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Hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections are among the most devastating health problems in the world, including Turkey. The route of transmission of HBV and HCV is mainly parenteral, a small number of epidemiological studies demonstrating that perinatal, sexual, household and occupational transmission occurs. Contact of a patient's blood or bodily fluids with non-intact skin is another mode of HBV and HCV transmission. Barbers in Turkey may often be exposed accidentally to the blood and bodily fluids of their customers. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of HBV and HCV infection in barbers. We conducted a study to determine the prevalence of antibodies against HBV and HCV among 176 barbers and 180 control subjects in the Sivas region of Turkey. The prevalence of HBV and HCV was found to be higher in barbers (39.8 and 2.8%, respectively) than in a comparison group (28.3 and 1.1%, respectively). No significant relationship was found with the duration of occupation. Among the seropositive subjects, it was found that most had been exposed to needle pricks or scissor cuts. Our data suggest that both HBV and HCV infections may constitute occupational hazards for barbers. The sources of infection could be not only such personal risk factors as 'sharps' injuries and scissor cuts, but may also include other unknown factors.  相似文献   

A method for monitoring health and safety in the workplace, referred to as 'surveillance on self-report', is presented. This occupational health and safety monitoring method consists of a collection of data on certain aspects of health and safety obtained by dispensing self-administered questionnaires to employees or managers and supervisors in workplaces, and administering regular feedback on the responses. Based on the responses, a continual monitoring and improvement on certain aspects of health and safety were possible in two workplaces in New Zealand. This study has shown a methodology for the surveillance of hazard control and monitoring, injuries and illnesses, and organizational policies in occupational settings.  相似文献   

AIMS: To identify the nature of occupational health provision in UK semiconductor-manufacturing plants. To identify the level of industry compliance with legal health surveillance requirements. METHOD: A national inspection programme was carried out by Health & Safety Executive inspectors using a developed protocol. RESULTS: A wide range of occupational health provision was identified from none to use of an accredited specialist. The majority of work was of a reactive nature even where there was specialist occupational health input. Seven companies were identified as not meeting legal compliance and one as having unacceptable compliance for health surveillance. CONCLUSIONS: The spectrum of occupational health provision was very wide. Where health surveillance was provided, it was poorly targeted with limited interpretation and feedback to management.  相似文献   

A random sample of managers of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) was selected from a database of businesses in Sheffield, UK. They were invited to take part in a study to evaluate the provision and perception of occupational health in SMEs in Sheffield. The study used an interviewer-led questionnaire, which collected quantitative and qualitative data; each interview took approximately 40 min to complete. Several approaches to recruitment were adopted during the study. Twenty-eight managers were interviewed over the 6 month study period. All of the SMEs employed <250 people; 43.2% did not have or had never reviewed a written health and safety policy. Only 18% had a written occupational health policy; 14.4% employed the services of a part-time occupational health physician; 7.2% employed a health and safety advisor; and 10.8% employed a part-time occupational health nurse. Twenty-five per cent had a nominated person responsible for occupational health and 67% thought that a doctor or nurse would be the best person to provide an occupational health service. Twenty-eight per cent of the companies carried out some form of pre-employment screening and 14.2% carried out health promotion. Fifteen (53.5%) collected some form of health related absence data. Eight companies (28.6%) organized a formal induction programme for all new employees. Further work should be undertaken in an attempt to improve access to local industry and particularly to SMEs. This study has clearly shown that access is possible, but different strategies of approach were required before a workable strategy could be found. Undoubtedly, this access can be improved by better understanding of the interaction between researchers, occupational health providers and local managers of SMEs.  相似文献   

Hepatitis B viral infection is transmitted in adults by transfer of body fluids containing the virus. The outcomes following infection can be significant in terms of both health and employment. It is for these reasons that effective preventative health care is the goal of occupational health practitioners. This evidence-based review of the literature provides a basis upon which practice can be established and highlights some of the issues that may confront practitioners of the future.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: From 1996 to 2003, the total number of sickness absence days increased by 65% in Norway. AIM: To investigate if this could be explained by a corresponding increase in the prevalence of self-reported health complaints in the same period. METHODS: Representative samples of the Norwegian working population in 1996 (n = 838) and 2003 (n = 637) answered the subjective health complaints (SHC) questionnaire. The single items of the SHC questionnaire were matched with the corresponding sickness absence statistics from the National Insurance Administration in 1996 and 2003. RESULTS: The main finding was a poor concordance between the change in prevalence of health complaints and the change in the prevalence of sickness absence for diagnoses corresponding to these complaints. The prevalence of health complaints in Norway was high and relatively stable from 1996 to 2003. The only complaints that increased in prevalence during the period were allergy and severe asthma. Sickness absence for health complaints, however, showed a general increase. The diagnoses with the largest percentage increase in sickness absence were sleep problems, tiredness, anxiety and palpitation, although the absolute number of individuals with sickness absence for these complaints was small. CONCLUSIONS: The increased sickness absence in Norway from 1996 to 2003 cannot be explained by an increase in health complaints in the general population in the same period. The increase in sickness absence is most likely to be explained by multifactorial causes, such as changes in working life and health expectations.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This study aimed to establish how important an occupational health unit (OHU) is to its clients, and to identify the perceived needs and priorities for such a service. METHODS: A cross-sectional postal survey of a stratified, randomly selected group of employees (n = 760) and all human resources (HR) managers (n = 34) was conducted in the Irish Civil Service. Each participant was requested to rate the overall importance of the OHU and to prioritize eight proposed functions for the unit: medical surveillance, general health education, pre-employment/promotion medical assessments, ill-health retirement assessments, return-to-work (after sick leave) assessments, occupational health education, research, and general medical screening. The results were analysed according to age group, gender, grade and occupation. RESULTS: There was a response rate of 69% from employees and 74% from personnel managers. Significantly more HR managers than employees (92 versus 81%) thought an occupational health service was either important or very important. There were also differences in prioritization of functions by employees and HR managers. HR managers prioritized those functions concerned with assessing individuals' fitness for work, notably pre-employment/promotional health assessments, whereas employees consider group-directed 'preventative' functions to be more important, i.e. general medical screening, health education and medical surveillance. Both sets of opinions are not mutually exclusive, and considerable overlap exists, notably in the areas of occupational and general health education.  相似文献   

Four hundred and seventy-two consecutive referral episodes relatingto 386 patients attending the Occupational Health Departmentof a general teaching hospital were analyzed to evaluate thefrequency, content and effect on management of communicationsbetween the occupational physician and other doctors. In all,250 episodes (53%) were associated with such a communication.The likelihood of a communication was strongly influenced byreason for referral, particularly in respect of long or shortterm sickness absence; univariate odds ratios (OR)=10.58, 95%Cl=8.13–27.08) and 2.65, 95% Cl=1.55–4.60) respectively;a medical diagnosis of psychiatric illness (OR=3.17, 95% Cl=1.69–5.97));and by number of consultations. Communication was also morelikely when the occupational outcome was ill health retirement,rehabilitation in work or modified work. Ninety-eight per centof specific requests for information or an opinion eliciteda reply. Information received from other doctors influencedthe occupational health physician's management in 52 referralepisodes (20%). Specific action by GPs as a result of communicationwas documented in 54 and by specialists in 37 episodes. Theimportance of communication between occupational health physicianand other doctors in the occupational health process is confirmed.  相似文献   

A lifelong work career has been stated to have an influenceon a worker's health and ability to work. Nevertheless, thesignificance of the work career has been neglected in most retirement-studies.The aim of the present study was to describe the associationsbetween progress of the work career, the retirement-orientation,health and ability to work among aged workers. The data wasobtained by a postal questionnaire and clinical examinations.The study group consisted of 706 (70%) middle-aged urban persons(383 women and 323 men), who were 55 years old and who livedin northern Finland. The state of health and ability to workwere significantly better among the work-oriented than amongthe retirement-oriented workers and the health of the retiredwas the worst. Correspondingly, the state of health and abilityto work were estimated to be better among the participants whoadvanced during their work career than among the other participants.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There is difficulty in defining occupational health services among stakeholders of the service. Concurrently, there are concerns about the state of occupational health provision in the UK. AIMS: To determine stakeholders' perception of the services that occupational health encompasses and the level as well as the rationale behind the provision of these services. METHODS: The research was undertaken as a postal questionnaire survey of the FTSE 350 companies and selected public sector organizations in the UK. This was followed up by telephone calls to a random selection of non-respondents to obtain non-respondent data. RESULTS: There is a difference in opinion among managers and occupational health professionals about the services provided by occupational health. Taking into account non-respondent data to partially adjust for overestimation biases, the level of provision of occupational health services among the FTSE 350 companies is 69% and in public sector organizations is 95%, giving an average provision of 72%. Sixteen per cent of respondents thought there was a trend towards outsourcing of services. The most frequently cited reason for provision of an occupational health service was that it was for the benefit of employees. CONCLUSIONS: There remains room for improvement in the level of occupational health services provision in large UK private sector organizations. By bridging the gap between the different stakeholders' perceptions of the remit and benefits of the service, a higher level of provision in the private sector similar to that of public sector organizations can be achieved.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Professional expectations for communication skills are explicit. These skills are needed for professional integrity and personal morale. Nevertheless, occupational physicians see doctors as patients for whom communication among between doctors and with their managers are the principal cause of their presenting health problems. AIM: To describe the frameworks of professionalism in medicine and the duty to care for good communication; present issues surrounding competency in communication skills; identify health problems among doctors associated with poor communication; and consider roles of economic appraisal and preventive strategies. METHOD: A literature review identified key publications of professional expectations and requirements of doctors for their communication skills. Health problems among doctors associated with poor communication and presenting at least twice in a National Health Service (NHS) occupational health (OH) department during January-December 2002, were sought by manual retrieval of all doctor-patient records. The categories of communication difficulty were agreed in the focus group discussion of the presenting problems with occupational physicians. RESULTS: Nine categories of communication difficulties among doctors resulting in their presentation in OH departments with health problems were identified. CONCLUSIONS: Personal health problems caused by poor communication involve considerable time and potential litigation costs. Doctors need to be reminded of their responsibilities. Opportunity cost studies would help to strengthen an evidence base for the need of doctors to adhere to the professional requirements of good communication skills.  相似文献   

Shift work and night work in particular have been associated with sleep difficulties, general malaise, fatigue, peptic ulceration, ischaemic heart disease, cigarette smoking and adverse pregnancy outcome. The medical conditions previously regarded as making individuals unsuitable for shift work show wide ranging patho-physiological activity and there is no published evidence for any such condition to be regarded an absolute reason to exclude an individual from shift work. The fulfilment of the legal obligations of the Working Time Regulations 1998 is neither prescribed nor constrained in any way. It is advisable therefore to build on existing health procedures where they are in effect. Periodic health questionnaires can offer health professionals an opportunity to detect any disorder likely to be aggravated by shift work or by a combination of shift work, job demands and workplace conditions. A further purpose of the questionnaire is the assessment of ability to undertake shift work duties. However, health questionnaires are neither sensitive nor specific enough to be used to select applicants or employees for shift work, since they do not consistently predict tolerance of shift work or subsequent health problems. Whether employers should offer anything more than a simple questionnaire will depend on the culture of the company and accessibility of health services. Screening programmes affect many people relative to the few who benefit and with existing knowledge, periodic general health examinations performed in asymptomatic subjects have limited predictive or preventive value.  相似文献   

Our objective was to evaluate the effect of 12 weeks of stress management training (SMT), physical exercise (PE) and an integrated health programme (IHP) in a worksite setting on subjective health complaints. To do this, we randomly split 860 employees into the following groups: control (n = 344), PE (n = 189), IHP (comprising physical exercise and health information) (n = 165) and SMT (n = 162). There were no significant effects on subjective health complaints, sick leave or job stress. However, strong and specific positive effects were experienced for the particular goal areas defined for each intervention. The PE group showed improved general health, physical fitness and muscle pain, while the SMT group showed improved stress management. The IHP group showed the strongest effects, affecting most goals set for treatment.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Anthropological theory suggests that expatriate workers progress through a sequence of adaptive stages during their adjustment to a new environment. The psychological and physiological effects of this adaptation process may be reflected in changes in self-rated general health. AIMS: To explore the relationship between self-rated general health, duration of expatriate assignment and two health-related behaviours: physical exercise and cigarette smoking. METHOD: A self-administered questionnaire recorded the demographics, self-rated general health, exercise and smoking behaviours of the adult non-Saudi residents of an expatriate compound in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. RESULTS: The mean self-rated general health of the study group was better than comparable UK and New Zealand population norms. Self-rated general health was not associated with duration of assignment, but was associated with physical exercise, including a dose-response effect. Middle Eastern expatriates had lower self-rated health scores and a higher prevalence of cigarette smoking than other expatriates. CONCLUSIONS: While the sampling frame limits generalization, physical exercise may promote expatriates' general health. Middle Eastern expatriates may be a target group for smoking health education.  相似文献   

Societal, economic and other changes in recent years have resulted in both an increased level and diversity of education and training in occupational health and safety in Australia. Consideration has been given to the key skills and knowledge required by those who take tertiary level courses and who practise as specialists and generalists in the field of occupational health and safety. The curricula and mode of implementation of these courses are determined by the needs of employers, increased emphasis on quality management systems, the prevailing work climate including information technology, communication and legislative requirements all in the context of a rapidly changing tertiary education system.  相似文献   

Organophosphate toxicity and occupational exposure   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The ubiquitous organophosphates present a continuing health hazard in agriculture, public health eradication programmes and as chemical warfare agents. Despite significant progress in understanding the potential mechanisms of toxicity far beyond the commonly accepted mechanism of cholinesterase inhibition in intentional exposures, the precise health effects following occupational exposures are yet to be completely defined. A much greater understanding exists of the clinical features of organophosphate poisoning. These are characterized by a triphasic response involving an initial acute cholinergic phase, an intermediate syndrome (both associated with high mortality) and a disabling but non-lethal delayed polyneuropathy. The delayed polyneuropathy may occur in the absence of the cholinergic or intermediate phases. However, progress is still required in order to improve the quantification and assessment of occupational exposures and the implementation of appropriate preventive measures. Finally, evidence-based guidelines for appropriate or optimal therapeutic interventions following poisoning are required urgently and collaborative work with colleagues in developing countries, where the occurrence of organophosphate exposures is more frequent, may provide the answers.  相似文献   

Occupational Health Services in Manufacturing Industries in Nigeria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The provision of adequate health care facilities to cater forthe health of workers is an important consideration in the managementof manufacturing industries, since productivity is dependenton the health status of the workers. There are very few studiesevaluating the health care provision in Nigerian industries.This study elucidates such health care services in Edo and DeltaStates of Nigeria. One hundred and thirty-five (56%) of the241 registered manufacturing industries in Edo and Delta Statesof Nigeria were randomly selected and investigated. The responserate was 91.1% and the result showed that the medical staffcomprised 2.5% of the total workforce, with the large scaleindustries contributing the highest proportion of these. Fourpoint five per cent of the medical staff had formal trainingin occupational health and 15.6% of them visited the factoryshop floor. The doctor:staff ratio in the medium and large scaleindustries were 1:819 and 1:618 respectively. It was found thatall the industries used the health care facilities providedby the government, there were no clinics in all the small scaleindustries and group practice was not used by any of the industriesstudied. Pre-employment medical examinations were carried outin each of the groups of industries (100%, 39.4% and 5%) respectively,as were periodic medical examinations during employment, althoughto a lesser extent (100%, 13.2%, 0%) for the large, medium andsmall scale industries respectively. These finding suggest theavailability of a reasonable standard of health care provisionfor large scale industries and somewhat less availability formedium and small scale industries. Health education of boththe employers of labour, and the employees and the enforcementof existing laws are needed to improve the existing standardof occupational health services.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development of the Army Health Policy (AHP), which is a key component of the Army Human Resources Strategy (AHRS). The work on the AHP provided an opportunity for a fundamental review of the delivery of health support to the Army. The AHP will provide the strategic framework by which the Army will ensure the health of its workforce and, where appropriate, their dependents. The methodology used for this work may be a useful model for the development of a health policy for occupational populations.  相似文献   

HSE's publication 'Successful Health and Safety Management' (HSG65) describes key elements of successful health and safety management systems. A three level model is explained and one of the elements, auditing, is explored in detail by the regulator. The term auditing in the health and safety context is defined and the use of proprietary and in-house systems compared. The process of auditing is described and the regulator concludes by encouraging organizations to use auditing schemes, without endorsing any particular one, as they can be a powerful tool for checking the adequacy of health and safety management systems.  相似文献   

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