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Near-tetraploidy (82-94 chromosomes) makes up fewer than 1% of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) cases and has been reportedly associated with a possibly poorer prognosis compared with other ploidy groups. We analyzed 783 patients enrolled in the ALL-BFM-Austria 86, -90, -95, -99/2000 and Interfant-Austria 99 trials in order to assess its incidence, biological characteristics, and prognostic relevance. Twelve of 783 patients (1.5%) had a near-tetraploid ALL. Fluorescence in situ hybridization revealed that eight of the nine B-cell precursor (BCP) cases and none of the three T-cell ALL cases had an ETV6/RUNX1 rearrangement. After a median follow-up of 11.4 years, none of the patients has relapsed or died. Thus, near-tetraploidy appears to be a specific feature of ETV6/RUNX1+ BCP ALL cases that in turn may explain its excellent outcome.  相似文献   

Out of 76 pediatric cases of B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia (BCP-ALL) positive for ETV6/RUNX1 (previously TEL/AML1) resulting from t(12;21), 7 cases revealed coexistence of ETV6/RUNX1 and MLL aberrations. One case of der(21) duplication with ETV6/RUNX1 exhibited a novel MLL translocation variant t(6;11)(p21.1p23;q13q25), with translocation of 3' telomeric MLL and deletion of 5' centromeric MLL. Another case of der(21) duplication with ETV6/RUNX1 showed MLL rearrangement upon Southern blotting. The remaining five ETV6/RUNX1-positive cases had MLL allelic deletion. ETV6/RUNX1 and MLL aberration clone size in these cases was suggestive of ETV6/RUNX1 as an early primary event, originating in the embryonic or infant stage and developing into leukemia by later acquisition of MLL aberration, ETV6 loss, and ETV6/RUNX1 duplication as secondary events. To date, the prognosis has been favorable, which seems to be compatible with ETV6/RUNX1-positive ALL. We conclude that the cases with coexisting ETV6/RUNX1 and MLL aberrations probably exist as a small, hidden group of ETV6/RUNX1-positive BCP-ALL, which invites further investigation, in large series from different populations, to confirm the findings and establish the biological mechanisms and prognostic significance.  相似文献   

We describe the rare finding of a 33-month-old child neonatally diagnosed with Down syndrome, who presented with pre-B acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) with a pretreatment bone marrow karyotype in which a low hypodiploid cell line (38 chromosomes) was identified in 17/19 cells studied. The abnormal cell line retained the extra constitutional chromosome 21. Hypodiploidy (loss of one or more chromosomes) is seen in approximately 5% of all childhood pre-B ALL cases and in approximately 2.2% cases of individuals with a constitutional trisomy 21. Low hypodiploidy, associated with a high risk of relapse, is rare in pediatric ALL cases in the general population, and, to our knowledge, is previously unreported in patients with trisomy 21.  相似文献   

We presente a case of acute lymphoblastic leukemia caused by ETV6 amplification. Although the cytogenetic result revealed complex karyotype, multicolor fluorescence in situ hybridization and high-resolution multicolor banding supported amplification of a gene on 12p13. Fluorescence in situ hybridization with ETV6 probe confirmed the amplification. ETV6 generally plays as tumor-suppressor gene in leukemia. Their expression is decreased or missed by deletion or mutation. Otherwise, ETV6 protein overexpression was verified in this case by immunohistochemistry. Any translocation or mutation involving ETV6 was not detected. This experience strongly supports the hypothesis that the amplification of ETV6 is a possible mechanism of leukeogenesis as oncogene.  相似文献   

The expression of the myeloid markers CD13, CD33, and CD15 in two hundred and eighty-three cases of de novo childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is examined. The expression of at least one marker is a frequent event which is noted in 64% and 74% of B- and T-lineage ALL cases, respectively. Certain patterns of myeloid antigen expression can be recognized including: no expression of CD13, CD33, and CD15 in mature B-ALL, significantly higher levels of CD13 and CD33 and significantly lower levels of CD15 in TEL-AML1-positive B cell precursor ALL, no expression of CD13 and CD33 in E2A-PBX1-positive B cell precursor ALL cases and common T-ALL (double positive for CD4 and CD8), and no expression of CD13 in MLL-AF4-positive B cell precursor ALL cases. Although the numbers in some ALL subtypes are small, these patterns are consistent with nonrandom expression of myeloid markers in de novo childhood ALL.  相似文献   

Between 1992 and 2004, 1,140 children (1 to<15 years) were diagnosed with B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) in the Nordic countries. Of these, 288 (25%) were positive for t(12;21)(p13;q22) [ETV6/RUNX1]. G-banding analyses were successful in 245 (85%); 43 (15%) were karyotypic failures. The modal chromosome numbers, incidence, types, and numbers of additional abnormalities, genomic imbalances, and chromosomal breakpoints in the 245 karyotypically informative cases, as well as in 152 previously reported cytogenetically characterized t(12;21)-positive ALLs in the same age group, were ascertained. The most common modal numbers among the 397 cases were 46 (67%), 47 (16%), 48 (6%), and 45 (5%). High-hyperdiploidy, triploidy, and tetraploidy were each found in approximately 1%; none had less than 40 chromosomes. Secondary chromosomal abnormalities were identified by chromosome banding in 248 (62%) of the 397 ALLs. Of these, 172 (69%) displayed only unbalanced changes, 14 (6%) only balanced aberrations, and 26 (10%) harbored both unbalanced and balanced abnormalities; 36 (15%) were uninformative because of incomplete karyotypes. The numbers of secondary changes varied between 1 and 19, with a median of 2 additional aberrations per cytogenetically abnormal case. The most frequent genomic imbalances were deletions of 6q21-27 (18%), 8p11-23 (6%), 9p13-24 (7%), 11q23-25 (6%), 12p11-13 (27%), 13q14-34 (7%), loss of the X chromosome (8%), and gains of 10 (9%), 16 (6%), and 21 (29%); no frequent partial gains were noted. The chromosome bands most often involved in structural rearrangements were 3p21 (2%), 5q13 (2%), 6q12 (2%), 6q14 (2%), 6q16 (2%), 6q21 (10%), 6q23 (6%), 6q25 (3%), 9p13 (2%), 11q13 (2%), 11q23 (2%), 12p11 (6%), 12p12 (7%), 12p13 (25%), 21q10 (6%), and 21q22 (6%). Considering that the t(12;21) is known to arise in utero and that the postnatal latency period is protracted, additional mutations are most likely necessary for overt ALL. The frequently rearranged chromosome regions may harbor genes of importance for the transformation and/or progression of an initial preleukemic t(12;21)-positive clone.  相似文献   

Amplification of RUNX1 (alias AML1) is a recurrent karyotypic abnormality in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) that is generally associated with a poor outcome. It does not occur with other primary chromosomal abnormalities in acute ALL. AML1 amplification in acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) is a rare secondary event described mainly in therapy-related cases. AML1 amplification was found in a 13-year-old patient with AML M4/M5 leukemia that occurred 5 years after she had been diagnosed with common B-cell ALL. Conventional cytogenetic, fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), and polymerase chain reaction methods revealed no other chromosomal change expected to occur in a disease that we assumed to be a secondary leukemia. Due to the lack of cytogenetic data from the diagnostic sample, we developed a new approach to analyze the archived bone marrow smear, which had been stained previously with May-Grünwald-Geimsa by the FISH method. This analysis confirmed that in addition to t(12;21), AML1 amplification and overexpression existed already at the time the diagnosis was made. The chromosomal changes, however, were found in different clones of bone marrow cells. While the first course of chemotherapy successfully eradicated the cell line with the t(12;21), the second cell line with AML1 amplification remained latent during the time of complete remission and reappeared with a different immunophenotype.  相似文献   

Natural killer (NK)-cell leukemia/lymphoma is a rare entity that has been defined only in recent years. In the Revised European-American Lymphoma and World Health Organization classifications, only the mature NK-cell malignancies are included. However, at least 3 types of precursor NK-cell neoplasms have been reported in the literature. These include myeloid/NK-cell acute leukemia, myeloid/NK-cell precursor acute leukemia, and blastic NK-cell lymphoma/leukemia. These leukemias are characterized by the presence of blasts, which express CD56, in the peripheral blood, bone marrow, lymph nodes, and/or extranodal tissues. We report a case that is morphologically consistent with myeloid/NK-cell acute leukemia but immunologically is myeloid/NK-cell precursor acute leukemia. This case is unique in its cutaneous presentation without involvement of the peripheral blood. Extensive flow cytometric studies were performed on the skin biopsy and bone marrow aspirate specimens, which included many markers that had not been tested before in these entities. The clinical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

We report two cases of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) with loss of chromosome 20 as the only karyotypic abnormality detected in the blast cells. The first patient is a 12-year-old boy studied at diagnosis. He represents the only case of monosomy 20 in our series of 90 pediatric ALL successfully karyotyped at diagnosis. In the second patient, monosomy 20 was detected at the second hematologic relapse, 12 years after the initial diagnosis; cytogenetic studies were not performed at disease onset.  相似文献   

Mature B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is typically associated with the FAB-L3 morphology and rearrangement of the MYC gene, features characteristic of the leukemic phase of Burkitt's lymphoma. However, the term 'mature' has also been used to describe other rare cases of B-ALL with light-chain surface immunoglobulin expression. In contrast, infantile B-cell ALL is generally characterized by rearrangement of the MLL gene, an immature pro-B-cell phenotype, and CD10 negativity. We describe two unusual cases of infantile B-ALL with non-L3 morphology, expressing a mature B-cell phenotype (lambda sIg+, CD19+, CD10-, TdT-, and CD34-), and showing MLL rearrangement without MYC rearrangement at presentation. Both infants relapsed after months of morphologic and genetic remission. At relapse, the t(9;11) translocation was detected in both cases by spectral karyotyping. After the initial relapse, both cases followed a rapid and aggressive course. Literature search identified few similar cases, all expressed lambda surface immunoglobulin and showed MLL rearrangement (majority with the t(9;11) translocation). These cases show that B-ALL with MLL rearrangement, especially the t(9;11) translocation, can express a 'mature' B-cell phenotype and may represent a distinct subset. Identification of additional cases will further clarify the significance of MLL rearrangements in mature B-ALL.  相似文献   

B-cell markers on lymphoblasts in acute lymphoblastic leukaemia   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) has been shown to be of T-cell or undefined origin. We now describe a man of 75 years with ALL of apparent B-cell origin. Thirty-five cases of untreated ALL were studied for B-cell and twenty-four of them also for T-cell markers. In the patient with ALL of B-cell type the lymphoblasts carried mu-lambda suggesting a monoclonal origin of the malignant cells. The remaining thirty-four cases exhibited relatively normal proportions and numbers of B-lymphocyte subpopulations. Four of the twenty-four cases studied for T cells had ALL of T-cell origin. In the remaining twenty patients T lymphocytes were present, but generally in decreased numbers. The one patient with ALL of B-cell type was an elderly man, while the other thirty-four cases of T-cell or undefined origin occurred in children or younger adults. This suggests that in older patients ALL, like other lymphoid malignancies, may more often be of B-cell origin.  相似文献   

A case of ALL in a 2 1/2-year-old boy with fatal outcome is presented. Cytogenetic analysis revealed a hypodiploid karyotype: 45,X-Y,-2,+der (2)t(Y;2),-12,i(17q),+mar. Some metaphases represented a sideline with 44 chromosomes and monosomy 8 was a consistent anomaly. These findings are rather uncommon in ALL. Hypodiploidy and the translocation, however, indicated poor prognosis in this case.  相似文献   

目的 对儿童急性淋巴细胞性白血病微小残留病变(MRD)筛选指标进行分析并评估其意义和表达特点.方法 分离35例初发B-急性淋巴细胞性白血病(ALL)患儿的单个核细胞,对符合CD38、CD45弱表达,CD58、CD21、CD22强表达,CD34和Cu同时表达,染色体相关抗原CD66c表达的,与CD10/CD34/CD19进行四色抗体组合,应用流式仪检测,如在双参数点图上所选择的四色抗体组合出现的位置明显有别于正常骨髓相应位置的,则认定该抗体组合为有效的筛选标记并进行随后的MRD监测.结果 35例患儿中31例存在至少一个MRD标记,覆盖率为88.6%;21/35例患儿(60%)存在2个或2个以上的筛选标记;TdT/CD10/CD34/CD19为最常见的四色组合.结论 TdT/CD10/CD34/CD19作为四色MRD筛选标记覆盖率高,应作为常规和首选的筛选标记;免疫表型中Pro-B缺乏有效的筛选标记,出现2个或以上的筛选标记,对提高MRD的精确度具有重要意义.  相似文献   

Neuropilin-1 (NRP-1)/CD304 is a marker for plasmacytoid dendritic cells. We determined the distribution of NRP-1/CD304 expression on normal hematopoietic cells and in 167 acute leukemias by flow cytometry. NRP-1/CD304 surface expression was frequent in precursor B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (36/51 [71%]) and uncommon in acute myeloid leukemia (22.9%). In acute myeloid leukemia, expression was noted in all (4/4) acute myeloid leukemias with the M4eo subtype and in 50% of specimens (6/12) with complex cytogenetics. On hematopoietic cells, NRP-1/CD304 was expressed on normal erythroid progenitors, plasma cells, and B-cell progenitors, as well as plasmacytoid dendritic cells. Expression was not consistently detected on other hematopoietic cell types. Owing to this distribution of expression, the detection of NRP-1/CD304 alone on a hematopoietic cell cannot be used to determine plasmacytoid dendritic cell differentiation. Finally, we show that NRP-1/CD304 is overexpressed in 30% of precursor B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia samples compared with normal B-cell progenitors, allowing for its potential use as a marker for the detection of minimal residual disease.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic findings in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chromosome studies were performed on the bone marrow cells of 42 children with newly diagnosed acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). All the children were subsequently treated with the same protocol. Chromosomal abnormalities were found in 25 patients, i.e., in 59.5% of the cases. Hyperdiploidy was observed in 21.4% hypodiploidy in 14.3%, and pseudodiploidy in 23.8% of the children. The most frequent structural aberrations were translocations, which were found in half of the patients with abnormal karyotypes. Chromosomes #5, #6, #7, #9, #14, #17, and #21 were involved in different types of changes most frequently. Because these findings correspond with observations published by others, they can be regarded as evidence of nonrandom involvement of these chromosomes in rearrangements in ALL. Special attention should be also paid to the deletion of 6q, which seems to be relatively common in ALL. In 12 cases, clonal evolution of karyotypic changes was observed.  相似文献   

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