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BackgroundSlipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) is a hip disorder of late childhood and adolescence. Litigation involving SCFE may occur, as it is frequently diagnosed late, and/or may be temporally related to an injury. The purpose of this study was to review litigation cases involving SCFE in the US, focusing on the type of litigation (professional, premise, or product liability), the outcome of the litigation and indemnity payouts.MethodsCases of litigation involving SCFE were identified using 5 legal databases and Google Scholar searching for the term “slipped capital femoral epiphysis”. These databases originated as early as 1973. The data collected was the alleged complaint, type of defendant, outcome, state where filed, and amount of indemnity payout. Payout amounts were converted to 2020 US$. Statistical analyses were performed with SYSTAT® 10 software.ResultsThere were 135 unique cases identified which involved professional liability (103), premise liability (30), both premise and professional liability (1), and product liability (1). Complaints for professional liability cases were alleged failure in diagnosis (71), inappropriate treatment (14), both diagnosis and treatment (12), and others (7). The delay in those with an alleged late diagnosis (37 cases) was 5.8 months. The three most common specialties named as defendant(s) were primary care (31%), orthopaedic surgeons (29%), and radiologists (16%). The primary allegations against non-orthopaedic surgeons were failure in diagnosis (89%) as opposed to orthopaedic surgeons where the complaints of alleged failures in diagnosis and inappropriate treatment were equal (50%). The geographic region of the filed cases was the Northeast (44%), South (24%), Midwest (16%), and West (16%). There were no differences between premise and professional liability cases by geographic region. The overall outcome was favorable for the defendant(s) in 53% and the plaintiff in 47%; the defense prevailed in 60% of the professional liability but only 33% of the premise liability cases. The indemnity payout amount (for the 52 cases where known) averaged $1.28 million. Payout was higher in the complaints for professional compared to premise liability ($1.5 vs. $0.9 million). The average payout for those with and without avascular necrosis was $2.97 million vs. $1.02 million. For the professional liability claims, indemnity payout was most frequent in the Western US. It must be remembered that this study only represents law suits filed in the US court system. It does not include cases that might have been resolved prior to any legal action as those cases are not publicly available.ConclusionsReported litigation involving SCFE patients involved claims of professional liability in 77% and premise liability in 22% of located cases. Due to significant exposure, this study should serve as a reminder to all health care providers to include SCFE in the differential diagnosis of knee/thigh pain in adolescents.  相似文献   

BackgroundSlipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) is a common disorder in adolescent for which no consensus exists regarding management. The aim of the present study was to analyze gait modifications following SCFE treated with in situ fixation (ISF) and to relate it to radiologic stage. Research question. To verify if gait biomechanics are impaired in patients with SCFE and to try to determine a degree of slippage from which gait modifications would appear.MethodsWe evaluated 16 patients treated by ISF for SCFE with slippage ranging from 11° to 61°. Gait variables were compared to normal population according to age and walking speed and were normalized in Z-scores.ResultsSpatiotemporal parameters, mechanical and energetic variables were inferior to |1.5| Z-scores and considered as normal. Kinematics showed increase of pelvic tilt and hip adduction. Kinetic variables showed modifications with increased hip extension moment. There was also a strong increase in power of hip extensor. Hip extension moment and power of hip extensors were significantly correlated to radiologic stage. Analysis of ROC curves showed a cut-off value of slippage about 25°–30° affecting kinematics of pelvis and hip and kinetic variables.ConclusionThe gait variables were close to normal values. Main modifications were observed in kinematic and kinetic data with a significant increase in extension moment and power generated at the operated hip. This could participate to long-term joint degradation observed in SCFE, even in mild slips. The clinical message is to control regularly SCFE with initial slippage greater than >25–30° to allow for early diagnosis of premature hip osteoarthritis.  相似文献   



Slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) often results in functional impairment and premature osteoarthritis despite surgical treatment. Treatment decisions are commonly based on the clinical history and radiographic appearance. This study assesses the pre-treatment features of SCFE and correlates them to the clinical history to: (1) define the underlying pathological mechanisms; (2) correlate the morphological hip abnormalities with the clinical classifications; (3) identify specific magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) features that could carry prognostic implications for treatment approach and outcome.


Clinical history and pre- and posttreatment radiographs and pre-treatment MRIs of 14 patients with 15 affected hips were reviewed. Alignment, impingement, fulcrum formation, remodelling, osteopenia, synovitis, joint effusion, bone marrow and soft tissue oedema and status of the physis and the periosteal sleeve were assessed and related to the clinical history, in particular history of trauma, duration of clinical symptoms and ability to bear weight.


Bone marrow oedema around the growth plate and joint effusion occurred in all patients. Synovitis occurred in 13/15 patients. 6 patients had a fall before presenting with SCFE. 5/6 had periarticular soft tissue oedema, complete disruption of the physis and partial periosteal sleeve disruption. 9 patients had no fall prior to presentation, physis and periost were intact in 7/9; periarticular oedema was not seen. 14/15 showed evidence of chronic remodelling. Despite an acute clinical history remodelling was present. A fulcrum-like alignment, impingement of the epiphysis on the metaphysis with a small area of physical contact, was seen in 8 patients, 6/8 had a prior fall. There was no case of avascular necrosis. Spontaneous reduction of SCFE occurred in 1 case, the only case without chronic remodelling. With MRI as gold standard radiographs underestimate the severity of SCFE.


Synovitis, periphyseal oedema and joint effusion are regular features of SCFE. The clinical history and findings are unreliable for the classification of SCFE. Radiographs underestimate the severity of SCFE. SCFE is often a Salter Harris I injury due to a fall with considerable periarticular soft tissue trauma and a potentially unstable alignment of epi- and metaphysis. This can lead to spontaneous reduction prior to surgery, MRI can potentially identify unstable, reducible slips. If the mode of surgical treatment depends on the particular nature of the SCFE then MRI contributes to surgical decision-making.

Level of evidence

Level 4, case series.  相似文献   

Slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) is an uncommon skeletal disorder of adolescence often overlooked because of its nonspecific clinical presentation. Anteroposterior radiography may fail to demonstrate a minimal slip even when clinical examination raises suspicion of the disease. On the other hand, prompt diagnosis is essential to obtain better therapeutic results. In our patient population joint effusion, which often accompanies SCFE, was readily recognized and quantified by ultrasonography (US). US also permitted recognition of the initial SCFE and assessment of the degree of slip by measuring the height of the physeal step. As to metaphyseal remodeling, plain radiography seems to be more informative than US; however, US has a role in the follow-up of SCFE because of the risk of slippage in the contralateral hip. This work suggests that US is useful as a primary imaging tool in the evaluation of subjects with limp or hip or knee pain to rule out SCFE.  相似文献   

In this study we used contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to evaluate the vascularization of the femoral head in children with slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) before and after cannulated screw fixation. Eleven consecutive children with SCFE, seven boys and four girls, aged 10–15 years were included in the study. There were no preslips; four children had acute, three acute-on-chronic, and four chronic SCFE. The MRI examinations were performed in a 1.5 Tesla MR scanner with use of a coronal STIR sequence, a coronal contrast-enhanced T1-weighted spin-echo sequence, and a sagittal three-dimensional gradient-echo sequence. Morphology, signal intensities, and contrast-enhancement of the femoral head were assessed by two radiologists in consensus. Morphologic distortion of the physis, bone marrow edema within the metaphysis and epiphysis, and joint effusion were the preoperative MRI findings of SCFE in each child. In nine children, the vascularization of the femoral head before and after surgery was normal. In one child, a preoperative avascular zone in the superolateral aspect of the epiphysis revascularized completely after surgery. One child with severe SCFE developed avascular necrosis of the femoral head after open reduction of the slip. We conclude that MRI allows for accurate evaluation of the femoral head vascularization before and after surgery in children with SCFE.  相似文献   



The aim of this study was to assess the glycosaminoglycan (GAG) content in hip joint cartilage in mature hips with a history of slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) using delayed gadolinium-enhanced MRI of cartilage (dGEMRIC).


28 young-adult subjects (32 hips) with a mean age of 23.8 ± 4.0 years (range: 18.1-30.5 years) who were treated for mild or moderate SCFE in adolescence were included into the study. Hip function and clinical symptoms were evaluated with the Harris hip score (HHS) system at the time of MRI. Plain radiographic evaluation included Tonnis grading, measurement of the minimal joint space width (JSW) and alpha-angle measurement. The alpha-angle values were used to classify three sub-groups: group 1 = subjects with normal femoral head-neck offset (alpha-angle <50°), group 2 = subjects with mild offset decrease (alpha-angle 50°-60°), and group 3 = subjects with severe offset decrease (alpha-angle >60°).


There was statistically significant difference noted for the T1Gd values, lateral and central, between group 1 and group 3 (p-values = 0.038 and 0.041). The T1Gd values measured within the lateral portion were slightly lower compared with the T1Gd values measured within the central portion that was at a statistically significance level (p-value <0.001). HHS, Tonnis grades and JSW revealed no statistically significant difference.


By using dGEMRIC in the mid-term follow-up of SCFE we were able to reveal degenerative changes even in the absence of joint space narrowing that seem to be related to the degree of offset pathology. The dGEMRIC technique may be a potential diagnostic modality in the follow-up evaluation of SCFE.  相似文献   

Objective. To define and compare early lesions associated with slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT) and radiography. Design and patients. Thirteen patients with 15 symptomatic hips due to SCFE underwent radiography and MRI; CT was performed in 12 patients. SCFE was graded on radiographs, head/neck angles and qualitative changes were evaluated on CT, and morphologic/signal abnormalities were determined on MRI. Results. Physeal widening, apparent on T1-weighted MRI, was evident in every case of SCFE, including one presumed “pre-slip.” T2-weighted images demonstrated synovitis and marrow edema but obscured physeal abnormalities. CT head/neck angles ranged from 4–57° for symptomatic to 0–14° for asymptomatic hips. Physeal and metaphyseal changes were variably identified on both radiographs and CT in all cases of SCFE, but not in the pre-slip. Conclusion. MRI clearly delineates physeal changes of both pre-slip and SCFE, and demonstrates very early changes at a time when radiographs and CT may appear normal.  相似文献   

We report on a 13-year-old boy who had a slipped capital femoral epiphysis and was found to have type II benign autosomal dominant osteopetrosis. This association has not previously been reported.  相似文献   

MRI of the cartilaginous epiphysis (CE) of piglet femoral head was performed after ischemic damage to study the changes in the CE found on MRI and to correlate these changes with histologic findings. Avascular necrosis of the femoral head was induced with a suture ligature in nine piglets; one piglet was killed postoperatively on day 3 and on weeks 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, and 8 (two piglets were killed on week 3). MRI of the ischemic and contralateral nonischemic hip joints were obtained with a 60-mm field of view (low resolution MRI). Biopsy cores of the femoral heads were imaged with a 15-mm field of view (high resolution MRI) and correlated with histologic sections. The CE for all operated hips, except for the 3-day postoperative specimen, showed evidence of ischemic changes on histologic assessment; the severity of damage increased with time. The MRI appearance of ischemic and nonischemic CE was clearly different by 2 weeks after the operation. No trilaminar signal pattern was evident in the high resolution T2-weighted (T2W) imaging of the ischemic CE from 2 weeks after the operation. In the 3- to 8-week postoperative specimens, focal areas of low signal intensity on high resolution T1-weighted (T1W) and T2W imaging corresponded to the areas of chondronecrosis found on histologic assessment. The regions of high signal intensity on T2W imaging corresponded to the areas of chondrocyte clusters with increased safranin-O staining. High resolution MRI can demonstrate changes in the CE associated with ischemic injury and may have a role in the assessment of the CE and its development after ischemic injury.  相似文献   

Aseptic necrosis of the femoral head is described in 4 patients, selected from 280 patients with homozygous -thalassemia (Cooley anemia). The incidence of the complication appears to be very high (14.5) in thalassemia, compared to the general population. The possible mechanism are discussed.  相似文献   

Tc-99m diphosphonate bone scans were performed on 11 children with slipped capital femoral epiphysis. On pinhole hip images, seven hips in seven patients had increased radionuclide uptake in the physis and adjacent proximal femoral metaphysis where the slip had occurred. Three hips in three patients had decreased radionuclide uptake in the femoral head on the side of the slipped epiphysis, indicating compromise of the femoral head blood supply. Three or more months following internal fixation, three children had scintigraphy that showed loss of the usual focal uptake in the physis and adjacent proximal femoral metaphysis. Bone scintigraphy in pediatric patients with slipped capital femoral epiphysis is valuable in defining the metabolic status of the femoral head. Absence of radiopharmaceutical uptake in the affected femoral head indicates that the femoral head is at risk for development of radiographic changes associated with aseptic necrosis.  相似文献   

Radiographs of 20 patients with acute chondrolysis complicating a slipped capital femoral epiphysis were reviewed with emphasis on the radiographic features and differential diagnosis. There was bilateral disease in five instances; radiographic follow-up ranged from 6 months to 5 years. The onset of chondrolysis occurred after surgery in 18 of the 25 abnormal hips. Acute necrosis of the articular cartilage is characterized radiographically by (1) persistent juxtaarticular osteoporosis; (2) progressive narrowing of all or a portion of the cartilage space; and (3) erosion of the subchondral cortices of the femoral head and acetabulum. The radiographic differential diagnosis varies with the stage of disease. The initial osteoporosis is indistinguishable from disuse. The rapid loss of the joint space, accompanied by destruction of the central portions of the subchondral bone, makes differentiation from postoperative infection a common problem. Late changes may resemble either degenerative joint disease or a chronic inflammatory arthritis. The accurate diagnosis of acute chondrolysis depends on correlation of the clinical history and radiographic findings.  相似文献   

目的:分析股骨头骨骺缺血坏死的影像学及生物力学特点。材料和方法:对46例患者的X线平片、CT及MRI等影像学征象进行观察并对全部病例的双侧髓关节做测量。结果:影像学特点包括骨骺硬化、变扁、碎裂、囊变和关节半脱位、股骨颈变粗及干骺增宽。测量结果为颈干角(CDAngle)、HE角及臼/头(A/F)比值减小,髋关节内侧间隙(CMS)和身体中轴至股骨头中心的距离(BC—FH)增大。结论:在局部血洪障碍及骨与关节内压力显著升高的基础上发生臼头对合不适应及髋关节受力方向偏移为股骨头骨骺缺血坏死的主要生物力学特点。  相似文献   


成人外伤性股骨头无菌坏死的介入治疗   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
目的:应用导管经旋股内,外动脉,闭孔动脉灌注治疗外伤性股骨头无菌坏死的研究,材料与方法,采用Seldinger‘s穿刺超选择灌注溶通术,对38例成人外伤性肥骨头无菌坏死患者经旋股内,外动脉,闭孔动脉灌注溶通药物,结果:介入治疗后38例患才临床症状明显改善,髋关节疼痛,功能障碍等得到缓解或消失,治疗后X线复查坏死骨质均有不同程度的吸收,新骨形成及修复,结论:介入插管灌注溶药物法治疗成人外伤性股骨头无  相似文献   

Focal destruction of the postero-lateral distal femoral epiphysis was present on radiographs in two children with spina bifida and objective lower limb sensory loss. Each patient presented with painless swelling of the knee. In one patient the epiphysis showed sclerosis and fragmentation associated with a defect. In the second patient the destructive change was the dominant radiographic abnormality and simulated bone tumor. Computed tomography in this patient showed a bone fragment occupying the defect suggesting epiphyseal fracture. The lesion in each patient was believed to be traumatic in origin and to represent a stage in the development toward neuropathic arthropathy.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to analyze clinical and radiological aspects of aseptic avascular necrosis (AVN) of the femoral condyles in renal transplant patients. Forty-five renal transplant patients were followed between 1971 and 1993, and 69 knees have been studied. The immunosuppressive protocol comprised in all cases corticosteroïds, with aziathioprine and since 1983 cyclosporin in 80% of patients. Episodes of rejection were treated with bolus doses of methylprednisolone. In 53.3% of patients, both knees were involved. The necrosis was bicondylar in 60.8% of knees. In the case of an unicondylar lesion, the lateral condyle was involved in 24.7% of knees vs 14.5% for the medial condyle. Symptoms occurred on average 4.9 years after transplantation (range 3 months–10.5 years). This period appeared significantly shorter for patients who had suffered an episode of rejection. In only 24.4% of patients was the knee involvement isolated. Pain was the initial symptom for 83% of patients. Other symptoms included locked knee (20.7%), effusion (49.2%), instability (14.5%), and loss of motion (15.9%). The diagnosis was established by standard radiographs, and in 8 patients by magnetic resonance imaging. Aseptic AVN of the femoral condyles in renal transplant patients is not rare even if it is less frequent than femoral head necrosis. Medication with corticosteroïds is the main risk factor.  相似文献   

 The etiology of slipped capital femoral epiphysis is still unknown. Traumatic, endocrine, toxic, and mechanical causes have all been hypothesized. It is well documented that the highest incidence occurs during the adolescent growth spurt, suggesting the role of an endocrine abnormality. We report a case that supports this hypothesis.  相似文献   

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