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The ipsilateral retinotectal projection in the developing chick was examined by using rhodamine-B-isothiocyanate (RITC)as an anterograde and retrograde vital marker for the retinal ganglion cells and their axons. Staining of the entire retina following intravitreal RITC injection between incubation days 3 and 16 revealed a small number of anterogradely labeled fibers in the optic tract and the anterior half of the optic tectum ipsilateral to the injection site. The total number of ipsilaterally projecting fibers was estimated to be about 2,000 on developmental day 9. The ipsilateral projection totally disappeared after day 15. The arrangement of fibers within the ipsilateral projection was examined by local anterograde RITC staining of localized retinal regions between days 9 and 10. The projection was retinotopically organized along the dorsoventral axis such that fibers of dorsal retinal origin projected on the ventral tectal half, whereas fibers of ventral retinal orgin projected on the dorsal tectal half. The localization of ipsilaterally projecting ganglion cell bodies was examined by retrograde RITC staining during days 9 and 15. Ganglion cells of all four quadrants of the central retina contributed to the production of the ipsilateral projection. The ipsilaterally growing retinotectal fibers did not represent collaterals of contralaterally projecting retinotectal axons. We assume that the tendency of early growing retinotectal axons to grow straight, as well as the ability of axonal growth cones to “sample” the environment, lead to a crossing of axons to the contralateral side. Ipsilateral projections would therefore represent “pathfinding errors.” Explanations for the elimination of the ipsilateral retinotectal projection are discussed.  相似文献   

To investigate the molecular mechanisms involved in the outgrowth of retinal ganglion cell axons in the tectum, the expression of the extracellular matrix molecule tenascin was analysed in the tectum and retina of chickens by immunocytochemistry and in situ hybridization. Tissue was analysed between embryonic days 4 and 12, just before and during the period when retinal ganglion cell axons innervate their target region, the optic tectum. In the tectum, tenascin immunoreactivity becomes detectable at the anterior pole at embryonic day 4, 2 days before retinal ganglion cell axons arrive, and spreads caudally with increasing age. At early stages, tenascin is predominantly accumulated in the stratum opticum, the zone of ingrowing retinal ganglion cell axons, and along their prospective pathway. In the stratum opticum, the molecule is associated with radial glial fibres, glial endfeet and retinal ganglion cell axons located in the immediate neighbourhood of radial glial fibres. At all ages investigated, tenascin mRNA is mainly restricted to cells located in the periventricular region, suggesting that the molecule is synthesized by radial glial cells. In the retina, tenascin is expressed by amacrine, displaced amacrine and horizontal cells but not by retinal ganglion cells. To investigate whether the accumulation of tenascin in the developing and prospective pathway of retinal ganglion cell axons may affect their rate of growth we assayed the substrate properties of tenascin for retinal ganglion cell neurites in vitro. When retinal ganglion cell suspensions from 6–day-old chick embryos were maintained on homogeneous mouse or chick tenascin/ polyornithine substrates, neurite length was significantly increased when compared to polyornithine substrates at coating concentrations of 10 or 20 μg/ml. Higher coating concentrations (35 or 70 μg/ml) resulted in neurite lengths comparable to control values. Together, these observations suggest that tenascin in the developing and prospective stratum opticum might serve as a preformed pathway to support growth of retinal ganglion cell axons in the tectum.  相似文献   

The pattern in which optic axons invade the tectum and begin synaptogenesis was studied in the chick. The anterogradely transported marker, horseradish peroxidase, was injected into one eye of embryos between 5 and 16 days of development (E5 to E16). This labeled the optic axons in the brain. The first retinal axons arrived in the most superficial lamina of the tectum on E6. They entered the tectum at the rostroventral margin. During the next 6 days of development the axons grew over the tectal surface. First they filled the rostral tectum, the oldest portion of the tectum, and then they spread to the caudal pole. Shortly after the first axons entered the tectum on E6, labeled retinal axons were found penetrating from the surface into deeper tectal layers. In any given area of the tectum, optic axons were seen penetrating deeper layers shortly after arriving in that area. Electron microscopic examination showed that at least some of the labeled axons in rostral tectum formed synapses with tectal cells by E7. These results show two things which contrast with results from previous studies. First, there is no delay between the time the retinal axons enter the tectum and the time they penetrate into synaptic layers of the tectum. Second, the first retinotectal connections are formed in rostral tectum and not central tectum. Retrograde tracing showed the first optic axons that arrived in the tectum were from ganglion cells in central retina. Previous studies have shown that the ganglion cells of central retina project to the central tectum in the mature chick. This opens the possibility that the optic axons from central retina, which connect to rostral tectum in the young embryo, shift their connections to central tectum during subsequent development. As they enter the tectum the growth cones of retinal axons appear to be associated with the external limiting membrane. During the time that connections would begin to shift in the tectum a second population of axons appears at the bottom of stratum opticum, some with characteristics of growth cones. This late-appearing population may represent axons shifting their connections. These results have implications for theories on how the retinotopic pattern of retinotectal connections develops.  相似文献   

Inhibition of incorrect axonal outgrowth has been shown to be a crucial guidance mechanism during the development of the nervous system. Within the visual system of chick and rat, extension of retinal ganglion cell axons is essentially restricted to distinct layers of the retina and distinct brain regions such as the tectum opticum. In addition, populations of ganglion cells from defined retina locations project topographically to defined tectal areas, their growth possibly being inhibited by radial glia in incorrect tectal regions. In the current study, we aimed to analyse potential inhibitory activity of retinal glia during outgrowth of ganglion cell axons of embryonic chick and rat. The response of ganglion cell axons originating from different retina locations when exposed to purified retinal radial glia cell membranes were monitored in collapse assays by time lapse video recording. The interaction of axons growing on purified glial somata or glial endfeet was analysed in outgrowth assays. Our results indicate that (1) nasal and temporal chick growth cones are equally induced to collapse by cell membranes from retinal radial glia: 75% nasal and 72% temporal. (2) The collapse inducing component of radial glia can be inactivated by defined heat treatment, reducing collapsing activity to 6% nasal and 5% temporal. (3) Rat growth cones respond in a similar way to chick radial glia. (4) Rat axons grow perfectly on endfeet but not on somata of radial glia of the chick. In summary, the data suggest that radial glia are functionally polarized with permissive endfeet and inhibitory somata based on heat-labile proteins. Glia polarization is likely to inhibit aberrant growth of ganglion cell axons into outer retina layers. However, retinal radial glia are unlikely to participate in preordering axons within the retina and therefore do not affect the topographic projection. Finally, the inhibitory function of radial glia is conserved between birds and mammals and represents possibly a fundamental mechanism for structuring the central nervous system. GLIA 25:143–153, 1999. © 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

HRP was applied to small sites in the dorsotemporal or dorsonasal retina in fish at 10-36 days after optic nerve section. The anterogradely labeled axons were visualized in tectal whole mounts. Axons traveled through all regions of the tectum in various abnormal routes. Misrouted axons were also seen to alter their orientation and to direct their course toward their target. At all regeneration stages the majority of dorsotemporal axons coursed and achieved target-related orientations preferentially within the rostral tectal half whereas dorsonasal axons proceeded into the caudal tectum. The growing axons exhibited various morphologies. All axons in the superficial fascicle layer stratum opticum (SO) and some in the synaptic layer stratum fibrosum et griseum superficiale (SFGS) were unbranched and tipped with a leading growth cone. Other axons in the synaptic layer carried one to several growth cones at their ends and often filopodia proximal to the growth cone, or they had sprouted numerous side branches with growth cones and filopodia on the shaft and on branches. Some axons at retinotopic or ectopic sites gave rise to several long branches of several hundred microns in length, with growth cones and filopodia. From 32 days onward axons ending in terminal arbors at retinotopic sites became apparent. Thus, numerous axons at early regeneration stages go through a phase of exploratory growth on their way toward their target sites.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the immunolabeling with the antibody RT97, a good marker for ganglion cell axons in several species, in the normal and regenerating visual pathways of teleosts. We have demonstrated that RT97 antibody recognizes several proteins in the tench visual system tissues (105, 115, 160, 200, 325 and 335 kDa approximately). By using immunoprecipitation and Western blot we have found that after crushing the optic nerve the immunoreactivity to anti RT97 increased markedly in the optic nerve. In immunohistochemical analysis we also found a different pattern of labeling in normal and regenerating visual pathways. In normal tench RT97 is a good marker for the horizontal cells in the retina, for growing ganglion cell axons which run along the optic nerve from the retina to the optic tectum and of the axon terminals in the stratum opticum and stratum fibrosum and griseum superficiale in the optic tectum. After optic nerve crush, no immunohistochemistry modifications were observed in the retina. However, in accordance with Western blot experiments, in the optic nerve intensely stained groups of regenerating axons appeared progressively throughout the optic nerve as far as the optic tectum. We conclude that the antibody RT97 is an excellent marker of growing and regenerating axons of the optic nerve of fish.  相似文献   

Neuroanatomical tracing of retinal axons and axonal terminals with the fluorescent dye, DiI, was combined with immunohistochemical characterization of radial glial cells in the developing chick retinotectal system. Emphasis was placed on the mode of the tectal innervation by individual retinal axons and on the distribution and fate of the tectal radial glial cells and their spatial relation to retinal axons. It was obvious from fluorescent images obtained from anterogradely filled axons that these axons deserted the superficial stratum opticum (SO) to penetrate the stratum griseum et fibrosum superficiale (SGFS) by making right-angled turns within the SO. Frequently, axons which had invaded the SGFS were bifurcated and had a superficial branch which remained within the SO. Terminal axonal arborization occurred at various depths within the SGFS. Characterization of the tectal glial cells and their radial fibers by means of the anti-filament antibody, R5, and post-mortem staining with the fluorescent dye, DiI, revealed the following. (a) At least from day E8 to P1, tectal glial fibers traversed all tectal layers from the periventricular location of their somata to the superficial interface between SO and pia mater. In this interface they enlarged and formed characteristic endfeet. (b) Glial endfeet covered the whole tectal surface. They showed at early ages anterior-posterior differences having a higher density in the posterior tectum. These differences disappeared at embryonic day E13. (c) After innervation, glial endfeet of the anterior tectal third were arranged in rows parallel to the retinal fibers within the SO. This arrangement was not observed in eyeless embryos. (d) Radial glial fibers could be stained with R5 from day E8 to late embryonic stages throughout their entire length. (e) At the first posthatching days, only the segments of the radial glial fibers restricted to the thickness of the SO were R5-positive, although the fibers still traversed throughout the depth of the tectum. The results are discussed in context to the genesis of the retinotectal projection.  相似文献   

The cell adhesion molecule-like tyrosine phosphatase CRYPalpha is localized on retinal axons and their growth cones. We present evidence that two isoforms of this type IIa phosphatase, CRYPalpha1 and CRYPalpha2, have extracellular ligands along the developing retinotectal pathway. Using alkaline phosphatase fusion proteins containing the CRYPalpha1 ectodomain, we detect a prominent ligand on basement membranes of the early retina, optic stalk, and chiasm. A second ligand is observed in the endfeet region of radial processes in the developing stratum opticum, the site of initial retinal axon invasion. This latter ligand binds CRYPalpha2 preferentially. Further ligand interactions are detected for both CRYPalpha protein isoforms in retinorecipient tectal laminae and on retinal fibers themselves. CRYPalpha thus has cell- and matrix-associated ligands along the entire retinotectal projection. Moreover, these ligands appear to be heterotypic and interact with CRYPalpha through both its immunoglobulin and fibronectin type III regions. The anteroposterior levels of the ligands are relatively uniform within the retina and tectum, suggesting that the CRYPalpha protein within retinal axons does not directly recognise topographically graded guidance cues. We propose that CRYPalpha may have a permissive role in promoting retinal axon growth across the eye and tectum and that its functions are modulated temporally and spatially by isoform-specific interactions with cell- and matrix-associated ligands.  相似文献   

In a variety of species, developing retinal axons branch initially more widely in their visual target centers and only gradually restrict their terminal arbors to smaller and defined territories. Retinotectal axons in fish, however, appeared to grow in a directed manner and to arborize only at their retinotopic target sites. To visualize the dynamics of retinal axon growth and arbor formation in fish, time-lapse recordings were made of individual retinal ganglion cell axons in the tectum in live zebrafish embryos. Axons were labeled with the fluorescent carbocyanine dyes Dil or DiO inserted as crystals into defined regions of the retina, viewed with 40x and 100x objectives with an SIT camera, and recorded, with exposure times of 200 msec at 30 or 60 sec intervals, over time periods of up to 13 hr. (1) Growth cones advanced rapidly, but the advance was punctuated by periods of rest. During the rest periods, the growth cones broadened and developed filopodia, but during extension they were more streamlined. (2) Growth cones traveled unerringly into the direction of their retinotopic targets without branching en route. At their target and only there, the axons began to form terminal arborizations, a process that involved the emission and retraction of numerous short side branches. The area that was permanently occupied or touched by transient branches of the terminal arbor--"the exploration field"--was small and almost circular and covered not more than 5.3% of the entire tectal surface area, but represented up to six times the size of the arbor at any one time. These findings are consistent with the idea that retinal axons are guided to their retinotopic target sites by sets of positional markers, with a graded distribution over the axes of the tectum.  相似文献   

Temporal retinal growth cones collapse on contact with nasal retinal axons   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The behavior of retinal ganglion cell growth cones was examined as they met retinal ganglion cell axons in culture. All possible pairings of growth cones and axons from the ventral-nasal, ventral-temporal, and dorsal-temporal quadrants of the chick retina were examined. Growth cones grow across axons with little difficulty in all those combinations in which nasal growth cones meet either nasal or temporal axons or temporal growth cones meet temporal axons. However, temporal growth cones generally collapse on contact with nasal axons and thereby experience great difficulty in crossing them. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that nasal axons have associated with them a cue that (i) interferes with temporal growth cone motility, (ii) is absent on temporal axons, and (iii) is not recognized by nasal growth cones. This finding may explain why temporal growth cones prefer to grow on temporal as opposed to nasal axons, while nasal growth cones display no such preference.  相似文献   

Studies in various vertebrate classes, particularly amphibians and mammals, have revealed that retinal ganglion cells with different functional properties project by means of axons of correspondingly different diameters onto specific target regions. Whether a similar pattern exists in teleosts is partly investigated in the present study. HRP was injected into the optic nerve of Sebastiscus and Navodon. The calibers of intraretinal HRP-labeled axons were classed as fine (ca. 0.8 micron), medium (ca. 1.3 micron), and coarse (ca. 2.5 microns). The calibers of HRP-labeled retinofugal axons were then determined in their target areas, and these can be summarized as follows: Optic hypothalamus: fine, medium. Lateral geniculate nucleus: fine. Dorsolateral thalamic nucleus: fine, medium. Area pretectalis: fine. Nucleus of the posterior commissure: fine, medium. Area ventralis lateralis, contralateral: fine, medium, coarse; ipsilateral: coarse. Optic tectum, stratum opticum: fine, medium; stratum fibrosum et griseum superficiale: fine, medium, coarse, segregated in sublayers; stratum album centrale: fine, medium, coarse. Therefore, fine fibers were found to reach all target areas except the ipsilateral area ventralis lateralis, and these were the only fibers found in the lateral geniculate nucleus, area pretectalis, and stratum griseum centrale of the optic tectum. Coarse fibers, on the other hand, were found only in the area ventralis lateralis and the optic tectum (stratum fibrosum et griseum superficiale and stratum album centrale). Terminal patterns of these fibers were also studied. Most fine fibers take tortuous courses giving off a few branches and terminate with many varicosities, and medium and coarse fibers give off several finer branches and terminate with bulbous swellings. The physiological significance of these findings is discussed. In addition, retrogradely labeled (retinopetal) cells were found in the olfactory bulb and the area ventralis pars ventralis of the telencephalon, as well as in the preoptic area and the dorsolateral thalamic nucleus.  相似文献   

When the axons of goldfish retinal ganglion cells are severed the cell bodies undergo a series of changes as the axons regenerate. These changes begin to reverse when the axons start to innervate the tectum and by 3 months after the lesion the cell bodies have nearly returned to normal. When the axons projecting to the caudal tectum were severed by a mediolateral transection of the tectum, only retinal ganglion cells in the nasal portion of the contralateral retina underwent the changes normally associated with regeneration, followed by a speedy return to normal. Because the injured fibers probably did not fully retract from the tectum, these results indicated that: (1) the complete removal of the axons from the tectal milieu was not essential for initiating the cell body changes, and (2) close proximity to the target sites would speed the recovery of the cells. When the caudal portion of the tectum was ablated the retinal ganglion cells of the nasal retina remained enlarged significantly longer than after tectal transection. During the time the cells remained enlarged the electrophysiological projection onto the remaining rostral part of the tectum revealed no significant 'compression' of the visual field. Compression of the visual field onto the rostral portion of the tectum can be accelerated if the caudal tectal ablation is accompanied by an optic nerve crush. However, under this condition the recovery of ganglion cells in the nasal retina was significantly slower than the recovery of cells in the temporal retina. This may reflect an element of topographical specificity in the regulation of the recovery of the cell body from axonal injury.  相似文献   

The pattern of NADPH-diaphorase expression was studied in the retina and optic tectum of the cichlid fish Tilapia mariae during the first developmental stages. NADPH-diaphorase activity was seen early, at hatching. In the retina a few cell bodies of the retinal inner nuclear layer showed a faint labeling. Scattered labeled cells were found in the stratum periventriculare of the optic tectum, while the optic nerve was unlabeled. Two days after hatching, the number of labeled neurons increased in the inner nuclear layer and a few stained cell bodies were also scattered in the ganglion cell layer. Both the inner and outer plexiform layers showed a diffuse staining and the optic nerve was devoid of labeling. In the optic tectum several positive cells in the periventricular layer, with their dendritic trees extending in the superficial fibrous layer, were found. In 1-month-old Tilapia, NADPH-diaphorase staining and nitric oxide synthase immunoreactivity were found to overlap in both the retina and optic tectum. The density of NADPH-diaphorase labeled neurons in the inner nuclear layer of the retina and in the stratum periventriculare of the optic tectum was largely reduced in comparison with 2 days posthatching embryos. These findings indicated an early and transient production of nitric oxide in the retina and optic tectum of Tilapia, suggesting a functional role for nitric oxide in the development of visual structures in aquatic vertebrates.  相似文献   

Throughout a goldfish's life, new generations of ganglion cells are added on the retinal margin and their axons extend centrally to occupy predictable positions in the retinotectal pathway, adjacent to their predecessors and subjacent to the pia. The stacking of successive generations of axons defines the age-axis of the pathway. This study examined whether an ordered array of predecessor axons is a prerequisite for the patterned growth of new axons. One optic nerve was crushed intraorbitally and the fish was injected with 3H-thymidine to label the proliferating cells on the retinal margin. The ring of 3H-thymidine-labeled cells separated retina that was present at the time of nerve crush (inside the ring) from new retina added afterward (outside). After a period of 14-16 months postcrush, both tectal lobes received two punctate applications of horseradish peroxidase (HRP), one in the central and the other in peripheral tectum, to retrogradely label contralateral retinal ganglion cell bodies and their axons. The pattern of HRP labeling from the control tectum confirmed earlier work: axons on the central tectum had somata in the central retina, and axons on the peripheral tectum had somata in the peripheral retina. The labeled cells and axons were both in predictable patterns. The somata that were backfilled from applications to the center of the experimental tectum lay inside the radioactive ring and had therefore regenerated their axons. The patterns of their labeled axons in the optic pathway and of their somata in the retina were typical of the regenerated condition as described in earlier studies. The somata backfilled from the periphery of the experimental tectum were outside the radioactive ring and had been added after the optic nerve crush. The patterns of their labeled axons and somata were comparable to the normal pattern. These observations indicate that new axons do not depend on an ordered array of predecessors to reestablish normal order along the age-axis of the pathway.  相似文献   

To define the extent to which impulse blockade interferes with the morphological changes of regenerating retinal axons during their growth through the tectum, axons were deprived of activity by repeated intraocular injections of TTX. At intervals between 24 and 189 days after optic nerve section (ONS), a defined group of TTX-silenced axons and of axons with normal activity (controls) were labeled by applications of HRP to the ventro- or dorsotemporal retina. The trajectories of these labeled axons were traced in DAB processed tectal wholemounts. As in controls, TTX-blocked axons went through a phase of exploratory growth at early regeneration stages (24 to 80 days after ONS). Coursing in abnormal routes, the axons initially distributed their growing endings widely over the tectum. Axons with and without activity extended side branches with growth cones and filopodia over all regions of the tectum. These ramifications were of similar dimensions for the TTX-blocked and control axons. Despite abnormal routes and branching over inappropriate territories, axons showed a preference for the rostral tectum. At late regeneration stages (120-189 days after ONS), axons had lost their side branches and their growth cones. Their preterminal segments exhibited striking bends, suggesting that they had undergone course corrections to achieve access to the retinotopic target. Axonal processes had disappeared from the caudal tectum, and the preferential accumulation of axons over the rostral tectum had increased. The majority of the TTX-blocked and control axons ended in terminal arbors at retinotopic regions. The labeled arbors of the TTX-group were no larger than those of the control group. The arbors of each group lay close together in a continuous cluster in the TTX-group as well as in two-thirds of the control group. In the other one-third of the control group, however, terminal arbors were aggregated into separate patches. The clusters of the TTX-blocked axons covered between 2.2 and 3.9% (mean 2.95%) of the tectal surface and the clusters and/or patches of active axons between 1.9 and 3.4% (mean 2.7%). Thus the terminal arbor clusters of the TTX-silenced axons were not significantly larger than those of the active axons. These data show that retinal ganglion cell impulse activity is required for neither the extension of side branches in the early exploratory phase of regeneration nor for the withdrawal of these branches nor for the establishment of target-directed routes and the deployment of normal-size terminal arbors at retinotopic loci.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of optic tract ablation on retinotectal fiber regeneration in goldfish. Approximately two-thirds of the left optic tract was removed, and, at various times post lesion (10–75 days), the course of regenerating retinotectal fibers was traced using horseradish peroxidase. In all experimental animals, axons were observed regenerating through the visual pathway but at the brachia most of the fibers were channeled through the ventral brachium. We present evidence that fibers in the ventral brachium originated from ganglion cells in all regions of retina and that these fibers grew almost exclusively into ventral half tectum even though some of these fibers would normally synapse in dorsal half tectum. These observations suggest that optic tract ablation does not prevent retinal fiber regeneration but results in aberrant growth through the brachia and significant inhibition of exploratory fiber growth within the tectum.  相似文献   

Previous investigations into the occurrence of Thy-1 in the chick retina have not clearly defined when the antigen first appears and have not adequately described its expression during the relatively early phases of retinal ontogeny. We have investigated these issues, using improved immunohistochemical procedures and show that Thy-1 is associated with the retinal ganglion cells from the time they begin to differentiate by extending their axonal projections. In addition, we have found that its expression reflects the growth of the optic fibre layer and the elaboration of the ganglion cell dendritic processes into the inner plexiform layer. For the first time we describe the appearance and the developmental expression of Thy-1 in the chick tectum. We have found that Thy-1 is associated with retinal axons from the time of their arrival at the tectum and that its expression reflects the elaboration of the stratum opticum. Within the tectum proper Thy-1 appears first in 3 distinct layers all of which are plexiform in nature. By the time that tectal histogenesis is essentially complete the antigen is expressed by all the layers of the tectum. The implications of these findings are discussed in terms of the development of the individual tissues and with respect to the elaboration of the retinotectal pathway.  相似文献   

The development of the retina and tectum in goldfish was studied using light and electron microscopy. Soon after hatching the retina is well differentiated in that all the layers of the adult retina are present. The tectum at this time lacks the characteristic layered structure of the adult and innervation in the stratum opticum is extremely sparse, being confined mainly to the rostral region. The retina grows rapidly and retinal layers increase in thickness. This continues into adulthood. Optic innervation of the tectum increases and in fish 19 mm in body length the adult pattern of layers seen by silver staining and by electron microscopy is recognizable. At this time the optic nerve contains large number of unmyelinated axons. The thickness of tectal layers continues to increase over the entire size range of fish studied, well into adulthood. Synaptic densities in the layer of optic termination also change. Density falls in the rostral region as the fish increase in size. In the caudal region there is an initial decrease followed by a small increase. Total numbers of synapses in the main layer of optic termination increase both rostrally and caudally over the entire range of fish studied. Optic and nonoptic fibers contribute to this. The optic nerve at this stage is almost completely myelinated. The continuing growth of both the retina and tectum, including synaptogenesis, may provide a basis for the remarkable regeneration and plasticity shown by this system.  相似文献   

The distribution of [3H]RNA in the goldfish optic tectum following eitherintra-ocular orintracranial injection of [3H]uridine during optic fiber regeneration has been studied by light (LMA) and electron (EMA) microscopic autoradiography.In one group of 4 fish both optic nerves were crushed, and 18 days later [3H]uridine was injected into the right eye. A second group of 5 fish, in which only one optic nerve had been crushed, received intracranial injections of [3H]uridine 18 or 22 days after the crush. All fish were sacrificed 24 days after crushing the optic nerves, a time when regenerating optic fibers have entered the tectum and are establishing functional reconnections. Tecta were fixed in situ with glutaraldehyde, dissected out, and samples were processed for LMA and EMA. Controls were carried out to ensure that [3H]RNA was the only radioactive component present in the tissue after fixation.The distribution of silver grains related to [3H]RNA in intraocularly injected goldfish was different from that following intracranial injection. Following intraocular injection virtually all the [3H]RNA was located in the layers of the left optic tectum (contralateral to the side of intraocular injection) where the regenerating optic fibers course and terminate, whereas virtually no radioactivity was present in the right optic tectum. EMA quantitative analysis of the labeled layers of the left optic tectum revealed that perikarya of cells, most of which are glial cells, had a density of grains related to [3H]RNA of 20–28 g/100 sq.μm; axonal growth cones had a density of 14–24 g/100 sq.μm. Grain densities over non-axonal cell structures were markedly lower, ranging between 3 and 6 g/sq.μm. Grains located over axons and growth cones accounted for 50–60% of all counted grains.Inintracranially injected goldfish, either 2 or 6 days after injection, silver grains were clustered over leptomeninges as well as vessels and parenchymal cells of the tectal strata containing the regenerating optic fibers. In the stratum opticum a high grain density was seen over glial cells, whereas virtually no grains were present over the fascicles of regenerating axons. EMA quantitative analysis revealed a grain density over glial and other parenchymal cells of the stratum opticum of 67 g/100 sq.μm, whereas densities over growth cones and regenerating axons were 1.3 g/100 sq.μm and 1.8 g/100 sq.μm respectively. Grains located over axons and growth cones accounted for 3.3% of all counted grains.On the basis of the present and previous findings it is suggested that followingintraocular injection of [3H]uridine the [3H]RNA present inside regenerating optic axons is transported from the ganglion cells of the retina; on the other hand, the [3H]RNA present in surrounding glial cells is the result of local utilization of [3H]RNA precursors which also migrate from the retina along with the [3H]RNA.It is also concluded that 2 and 6 days followingintracranial injection of [3H]uridine no substantial tranfer of [3H]RNA from glial cells to regenerating optic fibers occurs in the goldfish optic tectum.  相似文献   

Retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) from the region of retinal genglion cell axon terminals back to the cell bodies has been studied by light and electron microscopy. After injection of HRP into the chick optic tectum, it was taken up by axon terminals and unmyelinated axons as well as by other processes and cell bodies of the outer tectal layers. Subsequently the HRP was obseved in vesicles, multivesicular bodies, cup-shaped organelles and small tubules within axons in the stratum opticum, optic tract, optic nerve and optic fiber layer of the retina with accumulation in the retinal ganglion cell bodies. Pinocytosis of extracellular HRP along the axon shaft was rare. After a short postinjection interval, HRP was found in organelles within the axons of the optic nerve but not in the extracellular spaces. After larger injections or longer postinjection intervals, extracellular HRP diffused from the injection site to the back of the eye, but none was found in the extracellular spaces of the retina; ganglion cells were the only cells of the retina which contained HRP product. HRP disappeared from the cell bodies 3–4 days after transport. These findings suport the concept of intraaxonal retrograde movement of HRP. Within axons the vesicles carrying HRP frequently were partially or completely surrounded by a regualr array of microtubules. Doses of colchicine greater than 5–10 µ/eye administered 4 days before tectal injection of HRP interfered with the uptake and/or transport of HRP. HRP also moved in an anterograde direction in membrane-bound vesicles within the ganglion cell axons, although apparently more slowly and in smaller quantities than in the retrograde direction. The localization of HRP in neurons of the isthmo-optic nucleus following intravitreal injections has also been studied. The marker enzyme was found in neuronal cell bodies 4 hours after injection, indicating a rate of retrograde transport of at least 84 mm/day in these neurons.  相似文献   

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