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Favaloro EJ  Lippi G  Koutts J 《Pathology》2011,43(7):682-692
This review provides an update on laboratory testing and monitoring for existing and emerging anticoagulants, starting with an overview of haemostasis and the routine coagulation tests currently employed within most haemostasis laboratories, including the prothrombin time (PT)/international normalised ratio (INR) and the activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT). Current anticoagulant therapy and laboratory monitoring is then discussed in terms of benefits and limitations, followed by a similar brief discussion of the new and emerging anticoagulants. The main focus, however, is laboratory testing related to vitamin K antagonists, heparin, lepirudin and the new agents dabigatran etexilate and rivaroxaban. Although the newer agents do not require laboratory monitoring, laboratory testing will occasionally be required, and pathology laboratories should become proactive in developing appropriate strategies. The tests most likely to fulfill this role are the ecarin clotting time (or chromogenic alternatives), and the chromogenic anti-Xa assay. Nevertheless, the dilute Russell viper venom time (dRVVT) assay may provide another alternative, and existing routine tests are also likely to be utilised for the foreseeable future, potentially also for laboratory testing of the new anticoagulants, albeit perhaps in modified form.  相似文献   

Kershaw G  Favaloro EJ 《Pathology》2012,44(4):293-302
Coagulation factor inhibitors comprise antibodies that bind to and then neutralise specific pro-coagulant plasma proteins. Coagulation factor inhibitors can develop against any coagulation factor, although the most common are against factor VIII (FVIII). These can develop in individuals with inherited haemophilia A (HA) as an immune response to factor replacement therapy, or as auto-antibodies leading to the condition of acquired HA. Clinical suspicion for inhibitors may arise when individuals present with bleeding symptoms without any prior bleeding diathesis, or when a patient with known mild haemophilia presents with a bleeding diathesis more extreme to their usual presentation, or when there is failure of factor replacement therapy to arrest bleeding in a known haemophiliac. The laboratory identification of factor inhibitors requires a careful and systematic approach that excludes other possible causes of prolonged screening tests, most commonly the activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT), and sometimes prothrombin time (PT). Coagulation factor inhibitor studies, including the Bethesda assay, are then undertaken to measure inhibitor titre, which guides treatment. This paper overviews the laboratory investigation of factor inhibitors, and also briefly reviews recent cross-laboratory inhibitor studies and the most recent evidence related to differential inhibitor formation according to type of therapy.  相似文献   

Procalcitonin for the clinical laboratory: a review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Schneider HG  Lam QT 《Pathology》2007,39(4):383-390
Procalcitonin measurement has been claimed as a helpful marker in bacterial infection and sepsis. It has obtained FDA approval and is now widely marketed in the United States and Europe. This review summarises the current assays available, the evidence for its use and possible future applications of the assay.  相似文献   

AIMS: We previously reported the ability of diagnostic haemostasis facilities to identify coagulation factor abnormalities and inhibitors, through a large multi-centre study conducted on behalf of the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia (RCPA) Quality Assurance Program (QAP). In the current report, additional data evaluation aims to (1) help identify the reasons behind the failures in inhibitor identification, (2) highlight the pitfalls in inhibitor testing, and (3) help elucidate some strategies for overcoming these problems and to assist in better identification and characterisation of inhibitors. METHODS: Forty-two laboratories blind tested a set of eight samples for the presence or absence of inhibitors. These included true factor inhibitors (FVIII and FV), and other samples that reflected potential pre-analytical variables (e.g., heparin contamination, serum, EDTA plasma, aged plasma) that might arise and complicate inhibitor detection or lead to false inhibitor identification. RESULTS: There was a wide scatter of inhibitor results, with false positive and false negative inhibitor identification, and mis-identification of inhibitors (e.g., FVIII inhibitor identified where FV inhibitor present). Further analysis of the pattern of reported laboratory results, including routine coagulation testing and factor profiles, allowed some additional interpretative power to provide strategies that will assist laboratories to improve the accuracy of inhibitor identification in the future. CONCLUSIONS: There are currently occasional lapses in factor inhibitor identification, which this report will hopefully help address.  相似文献   

Sewell WA  Smith SA 《Pathology》2011,43(6):580-591
Technological advances in flow cytometry include increasingly sophisticated instruments and an expanding range of fluorochromes. These advances are making it possible to detect an increasing number of markers on a single cell. The term polychromatic flow cytometry applies to such systems that detect five or more markers simultaneously. This review provides an overview of the current and future impact of polychromatic flow cytometry in the clinical laboratory. The use of multiple markers has several advantages in the diagnosis and monitoring of haematological malignancies. Cell populations can be analysed more comprehensively and efficiently, and abnormal populations can be distinguished more readily when normal counterparts are present. Polychromatic flow cytometry is particularly useful in the evaluation of plasma cells, and the role of flow cytometry in the assessment of plasma cell disorders is reviewed in depth. There is improved sensitivity in the assessment of small populations, which is critical in the evaluation of minimal residual disease. Flow cytometry can also play a role in assessment of circulating tumour cells in carcinoma. Introduction of polychromatic flow cytometry is a complex process with many challenges including design of antibody panels and instrument compensation. Developments in data analysis are required to realise the full benefits of the other technical advances. Standardisation of protocols may reduce inter-laboratory variation. While the complexity of polychromatic flow cytometry creates challenges, it has substantial potential to improve clinical analysis.  相似文献   

Infectious and parasitic diseases have always challenged man. Although many of them are typically seen in some areas of the world and can be adequately managed by just improving socioeconomic status and sanitary conditions, they are still quite prevalent and may sometimes be seen outside their original geographical areas. Human migration due to different reasons, tourism, blood transfusion and solid organ transplantation has created new concerns for health professionals all over the world. If not for diagnostic purposes, at least these tropical and infectious diseases should be largely known because their epidemiology, pathogenesis, host/parasite interaction, inflammatory and reparative responses are quite interesting and teach us about human biology. Curiosity is inherent to pathology practice and so we are compelled to look for things other than tumours or degenerative diseases. This review focuses on infectious and parasitic diseases found in a developing country and brings up-to-date information on diseases caused by viruses (dengue, yellow fever), bacteria (typhoid fever, leprosy), parasites (Chagas' disease, cutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis, amoebiasis, Capillaria hepatica, schistosomiasis, cysticercosis) and caused by fungi (paracoccidioidomycosis, cryptococcosis, histoplasmosis) that may be useful for pathologists when facing somewhat strange cases from developing countries.  相似文献   

Ross DM  Hughes TP 《Pathology》2008,40(3):231-246
Chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) is a molecularly defined disease. The BCR-ABL fusion occurs in all cases of classical CML and leukaemic cells express a constitutively activated BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase. Other fusion oncogenes involving tyrosine kinases, including ABL and PDGFRA/B, have been identified, and are associated with leukaemic syndromes that may resemble CML. The discovery and treatment of these related disorders has been facilitated by our detailed understanding of CML. Imatinib mesylate has significantly improved the outcome of patients with CML, but there remains a significant minority of chronic phase CML patients for whom the response to treatment with standard dose imatinib is suboptimal. Cytogenetic and molecular monitoring of the response to treatment provides important prognostic information. Achievement of a major molecular response (MMR) in chronic phase patients treated de novo with imatinib confers near 100% freedom from progression to advanced phase, and MMR is now an important goal of therapy. Standardisation of BCR-ABL molecular monitoring is under way and should enable the accurate and reproducible identification of MMR in laboratories around the world. Point mutations in the kinase domain of BCR-ABL are the most common cause of acquired resistance to imatinib treatment. The susceptibility of a mutation to imatinib, nilotinib, or dasatinib may help to guide changes in therapy in a patient with resistance. In addition to these established methods of monitoring, there are new tests in development that may assist in determining prognosis and optimising therapy. Among patients receiving the same dose of imatinib, the plasma level of imatinib shows considerable inter-patient variation, and there is emerging evidence that higher levels may be associated with improved response to treatment. The intracellular concentration of imatinib also shows considerable variation, most likely related to differences in influx and efflux transport mechanisms. We discuss how these established and emerging assays might be used to optimise the treatment of CML patients.  相似文献   

Stimulation of neurons in the cuneiform nucleus (CnF) produces antinociception and cardiovascular responses that could be mediated, in part, by noradrenergic neurons that innervate the spinal cord dorsal horn. The present study determined the projections of neurons in the CnF to the pontine noradrenergic neurons in the A5, A6 (locus coeruleus), and A7 cell groups that are known to project to the spinal cord. Injections of the anterograde tracer, biotinylated dextran amine in the CnF of Sasco Sprague-Dawley rats labeled axons located near noradrenergic neurons that were visualized by processing tissue sections for tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactivity. Anterogradely labeled axons were more dense on the side ipsilateral to the BDA deposit. Both A7 and A5 cell groups received dense projections from neurons in the CnF, whereas locus coeruleus received only a sparse projection. Highly varicose anterogradely labeled axons from the CnF were found in close apposition to dendrites and somata of tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive neurons in pontine tegmentum. Although definitive evidence for direct pathways from CnF neurons to the pontine noradrenergic cell groups requires ultrastructural analysis, the results of the present studies provide presumptive evidence of direct projections from neurons in the CnF to the pontine noradrenergic neurons of the A7, locus coeruleus, and A5 cell groups. These results support the suggestion that the analgesia and cardiovascular responses produced by stimulation of neurons in the CnF may be mediated, in part, by pontine noradrenergic neurons.  相似文献   

The recent Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval of a cellular therapy to treat castration resistant prostate cancer has reinforced the potential of cellular therapy to consolidate current pharmacological approaches to treating cancer. The emergence of the cell manufacturing facility to facilitate clinical translation of these new methodologies allows greater access to these novel therapies. Here we review different strategies currently being explored to treat haematological malignancies with a focus on adoptive allogeneic or autologous transfer of antigen specific T cells, NK cells or dendritic cells. These approaches all aim to generate immunological responses against overexpressed tissue antigens, mismatched minor histocompatability antigens or tumour associated antigens. Current successes and limitations of these different approaches will be discussed with an emphasis on challenges encountered in generating long term engraftment, antigen selection and implementation as well as therapeutic immune monitoring of clinical responses, with examples from recent clinical trials.  相似文献   

W D Rawlinson 《Pathology》1999,31(2):109-115
Human cytomegalovirus (CMV) remains an important cause of illness in immunocompromised individuals and the most common viral cause of congenital malformation. The tests available for diagnosis of CMV include serology, antigen detection, virus culture, tissue histopathology and nucleic acid detection. The diagnosis of CMV remains difficult because of the issues of virus latency, virus infection versus clinical disease and virus reactivation. The tests available and the use of these tests are undergoing significant changes. This Broadsheet presents a review of these tests, particularly in the diagnosis of congenital infection and infection in pregnant women and immunocompromised individuals.  相似文献   

The present study describes the organization of the nuclei of the cholinergic, catecholaminergic, serotonergic and orexinergic systems in the brains of two members of Euarchontoglires, Lepus capensis and Tupaia belangeri. The aim of the present study was to investigate the nuclear complement of these neural systems in comparison to previous studies on Euarchontoglires and generally with other mammalian species. Brains were coronally sectioned and immunohistochemically stained with antibodies against choline acetyltransferase, tyrosine hydroxylase, serotonin and orexin-A. The majority of nuclei revealed in the current study were similar between the species investigated and to mammals generally, but certain differences in the nuclear complement highlight potential phylogenetic interrelationships within the Euarchontoglires and across mammals. In the northern tree shrew the nucleus of the trapezoid body contained neurons immunoreactive to the choline acetyltransferase antibody with some of these neurons extending into the lamellae within the superior olivary nuclear complex (SON). The cholinergic nature of the neurons of this nucleus, and the extension of cholinergic neurons into the SON, has not been noted in any mammal studied to date. In addition, cholinergic neurons forming the medullary tegmental field were also present in the northern tree shrew. Regarding the catecholaminergic system, the cape hare presented with the rodent specific rostral dorsal midline medullary nucleus (C3), and the northern tree shrew lacked both the ventral and dorsal divisions of the anterior hypothalamic group (A15v and A15d). Both species were lacking the primate/megachiropteran specific compact portion of the locus coeruleus complex (A6c). The nuclei of the serotonergic and orexinergic systems of both species were similar to those seen across most Eutherian mammals. Our results lend support to the monophyly of the Glires, and more broadly suggest that the megachiropterans are more closely related to the primates than are any other members of Euarchontoglires studied to date.  相似文献   

Formalin fixed and paraffin embedded tissue (FFPE) collections in pathology departments are the largest resource for retrospective biomedical research studies. Based on the literature analysis of FFPE related research, as well as our own technical validation, we present the Translational Research Arrays (TRARESA), a tissue microarray centred, hospital based, translational research conceptual framework for both validation and/or discovery of novel biomarkers. TRARESA incorporates the analysis of protein, DNA and RNA in the same samples, correlating with clinical and pathological parameters from each case, and allowing (a) the confirmation of new biomarkers, disease hypotheses and drug targets, and (b) the postulation of novel hypotheses on disease mechanisms and drug targets based on known biomarkers. While presenting TRARESA, we illustrate the use of such a comprehensive approach. The conceptualisation of the role of FFPE-based studies in translational research allows the utilisation of this commodity, and adds to the hypothesis-generating armamentarium of existing high-throughput technologies.  相似文献   

Heavy metals can accumulate in organisms via various pathways, including respiration, adsorption and ingestion. They are known to generate free radicals and induce oxidative and/or nitrosative stress with depletion of anti-oxidants. Tuna by-product meal (TBM) is rich in proteins and can, therefore, offer an attractive protein source for animals. This study was undertaken to assess the effects of metals present in TBM, namely cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), and mercury (Hg), separately or in combination with oxidative stress, on cell viability. Three cell models: rat liver FTO2B, human hepatoma HepG2, and human hepatic WRL-68, were used. Cell viability was determined following exposure to various concentrations of the metals. Two antioxidant genes, catalase (CAT) and superoxide dismutase (SOD), were measured to obtain a better understanding of oxidative stress-associated gene expression. Among the metals present in TBM, only Cd at a concentration of 30 μM was noted to exhibit cytotoxic effects. This cytotoxicity was even more pronounced after co-stimulation with H2O2, used to mimic systemic oxidative stress. At non-toxic concentrations, Hg and Pb were noted to aggravate oxidative stress toxicity. The results further revealed that exposure to Cd, Pb, and a co-stimulation of H2O2 with Hg resulted in the increased expression of antioxidant gene SOD. A risk assessment of toxic contaminants in TBM indicated that food safety objectives should consider the human health impacts of foods derived from animals fed on contaminated meal and that much care should be taken when TBM is used in animal diet.  相似文献   

Tzvetkov M  von Ahsen N 《Pathology》2012,44(2):166-180
Pharmacogenetics has substantially added to our understanding of the variability of drug response. A number of single gene markers have been established and are ready to use in clinical practice. Here we review the validity and utility of markers in a number of genes (CYP2D6, CYP2C19, CYP2C9, VKORC1, TPMT, UGT1A1, OATP1B1, KRAS and HLA locus) for therapy decisions. As drug response is a complex trait in the majority of cases, most of the identified functional variants will only explain a limited part of the variability of drug response. In this sense, a phenotype is the product of many low-penetrance variations. Technical progress has not only improved the cost-effectiveness of screening for single gene markers, but offers the possibility of generating vast amounts of genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) or sequence data for each patient. The latest challenge is to incorporate these amounts of data into pharmacogenetic decision support. We discuss here the challenges associated with choosing the correct therapy for patients who present to their physicians with personal genome data.  相似文献   

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