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Book Reviews     
Book reviews in this article:
Black and White Skin Diseases: An Atlas and Text. C.B.A rcher and S.J.R obertson
Genodermatoses-A Full-Color Clinical Guide to Genetic Skin Disorders. J.L.S pitz  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed in this article:
Differential Diagnosis in Dermatology. R. A shton and B. L eppard .
Epidermolysis Bullosa. Edited by G.C. P riestley , M.J. T idman , J.B. W eiss and R.A.J. E ady .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Melanoma and Naevi: Incidence, Interrelationships and Implications Edited by J.M. E lwood (1988)
Surgery of Basal Cell Carcinoma of the Face . D. Marchac (1988).
Photodermatologie et Phototherapie — P. T homas and P. A mblard (1987).
Papittomaviruses and Human Disease Edited by K. S yrjanen , L. G issman and L.G. K oss (1987)
Transdermal Delivery of Drugs . Edited by A.F. K ydonibus and B. B erner (1987).
ABC of Dermatology . P. K. B uxton . With contributions from D.J. Gawkrodger, D.W.S. Harris, D. Kemmett, A.L. Wright. (1988).
Encyclopedia of Conditioning Rinse Ingredients . A.L.L. H unting (1987)  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviews in this article:
Dermatology: Current Concepts and Practice. Patrick Hall-Smith and R. J. Cairns, Editors.
Clinical Genodermatology—Volume 1 and Volume II. Thomas Butterworth and Roger L. Ladda.
Clinical Dermatology: An Illustrated Textbook. Rona M. Mackie.
The Skin of Vertebrates. R. J. C. Spearman and P. A. Riley, Editors.
Pathology of Malignant Melanoma. A. Bernard Ackerman.
PROGRESS IN DISEASES OF THE SKIN. Volume 1. Raul Fleischmajer.
Occupational and Industrial Dermatology. Howard I. Maibach and Gerald A. Cell in.
Basic and Clinical Immunology, 4th Ed. D. P. Stites, J. D. Stobo, H. H. Feudenberg, and J. V. Wells.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed in this article:
A Colour Atlas of Infectious Diseases . 2nd edition. By R.T.D. E amon and H.A.K. R owland .
Vascular Birthmarks—Pathogenesis and Management . Edited by T.J. R yan and G.W. C herry .
Structural Glycoproteins in Cell-matrix Interactions . Edited by L. R abat -R obert , R, T impl . and L. R obert .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed in this article:
Botanical Dermatology. Plants and Plant Products Injurious to the Skin. J ohn M itchell and A rthur R ook
Cancer Dermatology. F rederick H elm
Major Problems in Clinical Pediatrics. Volume 19. Adolescent Dermatology. L.M. S olomon , N.B. E sterly and E.D. L offel
Psoriasis: Proceedings of the Second International Symposium. Edited by E ugene M. F arber and A lvine J. C ox
Diseases of the Skin in Children and Adolescents. K.W. K orting
Office Techniques for Diagnosing Skin Disease. Edited by W illiam H. E aglstein and D avid M. P ariser
Investigative Techniques in Dermatology. Edited by R. M arks  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Contact dermatitis》1987,16(3):179-180
Books reviewed in this article:
Photobiology of the skin and eye , ed.: Edward M. Jackson.
Patch testing. Test concentrations and vehicles for 2800 allergens. Anton C. de Groot  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed in this article:
A Colour Atlas of Nursing Procedures in Skin Disorders. By L.A. S tone , E.M. L indfield and S. R obertson . Published by Wolfe Medical Ltd, London, 1989. Price £14.95
The Healing and Treatment of skin Defects. By. J. M oserova and E. H ouskova . Bioengineering and the Skin. Price £31.30
Mycobacterial Skin Diseases: New Clinical Applications: Dermatology. Edited by M. H arahap . series Edited by J. Verbov. Published by Klower Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1989. Price £30.00  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviwed in this article:
Dermatologie und Venereologie. Leitfaden für Studium und Praxis. G.K. S teigleder
Stratum Comeum. Edited by R.M arks and G.P lewig
ĽHerpès, Nouveaux Traitements Nouveaux Espoirs. M. J ossey  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Pediatric dermatology》1984,1(4):329-329
Book Reviewed in this article:
Manual of Practical Dermatology John H.S. Pettit.
Immunodermatology Comprehensive Immunology Series, Volume 7. Bijan Safai and Robert A.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Progress in Allergy . Edited by P.K allós , B.H.W aksman , and A. de W eck (1976)
Dermatological Photobiology: Clinical and Experimental Aspects . I.A.M agnus (1976)
The Management of the Menopause and Post-Menopausal Years . Edited by S tuart C ampbell (1976)
The Acnes, Clinical Features, Pathogenesis and Treatment . W.J.C unliffe and J.A.C otteril .
The Acnes, Clinical Features, Pathogenesis and Treatment . W.J.C unliffe and J.A.C otteril
Self Assessment of Current Knowledge in Allergy . Edited by C laude A lbee F razier (1976)  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviwed in this article:
Dermatological Formulations: Percutaneous Absorption . By B.W.B arry
Topics in Adolescent Medicine . Edited by R.B.Shearin
Aspects of the Tongue . By Robert Froriep Edited and translated by C.G arton and J.D.G erencser
Normal and Abnormal Epidermal Differentiation . Edited by I.A.B ernstein and the late M.S eiji  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Contact dermatitis》1981,7(1):62-63
Book reviewed in this article:
Safety with Lasers and Other Optical Sources. David Sliney & Myron L.
Mannual of Dermatology – An Introduction to Diagnosis and Treatment . J. P. Callen, M. A. Stawiski & J. J. Voorhees.
Atlas of Aquatic Dermatology. Alexander A. Fisher, Grune and Stratton.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviwed in this article:
Fundamentals of Dermatology . T.N asemann , W.S auerbrey and W.H.C.B urgdorf
Biochemistry and Physiology of the Skin . Edited by L.A. G oldsmith
Pityriasis rubra pilaris–a summary of the literature from 1835–1982 . W.K uster
Histopathology of the Skin . W.E.L ever and G.S chaumburg -L ever
Recent Advances in Dermatology No. 6 . A.J.R ook and H.I.M aibach  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviews in this article:
ANDREWS' DISEASES OE THE SKIN. Anthony N. Domonkos, Harry L. Arnold, Jr., and Richard B. Odom.
VASCULITIS. K. Wolff, and R. K. Winkelmann.
COSMETIC SCIENCE, Volume 2. M. M. Breuer, Editor.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book-Reviewed in this articles:
LEG ULCERS . Henry H, Roenigk, Jr, and Jess R, Young
INTERACTIONS BETWEEN IONS AND MOLECULES. Edited by Pierre Ausloos, 690 pages.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
1987 Year Book of Dermatology . Edited by A.J.S ober and T.B. F itzpatrick .
Current Therapy in Dermatology—2 . Edited By T.T.P rovost and E.R.F armer .
Advances in Dermatology. Volume 3 . Edited by J.P.C allen , M.V.D ahl , L.E.G olitz , L.A.S chachner and S.J.S tegman .
Photodermatologie and Phototherapie . By P.T homas and P.A mblard .
A Colour Atlas of AIDS And HIV Disease. 2nd edition . By C.F.F arthing , S.E.B rown and R.C.D.S taughton .
Atlas of Dermatopathology . By R.P.R apini and R.E.J ordon .
Common Problems in Dermatology . Edited K.E.G reer .
A Colour Atlas of Allergy . By W.F.J ackson and R.C erio .
Pediatric Dermatology Edited by L.A.S chachner and R.S.H ansen .
Vulvovaginal candidosis—theory and practice . By W.M endling .
Leprosy for medical practitioners and paramedical workers . By R.H.T hangaraj and S.J.Y awalkar .
Difficult diagnoses in dermatology . Edited by M.L ebwohl .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed in this article:
Psoriasis: Proceedings of the Second International Symposium. Edited by E ugene M. F arber and A lvin J.C ox
Frontiers of Matrix Biology, Vol. 4: No. i. Studies on the Biology and Pathology of Skin. No. 2. Studies in Radiobiology. Edited by L.R obert
Comparative Biology of Skin.
La Sclerosi Sistemiea Progressiva. By M ario G iordano
Recent Advances in Clinical Immunology. Edited by R.A.T hompson  相似文献   

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