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We have previously reported that the lidocaine action is different between CNS and muscle batrachotoxin-modified Na+ channels [Salazar et al., J. Gen. Physiol. 107 (1996) 743-754; Brain Res. 699 (1995) 305-314]. In this study we examined lidocaine action on CNS Na+ currents, to investigate the mechanism of lidocaine action on this channel isoform and to compare it with that proposed for muscle Na+ currents. Na+ currents were measured with the whole cell voltage clamp configuration in stably transfected cells expressing the brain alpha-subunit (type IIA) by itself (alpha-brain) or together with the brain beta(1)-subunit (alphabeta(1)-brain), or the cardiac alpha-subunit (hH1) (alpha-cardiac). Lidocaine (100 microM) produced comparable levels of Na+ current block at positive potentials and of hyperpolarizing shift of the steady-state inactivation curve in alpha-brain and alphabeta(1)-brain Na+ currents. Lidocaine accelerated the rates of activation and inactivation, produced an hyperpolarizing shift in the steady-state activation curve and increased the current magnitude at negative potentials in alpha-brain but not in alphabeta(1)-brain Na+ currents. The lidocaine action in alphabeta(1)-brain resembled that observed in alpha-cardiac Na+ currents. The lidocaine-induced increase in current magnitude at negative potentials and the hyperpolarizing shift in the steady-state activation curve of alpha-brain, are novel effects and suggest that lidocaine treatment does not always lead to current reduction/block when it interacts with Na+ channels. The data are explained by using a modified version of the model proposed by Vedantham and Cannon [J. Gen. Physiol., 113 (1999) 7-16] in which we postulate that the difference in lidocaine action between alpha-brain and alphabeta(1)-brain Na+ currents could be explained by differences in the lidocaine action on the open channel state.  相似文献   

The effect of the negatively charged ganglioside GD1a, one of the major brain gangliosides [H. Beitinger, W. Probst, R. Hilbig, H. Rahmann, Seasonal variability of sialo-glycoconjugates in the brain of the Djungarian hamster (Phodopus sungorus). Comp. Biochem. Physiol., B 86 (1987) 377-384] on the function of brain derived BTX-modified voltage-dependent sodium channel was studied using the planar lipid bilayer system. Bilayers were formed either with a mixture of neutral phospholipids (4 phosphoethanolamine (PE):1 phosphocholine (PC)) alone or with one containing 6% of the disialoganglioside GD1a. The permeation and activation properties of the channels were measured in the presence of symmetrical 200 mM NaCl. We found that the single channel conductance was not affected by GD1a, whereas the steady-state activation curve displayed a hyperpolarizing shift in the presence of GD1a. Since the lipid distribution in these membranes is symmetrical, then the GD1a effect on sodium channels may result either from an induction of channel conformational changes or from an asymmetrical interaction between the channel (extracellular vs. intracellular channel aspect) and GD1a. Regardless of the mechanism, the data indicate that differences in ganglioside content in neuronal cells may contribute to the previously observed sodium channel functional variability within (soma, dentritic, axon hillock) and between neuronal cells as well as to excitability changes in those physiological and pathological conditions where changes in the neuronal ganglioside content occur.  相似文献   

[3H]Batrachotoxinin-A 20-α-benzoate ([3H]BTX-B) binds specifically and with high affinity (Kd = 30 nM) to a site on voltage-dependent Na+ channels. Compounds with local anesthetic activity inhibit the binding of [3H]BTX-B by a mutually exclusive, allosteric mechanism. The potential local anesthetic potency of a series of 23 opioids and phencyclidine-like compounds has been estimated by their inhibition of [3H]BTX-B binding to Na+ channels in a preparation of synaptoneurosomes from guinea pig cerebral cortex. The potency of these compounds were also tested as inhibitors of the specific binding of [3H]phencyclidine ([3H]PCP) to a high affinity site on rat brain membranes. Opioids such as morphine and codeine show little affinity for the [3H]BTX-B binding site or for the [3H]PCP binding site. Other analgesics, many of the PCP-like compounds and dioxadrol derivatives are potent versus [3H]BTX-B binding and display both stereospecificity and high affinity towards the PCP-binding site. However, there was no correlation between local anesthetic potency assessed as antagonism of [3H]BTX-B binding and affinity towards the PCP site. Five classical local anesthetics had no affinity for the PCP-site, but did displace [3H]BTX-B from its binding site.  相似文献   

Sodium channels, which are largely localized to the nodes of Ranvier in myelinated axons, appear to form new distributions along demyelinated axons. In this study a sensitive radioimmunoassay (RIA) was used to examine the changes in the total number of sodium channels that occur in nerves experimentally demyelinated in vivo with doxorubicin (adriamycin). The results clearly illustrate the development of an increased number of sodium channels during demyelination, suggesting that this process is associated with the formation of new sodium channels.  相似文献   

Batrachotoxin, aconitine, and veratridine, alkaloid activators of voltage-dependent sodium channels, stimulated 22Na+ uptake by rainbow trout brain synaptosomes. The potency and efficacy of activation by these compounds decreased in the following order: batrachotoxin greater than aconitine much greater than veratridine. Aconitine-stimulated sodium uptake was completely inhibited by tetrodotoxin, a specific blocker of voltage-dependent sodium channels. Polypeptide toxins in the venom of the scorpion, Leiurus quinquestriatus, and the insecticide DDT enhanced veratridine-dependent sodium uptake but had no effect on non-specific uptake. These studies identify appropriate conditions for measuring sodium channel-dependent 22Na+ uptake in trout brain synaptosomes and characterize some of the pharmacological properties of trout brain sodium channels. Trout sodium channels differed from those in rat and mouse brain in their responses to batrachotoxin, aconitine, veratridine, and DDT but not to tetrodotoxin and Leiurus venom toxins. These results suggest that the specificity of some of the neurotoxin-binding domains of the trout brain sodium channel may differ from those of sodium channels in mammalian brain.  相似文献   

The effects of quinidine on sodium (INa) and potassium (IK) currents in the Ranvier node of frog myelinated nerve fibre was studied by means of voltage clamp technique. When applied externally quinidine (5.10(-5) M) suppresses both INa and IK. Inhibition of INa can be greatly increased by repetitive membrane depolarization. After the end of stimulation the INa value recovers slowly up to the initial level (time constant being about 30 s at 12 degrees C). Unlike repetitive stimulation a single depolarizing pulse of long (1s) duration does not enhance appreciably the quinidine block, which permits a conclusion that quinidine interacts preferently with open sodium channels. Batrachotoxin protects the channels from the blocking action of 5.10(-5) M quinidine. The outward IK is blocked by quinidine in time- and voltage-dependent manner suggesting the interaction of the drug with open potassium channels. The results are consistent with the notion that tertiary amine quinidine, like amine local anesthetics penetrates through the membrane in the neutral form and blocks open sodium and potassium channels from inside in charged (protonated) form. Quinidine and local anesthetics are supposed to share a common receptor in the inner mouth of the sodium channel.  相似文献   

Recent progress on the molecular organization of myelinated axons   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The structure of myelinated axons was well described 100 years ago by Ramón y Cajal, and now their molecular organization is being revealed. The basal lamina of myelinating Schwann cells contains laminin-2, and their abaxonal/outer membrane contains two laminin-2 receptors, alpha6beta4 integrin and dystroglycan. Dystroglycan binds utrophin, a short dystrophin isoform (Dp116), and dystroglycan-related protein 2 (DRP2), all of which are part of a macromolecular complex. Utrophin is linked to the actin cytoskeleton, and DRP2 binds to periaxin, a PDZ domain protein associated with the cell membrane. Non-compact myelin--found at incisures and paranodes--contains adherens junctions, tight junctions, and gap junctions. Nodal microvilli contain F-actin, ERM proteins, and cell adhesion molecules that may govern the clustering of voltage-gated Na+ channels in the nodal axolemma. Na(v)1.6 is the predominant voltage-gated Na+ channel in mature nerves, and is linked to the spectrin cytoskeleton by ankyrinG. The paranodal glial loops contain neurofascin 155, which likely interacts with heterodimers composed of contactin and Caspr/paranodin to form septate-like junctions. The juxtaparanodal axonal membrane contains the potassium channels Kv1.1 and Kv1.2, their associated beta2 subunit, as well as Caspr2. Kv1.1, Kv1.2, and Caspr2 all have PDZ binding sites and likely interact with the same PDZ binding protein. Like Caspr, Caspr2 has a band 4.1 binding domain, and both Caspr and Caspr2 probably bind to the band 4.1 B isoform that is specifically found associated with the paranodal and juxtaparanodal axolemma. When the paranode is disrupted by mutations (in cgt-, contactin-, and Caspr-null mice), the localization of these paranodal and juxtaparanodal proteins is altered: Kv1.1, Kv1.2, and Caspr2 are juxtaposed to the nodal axolemma, and this reorganization is associated with altered conduction of myelinated fibers. Understanding how axon-Schwann interactions create the molecular architecture of myelinated axons is fundamental and almost certainly involved in the pathogenesis of peripheral neuropathies.  相似文献   

The effects of hyperosmolar D-mannitol were studied on single frog myelinated nerve fibres previously poisoned with Caribbean ciguatoxin-1 (C-CTX-1), a new toxin isolated from the pelagic fish Caranx latus inhabiting the Caribbean region. In current-clamped myelinated axons, C-CTX-1 (50-120 nM) caused spontaneous and repetitive action potential discharges after a short delay. In addition, the toxin produced a marked swelling of nodes of Ranvier of myelinated axons that reached a steady state within about 90 min, as revealed by using confocal laser scanning microscopy. The increased excitability and the nodal swelling caused by C-CTX-1 were prevented or reversed by an external hyperosmotic solution containing 100 mM D-mannitol. Moreover, the C-CTX-1-induced nodal swelling was completely prevented by the blockade of voltage-sensitive sodium channels by tetrodotoxin (TTX). It is suggested that C-CTX-1, by increasing nerve membrane excitability, enhances Na(+) entry into nodes of Ranvier through TTX-sensitive sodium channels, which directly or indirectly disturb the osmotic equilibrium between intra- and extra-axonal media resulting in an influx of water that was responsible for the long-lasting nodal swelling. The fact, that hyperosmolar D-mannitol either reversed or prevented the neurocellular actions of C-CTX-1, is of particular interest since it provides the rational basis for its use to treat the neurological symptoms of ciguatera fish poisoning in the Caribbean area.  相似文献   

《Clinical neurophysiology》2010,121(5):719-724
ObjectiveTo investigate changes in axonal persistent Na+ currents in patients with neuropathic pain and the effects of mexiletine, an analogue of lidocaine, on axonal excitability properties.MethodsThe technique of latent addition was used to estimate nodal persistent Na+ currents in superficial radial sensory axons of 17 patients with neuropathic pain/paresthesias before and after mexiletine treatment. Brief hyperpolarizing conditioning currents were delivered, and threshold change at the conditioning-test interval of 0.2 ms was measured as an indicator of the magnitude of persistent Na+ currents.ResultsThreshold changes at 0.2 ms in latent addition were greater in the neuropathic patients than in the normal controls (p < 0.001). After mexiletine treatment, there was a reduction in clinical pain scores (p < 0.001), associated with decreased threshold changes at 0.2 ms (p < 0.001).ConclusionsIn patients with neuropathy, nodal persistent Na+ currents in large sensory fibers increase, and the abnormal currents can be suppressed by mexiletine. Pain reduction after mexiletine treatment raises the possibility that excessive Na+ currents are also suppressed in small fibers mediating neuropathic pain.SignificanceLatent addition can be used for indirect in vivo monitoring of nodal Na+ currents in large sensory fibers, and future studies using this approach in small fibers would provide new insights into the peripheral mechanism of neuropathic pain.  相似文献   

Little information is available on the pH sensitivity of the excitability properties of mammalian axons. Computer-assisted threshold tracking in humans has helped to define clinically relevant changes of nerve excitability in response to hyperventilation and ischaemia, but in vivo studies cannot directly differentiate between the impact of pH and other secondary factors. In this investigation, we applied an excitability testing protocol to a rat saphenous skin nerve in vitro preparation. Changes in extracellular pH were induced by altering pCO(2) in the perfusate, and excitability properties of large myelinated fibres were measured in the pH range from 6.9 to 8.1. The main effect of protons on nerve excitability was a near linear increase in threshold which was accompanied by a decrease in strength-duration time constant reflecting mainly a decrease in persistent sodium current. In the recovery cycle, late subexcitability following 7 conditioning stimuli was substantially reduced at acid pH, indicating a block of slow but not of fast potassium channels. Changes in threshold electrotonus were complex, reflecting the combined effects of pH on multiple channel types. These results provide the first systematic data on pH sensitivity of mammalian nerve excitability properties, and may help in the interpretation of abnormal clinical excitability measurements.  相似文献   

Kinetics of pyrethroid-modified sodium channels and the interaction of N-octylguanidine with the modified channels have been studied with internally perfused and voltage-clamped squid giant axons. The pyrethroids used were 1R-cis-phenothrin; 1R-cis-permethrin; 1R-cis-cyphenothrin; and 1R-cis-deltamethrin. Modification of sodium channels by pyrethroids resulted in marked slowing of opening and closing kinetics. The rate at which sodium channels arrived at the open pyrethroid-modified state during a depolarizing step was independent of the concentration of pyrethroids applied. The time of exposure to pyrethroids required for the pyrethroid-induced sodium tail current following a step depolarization to reach a steady-state amplitude was independent of the frequency of short (5 ms) depolarizing pulses, and in the pronase-treated axons was independent of the membrane potential (0 mV or -90 mV). We conclude that sodium channels are modified by pyrethroids primarily in the closed resting state. A small fraction of sodium channels is modified in the open state. The dose-response curve for N-octylguanidine block of sodium channels was not shifted by pyrethroids. The rate at which the pyrethroid-modified sodium channels were blocked by octylguanidine during a depolarizing step depended neither on the concentration of pyrethroids nor on the depolarizing potential, but depended on the concentration of octylguanidine. The time course of the pyrethroid-induced slow sodium tail current was not altered by octylguanidine. We conclude that the actions of pyrethroids and N-octylguanidine on sodium channels are independent of each other.  相似文献   

Salzer JL  Brophy PJ  Peles E 《Glia》2008,56(14):1532-1540
Myelinated axons are organized into a series of specialized domains with distinct molecular compositions and functions. These domains, which include the node of Ranvier, the flanking paranodal junctions, the juxtaparanodes, and the internode, form as the result of interactions with myelinating Schwann cells. This domain organization is essential for action potential propagation by saltatory conduction and for the overall function and integrity of the axon.  相似文献   

Treatment of cultured bovine adrenal chromaffin cells with dbcAMP increased [3H]STX binding with an EC50 of 126 μM and a half-effective time of 12 h; dbcAMP (1 mM × 18 h) raised theBmax approximately 1.5-fold without altering theKd value. Forskolin (0.1 mM) or IBMX (0.3 mM) also increased [3H]STX binding, while dbcAMP had no effect. Effects of dbcAMP and forskolin were abolished by H-89, an inhibitor of cAMP-dependent protein kinase. Cycloheximide (10 μg/ml) and actinomycin D (10 μg/ml), inhibitors of protein synthesis, nullified the stimulatory effect of dbcAMP, whereas tunicamycin, an inhibitor of protein glycosylation, had no effect. Treatment with dbcAMP augmented veratridine-induced22Na influx,45Ca influx via voltage-dependent Ca channels and catecholamine secretion, while the same treatment did not alter45Ca influx and catecholamine secretion caused by high K (a direct activation of voltage-dependent Ca channels) [25]. Na influx via single Na channel calculated from22Na influx and [3H]STX binding was quantitatively similar between non-treated and dbcAMP-treated cells. Brevetoxin allosterically enhanced veratridine-induced22Na influx approximately 3-fold in dbcAMP-treated cells as in non-treated cells. These results suggest that cAMP-dependent protein kinase is involved in the modulation of Na channel expression in adrenal medulla.  相似文献   

Optic nerves of adult frogs were freeze-fractured with the proximal to distal orientation and distances from retina monitored throughout the process. E face particle accumulations are commonly found (approximately 90% of all examples) in the juxtaparanodal portion of the internode (JPI) immediately adjacent to the paranodal junction. The concentration of these particles is usually highest (200-700/micron 2) immediately adjacent to the last strip of the paranodal junction and then decreases over approximately 1-4 micron to the background level (approximately 100/micron 2) of the more remote portions of the internode. Accumulations with high particle concentrations generally extend further into the internode than those with low concentrations. JPI particle accumulations occur with equal frequency in proximal and distal JPIs, and no apparent difference was seen between optic nerve segments adjacent to or distant from the retina. The majority of the JPI particles are large (10 nm or more in diameter), and they resemble the large nodal particles in size and shape. Particle size analysis in different areas of the internode shows that the concentration of small particles does not change significantly along the internode (including the JPI), but the concentration of large particles is significantly higher in the immediate JPI (140-600/micron 2) than in internodal regions (30-55/micron 2). Thus, the high particle concentration at the JPI region is mainly due to the accumulation of large particles. Such accumulations also occur frequently in irregularly shaped 'lakes' between paranodal junctional strips. Here too the particles are primarily large, and the accumulations occur equally in segments adjacent to or distant from the retina and in both proximal and distal paranodal regions. Heminodes occur in all segments of the frog optic nerve. Most of these lack typical nodal specializations.  相似文献   

The number of myelinated axons in the cat's optic nerve has been estimated from a partial count of sections of the nerve examined by electron microscopy. The average count obtained from four nerves was 128,600 (range 112,800-147,200). This figure is within 10% of a previous estimate of the number of ganglion cells in the cat's retina, but is 33% lower than the only previous estimate of the number of these axons based directly on electron microscopy. Possible sources of the discrepancy are discussed. The functional implications of this total, in the context of earlier work on ganglion cell topography, are also discussed.  相似文献   

S. Orimo, T. Uchihara, T. Kanazawa, Y. Itoh, K. Wakabayashi, A. Kakita and H. Takahashi (2011) Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology 37, 791–802 Unmyelinated axons are more vulnerable to degeneration than myelinated axons of the cardiac nerve in Parkinson's disease Aims: We recently demonstrated accumulation of α‐synuclein aggregates of the cardiac sympathetic nerve in Parkinson's disease (PD) and a possible relationship between degeneration of the cardiac sympathetic nerve and α‐synuclein aggregates. The aim of this study is to determine whether there is a difference in the degenerative process between unmyelinated and myelinated axons of the cardiac nerve. Methods: We immunohistochemically examined cardiac tissues from four pathologically verified PD patients, nine patients with incidental Lewy body disease (ILBD) and five control subjects, using antibodies against neurofilament, myelin basic protein (MBP) and α‐synuclein. First, we counted the number of neurofilament‐immunoreactive axons not surrounded by MBP (unmyelinated axons) and those surrounded by MBP (myelinated axons). Next, we counted the number of unmyelinated and myelinated axons with α‐synuclein aggregates. Results: (i) The percentage of unmyelinated axons in PD (77.5 ± 9.14%) was significantly lower compared to that in control subjects (92.2 ± 2.40%). (ii) The ratio of unmyelinated axons with α‐synuclein aggregates to total axons with α‐synuclein aggregates in ILBD ranged from 94.4 to 100 (98.2 ± 2.18%). Among axons with α‐synuclein aggregates, unmyelinated axons were the overwhelming majority, comprising 98.2%. Conclusion: These findings suggest that in PD unmyelinated axons are more vulnerable to degeneration than myelinated axons of the cardiac nerve, because α‐synuclein aggregates accumulate much more abundantly in unmyelinated axons.  相似文献   

The interaction of pyrethroids with the voltage-dependent sodium channel was studied in voltage-clamped nodes of Ranvier and isolated spinal ganglion neurons of the clawed frog, Xenopus laevis. In the node, pyrethroids prolonged the sodium tail current associated with a step repolarization of the membrane. It was found that the amplitude of the slow, pyrethroid-induced, sodium tail current (PIT) first increased and then decreased as a function of the duration of membrane depolarization (to -5 mV). This decrease of the PIT amplitude was absent when depolarizations to the sodium equilibrium potential (+40 mV) were used. Measurements of changes in sodium reversal potential indicated that sodium ion depletion in the perinodal space is largely responsible for the inactivation of the pyrethroid-modified sodium current. Inactivation is not completely abolished by pyrethroid treatment since the probability of channel opening, measured in membrane patches excised from spinal ganglion cells, decreased slowly during prolonged depolarization. Analysis of unitary currents indicated that both activation and inactivation are retarded by pyrethroids. The arrival of sodium channels in the pyrethroid-modified open state followed a time course that was slower than both activation and inactivation of unmodified sodium channels. Our findings indicate that sodium channels are modified when in the closed resting state and that both opening and closing kinetics are delayed by pyrethroids.  相似文献   

In this study, the myelinated axons of the rostrum, genu, truncus and splenium parts of the corpus callosum were counted in the human brain by using a camera lucida. The numerical densities of these axons were compared with each other by means of quantitative analytical statistical methods. The number of myelinated axons of genu and truncus of the corpus callosum were found to be highest in number and they were nearly the same with each other. However, number of the myelinated axons of splenium was found to be lower in number, when compared with the other parts of corpus callosum.  相似文献   

Role of glial cells in the differentiation and function of myelinated axons   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Myelinated axons are highly differentiated in the vicinity of the node of Ranvier, both structurally and with respect to ion channel distribution. Evidence is reviewed showing that axonal differentiation depends upon two distinct types of interaction between glial cells and the axolemma, one at the node itself, with astrocyte processes, and the second, more extensive one, in the paranodal region, with oligodendrocyte processes. In the peripheral nervous system, Schwann cells fulfill both roles. Glial or Schwann cell abnormalities, due to genetic deficiencies, diseases or experimental procedures, result in corresponding abnormalities in the axolemma and can have devastating effects on nerve fiber function. An example, the myelin-deficient mutant rat, is presented, and the defects underlying the profound and ultimately lethal neurological abnormalities seen in this mutant are discussed in relation to abnormalities in its axoglial interactions.  相似文献   

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