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放射免疫实验室是医院检验科主要的实验室,放射免疫室放射免疫试剂的管理,放射免疫分析工作人员的防护,放射性污染以及放射性废物的处理就显得尤为重要。 相似文献
放射治疗是治疗恶性肿瘤的主要手段之一.放射性皮炎是肿瘤放射治疗过程中或结束时较为常见的副反应[1].照射野局部皮肤放疗后会因毛细血管扩张出现红斑、进而出现色素沉着,小血管内微血栓形成导致局部缺氧及继发细胞损伤、死亡,出现脱皮、脱发、溃疡、出血、坏死,或因液体潴留而出现水肿,严重者甚至出现经久不愈的溃疡,常因此中断放疗而影响疗效.近几年,国内学者对放射性皮炎的预防、治疗及护理做了大量的研究,探索了许多方法并取得一定的疗效,现综述如下: 相似文献
目的探讨鼻咽癌患者放射性皮炎的临床防护和护理方法。方法对在我院住院治疗的100例鼻咽癌患者的临床相关资料进行回顾性分析,对临床治疗本疾病的防护及护理方法进行总结。结果在我院住院治疗的患者中,82例出现放射性皮炎,经过我院恰当的护理,所有患者病情好转。结论对鼻咽癌患者进行适当的护理,有利于患者病情的康复,同时适当的护理对放射性皮炎的治疗有积极的临床治疗作用。 相似文献
医院现代化医疗设备多以集成电路(IC)为主的印刷电路板构成,其维修工作,特别是进口设备在缺少图纸的情况下,就显得更为艰难。本文就利用测试仪未检修设备的原理作一介绍,使复杂的维修工作变得简单、快捷了。 相似文献
目的观察皮肤防护剂预防放射性皮肤反应的临床效果。方法将在荆州市第一人民医院住院的头颈部肿瘤患者94例,按照放疗的初始日期单双号随机分为观察组和对照组,将皮肤防护剂均匀涂于观察组病人的照射野皮肤上,用直线加速器常规照射,观察两组发生放射性皮肤反应情况。结果两组病人放射野皮肤反应程度,经统计学处理,P〈0.01,差异有统计学意义;观察组色素沉着、干性皮炎、湿性皮炎的皮肤损伤体征显著低于对照组;皮肤防护剂还能推迟放射性皮肤反应的发生。结论应用皮肤防护剂,可有效预防放射性皮肤反应,减轻皮肤损害,提高皮肤耐受性,有利于放疗的顺利进行。 相似文献
R M Nicoll 《Health physics》1991,60(5):725-731
Activities involving the possession and use of radioactive material require the application of controls to ensure the health and safety of the worker and general public. One of the first steps in adequately controlling any licensed activity is the establishment of zones and boundaries that will exist for purposes of restricting or regulating personnel radiological exposure. Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 20 (10 CFR 20) defines the "restricted area" (RA) and prescribes the administrative and radiological protection controls pertinent to the RA. For nuclear power facilities, the determination of the physical relation of the RA boundary with other physical or administrative boundaries, such as the site boundary, the radiologically controlled area (RCA), and the exclusion area boundary, must be based on an evaluation that considers all applicable federal requirements and limits for each zone or boundary contained within or interfacing with the RA. This paper presents a discussion of the factors that should be considered and an evaluation methodology that can be utilized based on the generation of two-dimensional isodoses. 相似文献
J E Martin 《Health physics》1986,50(1):57-64
The amount of 14C in low-level radioactive wastes is important for determining the future impacts of their disposal. New regulations in the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 61 (10 CFR 61) require quantitation of 14C and other radionuclides in such wastes not amenable to measurement by gamma spectroscopy. Sampling was done of major waste streams at the Palisades pressurized water reactor (PWR) and the Big Rock Point boiling water reactor (BWR) to determine quantities of 14C in the waste streams for comparison with other reported studies. Analyses were performed by releasing all 14C constituents in the waste samples in the form of 14CO2 by chemical processing or by heating the samples in a tube furnace containing CuO2 catalyst and trapping the evolved gas in a liquid scintillator for counting. The largest amounts of 14C were found in the resins and filters used for reactor water cleanup, a result which is similar to those of the available studies. From these data, the annual amounts of 14C in wastes from nominal PWRs and BWRs were estimated to be 4.7 and 0.5 Ci/GW(e)-yr, respectively. 相似文献
A Imahori 《Sangyō igaku. Japanese journal of industrial health》1987,29(6):504-509
Occupational exposures at nuclear power plants occur mostly during maintenance activities rather than during routine reactor operation. In this paper, statistical summaries of occupational exposures during routine maintenance activities for the years 1982-84 at nuclear power plants in Japan are presented, including comparison of the exposure levels by reactor type and by plant age. Average annual collective doses per reactor for BWRs and PWRs are 7.30 man-Sv and 2.84 man-Sv, respectively, and 78% and 89% of annual doses are incurred during maintenance activities. Average annual outage days of BWRs and PWRs for routine maintenance are 102 d and 97 d. Annual collective doses per reactor, most of which occur during maintenance activities, usually increase with plant age. Higher collective doses are observed for routine maintenance performed on older reactors as compared to newer reactors, especially in BWRs. Collective doses accrued during respective routine maintenance activities have a significant correlation with duration of maintenance and number of workers involved in maintenance. 相似文献
The nuclear power industry work ethic and culture is founded on learning from experience and continuously finding ways to improve performance--especially in regard to radiation safety. Over the past 25 y, this process of continuous improvement has yielded exceptional results in regard to radiation protection of workers, the public and the environment. In light of the resurgence of nuclear energy in the United States, the nuclear power industry is developing strategies to achieve continuous improvements to performance and address emerging challenges in the area of radiation protection. 相似文献
目的识别、分析天然气蒸汽联合循环热电工程的职业病危害因素,确定职业病危害程度,提出防治对策,以保护劳动者职业健康。方法采用现场卫生学调查的方法调查分析企业基本情况、生产工艺、职业病危害因素及职业病危害防护措施;采用工作场所职业病危害因素测定法检测工作场所职业病危害因素的浓度或强度;采用工作场所职业危害分级方法进行工作场所职业病危害分级。结果天然气蒸汽联合循环热电工程存在的主要职业病危害因素为噪声、高温、热辐射、工频超高压电场、CO、CO2、NO、NO2、硫化氢、盐酸、氢氧化钠、氨、联氨、硫酸等;工程采用的生产工艺先进,工人作业方式主要为巡检;职业病危害防护设施设置基本合理;检测结果表明检测的31个噪声作业点中有5个点超标,超标率为16%,循环水泵旁噪声最高为94.4 dB(A);个体噪声及化学毒物检测结果全部符合国家职业卫生标准,运行岗位高温危害分级为Ⅱ级。结论职业病危害关键控制点为噪声和高温。氨、联氨、盐酸、氢氧化钠、硫酸等化学有害因素应加强管理。企业应按照《中华人民共和国职业病防治法》及相关法规、标准要求加强职业病防治工作。 相似文献
燃煤火力发电厂在运行过程中产生粉尘、噪声、毒物等职业病危害因素,而采用合理的控制技术,可有效降低工作场所中职业病危害因素的浓度(强度)。本文基于目前燃煤火力发电厂存在的职业危害控制现状,综述控制该类生产企业中职业病危害因素的主要技术。 相似文献
开关型稳压电源(开关电源)具有效率高、体积小、适用面广、可靠性高等特点。符合现代电子设备向小型化发展的方向;因而被广泛采用。相对于电子设备中的其他模块.开关电源工作电压较高、电流较大,故障率高。 相似文献