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骨质疏松症和肌肉减少症是老龄化社会常见的增龄性肌骨疾病。现代研究提示,骨与骨骼肌作为共同的功能单位参与了增龄性肌骨疾病的病理过程,从生物力学机制、能量代谢、内分泌、细胞、基因和信号通路等多方面存在相互关联。因此,对骨与骨骼肌关系的研究将有助于预防和治疗此类疾病。中医对骨与骨骼肌关系多从"脾肾"关系来认识,其中,"骨肉不相亲"理论是这种认识的高度概括。现代研究从多维度验证了"骨肉不相亲"理论的合理性。基于"骨肉不相亲"理论和骨与骨骼肌关系的现代研究成果,笔者从生物力学机制、内分泌、能量代谢、基因和信号通路等方面讨论骨与骨骼肌的关系,为骨质疏松症和肌肉减少症等增龄性肌骨疾病的精准防治提供新的思路和有效药物。 相似文献
骨肉不相亲理论是中医学的经典理论,本文基于骨肉不相亲理论,由骨骼肌的机械应力刺激引出力生长因子,从分子生物学的角度论述了骨肉不相亲理论的科学内涵,进一步探讨了骨骼与肌肉的关系,并解释完善了运用骨肉不相亲理论防治骨质疏松症的作用机制,为中医药防治骨质疏松症提供了理论依据。 相似文献
骨质疏松性骨折(osteoporotic fracture,OPF)又称脆性骨折,是一种高发于老年群体的病理性骨折,由于其致死致残率极高,严重影响老年患者的生存质量,该病的治疗已引起社会广泛关注。研究发现老年骨质疏松性骨折患者多存在肌肉与骨骼失衡的病理关系,而这和中医学“骨肉不相亲”理论高度契合。肌肉与骨骼解剖上毗邻,越来越多的证据显示,肌肉参与骨修复促进骨健康。因此,该文在“骨肉不相亲”理论指导下,综述肌肉在治疗老年骨质疏松性骨折中作用机制的最新研究进展,旨在丰富“骨肉不相亲”理论的现代科学内涵,为OPF的防治提供新思路、新方案。 相似文献
基于中医\"骨肉不相亲\"理论,从中医基础理论、生物力学、分子生物学等角度综述原发性骨质疏松症(骨痿)脾虚、肾虚和脾肾两虚病机的科学涵义,以及运用补肾健脾中药防治原发性骨质疏松症的作用机制,挖掘、完善\"骨肉不相亲\"理论的科学内涵,为中药防治原发性骨质疏松症提供客观的分子生物学和生物力学依据。 相似文献
随着人口老龄化的日益加剧,"肌少-骨质疏松症"(sarco-osteopenia)这类肌肉及骨协同退变的疾病日益增多,给社会带来巨大负担。中医很早就对肌骨协同退变疾病进行了记录,其中"骨肉不相亲"理论是中医学对肌骨协同退变病理机制的高度概括。近年研究发现,肌肉生长抑制素(Myostatin)由骨骼肌分泌,通过多条途径参与了骨骼肌和骨组织生长代谢的调节过程,可能成为肌骨之间调节的重要因子。笔者在"骨肉不相亲"理论的指导下,通过探究肌肉生长抑制素调控骨骼肌与骨代谢的机制,以期揭示肌少-骨质疏松症的病理机制,探索中医理论的现代医学实质,为该类疾病的防治提供新的思路。 相似文献
目的探讨中医\"骨肉不相亲\"理论的内涵及其在中医药和针灸治疗绝经后骨质疏松症(PMOP)中的应用前景。方法通过中医e百、《中华医典》等中医古籍数据库查阅春秋至清代有关\"骨肉不相亲\"及脾肾相关的古代文献,并检索2015年至2020年中国知网、万方、维普等中文期刊数据库中有关中医药和针灸治疗PMOP的实验及临床研究报道,进行系统整理及深入分析。结果中医\"骨肉不相亲\"理论最早见于《灵枢》,从春秋至清代的古籍中均有相关记载;后世医家据此认为其乃\"骨痿\"(即现代医学骨质疏松症)的病因病机,因此治疗原则由单纯补肾改为补肾健脾;近五年来的相关实验研究证实了该理论的正确性,临床报道也显示了补肾健脾中药或穴位治疗PMOP的优势。结论 \"骨肉不相亲\"理论经历代医家继承与发展使其内涵日趋丰富,实验和临床研究均证实其具有科学性和及POMP治疗中的应用价值。 相似文献
骨质疏松性骨折(osteoportic fracture,OPF)作为骨质疏松症(osteoporosis,OP)最严重的并发症之一,严重影响中老年患者的健康及生活质量。脾-肌肉通过血液循环、神经系统、线粒体系统等对骨骼形成生长发育乃至退化有重要作用。\"脾主肌肉\"理论是经典的中医理论,该理论与现代医学研究成果相吻合。脾-肌肉的功能障碍可导致骨量减少、骨强度下降,最终导致OPF的发生。笔者基于\"脾主肌肉\"理论从脾-肌肉出发探讨脾-肌肉-骨骼-骨质疏松性骨折间的相关性,重视脾-肌肉在OPF发病中的作用,希望为OPF的防治提供理论依据。 相似文献
骨质疏松症是一种慢性、难治性代谢性骨病,深刻探讨其发病机制中的每一环节从而确立有效干预策略攻克这一顽疾成为近年来研究的热点。随着分子生物学进一步发展以及对脑-肠轴的深刻探讨,揭示了脑-肠轴可以以骨骼为潜在作用靶点,影响骨质疏松症的发病与发展。笔者以脑-肠-骨骼轴为基础,从脑-肠通讯、脑-骨通讯及肠-骨通讯三方面探讨骨质疏松症发病机制,以期为骨质疏松症防治新目标新策略的确立和机制研究提供理论思考。 相似文献
骨质疏松(Osteopenia)是指骨量减少,骨的微结构出现变化(镜下表现为骨小梁纤细、稀疏及骨量减少等).骨质疏松症(osteoporosis,OP)作为很常见的全身性骨代谢疾病,是指骨量和骨质发生改变,致使骨强度降低而易导致全身骨骼,特别是椎骨,股骨颈及前臂骨的非创伤性骨折而影响健康.颌骨作为全身骨骼系统的一个组成部分,其骨质的丧失与全身性骨质疏松症之间的关系,目前引起国内外学者的高度关注.同时,颌骨种植技术正日益广泛的应用于临床,骨质疏松患者在接受此项治疗时出现的问题也成为很多学者研究的课题.本文拟对骨质疏松症与颌骨及种植体愈合的关系的研究进展作一综述. 相似文献
骨质疏松症(osteoporosis,OP)是一种由渐进性骨质流失引起的代谢性骨病。以骨量减少,骨微观结构退化为主要特征。肌肉微环境对调节骨骼发育、修复和重建起重要作用,微环境的破坏将导致其组织结构的改变,肌力、肌量减弱、收缩功能下降、骨应力刺激减少,进而加快骨质流失。因此,维护肌肉健康不仅可以增强肌力,同时还能减少骨量丢失,改善骨强度,治疗OP应该同时兼顾肌肉与骨骼,多靶点治疗,以期达到更好的临床疗效。本文将对肌肉微环境与OP的关系进行深入探讨,为OP的基础研究提供一定的理论依据,更好地指导临床。 相似文献
骨量与应力的关系早己被大量的生物力学研究所证实,其中肌肉组织是引起最大动态性骨组织载荷与应变的因素,通过肌力与骨量的关系来研究骨质疏松症具有重要意义。目前,巳经有较多的肌力与骨量之间的关系研究,但是对于肌力与骨量间的作用机制及对其影响因素的系统论述还较少,为了更好地了解肌力与骨量之间的关系在骨质疏松发生发展过程中的影响,本文对肌力与骨量相关性作一简要综述。 相似文献
中国老年学和老年医学学会骨质疏松分会肌肉骨骼与骨质疏松学科组组长:黄宏兴副组长:吴青李跃华 郝永强史晓林孔西建 梁祖建陈超 李颖秘书:万雷王凡 毕晓蕾指导:刘忠厚 《中国骨质疏松杂志》2016,(10):1221-1229, 1236
骨质疏松症已成为全球性的公共健康问题和前沿研究难题。老年人骨骼肌肉系统的衰退会造成肌肉萎缩、骨质减少,进而引起肌力减退、运动能力、平衡能力下降、步行缓慢、骨脆性增大、易骨折,最终导致老年人生活质量下降。如何从肌肉、骨骼方面研究其与骨质疏松的关系非常迫切和重要。为此,中国老年学学会骨质疏松委员会成立了肌肉、骨骼与骨质疏松学科组,组织专家编写《肌肉、骨骼与骨质疏松专家共识》,为骨质疏松症的临床诊疗和科学研究提供参考。共识认为:骨质疏松与肌肉、骨骼密切相关。骨质疏松症和肌少症存在着很多共同的风险因素。肌骨代谢生化指标可反映肌骨代谢状态,对代谢性肌肉骨骼疾病的诊断和疗效评价有指导作用。推荐使用DXA测量肌肉质量和骨密度。肌力和平衡能力评定有助于判断跌倒风险。肌肉、骨骼存在潜在的药物作用共同靶点。肌肉骨骼运动可以增加峰值骨量,调节骨代谢信号通路,促进骨形成。骨质疏松人群应注重个体化运动锻炼。中医学认为肌肉、骨骼与脾、肝、肾关系密切,骨质疏松症的病位主要在肾、脾、经络,主要与肾虚、脾虚和血瘀有关,强调骨筋肉并重,动静结合,治疗原则宜补肾、健脾、活血。 相似文献
Radiologic measurements of bone mineral mass in the proximal radius, muscle width and thickness of the subcutaneous fat of the forearm were studied in normal men and women throughout the adult age range. Bone mineral mass showed no significant change to age 60 in men and age 50 in women, but fell thereafter. Muscle width declined from age 30 in the male population, though no significant reduction was found in women before age 60. The correlations between these variables also differed between males and females. While bone mineral mass and muscle width tended, in males, to be positively correlated at all ages, in females no significant correlation was found after age 60. In females, however, bone mass and subcutaneous fat were distinctly correlated in the over 60 age group, though no significant correlation was found in males in any age group. In an osteoporotic group, bone mineral mass and muscle width were lower in male patients than in normals of similar age. In female osteoporotic patients, however, while bone mineral mass and subcutaneous fat were less than in normals, muscle width showed no difference.This study was supported by Canadian Medical Research Council Grant MA-3889. 相似文献
One-year psoas training can prevent lumbar bone loss in postmenopausal women: A randomized controlled trial 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
M. Revel M. A. Mayoux-Benhamou J. P. Rabourdin F. Bagheri C. Roux 《Calcified tissue international》1993,53(5):307-311
Summary On the premise that bone response to exercise is locally controlled [1], we conducted a randomized trial to evaluate the effects of a 1-year training of psoas muscles (treatment group: TG) versus a 1-year training of deltoid muscles (control group: CG) on the lumbar trabecular bone mineral density (TBMD). TBMD was measured with computed tomography scan. Seventy-eight subjects were included and 67 completed the study. Intention to treat analysis revealed no significant change in TBMD from 0 to 12 months. Data analysis in the 67 remaining women, including both assiduous and nonassiduous subjects, revealed greater bone loss in CG than in TG although the difference was not significant. Similar analysis in a subgroup of subjects who performed the exercises assiduously (TG: n = 23, CG: n = 26) showed that the mean bone loss of all four vertebrae from 0 to 12 months was significantly greater in the CG (–8.87 ± 12.75 mg/cm3, mean ± SD) than in the TG (0.14 ± 11.21 mg/cm3, mean ± SD,P = 0.01). These results suggest that continuous 1-year psoas training can prevent lumbar bone loss in postmenopausal women and support the hypothesis of local action of physical activity. 相似文献
P. Płudowski M. Lebiedowski M. Olszaniecka J. Marowska H. Matusik R. S. Lorenc 《Osteoporosis international》2006,17(11):1681-1690
Introduction Idiopathic Juvenile Osteoporosis (IJO), a disease of unknown etiology, manifests typically by pain, bone deformities and fractures. Due to limits in BMD data interpretation, evaluation of the muscle-bone functional unit has recently been proposed as a means to assess the general competence of the skeleton. The aim of this study was to evaluate skeletal status during the acute phase of IJO and during recovery from the disease in relation to muscles.Materials and methods The study population comprised 61 IJO children, including 34 girls (mean age: 13.6±3.1 years; range: 7–18) and 27 boys (14.3±3.3; 5–18 years). DXA total body (TB) and lumbar spine (S) bone mineral content (BMC) and density (BMD) were measured. Lean body mass (LBM) was employed to calculate SBMC/LBM, TBBMC/LBM, body height (BH)/LBM and LBM/body weight (BW) ratios. Previously established references for healthy controls were utilized for the calculation of Z-score values in IJO cases in respect to phase of the disease.Results IJO patients had significantly decreased Z-score values for TBBMD, SBMD, SBMC/LBM and TBBMC/LBM ratios but not for the LBM and BH/LBM or LBM/BW ratios. During the acute phase IJO girls had mean Z-scores for TBBMD and SBMD of −2.49±0.61 and −3.27±1.03, respectively, which were significantly lower than Z-scores during the recovery phase: −0.90±0.66, −1.38±0.95 (p<0.0001). IJO boys during the acute phase had Z-scores of −2.08±0.65 and −2.75±1.19 for TBBMD and SBMD, respectively, which were significantly lower than those during the recovery phase (−0.51±1.04 and −1.39±1.49; p<0.0001). Further, during the acute phase, TBBMC/LBM Z-scores of −2.95±1.15 and −2.56±1.49 were noted in girls and boys, respectively; the corresponding SBMC/LBM Z-scores were −2.66±1.07 and −2.22±1.62. During the recovery from IJO, TBBMC/LBM and SBMC/LBM Z-scores of −1.07±0.99 and −0.91±1.16 and of −1.15±1.40 and −0.68±1.45 were noted in girls and boys, respectively, and all were significantly higher than those during the acute phase (p<0.0001).Conclusions The results of this study indicate that IJO is a bone disorder characterized by an imbalanced muscle-bone relationship and fractures at onset and during the acute phase and by at least a partial recovery without bone pain and new fractures. Implementation of the BH/LBM, TBBMC/LBM and SBMC/LBM ratios to the armamentarium of pediatricians diagnosing bone disorders will provide mechanically meaningful data for diagnostic purposes and, hopefully, for proper therapeutic decisions.This study was in part financially supported by the International Osteoporosis Foundation. 相似文献
Eiji Itoi M.D. Yuichiro Yamada M.D. Minoru Sakurai M.D. Kozo Sato M.D. Fumio Kasama M.D. 《Journal of bone and mineral metabolism》1990,8(2):7-10
In the 63 patients with spinal osteoporosis who had been treated with vitamin D3 and calcium supplement, back muscle strength was compared with the following parameters; bone mineral density (BMD) of the
distal 1/6 and 1/3 of radius by single photon absorptiometry, BMD of lumbar spine and femoral neck by dual photon absorptiometry,
body height, body weight and age. Back muscle strength correlated significantly with BMD of lumbar spine and BMD of radius
(1/3), and less with BMD of femoral neck. The strength of back muscle also showed a significant negative correlation with
age. Back muscle strength and the body weight were the significant predictors of the bone mineral density of the lumbar spine.
These data suggest that back muscle strength has a possibility of affecting bone mineral density of the spine. 相似文献