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低温条件下大体标本生物塑化研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目前我国以南京、重庆为代表采用常温条件和间断真空浸渗处理技术,而以大连、青岛为代表采用低温连续真空渗透技术;但制作技术的复杂性、关键技术未普及以及设备昂贵,使应用受限。生物塑化技术的研究国内报道颇多,但是对其详细制作方法、注意事项、塑化标本颜色加深的原因、影响塑化标本固化因素、低温真空技术与常温真空技术的比较等方面的相关研究,作者尚未见报道。为此作者依据自身经验进行相关文献分析和总结,以期为塑化技术实践者提供基础参考,也为解剖生物塑化技术的研究积累资料。  相似文献   

解剖学教师从事医学科普创作的体会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
撰写科普文章或将自己的科研成果和科学论文改写成科普文章,普及给人民群众,对上完成了科研攻关课题,对下完成了普及推广的义务,这件意义深远而又非常重要的工作不仅临床工作者可以去做而且基础医学解剖学教师同样可以做好,多年来笔者在这方面做过一些尝试。在此,谈谈自己从事医学科普创作的点滴体会:1 普及卫生知识是我们义不容辞的责任据报纸刊载,河北省一位范姓农民,62岁因前列腺增生而排尿不畅,自己却误认为是尿道外口狭窄所致,在排尿极度痛苦难忍时高举菜刀将自己的阴茎剁去一截。四川农村一对夫妻将避孕套误认为口服避孕药而“煮熟”…  相似文献   

随着现代科学技术的迅猛发展,医学正在以前所未有的速度前进,对医学科普工作也有了更高的要求。然而有些人却对医学科普创作认识不足,甚至有一种偏见,认为撰写科研论文是真正的高水平,而写科普文章则是雕虫小技,根本不放在心上。也有人觉得撰写医学科普文章主要是临床工作者的事,而与基础医学特别是人体解剖学关系不大或感到无从下手。为此,笔者提出以下浅见,以求共同研讨。  相似文献   

生物塑化技术   总被引:37,自引:4,他引:33  

利用生物塑化技术,将骆驼经过固定、大体制作、脱水脱脂、渗透、定型、修复固化、清理、上色等流程,完成整体塑化标本的制作。采用生物塑化技术制作的骆驼标本,无毒无味,经久耐用,肌肉纹理清晰,并具有一定的弹性,真实地保持了骆驼的形态结构,避免了传统制作方法的缺点。这为大型动物塑化标本的制作积累了经验,也为生物塑化技术在国内生物标本制作的推广提供了理论依据和技术支持。  相似文献   

真空浸渍是生物塑化技术的重要步骤 ,浸渍彻底与否是标本塑化成功的关键。真空浸渍是指在低压或真空状态下 ,易挥发的中间剂气化后形成气泡从组织细胞内移出 ,组织内形成负压 ,同等量的粘稠度高的、分子量大的塑化剂则进入组织细胞内填补 ,由于中间剂移出留下的空间 ,使塑化剂与器官内部各个结构密切连接[1] 。如果塑化剂不能完全或大部分占据组织细胞中间剂的位置 ,那么标本内就会有空隙 ,塑化剂就不能起到对组织结构的包埋作用 ,势必造成器官内部多个组成结构之间结合松散 ,甚至脱落 ,从而导致失败。现将我们的实际工作经验与改进措施作简…  相似文献   

蒋福贵 《解剖学研究》2001,23(2):186-187
生物塑化技术是将高分子化合物和真空物理学与生物学相结合 ,用于处理、保存和研究生物标本的一种技术。经生物塑化技术处理后的标本呈干燥透明状态 ,无毒无味 ,具有一定韧性和弹性 ,不破坏标本原形和组织器官和位置关系 ,是目前形态学研究中具有较好性能和广泛用途的新方法 ,受到了国际上较为普遍的承认 ,并得到了推广。该技术是由德国汉德堡大学解剖学研究所哈根斯于 1978年发明的 ,并在国外获得广泛应用。如Taguchi[1] 等专家论述了生物塑化技术是将硅胶或环氧树酯浸入有机体的一种保存解剖物质的新技术。我国在 1996年 ,大连医科…  相似文献   

目的 研究成人歌唱共鸣器官整体塑化标本的制作方法。方法 利用生物塑化技术将随机选取的中青年男性和女性尸体标本,经过解剖、脱水脱脂、真空渗透、修复造型固化、上色标示、涂层保护等流程,完成成人歌唱共鸣器官整体塑化标本的制作。结果 成人歌唱共鸣器官整体塑化标本呈站立位歌唱姿势,外形栩栩如生,同时能清晰展示人体的各个发音共鸣器官大小、形状及毗邻位置关系。结论 利用生物塑化技术制作的成人歌唱共鸣器官整体塑化标本经久耐用、安全环保、易于保存、拆卸、运输,后期维护简单,在缺乏仪器设备和人体解剖生理实验的实际情况下,人体塑化标本成为声乐教学理论结合实践的纽带和桥梁。  相似文献   

This paper describes the usefulness of the process of plastination, a new technique of tissue preservation, for demonstrating both diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of advanced surgical anatomy. In contrast to existing methods, plastination provides dry, firm, odorless, and manipulable specimens that are esthetically acceptable everywhere and thus allows anatomy to be both literally and metaphorically carried into the clinic. The author regards this process as an important factor in bridging the gap between anatomy and clinical practice.  相似文献   

Evaluation of the ankle syndesmosis: a plastination slices study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Plastination is an excellent tool for studying different anatomical and clinical questions. This technique is unique because it offers the possibility to produce transparent slices series that can be easily processed morphometrically. It is very difficult to recognize the subtle widening of the tibiofibular syndesmosis in less severe injuries of this articulation. Proper anatomic knowledge of the syndesmosis might be helpful. The ankle syndesmosis was investigated on 20 cadaver feet by using the E12 plastination technique. Each foot was cut into 1.6-mm transverse slices and then plastinated. The following parameters (reflecting the position of the fibula in the distal tibiofibular syndesmosis) were measured: the length (LFI) and the depth of the fibular incisure (DFI); the width of the clear space (TCS) and the tibiofibular overlap (TFO); the position of the fibula regarding the anterior aspect of the tibia (A); and the width of the fibula (W). Due to the unique approach of this method, values for the position of the fibular incisure with respect to the frontal (F) and sagittal (S) plane were described for the entire syndesmosis. The prevalence of syndesmotic injury in association with sprains of the ankle is up to 11%. The data presented in the study are useful for the appreciation of the correct position of the fibula in the fibular incisure and can be correlated with standard anterior-posterior radiographies and CT examinations of the ankle joint.  相似文献   

耳颞部矢状塑化薄片与HRCT图像对照研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨耳颞部重要结构在矢状断面上的形态规律及影像学表现,为该区影像诊断及外科手术提供形态学依据。方法 取6例成人耳颞部组织块,应用生物塑化技术制作成层厚1.2mm的矢状位连续薄层断面标本,并与对应的HRCT图像进行对照。结果 塑化薄层断面与HRCT图像有良好的对应关系。矢状断面可良好显示颞骨结构及其周围结构的毗邻关系,对面神经鼓室段及垂直段、前庭导水管等结构显示尤佳。结论 耳颞部矢状面扫描是补充横、冠状面扫描缺陷的一个重要扫描方法。结合塑化薄片、HRCT进行对照研究,可深入了解耳颞部矢状断面的解剖结构,为耳颞部疾病的影像学诊断和临床手术提供翔实准确的断层形态资料。  相似文献   

Anatomical science has used the bodies of the executed for dissection over many centuries. As anatomy has developed into a vehicle of not only scientific but also moral and ethical education, it is important to consider the source of human bodies for dissection and the manner of their acquisition. From the thirteenth to the early seventeenth century, the bodies of the executed were the only legal source of bodies for dissection. Starting in the late seventeenth century, the bodies of unclaimed persons were also made legally available. With the developing movement to abolish the death penalty in many countries around the world and with the renunciation of the use of the bodies of the executed by the British legal system in the nineteenth century, two different practices have developed in that there are Anatomy Departments who use the bodies of the executed for dissection or research and those who do not. The history of the use of bodies of the executed in German Anatomy Departments during the National Socialist regime is an example for the insidious slide from an ethical use of human bodies in dissection to an unethical one. There are cases of contemporary use of unclaimed or donated bodies of the executed, but they are rarely well documented. The intention of this review is to initiate an ethical discourse about the use of the bodies of the executed in contemporary anatomy.  相似文献   

目的:研究2种不同塑化材料制作的断层解剖标本的差异.方法:分别采用硅橡胶技术和聚酯共聚体技术制备人体断层标本,并进行比较.结果:硅橡胶技术所制备的标本不透明;聚酯共聚体技术制备的断层解剖标本半透明.硅橡胶材料制备的断层标本不适于研究组织纤维走向和筋膜结构,适用于标本防腐保存;聚酯共聚体材料制备的断层标本可以清晰地显示组织的纤维走向和筋膜结构,同时标本的厚度均匀,表面平滑,硬度较高.结论:聚酯共聚体材料制备的断层标本优于硅橡胶材料,此方法将会发展成为断层解剖学研究的常用技术.  相似文献   

Radical perineal prostatectomy, relative to retropubic prostatectomy, has become an increasingly used surgical technique for prostate cancer, following advances in laparoscopic methods for pelvic lymph node dissection. Recent protocols of risk stratification may even obviate the need for lymph node dissection. Section of the rectourethralis muscle (RUM) is necessary for access to the retroprostatic space, however, during this procedure rectal injuries may be produced. In this work, we studied the topography and morphology of the RUM, which, despite its importance in perineal surgery, has not been univocally described in the literature. After in situ formalin fixation, the pelvic viscera were removed from 16 male cadavers (age: 54-72 years) and from 4 full-term infants (gestational age: 37-38 weeks). Serial macrosections of the bladder base, prostate gland, and lower rectum cut in horizontal (6 adults and 2 infants) and sagittal (6 adults and 2 infants) planes underwent histological (hematoxylin and eosin, azan-Mallory, and Weigert's staining) and immunohistochemical (anti-smooth muscle actin and anti-sarcomeric actin) study. The remaining 4 adult specimens were cut in horizontal and sagittal planes and plastinated using the epoxy resin E12 sheet procedure. RUM was identified in 10 of 12 (83%) adult specimens and in 4 of 4 (100%) infant specimens. In both sagittal and transverse sections, it showed a triangular-shaped configuration. In all cases, at the level of its posterior portion, fibers continuing with the longitudinal muscular layer of the rectum were visible. In the majority of adult and infant cases, attachment of muscle fibers into the anterior wall of the anal canal was also observed. Anteriorly, the mean (+/-SD) distance between the RUM and the membranous urethra was 5.3 (+/-1.25) mm in adults and 1.0 (+/-0.41) mm in infants. Location of RUM in the prerectal space and the absence of urethral attachment makes the original name of this muscle, "prerectal," by Henle, more correct. In 7 of 10 (70%) adult cases and in 1 of 4 (25%) infant cases, muscle fibers were densely packed along the lateral portions of the RUM, while in its central portion connective tissue was prevalent, with sparse numbers of smooth muscle fibers. Immunohistochemical staining showed that this muscle consists almost entirely of smooth fibers. In all the infant specimens, the RUM was clearly separated from the levator ani, while in 8 of 10 (80%) adult cases, striated fibers of the levator ani and smooth fibers of the RUM intermingled. These structural associations suggest a functional cooperation between the two muscles, particularly in determining the anorectal flexure.  相似文献   

Computerized reconstruction of anatomical structures is becoming very useful for developing anatomical teaching modules and animations. Although databases exist consisting of serial sections derived from frozen cadaver material, plastination represents an alternate method for developing anatomical data useful for computerized reconstruction. Plastination is used as an excellent tool for studying different anatomical and clinical questions. The sheet plastination technique is unique because it offers the possibility to produce transparent slices series, which can easily be processed morphometrically. The purpose of this study was to describe a method for developing a computerized model of the human ankle using plastinated slices. This method could be applied to reconstruct any desired region of the human body.A human ankle was obtained, plastinated, sectioned, and subjected to 3D computerized reconstruction using WinSURF modeling system (SURFdriver Software). Qualitative observations revealed that the morphological features of the model were consistent with those displayed by typical cadaveric specimens. Morphometric analysis indicated that the model did not significantly differ from a sample of cadaveric specimens. These data support the use of plastinates for generating tissues sections useful for 3D computerized modeling.  相似文献   

正生物塑化技术是上世纪70年代末德国Hagens[1]发明的一项组织保存技术,已被广泛应用于解剖学、生物学、临床医学和艺术等相关领域。生物塑化过程是将生物组织中的水分和脂类用多聚物替代的过程。根据所用的多聚物不同,分为硅橡胶、多聚化乳胶、聚酯共聚体和环氧树脂4种技术[2]。P45断层塑化技术属于生物塑化中的聚酯树脂技术,由隋鸿锦教授[3]于2003年发明。运用该技术制作的塑化断层标本具有干燥、无毒、不变形、便于手持观察等特点,还实现了透明化,  相似文献   

The multi-faceted nature of modern anatomy comes as a surprise to many, especially when confronted by such seemingly different topics as cadavers and human embryo research. However, even these disparate facets of anatomy are linked by common underlying ethical considerations. This article traces historical views of anatomy and places them alongside the more contemporary dimensions of whole-body plastination, use of human material obtained under unethical circumstances, and human embryo research. These dimensions introduce issues of respect, human dignity, consent, scientific integrity, and societal expectations.  相似文献   

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