in which saccade target was presented alone in this response field. These results suggest that the PF cortex may be involved in the decision-making process and the focal attention for saccade target selection.  相似文献   

Summary This paper reports evidence linking dorsolateral prefrontal cortex with one of the cognitive abilities that emerge between 7.5–12 months in the human infant. The task used was Piaget's Stage IV Object Permanence Test, known as AB (pronounced A not B). The AB task was administered (a) to human infants who were followed longitudinally and (b) to intact and operated adult rhesus monkeys with bilateral prefrontal and parietal lesions. Human infants displayed a clear developmental progression in AB performance, i.e., the length of delay required to elicit the AB error pattern increased from 2–5 s at 7.5–9 months to over 10 s at 12 months of age. Monkeys with bilateral ablations of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex performed on the AB task as did human infants of 7.5–9 months; i.e., they showed the AB error pattern at delays of 2–5 s and chance performance at 10 s. Unoperated and parietally operated monkeys succeeded at delays of 2, 5, and 10 s; as did 12 month old human infants. AB bears a striking resemblance to Delayed Response, the classic test for dorsolateral prefrontal function in the rhesus monkey, and indeed performance on AB and Delayed Response in the same animals in the present study was fully comparable. These findings provide direct evidence that AB performance depends upon dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in rhesus monkeys and indicates that maturation of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex may underlie the developmental improvement in AB performance of human infants from 7.5–12 months of age. This improvement marks the development of the ability to hold a goal in mind in the absence of external cues, and to use that remembered goal to guide behavior despite the pull of previous reinforcement to act otherwise. This confers flexibility and freedom to choose and control what one does.  相似文献   

To examine the involvement of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (PFC) in visuospatial target selection, we induced local, reversible inactivation with muscimol at various sites in the dorsolateral PFC of two rhesus monkeys while they performed oculomotor visual search (OVS) and oculomotor detection (OD) tasks. The OVS task required the subject to select a target stimulus from among distractors and to make a saccade to the target location (target selection was required for correct performance), whereas the OD task only required a saccade to the target (target selection was not required for correct performance). The local injection of muscimol (5 microg, 1 microl) into the dorsolateral PFC induced a specific deficit in the OVS task but not in the OD task. The deficit in the OVS task was characterized by the disordering of saccades for some (mostly a few) particular target locations as well as by prolongation of the time required for the visual search in most cases. The target locations affected by muscimol were biased to the contralateral visual field. Further, the OVS task with "pop-out" and "non-pop-out" conditions was similarly impaired by muscimol injection. These results suggest that the dorsolateral PFC plays a role in target selection in visual space to guide goal-directed motor acts and particular sites are involved in target selection for a particular visuospatial coordinate. Further, this function of the dorsolateral PFC appears to involve both top-down (active) and bottom-up (passive) target-selection/selective attention processes to control interfering information (distractors).  相似文献   

In primates, little is known about intrinsic electrophysiological properties of neocortical neurons and their morphological correlates. To classify inhibitory cells (interneurons) in layers 2-3 of monkey dorsolateral prefrontal cortex we used whole cell voltage recordings and intracellular labeling in slice preparation with subsequent morphological reconstructions. Regular spiking pyramidal cells have been also included in the sample. Neurons were successfully segregated into three physiological clusters: regular-, intermediate-, and fast-spiking cells using cluster analysis as a multivariate exploratory technique. When morphological types of neurons were mapped on the physiological clusters, the cluster of regular spiking cells contained all pyramidal cells, whereas the intermediate- and fast-spiking clusters consisted exclusively of interneurons. The cluster of fast-spiking cells contained all of the chandelier cells and the majority of local, medium, and wide arbor (basket) interneurons. The cluster of intermediate spiking cells predominantly consisted of cells with the morphology of neurogliaform or vertically oriented (double-bouquet) interneurons. Thus a quantitative approach enabled us to demonstrate that intrinsic electrophysiological properties of neurons in the monkey prefrontal cortex define distinct cell types, which also display distinct morphologies.  相似文献   



The dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) is a cortical area involved in higher cognitive functions, and at the center of the pathophysiology of mental disorders such as depression and schizophrenia. Considering these major roles and the development of deep brain stimulation, the object of this study was to assess the patterns of connectivity of the DLPFC with its main subcortical relay, the thalamus, with the help of probabilistic tractography.


We used T1-weighted imaging and diffusion data from 18 subjects from the Human Connectome Project. The DLPFC and the thalamic nuclear groups were defined using the combination of atlases, sulcogyral anatomy and cytoarchitectonic data. Probabilistic tractography was performed from the DLPFC to the thalamus. The patterns of connectivity were assessed using two indexes: (1) a connectivity index (CI) which evaluate the strength of connection (2) an asymmetry index (AI) which explores the inter-hemispheric variability.


The analysis of CI showed significant connections between the DLPFC and the dorsomedial nuclei (p < 0.05), the anterior nuclear groups (p < 0.05) and the right centromedian nucleus (p < 0.05). No link was found between handedness and AI (p > 0.05). Most of subjects (15/18) had a right predominance of the thalamo cortical connections of the DLPFC.


Probabilistic tractography appears as a valuable non-invasive tool for the exploration of the thalamocortical connections between the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and thalamic nuclei. It allowed to show different inter-hemispheric patterns of connectivity, and highlighted the centromedian nucleus as a key subcortical relay of executive functions.

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