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了解广州地区大学生对登革热知识知晓与健康促进现况,为相关地区高校普及登革热知识提供依据.方法 采取自制结构式调查问卷,对广州地区21所本科院校共2 745名学生开展登革热卫生知识及健康促进现况调查.结果 广州地区大学生对登革热卫生知识总体知晓度为65.0%,不同性别、不同专业类型学生对登革热卫生知识的知晓率及获得知识的渠道比例差异均有统计学意义(P值均<0.05).68.2%的受访者了解登革热卫生知识的主要渠道为媒体,94.1%的受访者了解登革热卫生知识后会加强预防工作.结论 广州地区大学生登革热卫生知晓情况不佳,获取知识渠道单一.应利用先进的信息化技术宣传登革热预防知识和疫情实时报道,鼓励医学生向非医学生传播登革热卫生知识的同时培养和强化大学生的健康信念.  相似文献   

Rates of total fertility (TFR) in Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh are 2.5 and 2.6 children per woman, respectively. The practice of family planning in these states has therefore successfully reduced overall fertility. Uttar Pradesh, however, with a TFR of 4.8, by far the highest fertility of any state in India, still has a long way to go before achieving replacement fertility. This paper compares findings from these three states to determine if any lessons can be learned about how to reduce fertility in Uttar Pradesh and other high-fertility states. The percentage of women receiving antenatal care and the percentage of girls aged 6-14 years who attend school are the most powerful predictors of total fertility and contraceptive prevalence. The importance of antenatal care most likely reflects the double role of auxiliary nurse-midwives in delivering both health and family planning services. Success in Andhra Pradesh demonstrates the ability of a strong family welfare program to reduce fertility close to replacement levels without much economic or social development. A potentially effective strategy to reduce fertility in Uttar Pradesh and other high-fertility states should include strengthening the health and family welfare programs, which are known to be weak in such states. Improving literacy and education levels, especially of girls, is another important element.  相似文献   

Total 313 undergraduate students (132 males and 181 females) of the colleges of Nashik and Talegaon of Maharashtra were surveyed regard awareness about AIDS. Most of the students knew about AIDs and tests available. They were aware that people indulging sexually promiscuous relations are at risk of AIDS. But the fact that it is transmitted by infected blood and from infected mother to child was not widely known, particularly among Arts students. Some misconceptions regarding modes of transmission were observed among few students, like social kissing, sharing utensils/personal items, using common swimming pools and insect bite spread infection. Attitude towards HIV infected/AIDS patients were not sympathetic. Overall knowledge of Science students were better compared to commerce and Arts students. Confusion about mode of transmission and prevention of the disease exist. Scope of health education for these students was well felt.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Violence and mobility have been identified as critical factors contributing to the spread of HIV worldwide. This study aimed to assess the independent and combined associations of mobility and violence with sexual risk behaviors and HIV, STI prevalence among female sex workers (FSWs) in India. METHODS: Data were drawn from a cross-sectional, bio-behavioral survey conducted among 2042 FSWs across five districts of southern India in 2005--06. Regression models were used to estimate odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for sexual risk behaviors and HIV infection based on experience of violence and mobility after adjusting for socio-demographic and sex work related characteristics. RESULTS: One-fifth of FSWs (19%) reported experiencing violence; 68% reported travelling outside their current place of residence at least once in the past year and practicing sex work during their visit. Mobile FSWs were more likely to report violence compared to their counterparts (23% vs. 10%, p < 0.001). Approximately 1 in 5 tested positive for HIV. In adjusted models, FSWs reporting both mobility and violence as compared to their counterparts were more likely to be infected with HIV (Adjusted odds ratio (adjusted OR): 2.07, 95% CI: 1.42--3.03) and to report unprotected sex with occasional (adjusted OR: 2.86, 95% CI: 1.76--4.65) and regular clients (adjusted OR: 2.07, 95% CI: 1.40--3.06). CONCLUSIONS: The findings indicate that mobility and violence were independently associated with HIV infection. Notably, the combined effect of mobility and violence posed greater HIV risk than their independent effect. These results point to the need for the provision of an enabling environment and safe spaces for FSWs who are mobile, to augment existing efforts to reduce the spread of HIV/AIDS.  相似文献   

In recent years substance use has increased greatly throughout the world. Adolescence is the critical period when the first initiation of substance use takes place. Interventions at the adolescent age are effective to bring about lifestyle modifications. A community-based, cross-sectional study was carried out among 260 randomly selected adolescents in an urban slum area, with the objective of studying the prevalence and determinants of substance use among adolescents. The adolescent age group was selected as defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) (10 - 19 years). The overall prevalence of substance use was 32.7%. About 31% initiated substance use at 13 - 15 years of age, and the reason was peer pressure in 52.9%. Education of the study subject, education of parents, and substance use by parents and by peers were significantly associated with substance use. Children and parents should be educated to prevent substance use. There was a need to change the social environment.  相似文献   

In 2007 the state of Andhra Pradesh in southern India began rolling out Aarogyasri health insurance to reduce catastrophic health expenditures in households ??below the poverty line??. We exploit variation in program roll-out over time and districts to evaluate the impacts of the scheme using difference-in-differences. Our results suggest that within the first nine months of implementation Phase I of Aarogyasri significantly reduced out-of-pocket inpatient expenditures and, to a lesser extent, outpatient expenditures. These results are robust to checks using quantile regression and matching methods. No clear effects on catastrophic health expenditures or medical impoverishment are seen. Aarogyasri is not benefiting scheduled caste and scheduled tribe households as much as the rest of the population.  相似文献   

A dengue case was reported for the 1st time in a rural area of Kurnool District, Andhra Pradesh, India. Entomological and serological investigations were carried out to determine the prevalence of dengue vectors and dengue virus. Aedes aegypti was recorded for the 1st time in rural areas of Andhra Pradesh. Breeding of Ae. aegypti was observed only in containers with nonpotable water. Cement cisterns and tanks, stone tubs, and clay pots were the major breeding habitats of Ae. aegypti. Larval indices for Ae. aegypti ranged as follows: house index 28-40%, container index 13-37%, and Breteau index 32-60. A serological survey indicated that humans in Kurnool District have been exposed to dengue virus infections. The potential threat of an outbreak of dengue fever in rural areas because of the prevalence of the vector (Ae. aegypti) and dengue virus is discussed.  相似文献   

The immunization service delivery support (ISDS) model was initiated in Andhra Pradesh, India, in November 2003 with the aim of strengthening immunization services through supportive supervision. The ISDS model involves a well-established supervision system built upon the existing health infrastructure. The objectives of this approach are to: (1) identify areas of high performance and those that need improvement, (2) assist staff in identifying and correcting wrong practices, (3) improve staff skills, (4) motivate staff, and (5) initiate corrective actions at appropriate levels through information sharing. An evaluation of cost and effectiveness of ISDS in 16 districts that participated in the programme found that the incremental cost associated with three rounds of supportive supervision visits was approximately US$ 110,630 (US$ 36,877 per round). The performance of health centre and immunization sessions was evaluated using 43- and 28-point checklists, respectively, and demonstrated significant improvement during and following the two-year implementation of ISDS. The average percentage change in health centre performance scores from baseline to the fourth round of evaluation was approximately 36%, and immunization session performance scores increased by an average of 9%. The incremental costs per additional per cent increase in average health centre performance score and per additional per cent increase in average immunization session performance score over the evaluation period were estimated to be US$ 3091 and US$ 12,760, respectively. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratios are relatively sensitive to personnel and travel costs. Integration of ISDS into the Andhra Pradesh immunization system is projected to result in a 39% potential cost savings per round of supervision visit.  相似文献   

In the Krishna-Godavari Delta region of the State of Andhra Pradesh, India, 866 sera obtained from trapped birds of 13 species were tested for neutralizing antibody to Japanese encephalitis (JE) virus; two species of birds belonging to the family Ardeidae, Ardeola grayii (pond heron) and Bubulcus ibis (cattle egret), contributed 514 of these sera. Neutralizing antibody to JE virus—i.e. sera giving positive reactions—was detected in 179 sera (34·8%) from these two species; in addition, two sera (0·4%) gave equivocal reactions, presumably indicating partial protection. There were only nine positive reactors (2·6%) among the remaining 352 sera from all other bird species. Of the 181 sera from ardeid birds in which neutralizing activity was detected, 174 were tested for neutralizing antibody to West Nile (WN) virus. The results indicated that 35·6% of these 179 sera had antibody specific to JE virus only and 63·8% possessed neutralizing antibodies to JE virus or to WN virus or to both; these figures represent 12·5% and 22·5%, respectively, of the total of 514 birds of these two species which were tested for neutralizing antibody to JE virus. The findings suggest that ardeid birds may be involved in the natural cycle of JE virus and, possibly, also of WN virus in India.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional study among 145 fresh entrants of medical education revealed that, 99% of boys and 98% of girls are aware of AIDS by its definition and its causation. 96% of girls, compared to 91% of boys are aware that, HIV spreads by blood. Very few, 5% of girls and 2.5% of boys are of the misconception that HIV may be transmitted through health personnel on examination of HIV patient. About 80% of boys and 90% of girls opine that HIV is transmitted through pregnancy.  相似文献   

目的探讨大学生儿童期虐待与攻击性的关系,以及心理韧性在其中的作用。方法采用中文版儿童期虐待问卷、青少年心理韧性量表、攻击性问卷-修订版对809名在校大学生进行问卷调查。结果大学生儿童期虐待的发生率为31.27%,受虐组在心理韧性总均分及其各个维度上得分均低于非受虐组(P0.01);受虐组在攻击性总均分及其各个维度上得分高于非受虐待组(P0.001);大学生儿童期虐待均分及各个维度与心理韧性均分及各个维度均显著负相关(P0.01);大学生儿童虐待均分及各个维度与攻击性均分及各个维度均显著正相关(P0.01);心理韧性均分及各个维度与攻击性均分及各个维度均显著负相关(P0.01)。结构模型方程中介效应检验结果显示,心理韧性在大学生儿童期虐待与攻击性间起部分中介作用,占总效应的22.33%。结论大学生儿童期虐待能够正向直接预测个体的攻击性,也可以通过心理韧性间接预测个体的攻击性。  相似文献   

Objective  This paper aims to report and compare the immunization coverage of various vaccines among tribal and rural children in a distinct socio-economic environment in India. Methods  The study was conducted in two tribal and two rural developmental blocks of Visakhapatnam district of Andhra Pradesh, India, by employing both qualitative and quantitative data collection techniques. Data collected included the immunisation coverage and the associated socio-demographic factors. Results  The majority of mothers was aware of vaccination of children, and usually the primary heath centres and their health workers were the source of vaccination. Vaccination cards were received by 79.2% of tribal and 71.3% of rural children. Some of the socio-demographic characters of mothers, such as habitat, caste and occupation, were associated with the reception of a vaccination card. The coverage of various vaccines was higher among the tribal than among the rural population. Of the eligible children aged above 9 months, 63.3% of tribal children and only 14.5% of rural children were fully vaccinated [three doses of diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus (DPT), four doses of oral polio vaccine, Bacille Calmette Guerin (BCG) and measles vaccine]. The coverage of vaccination against measles and vitamin-A supplementation were very low among rural children (19.6% and 15.2%, respectively) when compared to tribal children (69.2% and 64.2%, respectively). The qualitative data indicated that the community was not satisfied with regard to vaccination services, particularly in the rural area. Conclusion  The coverage of various vaccines was moderate in tribal areas and poor in rural areas. The sole dependence on and demand for public health services was responsible for relatively better coverage of immunisation in tribal areas compared to rural areas where the private sector plays a major role. The existing strategies of health-care delivery including delivery of vaccination services need to be examined and improved. Improvements in physical access, infrastructure, quality of care and increased use of mass media and interpersonal communication are indispensable for improvement in the provision of services.  相似文献   

Mosquitoes of 12 species belonging to 5 subgenera and 9 genera--Aedes, Anopheles, Culex, Diceromyia, Lorrainea, Rhinoskusea, Stegomyia, Toxorhynchites, and Verrallina--were recorded in the Coringa mangrove forest in Andhra Pradesh, India. Tree holes, crab holes, and swamp pools constituted the larval habitats with Lo. fumida being predominant in tree holes. Adults were found resting in tree holes, tree trunks, root bases, and in crab holes. Species involved in daytime feeding on humans were Ae. cancricomes, Cx. sitiens, Lo. fumida, Rh. wardi, and Ve. lugubris.  相似文献   

了解石河子大学学生食品安全知识、态度、行为现状及其影响因素,为大学生食品安全健康教育提供参考依据.方法 采用多阶段分层随机整群抽样方法,抽取石河子大学16个学院大学生567名进行自编食品安全知识、态度及行为问卷调查.结果 大学生食品安全知识平均得分为(5.46±2.17)分,其中女生得分(5.74±2.74)高于男生(5.18±2.17),汉族学生得分(5.54±2.56)高于少数民族学生(4.92±2.23),月消费在301 ~400元的学生得分最高,差异均有统计学意义(P值均<0.05).电视(54.5%)、网络(54.1%)是大学生获取食品安全信息和知识的主要途径.大学生食品购买场所主要在超市(80.8%).当遭受到劣质食品侵害时,选择与经营者交涉更换或退货的占22.4%.结论 大学生食品安全知识掌握欠缺,性别、民族、月消费水平是影响大学生食品安全知识得分的主要因素.应有针对性地开展高校营养健康教育工作.  相似文献   

大学生亚健康状况影响因素分析   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:7  
目的 了解高校大学生亚健康总体情况及各因素对亚健康状态的影响.方法 采取问卷调查、访谈等方式,对武汉科技大学1~4年级在校大学生进行亚健康状态横断面流行病学调查.并用X2检验以及Logistic回归模型对危险因素进行多元回归分析.结果 923名大学生中.亚健康发生率为50.9%.亚健康状态发生的频率随年级的增高而增加;医学专业学生亚健康发生率低于其他专业;郁闷心情、失眠、运动时间少等因素均为学生亚健康发生的危险因素.在经济因素方面.家庭年收入及每月个人消费额与学生亚健康状况有相关性.结论 高校应采取增加财政投入等措施提高学生的整体健康水平.  相似文献   

大学生个性特征及应对压力与自杀意念的相关分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解大学生心理特征、遭遇压力、应对方式与自杀意念的关系。方法采用统一的调查表,以目的抽样的方法调查广州市某高校的大学生974名,通过单因素logistic回归和多因素的logistic回归模型筛选出自杀意念的影响因素。结果在974名大学生中,14.6%的男生、17.5%的女生有过自杀意念,二者之间无统计学差异。侨生中自杀意念的发生率(18.8%)高于中国内地生源(11.2%)。多因素的logistic回归模型分析揭示,“觉得自己总是不比别人好而自卑”(OR=4.072)、“遇到问题,不找人倾诉”(OR=2.263)、“较长时间陷入生活、学习、感情或经济压力”(OR=1.597)是自杀意念产生的危险因素;而通过体育运动放松心情(OR=0.519)是保护因素。结论引导和教育大学生树立正确的挫折观和人生态度,提高心理承受能力,防止自杀意念的产生。  相似文献   

探讨中国和巴基斯坦大学生吸烟行为及其影响因素,为合理制定大学生控烟计划提供科学依据.方法 采用整群抽样的方法,从湖北省荆州市长江大学抽取1 132名中国和巴基斯坦国籍大学生进行问卷调查,并对吸烟行为影响因素进行分析.结果 中国和巴基斯坦大学生男性吸烟率(34.94%,32.35%)高于女性(4.74%,0) (x2值分别为50.96,60.57,P值均<0.05);中国男性二手烟暴露率(54.21%)高于女性(45.70%) (x2=5.03,P<0.05).中国大学生二手烟暴露率(48.35%)高于巴基斯坦大学生(32.38%)(x2=38.31,P<0.05).二手烟暴露的主要场所为室内公共场所(中国为88.70%,巴基斯坦为67.65%).中国大学生对吸烟及烟草相关知识正确认知率(53.13%)高于巴基斯坦大学生(41.07%),差异有统计学意义(x2=111.19,P<0.05).饮酒(OR=4.273)、去网吧(OR=2.593)、家庭成员女性吸烟(OR=4.797)、朋友支持吸烟(OR=3.765)是中国大学生吸烟行为的危险因素,女性(OR=0.207)是中国大学生吸烟行为的保护因素;吸烟相关知识正确认知率高(OR=0.668)是巴基斯坦大学生吸烟行为的保护因素,饮酒(OR=11.842)、室友吸烟(OR=5.303)、老师吸烟(OR=6.771)是巴基斯坦大学生吸烟行为的危险因素.结论 大学生吸烟及二手烟暴露现象较普遍.应大力开展烟草相关知识健康教育活动,提高大学生吸烟知识认知率.  相似文献   

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