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The QLQ-C30, a health-related quality of life questionnaire developed for use in patients with cancer, has been previously validated in patients with lung cancer and head and neck cancer. In this study, further validation was carried out for 535 patients, including patients with breast cancer (n=143) and ovarian cancer (n=111) for whom there is no previously published validation, as well as patients with lung cancer (n=121). All patients were entered in one of two trials of anti-emetics to prevent chemotherapy-induced emesis. The QLQ-C30 was completed before chemotherapy and on day 8 after chemotherapy. The factor structure in patients with breast and ovarian cancer was similar to that previously described. Interdomain correlations, in the entire group, were strongest for the physical and role function domains and the fatigue, pain and global quality of life.domains before and after chemotherapy. In addition, after chemotherapy, social function was also strongly correlated with fatigue and global quality of life. These correlations were not always of equal strength in the breast, ovarian and lung groups, suggesting that there may be differences between these groups. The responsiveness of the QLQ-C30 in the presence of widely metastatic, as compared with locoregional, disease showed changes in the expected directions (i.e., diminished function in physical and social role functions and in global quality of life, with greater fatigue and pain in patients with metastatic disease). Eight days after chemotherapy, decreases were seen in physical, role and social functioning and in global quality of life, and there was greater fatigue, nausea and vomiting compared with before chemotherapy. Patients with breast cancer had better physical, role and social functioning, and less fatigue and pain than patients with ovarian cancer. This result is expected, since many of the patients with breast cancer had early stage disease, whereas those with ovarian cancer had advanced stage disease. Mean scores for patients with lung cancer were between the other two groups, in keeping with the mixture of early and advanced stage disease in these patients. There was a strong correlation between ECOG performance status scores and several domains of the QLQ-C30; these were all in the expected directions. The results of this study confirm those in earlier studies on patients with lung cancer, and provide new information on patients with breast and ovarian cancer. In addition, the QLQ-C30 is responsive to the effects of chemotherapy and of metastatic disease.  相似文献   

In a previous study, the Life Satisfaction Questionnaire (LSQ) was developed especially for women with breast cancer. The aim of the present study was to assess the psychometric properties of the LSQ in a randomized sample of Swedish women and to compare the perceived quality of life with that of women suffering from breast cancer. Another aim was to relate the result to educational background. A total of 257 women aged 20–80, randomly selected from the Swedish population register, answered the LSQ. The result was compared with that from 362 women aged 27–78 suffering from breast cancer. The construct validity was calculated by a principal component analysis, and the reliability by Cronbach -coefficients. It was concluded that the LSQ has acceptable validity and reliability. The result also showed that the women with breast cancer rated their perceived quality of life higher than women in general with respect to the quality of personal relations and the quality of daily activities, but lower for physical symptoms. In the comparison with respect to educational background, women with university education rated their quality of life higher than women with other types of education. The testing of the LSQ will continue.  相似文献   

The underlying factor structure of a subset of 12 items, which comprise the psychosocial subscales of the EORTC QLQ-C30 was explored in a group of women, all with metastatic breast cancer who were participating in a psychosocial intervention study. Two main factors were identified in this exploratory factor analysis, representing emotional distress and functional ability dimensions. A preliminary assessment of the external validity of the two factor structure was undertaken. The results support the validity of a summative emotional distress and functional ability score in this sample of patients. The functional ability score discriminated well for subgroups defined by clinical status indicators (e.g., performance status, pain, chemotherapy treatment, fatigue). The emotional distress subscale discriminated with respect to suffering, fatigue and sleep disturbance. Both subscales converged with related concepts measured by independent instruments, providing support for convergent validity. Summative index scores may be advantageous for application in particular research situations; applying quality adjustments in health policy analyses; for screening purposes; to monitor populations and make comparisons across broad groups and as stratification variables in clinical trials. Further research to confirm the 2 factor structure is required in other samples before the interpretation can be accepted with confidence.  相似文献   

While quality of life (QOL) assessment is becoming more common, interpreting the results remains problematic. This paper demonstrates an approach to developing clinically-based interpretations for QOL outcomes, using the QLQ-C30 as an example. The results from 14 published QLQ-C30 studies which group patients by performance status, weight loss, toxicity, extent or severity of disease are collated. Groups with lower clinical status generally have worse QOL. The largest differences are between performance status groups, and the smallest differences are between groups of patients with local disease and those with metastases. The physical and role scores have the largest ranges of means across patient groups, and show the largest differences between clinical groups, while the cognitive and emotional scores have the smallest ranges of means and differences. Sicker groups have larger score standard deviations than healthie groups. Relatively large and small means and differences, and corresponding effect sizes, are presented. Collectively, the results provide a sense of the relative sizes of means and of differences, and of the types of clinical groups which give rise to them, thereby providing clinically-based benchmarks by which to interpret QLQ-C30 results.  相似文献   

The OVIS study is a population-based study that aims at evaluating medical care in Schleswig-Holstein (Germany). In this paper, the health related quality of life (QoL, EORTC QLQ-C30 and -BR23) of 1,927 women with breast cancer is reported. The global health status/QoL score was comparable to reference data of the age-adjusted German general population, but clinical meaningful differences (≥ 10 points) were found for all functioning scales (with the exception of physical functioning) and for three of the symptom scales/items (fatigue, dyspnoe, insomnia) with OVIS patients showing more deficits. Furthermore, OVIS patients scored higher on the item financial difficulties. Logistic regression analyses revealed that coming from an urban surrounding, having a higher social status and attendance to a regular aftercare predicted a good overall QoL, while factors that were related to perceived complications in the course of the therapy raised the risk for a low QoL rating. It is of interest, that attendance to a rehabilitation and interest in self-help groups independently predicted an increased risk for a low quality of life. Overall, we assume the global QoL is rating slightly too optimistic since major deficits were reported on the specific physical and functional scales/items.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to construct a multidimensional self-administered qualityof life questionnaire specific to prostate cancer within the EORTC framework and to test its applicability, clinical relevance and psychometry. A proposed prostate cancer-specific module and the standardized EORTC QLQ-C30 version 1.0 were tested in 192 postirradiated patients. Psychometric analyses comprised item convergent and discriminant validity for scaling success, analysis of the internal consistency of the multi-item scales and the validity of the scales. The clinical relevance was explored by correlation analysis including disease and treatment related parameters. The minimum psychometric criteria were met. The measurements revealed problem areas in sexuality with a mean score of 54 (SD=33) on a 0–100 scale, and in bowel functioning, scoring 25 on average (SD=17). Urinary complaints only reached a mean score of 6 (SD=9). Compared to earlier measurements on untreated or irradiated localized cancer patients using the same core questionnaire, the physical and psychological scales showed higher values and the symptom scales lower symptom burden. The constructed questionnaire seems applicable and clinically relevant. The psychometric analysis revealed a few items to be revised. Patients with localized prostatic carcinoma treated with radiotherapy have a high quality of life compared to patients with localized cancer of other origin.  相似文献   

Rodrigues  G.  Bezjak  A.  Osoba  D.  Catton  P.  Tsuji  D.  Taylor  D.  Warde  P. 《Quality of life research》2004,13(7):1235-1246
PURPOSE: To examine the relationship between changes in health-related quality-of-life (HRQOL) on the EORTC Quality of Life Questionnaire (QLQ-C30), and patients' perceptions of HRQOL changes as measured by the Subjective Significance Questionnaire (SSQ). PATIENTS AND METHODS: A total of 101 patients completed the QLQ-C30 on weeks 1, 4 and 7 of radical external-beam radiation therapy (RT) for localized cancer of the prostate. Patients rated their change in physical functioning, emotional functioning, social functioning, and overall/global quality of life (QOL) by completing a seven-category SSQ at weeks 4 and 7. The association between changes in the QLQ-C30 change and the corresponding SSQ ratings were determined by calculation of mean change scores for each SSQ category and by Spearman rank correlation coefficient analysis. RESULTS: Patients' completion of the QLQ-C30 and SSQ exceeded 95%. Statistically significant changes in fatigue, pain, appetite, diarrhea, and global QOL scores were detected during RT. For patients reporting 'a little' change in global QOL on the SSQ, absolute mean QLQ-C30 change scores ranged between 0 to 15 points with 12/16 mean change scores between 2.5 and 8.5 points. In the entire study sample, correlations between SSQ patient ratings and QLQ-C30 change scores were lower than previously reported, ranging between 0.15 and 0.24 for the four different domains, but were higher when QOL scores producing ceiling effects were omitted. CONCLUSION: The SSQ and QLQ-C30 may measure related concepts that could assist in the interpretation of changes in scores and in the calibration of the QLQ-C30. However, the nature of this relationship could not be elucidated in this data set because of a lack of variance in HRQOL scores in the study sample. Further investigation should be carried out in study samples with sufficient variance to allow more robust conclusions.  相似文献   

《Value in health》2013,16(5):848-854
ObjectiveThe reliability and validity of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire (EORTC QLQ-C30) has not been examined while taking into account the correlation between subscales. The reliability of the EORTC QLQ-C30 subscales is modest, thus limiting their utility in both clinical and research settings. The purpose of this study was to validate the factor structure of multiple-item subscales of the EORTC QLQ-C30 and to improve their reliability by means of an item response analysis by using the multidimensional partial credit model.MethodsA total of 2295 patients with complete data were used for the analysis. One- and nine-dimensional partial credit models were used to fit the data to validate the construct validity of the multiple-item subscales of the QLQ-C30.ResultsThe model comparison showed that the nine-dimensional factor structure of multiple-item subscales was satisfactory. The multidimensional partial credit model fit data of the multiple-item subscales of the QLQ-C30 reasonably well. The estimated test reliabilities of each domain obtained from the multidimensional approach were higher than those obtained from the unidimensional approach.ConclusionsThe constructs represented by the multiple-item subscales of the QLQ-C30 were validated. The improved reliability of the multiple-item subscales of the QLQ-C30 under the multidimensional approach can facilitate their applications in clinical and research settings.  相似文献   

Montazeri  A.  Harirchi  I.  Vahdani  M.  Khaleghi  F.  Jarvandi  S.  Ebrahimi  M.  Haji-Mahmoodi  M. 《Quality of life research》2000,9(2):177-184
The objective of this study was to test the reliability and validity of the Iranian version of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) Breast Cancer-Specific Quality of Life Questionnaire (QLQ-BR23). The English-language version of the questionnaire was translated into Persian (Iranian language) and its final form was approved by the EORTC Study Group on Quality of Life and then it was used in this study. The questionnaire was administered at two points in time to a consecutive sample of 168 newly diagnosed breast cancer patients and almost all of them (99%) found the questions easy to understand and acceptable. Cronbach's coefficient for multi-item scales (to test reliability) ranged from 0.63 to 0.95 at baseline and from 0.75 to 0.92 at follow-up administration of the questionnaire. Validity analysis was performed using known-groups' comparison analysis. The results showed that all functional and symptom scales discriminated between sub-groups of patients differing in clinical status as defined by their performance status and disease stage. In addition, all functional and symptoms scales detected change over time, as a function of changes in patients' performance status. In general, the findings of this study indicated that the Iranian version of the EORTC QLQ-BR23 is a reliable and valid supplementary measure of the quality of life in breast cancer patients and can be used in clinical trials and studies of outcome research in oncology.  相似文献   

This study aimed to contribute to the validation of the 30-item Quality of Life Questionnaire developed by the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Study Group (EORTC QLQ-C30). The sample consisted of 177 cancer patients with heterogeneous diagnoses. A series of scales representing various dimensions of quality of life were tested, including those proposed by the EORTC Study Group. Mokken's non-parametric latent trait model for unidimensional scaling was used as the basic scaling procedure. This model gives coefficients of scalability in addition to reliability coefficients. In terms of scalability measured by Loevinger's H, all EORTC Study Group scales, except the cognitive functioning scale were found to be quite satisfactory. The cognitive functioning scale and the role functioning scale were below the satisfactory level in terms of reliability (internal consistency). In total, our study strengthens the external validity of the EORTC QLQ-C30 and confirms that it may be used on cancer patients with various diagnoses.This study is supported by grants no 89090/001-002 from the Norwegian Cancer Society and by the Faculty of Medicine, University of Trondheim. The study has been evaluated and approved by the Regional Ethical Committee for Medical Research.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to derive population-based norms for women completing the EORTC QLQ-C30 version 1 which is designed for use with patients who have cancer. The study was conducted using two different questionnaires: one designed for use in female patients with breast cancer, the other for those with gynaecological cancers, but both including the EORTC QLQ-C30. The women were drawn from the Danish Central Population Register without knowledge of their health status and divided at random between the two questionnaires. All procedures for collecting data were identical. The response rate for those receiving the gynaecological cancer (GS) questionnaire was 49% and it was 71% for the breast cancer (BS) questionnaire. Detailed comparison between the two samples revealed several EORTC QLQ-C30 items showing a clear difference in distribution of scores between them. Because of this and the possible bias due to the relative low age-related response rate in GS, only the results from the BS are used for constructing norms. The norms cover all 30 single items on the EORTC QLQ-C30 and the nine derived scales, for women in four 10-year age groups commencing at 30 years and for those aged 70-75. Clear trends in, for example, declining ability to undertake strenuous activity are illustrated and quantified. Levels of certain symptoms, such as pain, are surprisingly high although it is recognized that the population sampled will contain a proportion of women with active disease including cancer. We recommend the use of these norms both as an aid to the clinical assessment of an individual patient, and to assist in the interpretation of clinical trial and longitudinal quality of life data. As a secondary result, we note that a population-based sample will have a lower response rate to a questionnaire with more questions, especially if many of these extra questions are on sexual issues.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the psychometric properties of the Sinhala version of the breast cancer-specific health-related quality of life (HRQL) module of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (QLQ-BR23). METHODS: Psychometric testing assessed the hypothesized scale structure, internal consistency, construct validity and acceptability of the Sinhala version of the QLQ-BR23 in a consecutive series of 356 newly diagnosed breast cancer patients recruited from tertiary care oncology treatment centres in Sri Lanka. RESULTS: Compliance and self-completion rates were high (98% and 88%, respectively), and missing data low (0.06%). Multitrait scaling confirmed the scale structure of the QLQ-BR23 with excellent item convergence (95%), item discrimination (99%), and scaling success (99%) rates. The Cronbach's alpha coefficients of the scales for internal consistency reliability ranged from 0.68 to 0.93. Construct validity was confirmed with satisfactory results for interscale correlations and known-groups comparisons. QLQ-BR23 item-scale correlations met or exceeded the convergent validity criterion of 0.40 for all but one item. QLQ-BR23 interscale correlations met this criterion for three comparisons and for five comparisons with conceptually related QLQ-C30 scales. Correlations between QLQ-BR23 scales and QLQ-C30 functional scales were lower as expected. As expected, most dimensions of the QLQ-BR23 were able to discriminate clearly between pretreatment and current treatment patients. CONCLUSION: Overall psychometric results for the Sinhala version of the QLQ-BR23 confirmed it as a reliable and valid questionnaire for assessing breast cancer-specific HRQL in Sri Lanka.  相似文献   

Objective: This study aimed to validate the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire (EORTC QLQ-C30, English version 3.0) in Singaporean cancer patients. Methods: In a cross-sectional study, a heterogeneous sample of cancer patients (n = 57) self-administered a questionnaire containing the QLQ-C30, the Short Form 36 Health Survey (SF-36) and assessing health and sociodemographic status. Construct validity was assessed by testing a priori hypotheses that QLQ-C30 scales would be moderately or strongly correlated with SF-36 scales measuring similar dimensions of health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and that subjects reporting mild symptoms would have better HRQoL scores than those reporting severe symptoms. Internal consistency reliability was assessed using Cronbachs . Results: Strength of Spearmans correlations between the QLQ-C30 and SF-36 scales assessing similar dimensions of HRQoL ranged from 0.35 to 0.67. Subjects with mild symptoms had better scores than those with severe symptoms for all six QLQ-C30 HRQoL scales (p < 0.05 for five scales, Mann–Whitney U tests). Cronbachs ranged from 0.19 for the cognitive functioning scale to 0.91 for the global QoL scale. Conclusion: This study provides preliminary evidence for the validity and reliability of the EORTC QLQ-C30 in English-speaking Singaporean cancer patients.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the reliability and validity of an instrument for assessing health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in CaPSURE(tm) (Cancer of the Prostate Strategic Urologic Research Endeavor), an observational database of men with biopsy-confirmed prostate cancer. The questionnaire includes the RAND 36 item Health Survey 1.0, the UCLA Prostate Cancer Index and items measuring self-esteem and the impact of prostate cancer in general and on the family. The reliability and validity of this instrument are reported for a group of 2,382 men enrolled in CaPSURE(tm). Individuals complete HRQOL questionnaires at enrolment and quarterly thereafter. The subscales of the instrument resulted in a high internal-consistency reliability across all subscales (range=0.75-0.94). The test-retest reliability was good with the exception of the comparative health item (intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC)=0.55). The concurrent validity data included moderately strong associations with subscales of similar concepts and the ability to distinguish between patients who are known to be different - newly diagnosed (within 6 months) and patients diagnosed and treated an average of 3 years ago. Overall, this instrument demonstrated good reliability and validity and supported the need for incorporating HRQOL as a component of outcomes assessment in the management of patients with prostate cancer.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Core Questionnaire (EORTC QLQ-C30) was evaluated for its psychometric properties in a sample of cancer patients from the culturally distinct South Asian subcontinent, which accounts for a significant proportion of the global cancer burden. METHODS: Psychometric testing assessed the hypothesised scale structure, internal consistency, content and construct validity, and acceptability of the Sinhala version of the QLQ-C30 independently in two heterogeneous groups of cancer patients at pretreatment (N = 489) and during treatment (N = 343). RESULTS: Qualitative feedback from an expert panel assessing content validity recommended measuring family support during illness as an additional, culturally-relevant dimension of health-related quality of life (HRQL). Compliance was high (100%), with little missing data (0.11%). Multitrait scaling results supported the scale structure of the QLQ-C30, with the exception of the cognitive functioning scale, which was also the only scale that did not meet the 0.70 internal consistency criteria in either sample. Interscale correlations were of a moderate size, with conceptually related scales showing higher correlations. All scales were able to discriminate clearly between pre- and current treatment patients (P < 0.01), although results were less consistent when comparing groups formed on the basis of age and disease stage. CONCLUSIONS: Overall psychometric results confirmed the QLQ-C30 as a reliable and valid questionnaire for assessing HRQL of cancer patients in Sri Lanka.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to describe the health related quality of life (HRQoL) in different breast cancer disease states using preference-based measures. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A total of 361 consecutive breast cancer patients attending the breast cancer outpatient clinic at Karolinska University hospital Solna for outpatient visits between April and May 2005 were included in the study. The EQ-5D self classifier and a direct Time Trade Off (TTO) question were used to estimate the HRQoL in different breast cancer disease states. RESULTS: Patients in their first year after a primary breast cancer had a mean EQ-5D index value of 0.696 (95% confidence interval (CI): 0.634-0.747)). Patients in their first year after a recurrence had a mean EQ-5D index value of 0.779 (CI: 0.700-0.849). Patients who had not had a primary breast cancer diagnosis or a recurrence during the previous year had a mean EQ-5D index value of 0.779 (CI: 0.745-0.811). Patients with metastatic disease reported the lowest HRQoL values, and had a mean EQ-5D index value of 0.685 (CI: 0.620-0.735). The main driver behind the reduction in HRQoL was pain and discomfort as well as anxiety and depression. TTO values were higher for all diseases states compared to the EQ-5D index values. CONCLUSION: This study shows that breast cancer is associated with a reduction in HRQoL. This effect is most pronounced for patients with metastatic disease.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to test the validity and reliability of the Taiwan Chinese translation of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire Core-30 (EORTC QLQ-C30, version 3) and Quality of Life Questionnaire Lung Cancer-13 (QLQ-LC13) questionnaires. Consecutively 51 patients with lung cancer undergoing active chemotherapy and 48 such patients undergoing regular follow-up completed the questionnaires. The intraclass correlation between test and retest ranged from 0.46 to 0.85 for the QLQ-C30 and was 0.76 for dyspnea for the QLQ-LC13. The kappa coefficients between test and retest ranged from 0.51 to 0.73 for single items of the QLQ-C30 and 0.49-0.68 for five of the nine items in the QLQ-LC13. The Cronbach's alpha coefficients were > or = 0.70 for all scales of the two questionnaires apart from that of cognitive functioning. The correlation coefficients between indices measuring similar dimensions of the EORTC QLQ-C30 and the SF-36 questionnaires ranged from 0.43 to 0.73, and that between the dyspnea scales of the two EORTC questionnaires was 0.70. Patients in the follow-up group revealed higher scores of global status/quality of life, and lower scores of nausea/vomiting, as also physical functioning. The questionnaires could also detect expected adverse effects of radiotherapy, cisplatin, and paclitaxel.  相似文献   

李冬梅 《现代预防医学》2012,39(8):1923-1925,1927
乳腺癌是女性常见的恶性肿瘤,直接损害了患者的第二性征,影响了患者的生存质量。影响乳腺癌患者生存质量的因素很多,本文主要从一般人口学特征(年龄、婚姻状况、文化程度、经济状况)心理因素、社会因素、病理分期、治疗方式等几个方面对乳腺癌患者生存质量影响因素进行综述。  相似文献   


According to the World Health Organization, breast cancer is one of the most prevalent cancers in the Hispanic female population, and it carries a great psychological impact. Acceptance and personal learning derived from the individual’s life experiences and understanding of their emotional state has been suggested as an adaptive profile toward the patient’s perception of the disease. This study aims to explore which psychological variables are related to breast cancer patients’ perception of their quality of life. A cross-sectional, correlational, and non-probabilistic study was performed on 113 women diagnosed with stage 1–3 breast cancer in Mexico and Spain, based on self-reporting through the Mental Adjustment to Cancer Scale, the Positive and Negative Affect Scale, and the EORTC Quality of Life Questionnaire. Recruitment was conducted from March 2015 to April 2018. Through multiple regression analysis, the study found that fighting spirit and positive affect explained 34.2% of quality of life variance F (2, 110) = 30.14, p <.005 of participants. The results support the need to contemplate the importance of positive psychological variables for a multidisciplinary approach to women diagnosed with breast cancer.  相似文献   

The majority of quality of life (QOL) questionnaires have been developed and used in English-speaking or Western European countries. The aims of this study were to provide the Standard Chinese version of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Core Questionnaire (EORTC QLQ-C30 version 2.0), and evaluate its psychometric properties. The translation process included independent translation, back translation, a pilot test with gynecological cancer patients, and a review and approval by the original developers. Participants in the major study included gestational trophoblastic disease patients (n = 68), ovarian cancer patients (n = 105), and other types of gynecological cancer patients (n = 18). The average completion time of the Standard Chinese version was 8.1 ± 2.9 min. All item-subscale correlation coefficients exceeded the criterion of item-convergent validity (r > 0.40) except item 1, 5, 20, and 25, and all items correlated significantly higher with their own subscale than with other subscales except item 1, 20, and 25. The correlation coefficients among all subscales were significant but modest (r = 0.40–0.70). Seven out of nine subscales met the minimal standards of reliability (Cronbach's > 0.70). In conclusion, the Standard Chinese version of the EORTC QLQ-C30 is a valid instrument overall in assessing the QOL of Chinese gynecological cancer patients.  相似文献   

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