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宫内外复合妊娠2例报告张国兴,行崇玲,黄戈(新疆石油局白碱滩医院)1临床资料例134岁。停经30无,出现早孕反应,第40天无明显诱因的下腹痛伴肛门坠胀,于1987年7月24日就诊。查体:急性病面容,贫血貌,血压12/8kFa,下腹压痛,移动性浊音(+...  相似文献   

重复性宫内、外复合妊娠1例荣成市第二人民医院郭德芳毕艳丽山东省计划生育研究所高爱萍曲瑞贞患者25岁,G3P1。因停经2个月,右下腹隐痛,于1993年5月10日来荣城第二人民医院就诊,经检查诊为早孕,当天行人工流产吸宫术,宫腔11cm,吸出物约30g,...  相似文献   

<正>宫内宫外复合妊娠(heterotopic pregnancy,HP)是指2个或多个胚胎在生殖系内的不同部位同时发育,其中至少有一个属于宫内正常妊娠,其余为异位妊娠。自然状态下复合妊娠十分罕见,发生率为1/7000~1/30 000[1]。近年来,由于辅助生育技术的应用,国内外多个生殖医学中心均有关于体外受精-胚胎移植(IVF-ET)周期后发生HP的报道,发生率  相似文献   

目的探讨体外受精-胚胎移植术(in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer, IVF-ET)后宫内妊娠合并输卵管间质部妊娠的临床特点和治疗方法。 方法回顾性分析2014年3月至2018年12月暨南大学医学院附属深圳市宝安区妇幼保健院妇产科收治IVF-ET后宫内妊娠合并输卵管间质部妊娠的6例临床资料及治疗方法。 结果6例患者均采用手术治疗,其中4例开腹手术,2例腹腔镜手术,发生早期流产1例,活产分娩5例,无子宫破裂及新生儿畸形发生。 结论宫内妊娠合并输卵管间质部妊娠主要依靠阴道超声诊断,手术治疗可获得良好妊娠结局,腹腔镜手术是安全可行的。  相似文献   

目的:探讨宫内外复合妊娠(HP)腹腔镜治疗的有效性、安全性及对妊娠结局的影响。方法:回顾性分析2011年1月—2018年1月天津市中心妇产科医院收治的宫内妊娠合并输卵管妊娠共34例,探讨腹腔镜手术治疗的可行性和妊娠结局。结果:34例患者均为宫内妊娠合并单侧输卵管妊娠,其中特殊病例包括:宫内双胎妊娠合并右侧输卵管妊娠1例,宫内妊娠合并右侧输卵管间质部妊娠1例,双子宫右侧宫腔妊娠合并左侧输卵管妊娠1例。所有患者均行腹腔镜手术治疗,手术时间15~110 min,平均(45.21±8.33)min;术中出血5~200 m L,平均(33.04±10.12)m L,其中3例因术前腹腔出血超过800 mL行输血治疗。术后患者无发热、切口感染和术后并发症,超声检查提示宫内妊娠状态正常,患者恢复良好。除胚胎停育行人工流产1例和失访1例外,余33例新生儿(1例双胎妊娠分娩)均为活产,未见新生儿发育畸形。结论:对于妊娠早期的宫内妊娠合并单侧输卵管妊娠患者,腹腔镜手术去除输卵管异位妊娠安全有效,术后未增加医源性流产率及新生儿出生缺陷发生率。  相似文献   

宫颈妊娠是临床罕见的一种异位妊娠,由于胚胎种植于宫颈管黏膜内,可能造成大出血等不良结局,严重时需切除子宫,甚至危及患者生命。该疾病尚无特定治疗方法,需行个体化治疗。目前采用高强度聚焦超声治疗宫颈妊娠的报道极少,现回顾中国人民武装警察部队特色医学中心妇产科2020年收治的1例高强度聚焦超声联合清宫术成功治疗宫颈妊娠的病例,希望通过分享治疗经验引起妇产科医师的注意,为宫颈妊娠患者谋求更安全、有效、经济的治疗方案。  相似文献   

宫内宫外复合妊娠亦称宫内宫外同时妊娠,发生率1:5000~1:30000。早期诊断为宫内妊娠后,很少会考虑到并发妊娠的可能,宫外孕容易漏诊,往往是发生急腹症时才发现。现将宫内宫外复合妊娠1例报道如下:1病例摘要患者27岁,G0P0,因停经12周,下腹剧痛3小时于2010年11月28日入院。LMP:2010年9月4日,查:BP:86/58mmHg,面色苍白,  相似文献   

目的:探讨宫颈妊娠的病因、诊断及保守性治疗方法。方法:回顾分析我院1996年1月1日至2010年12月31日收治的宫颈妊娠及体外授精胚胎移植术后宫内孕合并宫颈妊娠患者36例,探讨宫颈妊娠保守治疗方式的选择,并随访患者术后情况。结果:29例单纯宫颈妊娠:6例外院误诊为"难免流产",误诊率20.69%;10例经阴道B超引导下宫颈妊娠囊局部穿刺+MTX注射治疗,6例行子宫动脉栓塞术,6例MTX肌内注射治疗,7例腰麻下宫腔镜检查宫颈妊娠清除手术。7例宫内孕合并宫颈妊娠:1例阴道B超引导下局部妊娠囊穿刺注入KCl 1ml,3例期待疗法后清除宫颈妊娠物,3例腹部B超引导下宫颈妊娠物清除术。结论:阴道彩超用于宫颈妊娠的早期诊断有较大的价值,术前应充分评估,制定个体化的治疗方案。宫内孕合并宫颈妊娠的患者在腹部B超监测下清除宫颈妊娠物是有效的治疗方式之一,但要及时手术并且加强抗感染治疗。  相似文献   

患者41岁。孕1产0。停经48d,因“稽留流产”在门诊行清宫术时阴道大出血于2006-06-22急诊由门诊转入病房。患者既往月经规律,末次月经2006-05-05,停经38d时出现阴道少量出血,无腹痛。停经41d尿妊娠试验(+),超声示子宫7.1cm×5.7cm×4.5cm,宫腔内可见4.1cm×1.6cm的回声不均区,颈管内见3.9cm×2.6cm的回声不均区,诊断为“稽留流产”,[第一段]  相似文献   

宫颈机能不全是导致妊娠晚期反复流产和早产的主要原因之一。早产可增加围生期发病率与死亡率,给妊娠妇女及家庭带来严重心理和经济负担。目前在国内外,宫颈环扎术被推荐使用于单胎妊娠,对其在双胎妊娠中的应用报道较少,指征不明确。回顾分析1例双胎妊娠经2次宫颈环扎术获2名健康活婴的病例资料并进行文献复习,探讨宫颈环扎术在双胎妊娠中的应用。  相似文献   

目的:评估腹腔镜手术在宫内外同时妊娠(HP)诊断和治疗中的价值,探讨对HP患者实施腹腔镜手术的手术技巧。方法:回顾性分析2003~2010年在我院接受腹腔镜手术治疗的21例HP患者的临床资料。结果:21例患者中有20例为输卵管妊娠(均行患侧输卵管切除术),1例为宫角妊娠(行宫角妊娠取出术)。部分患者同时行盆腔粘连松解术和(或)对侧输卵管结扎术。所有手术均经腹腔镜顺利完成,无中转开腹,无术中重大并发症发生。术后有20例患者接受不同时间的保胎治疗,17例成功分娩,1例怀孕8个月,2例保胎失败,保胎成功率达90.0%(18/20)。结论:腹腔镜手术不仅可早期确诊可疑HP患者,减少异位妊娠对宫内胚胎的影响,还可同时对异位妊娠进行有效治疗,对休克型及少见的HP的治疗亦安全可行。腹腔镜手术是治疗HP的理想手术方式。  相似文献   

不明部位妊娠是一种妊娠状态,有多种临床结局,如宫内妊娠、异位妊娠、流产型不明部位妊娠和持续性不明部位妊娠。持续性不明部位妊娠是不明部位妊娠较少见的一种临床结局,因其临床表现缺乏特异性,且找不到妊娠囊位置,诊断困难,容易误诊,在临床上如果治疗不及时,可导致妊娠囊破裂或妊娠部位的出血、坏死,可危及患者生命。在临床中通常需要结合定期连续监测的血人绒毛膜促性腺激素(hCG)值、孕酮值和阴道超声结果进行诊断及治疗。为了总结临床持续性不明部位妊娠诊治体会,进一步提高对持续性不明部位妊娠诊断治疗水平,报道1例罕见的持续性不明部位妊娠临床资料,结合持续性不明部位妊娠诊断和治疗进展进行文献复习。  相似文献   

Aim Aim of the study was to investigate the efficacy of single transvaginal ultrasound-guided intraamniotic installation of methotrexate in the management of cervical pregnancy with concurrent review of the literature.Materials and methods Six patients with cervical pregnancy are included in the study. All patients were treated with single transvaginal ultrasound-guided intraamniotic installation of 70 mg of methotrexate plus folic acid p.o. The main presenting symptoms were mild to moderate vaginal bleeding and lower abdominal cramp-like pain, resembling the clinical presentation of a threatened abortion. The typical ultrasound findings were the absence of intrauterine gestational sac and the detection of a gestational sac within the cervical canal, invading the anterior or the posterior wall of the cervix and normal appearance of the adnexa, bilaterally. The hourglass-shaped cervix was not characteristic at 5 weeks of gestation but it was at 8 weeks of gestation.Discussion Ultrasound-guided intraamniotic installation of methotrexate in the management of cervical pregnancy appears to be an effective and safe method but the choice of the method should be depended on the gestational age of cervical pregnancy, the presence of active bleeding or not and its severity, the desire for preservation of future fertility, the presence of coexisting valuable intrauterine pregnancy and the experience of the physician in charge.  相似文献   

Background: Cervical pregnancy is a rare condition that can become life-threatening if heavy bleeding occurs.Case: Grace (pseudonym) is a 32-year-old woman who was admitted to hospital at approximately 6 weeks’ gestational age after several days of heavy bleeding. Ultrasonographic examination revealed the presence of cervical pregnancy. She received multiple doses of methotrexate with folinic acid rescue, and did not require surgical intervention. Nine months after the resolution of the cervical pregnancy, Grace again became pregnant. She had an uncomplicated gestation and a normal vaginal delivery of a healthy baby at term.Conclusion: Multiple-dose methotrexate with folinic acid rescue was a safe option for the medical treatment of ectopic cervical pregnancy in this case. Long-term toxicity studies and case reports are required to provide more information regarding safety and for clinicians to individualize treatment regimens.  相似文献   


Study Objective

To present a modified technique for laparoscopic cornual resection for the surgical treatment of heterotopic istmocornual pregnancy.


A step-by-step explanation of the surgery using video (Canadian Task Force Classification III-c).


Heterotopic pregnancy is the coexistence of pregnancy in both the intrauterine and extrauterine sides. The incidence is 1 in 30 000 in spontaneous pregnancies; however, the incidence increased to 1 in 100 to 1 in 500 pregnancies with the increasing number of artificial reproductive technologies 1, 2. Although management is controversial, there are 2 main approaches classified as surgical and nonsurgical. The administration of potassium chloride, methotrexate, and/or hyperosmolar glucose is a nonsurgical intervention; however, there are some limitations such as systemic side effects and the possible adverse effect on a live fetus 1, 2, 3. For this reason, surgical intervention involving cornual resection is the main treatment option.

Case Report

A 32-year-old patient was admitted to our clinic with sudden-onset pain at the left groin. She was at the 11th week of gestation. She had a diagnosis of infertility for 7 years, and she became pregnant after an in vitro fertilization cycle. At sonographic examination, 2 gestational sacs were detected, 1 with a live fetus settled into the uterus and the second (20-mm length) on the left cornual side without a yolk sac and embryo and the left adnexa accompanied with coagulated blood. Immediate laparoscopic surgery was planned. At the laparoscopic exploration, left istmocornual pregnancy that was ruptured and bleeding were observed. We performed a modified technique for laparoscopic cornual resection in which the uterine corn was tightened with the noose twice, and the corn was sutured circularly to avoid excessive bleeding. Initially, the mesosalpinx was coagulated and transected with bipolar energy. Afterward, the uterine corn was tightened with the noose twice, and the fallopian tube was removed. To reduce the bleeding during remnant cornual tissue extraction, a permanent 0 monofilament suture was passed deep into the myometrium and tightened to achieve better hemostasis. Then, the remnant cornual tissue was extracted with harmonic scissors, and the uterine wound was repaired with continuous suture to reduce the risk of uterine rupture during the ongoing pregnancy. Depot progesterone was administered just before the surgery and the day after. She was discharged on the first postoperative day. At the follow-up, she did not experience any problems during pregnancy, and she was delivered with cesarean section at 39 weeks’ gestation.


In conclusion, laparoscopic surgery is a safe and feasible option for the treatment of heterotopic pregnancy, and control of bleeding can be achieved better with our modified technique.  相似文献   

目的:通过回顾分析相关文献,总结剖宫产后子宫瘢痕妊娠合并宫内妊娠(HCSP)的临床表现、诊断、治疗及预后等,从而为临床诊疗提供参考。方法:检索PubMed、万方及中国期刊全文数据库中的HCSP相关文献。通过阅读文献全文,总结分析HCSP的临床表现及诊断方法,并重点探讨其治疗方法及治疗方法与预后的关系。结果:共收集HCSP患者15例,其中自然妊娠6例,体外受精-胚胎移植(IVF-ET)9例。诊断时间为孕5周至8+4周,其中6例患者有阴道流血,其余均无特殊不适;患者均通过阴道超声得以确诊。1例患者因无生育要求而选择甲氨蝶呤直接终止妊娠;14例患者中,期待治疗、宫腔镜及腹腔镜手术治疗各1例,超声监测下原位减胎术[抽吸和(或)药物注射)]11例,患者均成功减胎并继续妊娠。1例因孕12周超声提示胎儿畸形而终止妊娠;13例通过剖宫产而获得活婴,其中3例为足月择期剖宫产,10例因急诊手术指证而行剖宫产终止妊娠,4例出现术中大出血需抢救治疗。结论:剖宫产术后的再次妊娠,尤其是通过辅助生殖技术而受孕者需考虑到HCSP的可能。阴道超声是HCSP诊断及治疗的重要工具。目前超声监测下原位减胎术是治疗HCSP的主要方法,并可获得成功的宫内继续妊娠,但继续妊娠者孕期及围产期并发症多,需严格按高危妊娠积极处理。  相似文献   

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