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Although physical activity is considered to be a classical health behavior, sports science plays only a marginal role among Health Sciences. This article deals with the specifics of health promotion by sport which are seen in the special attractiveness of doing sport and in its capability to affect positively a broad range of health resources. A project was conducted (n=1015) to examine the possibilities of health promotion by sports under the specific conditions of sports clubs. Numerous positive effects on health resources could be demonstrated using a quasi-experimental waiting group design. A follow-up study six month after the courses showed that the idea to provide a new impetus by our project led to lasting changes in health behavior among the participants and to structural changes in the sports clubs. The global result of the evaluation is that doing sport in general and especially in sports clubs has properties, which make it a very well suited tool for the purposes of health promotion. This fact, along with the social attractiveness and widespread acceptance of sports, has possibly not yet been recognized sufficiently in the conception of health promotion programmes.  相似文献   



The Ottawa Charter presents with its setting approach a strategy for health promotion and prevention, which reacts to specific living conditions in the late modern world society.


This contribution analyses, by using systems theoretical concepts and assumptions, the understanding of health and health promotion of the Ottawa Charter. It discusses characteristics of settings relevant for health promotion, especially those of organisations and regional political units.


Strategic options for influencing health are provided by using a simple model of action which identifies different entry points for health promoting interventions in organisations. How organisations influence the health of different stakeholders and how they can alter these influences by implementing sustainable health promotion interventions is demonstrated.


General transformation strategies for organisations can be used and adapted successfully for implementing health promotion, as the WHO Network of Health Promoting Hospitals e.g. shows.  相似文献   



Because of their age and the entry into working life, trainees are in a phase of change. As health-related behaviours also consolidate in this part of life, sensitization for corresponding topics can contribute to health promotion of the future employees in the long term.


This study examines nutritional behaviour and physical activity as well as the general self-effectiveness expectations of trainees of a major company of the metal industry who participated in a health promotion program over an 11-month period. The participants’ satisfaction with the program was evaluated. In addition, health-related data of 51 male trainees were collected by a questionnaire.


Significant results can be seen in the decrease of consumed portions of “extras” (soft drinks, snacks, chocolate) per day and in a significant increase of general self-effectiveness expectations. There were no changes relating to the intake of fruits, vegetables, whole-grain bread, fast food or physical activity. Overall, the program received highly positive feedback. The trainees acquired health-related knowledge skills. The majority of the trainees could be motivated to continue their occupation with the topics discussed and now has the intention to change some aspects of health-related behaviour in their daily routine.


The program has not shown direct and sudden effects on health behaviour in all of the investigated health-related topics. However, the early sensitization of the participants of corresponding topics as well as the increase in general self-effectiveness expectations might probably contribute to long-term health promotion of young employees.



Nursing care insurance should stimulate healthy organizational development processes in order to strengthen the health resources of people who are in need of in-patient care. The perceptions of decision-makers in the nursing homes were of interest.


Between July and September 2016, 17 business directors and 4 nursing managers of different sponsorships and size were interviewed.


Decision-makers hoped for an improvement of the financial situation in the homes. They view the possibility of universal prevention and the participation of inhabitants as unrealistic. They also see the presentation of such a process administrated through nursing care insurance rather skeptically.


More optimistic perceptions of committed decision-makers of other nursing homes can be possible and changes are likely. However, arguments of why managers of nursing facilities should support such a process are still lacking. This could become easier with the thorough inclusion of workplace health promotion.



The study is based on a project order of the Fond for a Healthy Austria (FGÖ) with the aim of identifying hindering and promoting factors of funded practice projects and to enhance their quality.


On the basis of the project documentation of the funded workplace health promotion (WHP) projects a thematic analysis has been conducted and hindering and promoting factors have been collected and grouped into central categories.


Most of the themes were identified as supporting as well as hindering factors. These “central influencing factors” are: “project-specific processes and structures”, “orientation of WHP-interventions”, “characteristics of target groups”, “operational aspects”, “corporate context factors” and “characteristics of evaluations”.


The comparison of the results with the current state of the literature shows that the practice results make an important contribution to evidence-based health promotion as they provide concrete instructions and empirical values.  相似文献   



The longitudinal survey analyses the changes in workplace health promotion within the public administration in Hessen and Thüringen between 1999 and 2004.


A sample of 153 executives was interviewed by telephone.


The results show that the level of workplace health promotion in the questioned departments rose significantly in comparison to 1999. Departments, which conduct workplace health promotion enlarged their scope of measures in the last five years. But on average the performance of workplace heath promotion is still poor. The need of information and consulting in questions about workplace health promotion rose slightly: major topic of interest is mental stress at workplace. The departments expect support particularly from the institutions of the statutory occupational accident insurance, health insurance companies and public occupational safety and health administration. One alarming result is that only 64% of the interviewed departments reported that they realized the statutory analyses of work-related health risks.


The future main focus should lie on prevention and reduction of mental stress at the workplace as well as on an enforced regard on small departments and on the implementation of legal orders.  相似文献   



Health behaviour is substantially determined and shaped by early childhood experiences within the family environment. However, as a constitutionally protected social space, families are not obliged to follow specific health behaviour standards or to take part in preventive measures. This means that the family cannot be seen as a setting, as described in the prevention law (PrävG) and the intervention logic of the setting approach is not directly applicable to the family environment.


The purpose of the article is to explore the new challenges for family health promotion arising from the PrävG prevention law.


The article analyses the new family-related statutory regulations of PrävG including the relevant actors, responsibilities and intersecting regulation issues taking into account the federal child protection law (Bundeskinderschutzgesetz) adopted in 2012. The article then goes on to define requirements for health promotion in families derived from the Ottawa Charter. In the final section, the transition approach is applied, considering relevant factors for health promotion especially around childbirth and identifying needs and enabling factors for health promotion in the family environment.


Family health promotion should be designed as a common task of health services, child and youth services and other local actors. The three core strategies of the Ottawa Charter—Advocate, Enable and Mediate—are suitable to guide the process. “Prevention Chains” are coordinated actor networks constructed to assist families in the promotion of health and the management of transitions. The PrävG creates a new role for medical prevention management and for communities to become the “umbrella setting” for health promotion.


Family health promotion is a complex challenge for actors involved in providing and supporting health services, those in the local environment and at the steering level. It requires an independent research-based intervention approach including the identification of adequate methods and clearly acknowledged institutional responsibilities.



The aim was to develop lesson plans for the subject of household economics and technology in secondary schools in Saxony, Germany. It was of great importance to focus on nutrition-related topics.


First, a comprehensive literature and Internet search was carried out, and experts in national health promotion institutes were contacted. All lesson plans were developed according to a standardised procedure. After the lesson plans were tested, all of the teachers involved gave feedback via interview for qualitative analysis. Pupils were asked to answer a questionnaire, and their responses were evaluated.


Teachers must meet high demands in daily school life. Because well-structured and high-quality lesson plans in the field of nutrition are lacking, teachers as well as pupils appreciated the complex and scientifically based concepts and materials. The consulted teachers emphasised that the developed plans can be regarded as fundamental preparation for their further work. If necessary, they can be adapted to a teacher’s ideas and special circumstances within a school.


With this project, important steps were realised within the restructuring process of curricula in Saxony, and implementation of nutrition-related topics in school curricula can be achieved.  相似文献   



In research regarding workplace health promotion (WHP), the employees’ perspective has so far been a neglected issue. Thus, employees’ potential opposition towards WHP due to perceived program-related barriers regarding information as well as program design has also received little attention. The latter is the focus of this study.


Preliminary hypotheses regarding WHP program-related barriers as well as proposals for their reduction were created on the basis of problem-centered interviews. These interviews were conducted with 19 employees in three organizations, four persons in charge of WHP within these organizations, and nine health experts.


From the employees’ perspective, individual criteria such as the perceived utility of the WHP program, social aspects such as the internal acceptance of WHP, and organizational prerequisites such as access conditions potentially create barriers to the implementation and use of WHP programs.


On the individual level, barriers related to program design can be reduced by, for example, stressing certain topics. On the interpersonal level, offering activities with a strong group orientation is a possibility. On the organizational level, creating attractive organizational conditions represents a favorable intervention.  相似文献   

Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung - Gesundheitsschutz - Kommunale Gesundheitsförderung, die auf gesundes Aufwachsen ausgerichtet ist, bedarf eines konzeptionellen Rahmens, um...  相似文献   



Mixed methods studies, which combine qualitative and quantitative research methods, are an interdisciplinary trend. Frequently, qualitative studies are carried out as a preliminary study for standardized surveys. The epistemological potential of mixed methods studies with an equivalent status of qualitative and quantitative methods, remains unconsidered.


By order of the administrative district Göppingen a mixed methods study about the life situation of young people with escape experience at the age of 11–21 years was carried out in 2016/2017?. Based on the findings of this study, the question of the potential of mixed methods studies with equal weight given to qualitative and quantitative analyses in health promotion is discussed.

Material and methods

In the mixed methods study, the perspectives of young people with escape experience, their caretakers from the youth welfare office or the social office and the state care providers were recorded. The interviews with the young people with escape experience and their caretakers were carried out using qualitative, guide-supported interviews. The state care providers were surveyed via a standardized online survey within the framework of a stocktaking analysis.

Results, conclusion

The equivalent combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods for the analysis of the life situation of young people with escape experience provides a holistic and comprehensive insight into the social, cultural and structural framework conditions, sociopolitical challenges and individual needs. Mixed methods studies with an equivalent status of qualitative and quantitative methods proved to be a suitable strategy for researching questions of health promotion.



Universities could use workplace health promotion as one suitable instrument for dealing with social and structural changes. In order to implement health promotion, the University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück undertook a needs analysis.


A web survey of students and staff members was conducted. The results were analysed for each group.


Both the health-related behaviour and health status of staff members showed significant differences compared with students. Neck pain was a common problem for staff, whereas students reported more psychological stress. Also, the prospects of a health promotion project differed in these groups.


The members of the University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück showed good health overall; nevertheless, the study points out both the necessity and potential for health-promoting activities.  相似文献   



The German law to strengthen health promotion and prevention (Prevention Law, PraevG 2015) along with the Federal Recommendations Framework recognize daycare centers for children as a central setting for health promotion. However, concrete regulations and strategies to support implementation are currently lacking.


The objective of this article is to discuss how day-care centers for children can be established as a central setting for health promotion in practice.


The new legal regulations for the setting approach and the agreements with daycare centers of the national prevention conference are presented, the field-specific challenges for health care promotion in daycare enters are compared, the current situation is analyzed, and the needs for action are identified based on the evaluation of the health objective and the federal health report.


The Prevention Law (PraevG 2015) has substantially improved the situation to initiate health promotion activities in daycare centers for children. Educational frameworks offer a number of points for further contact regarding health promotion activities. While a large number of health promotion activities already exist, they mainly tend to be isolated projects offered by various health insurance funds rather than a coordinated approach.


New opportunities should be used to focus on quality development and coordination of the existing programs with due consideration of field-specific requirements. A comprehensive strategy to promote and guide coordinated efforts for activities is needed to replace the current trend of isolated programs.



There is, and will be a serious shortage of young primary care physicians in Germany. Initiatives at medical faculties focusing on primary care may increase the recruitment of young primary care physicians.


The present report describes national and international university initiatives, as well as programs for the recruitment of primary care physicians, and reports on their evaluation.


We searched medical data bases, journals and the internet using corresponding key words in the sense of a pragmatic review article. We also contacted experts who were questioned on this topic.


Initiatives for increasing the recruitment of young general practitioners were identified at nine medical faculties in Germany. The underlying hypothesis of the existing programs is that the decision to become a primary care physician depends on the time point, extent and quality of the training at medical school. The decisive limitation of existing programs is that they have been sparsely evaluated. The available results from evaluations consistently indicate quite large positive effects on the recruitment rates; however, the underlying study designs are highly prone to bias.


The identified initiatives can be grouped into three different models: (1) postgraduate studies, (2) specialized curricula for selected students with high interest in primary care and (3) longitudinal integration of primary care teaching in the obligatory curriculum. Different aspects, such as selection of the curricular model, definition of content, reimbursement of personnel and material expenses as well as evaluation are relevant to the planning and implementation of such initiatives.  相似文献   



The present paper gives an overview on personnel health promotion activities undertaken by Austrian universities.


Using data from a quantitative survey and an internet inquiry, the actual state is presented and briefly discussed.


Interestingly enough, systematic analysis of health data is not undertaken and health promotion seems not to be integrated in organizational processes and structures. However, flexible work arrangements, sabbaticals and childcare facilities are widely present.


Nevertheless, all in all, the perception of employee health is nearly not existent in Austrian universities.  相似文献   



Nowadays, many firms are investing in workplace health promotion programs. Although economic analysis and evaluations of such programs are addressed in the literature, implementation-related barriers and employee opposition in general and with respect to internal communication regarding workplace health programs in particular present a neglected issue.


Problem-centered interviews were conducted with 19 employees as well as with four persons responsible for workplace health promotion and with nine health experts within three different organizations. These interviews were thought to provide insight into barriers and resistence toward workplace health promotion programs.


The current results, which are based on an explorative research design, suggest that internal communication and information represent implementation-related barriers to workplace health promotion programs. Information flow and information design, as well as information reception by the addressees, are particularly critical factors.


Even though findings are preliminary due to the explorative research design, employee opposition to workplace health promotion programs seems to be a critical success factor and should therefore be taken into account.  相似文献   

Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung - Gesundheitsschutz - Da Bewegungsmangel eine entscheidende Ursache für nichtübertragbare Erkrankungen ist, wurden sowohl von der...  相似文献   



The early oral health care concept includes prenatal and post-delivery dental prevention for mother and child until the age of 3 years. The main goal of this approach is to improve ”health awareness” and to generate the prerequisites for permanent children’s dental and oral health. An improvement or preservation of the mother’s oral health may then reduce the risk of caries, periodontitis and diet-associated systemic diseases of children and their parents as well.


The efficiency of early oral health care was evaluated by a long-term-study. Early oral health care promotion starting during pregnancy may result in sustained and long-term improvement of the oral health of children.


The concept is not yet sufficiently known. To anchor early oral health care promotion in the minds of pregnant women, optimization of the cooperation between paediatricians, family doctors, gynaecologists, midwives and dentists is required. Integration of dental preventive measures in the maternity log and children’s health care book can help to gain access to so-called risk groups.  相似文献   

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