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目的了解广州市育龄妇女对孕期接种季节性流感疫苗(以下简称流感疫苗)的意愿和影响因素,为促进孕期接种流感疫苗工作提供参考。方法采用分层随机抽样方法随机抽取广州市医疗机构门诊孕妇和民政局未孕育龄妇女开展问卷调查,调查内容包括人口学资料、孕期接种流感疫苗意愿和主观原因、流感认知和流感疫苗接种史等,采用单、多因素分析方法进行接种意愿影响因素分析。结果 50.8%(122/240)的调查对象表示如果知晓国家已将孕妇纳为流感疫苗的接种对象,将愿意接种。愿意接种的主要原因是"产科医生推荐"(74.6%,91/122)和"预防接种医生推荐"(42.6%,52/122),不愿意接种的主要原因是"担心胎儿出生缺陷"(54.2%,64/118)和"接种疫苗有不良反应"(44.9%,53/118)。多因素分析结果显示,流感疫苗认知水平对接种意愿有影响(OR=1.678,95%CI:1.307~2.155)。结论广州市育龄妇女对孕期接种流感疫苗的意愿偏低,应加强育龄妇女和医务人员对疫苗接种策略和安全性的宣传教育,提高孕期流感疫苗接种率。  相似文献   

目的了解四川和河南省城市儿童及家庭成员的流感疫苗接种情况及接种意愿。方法每省选取2个城市,每个城市调查600个学生及其家庭成员(直系亲属)。采用自填式问卷方法收集调查对象流感疫苗的接种情况及其影响接种意愿的原因。结果共调查了2 396户家庭(9673人),2009-2011年3个流感流行季节的疫苗接种率分别是12.5%、9.5%和1.7%。45.3%的调查对象不愿意接种流感疫苗,前3位的原因为:"担心疫苗质量和安全性"(32.8%)、"对流感疫苗不太了解"(26.5%)和"接种疫苗不能降低得流感的可能性"(17.8%)。结论调查人群对流感疫苗的认知和信任不足,需对现有宣教模式进行深入分析;儿童接种意愿调查需针对其家长开展;需加强对老年人不愿接种流感疫苗的原因分析;针对经济、地方政策等因素对人群接种意愿的影响方面开展调查为提高流感疫苗接种率提供工作思路。  相似文献   

目的了解宁波市医疗机构医务人员接种及向患者推荐接种流感疫苗的意愿。方法在宁波市20家社区卫生服务中心、20家县级及以上医院、11家疾病预防控制中心抽取1 311名医务人员作为调查对象,采用微信问卷调查方式,收集调查对象流感疫苗接种和向患者推荐该疫苗意愿情况,采用多因素Logistic回归模型分析流感疫苗接种和推荐意愿的影响因素。结果调查对象流感疫苗接种率为14.49%,25.78%有意愿接种流感疫苗,79.86%有意愿向患者推荐流感疫苗。多因素Logistic回归分析结果显示,既往有流感疫苗接种史(接种:OR=4.889,95%CI:3.783~6.317;推荐:OR=2.176,95%CI:1.553~3.050)、参加过慢性病与流感疫苗知识培训(接种:OR=1.448,95%CI:1.073~1.953;推荐:OR=2.078,95%CI:1.518~2.846)与接种意愿和推荐意愿均呈正相关;与社区卫生服务中心比较,县级及以上医院医务人员(接种:OR=0.515,95%CI:0.390~0.680;推荐:OR=0.624,95%CI:0.445~0.876)更不愿意接种和向患者推荐流感疫苗。正确知晓流感疫苗的医保报销范围(OR=1.751,95%CI:1.280~2.396)、知晓流感疫苗接种季节(OR=1.926,95%CI:1.302~2.851)、认为疫苗是安全的(OR=1.917,95%CI:1.368~2.685)医务人员更倾向于向患者推荐流感疫苗,而对疫苗不良反应的担忧(OR=0.601,95%CI:0.401~0.901)会降低向患者推荐的意愿。结论流感疫苗接种相关知识知晓率影响医务人员接种和推荐接种意愿,应加强流感疫苗相关知识培训,提高医务人员流感疫苗接种率和推荐意愿率。  相似文献   

深圳市部分劳务工甲型H1N1流感疫苗接种意愿调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解深圳市劳务工甲型H1N1流感疫苗接种意愿,为免疫策略的制定提供依据。方法采用多阶段整群随机抽样方法抽取深圳市的3个区县共6家工厂,每家工厂随机抽取100~150名劳务工,采用匿名自填式问卷调查方式进行调查,调查内容包括基本情况、对罹患甲型H1N1流感可能性的认知、甲型H1N1流感疫苗接种意愿及其影响因素等。采用卡方检验及logistic回归方法分别对接种意愿的影响因素进行单因素、多因素分析。结果共调查668名劳务工。57.2%的调查对象愿意接种付费甲型H1N1流感疫苗;81.6%愿意接种免费甲型H1N1流感疫苗。不愿意接种的原因主要为担心不良反应和费用问题。男性(OR=1.77)、低年龄(20岁以下年龄组:OR=2.80,20~29岁年龄组:OR=2.01)、认为自己罹患甲型H1N1流感可能性大的人群(OR=2.65)的接种免费疫苗意愿更大。结论深圳市部分劳务工甲型H1N1流感疫苗免费接种意愿较高,采取免费疫苗或降低疫苗费用、加强疫苗安全性宣传可提高接种甲型H1N1流感疫苗意愿。  相似文献   

目的了解许昌市城区60岁以上老年人流感疫苗知识及接种意愿,为调整老年人流感疫苗接种策略提供依据。方法概率与规模成比例抽样方法,面对面调查城区60岁以上老年人,了解流感疫苗接种意愿,流感知识认知及来源,不愿意接种原因。结果老年人流感疫苗知识知晓率53.8%,不同职业、不同文化程度、不同人均月收入以及家庭内是否有从医人员的调查对象知晓率差异有统计学意义(P0.05);老年人流感相关知识来源主要是家人和亲戚朋友(28.5%)、电视(24.1%)、医生(19.7%),最信任的途径是医生(64.7%);56.5%的老年人愿意接种流感疫苗;不同年龄、职业、人均月收入、文化程度、家庭内有无从医人员和是否知晓流感疫苗知识的老年人接种意愿差异有统计学意义(P0.05);不愿意接种的原因主要是认为自己体质好(43.9%),预防就可以(41.9%),担心疫苗安全问题(36.5%)。结论许昌市老年人流感疫苗接种意愿不高,需加大对退休前无正式工作、低学历、低收入、流感疫苗知晓率较低的老年人的宣传,提高老年人流感疫苗接种率。  相似文献   

目的调查基层医务人员流感和流感疫苗认知情况,并快速评估其接种状况,分析影响因素,为促进流感疫苗接种工作提供依据。方法采用整群随机抽样方法,对山东省青岛市7家一级医疗机构233名医务人员进行问卷调查。结果被调查者流感疫苗接种率为12.88%,表示下个流感季有接种意愿的13人,占5.58%;对流感及流感疫苗的认知情况不佳,流感病毒相关问题的知晓率为19.31%,流感疫苗最佳接种时期知晓率为75.97%,有接种史组相关知识知晓和行为情况好于无接种史组。结论基层医务人员流感疫苗接种率较低,接种意愿不强,对流感及流感疫苗的认知情况不足,需要采取综合干预措施。  相似文献   

目的 探讨上海市高校学生对接种流感疫苗的犹豫程度及影响因素,为流感疫苗犹豫相关研究及改善疫苗犹豫策略提供借鉴与参考。方法 2022年6月1日至6月30日,采用分层抽样的方式,对上海市20所高校在校学生,在知情同意的原则下开展无记名自填式疫苗接种意愿网络问卷调查。采用卡方检验和有序多分类Logistic回归分析流感疫苗犹豫的影响因素,检验水准α=0.05。结果 687名大学生中,有198人(28.8%)存在疫苗犹豫、413人(60.1%)疫苗接受、76人(11.1%)疫苗拒绝。Logistic回归分析显示,医学类专业、有肿瘤家族史、对疾病健康危害性的认知不足、认为接种疫苗没有必要、没有医务人员推荐介绍过疫苗、不信任医务人员的推荐以及不曾接种过流感疫苗和新冠疫苗的大学生疫苗犹豫的程度更高。结论 上海市高校学生总体对流感疫苗的接受率较高,有效减少高校学生疫苗犹豫的关键在于提高风险认知、改善疫苗信任和发挥医务人员的作用。  相似文献   

目的了解学龄前儿童家长对流感认知情况及流感疫苗接种意愿,为流感防控工作提供科学依据。方法采用分层抽样方法对新乡医学院第三附属医院免疫接种门诊管理的学龄前儿童家长进行问卷调查。结果共调查340名家长,58.53%的家长不清楚流感与普通感冒的区别。63.82%的家长表示会为孩子接种流感疫苗,97.06%的家长希望流感疫苗作为第一类疫苗由政府免费提供。Logistic回归分析,儿童家长文化程度高、孩子曾经患流感、孩子曾经接种流感疫苗的家长更愿意接种流感疫苗。结论今后应加强对流感疾病相关知识宣教,对流感疫苗的宣讲应具有针对性,加大对疫苗安全性、保护效果、预防人群的宣讲力度,提高流感疫苗接种率。  相似文献   

【目的】了解上海市青浦区白鹤镇地区老年人肺炎疫苗的接种意愿,分析影响接种的因素,为提高老年人群肺炎疫苗接种率提供依据。【方法】采用整群抽样方法,抽取800名60岁以上户籍老年人进行问卷调查。采用χ~2检验和Logistic回归分析,分析肺炎疫苗接种的相关因素。【结果】800名调查对象中,566人(70.75%)愿意接种肺炎疫苗,360人(45.00%)知晓肺炎及肺炎疫苗相关知识,从事服务业人员、知晓如何预防肺炎和接种过流感疫苗的人群更愿意接种肺炎疫苗。不愿意接种肺炎疫苗的原因主要是认为没必要接种(49.57%)和认为疫苗预防作用不大(15.38%)。【结论】应加大宣传力度,普及疫苗相关知识,提高人群知晓率,促使老年人主动进行肺炎疫苗预防接种。  相似文献   

目的 了解医务人员流感疫苗免费接种措施实施效果,探讨影响其是否接受免费接种的主要因素并提出改进建议。 方法 将成都市妇女儿童中心医院儿童门急诊全部医务人员作为调查对象,按自我意愿分为接种组与对照组。分析措施实施前后医务人员流感疫苗接种意愿、接种行为的改变及其影响因素,并对接种组与对照组流感发病率进行比较。 结果 实施流感疫苗免费接种措施后医务人员接种意愿由实施前的56.40%提高至87.20%,接种率由23.93%提高至66.58%,增幅明显;接种疫苗组发病率为5.34%,未接种疫苗组发病率为11.35%,差异有统计学意义(χ2=4.982,P<0.05)。 结论 流感疫苗免费接种措施能有效提高医务人员接种意愿和促进接种行为,降低医务人员流感发病率,今后可通过提前宣传培训、灵活接种方式、实施配套鼓励等措施,进一步提高医务人员接种率。  相似文献   

BackgroundAnnual influenza vaccination is recommended but not compulsory for healthcare workers in Australia, including medical students. A quarter of healthcare workers are estimated to have an influenza infection in any given year, with a subsequent transmission risk to colleagues and patients. During clinical placements, medical students are also at risk of influenza. While compliance with other vaccination requirements are high, influenza vaccine uptake of healthcare workers and medical students remain low globally. We aimed to explore medical students’ influenza vaccination rates, attitudes, knowledge and intended practices at a large Australian university.MethodA 35 item self-administered online survey was distributed to medical students enrolled at a large Australian university (UNSW Australia) in April/May 2014. The survey examined the knowledge, attitudes and practices of medical students towards influenza vaccination and identified factors associated with vaccine uptake.ResultsOf the 606 students, 53.8% (95%CI 49.8–57.8%) receiving their most recent influenza vaccine in 2014. Self-protection was the most common motivator (83%) and inconvenience (64%) the most common barrier to vaccination, despite access to on campus clinics. Students generally held positive attitudes to the influenza vaccine and vaccination recommendations, though some misconceptions existed. The majority (61%) were in support of mandatory influenza vaccination policies for medical students. Significant predictors of influenza vaccination included living on campus, clinical experience, awareness of vaccination recommendations and agreeing that vaccination was important for medical students, while those with perceived time constraints were less likely to be vaccinated.ConclusionMisconceptions and access to influenza vaccine were barriers to uptake of influenza vaccine by medical students. Medical programs need to emphasise the benefits of influenza vaccination in the protection of healthcare workers and patient safety across the medical education program. Our results suggesting majority support for mandatory influenza vaccination may represent a shifting perspective in the medical community.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To assess the feasibility of measuring influenza vaccination coverage during 2002-2003 and 2003-2004 seasons using a telephone survey; to compare these findings with routine vaccine uptake monitoring based on data provided by general practitioners. STUDY DESIGN: Telephone-based survey. METHODS: We interviewed a random sample of non-institutionalized individuals representative of the population aged 16 years and over. Four target groups were determined for analysis: (1) people aged 65 years and over; (2) healthcare workers; (3) people under 65 years with chronic illnesses, which placed them at risk for influenza; and (4) a group composed of all three previous groups combined. RESULTS: The overall sample consisted of 4054 people (about 2000 per season). Population influenza vaccine coverage in the UK increased from 22.3% in 2002-2003 to 24.2% in 2003-2004. Vaccine uptake was strongly age dependent, even in people aged 65 years and over (the ages at which all people are routinely targeted). In both seasons, the estimates of vaccine uptake in people aged 65 years and over were remarkably consistent with those obtained through routine monitoring. Vaccine uptake in healthcare workers was markedly suboptimal. CONCLUSIONS: In the UK, a telephone-based system of monitoring influenza vaccine uptake seems robust enough to generate data that are comparable with routine vaccine monitoring undertaken using data provided by general practitioners. Although such a system cannot easily contribute towards monitoring of vaccination at local and regional levels, it offers a validated method of estimating vaccine uptake that is independent of healthcare workers' time. This may be especially important for a pandemic vaccination programme, especially in countries in which healthcare resources are scarce, or where the configuration of healthcare services is less conducive to internal monitoring than is the case in the UK.  相似文献   

Background:Influenza vaccination uptake by Egyptian healthcare workers remains sub-optimal despite local initiatives and infection control programs to increase it.Objective:To assess vaccination coverage and investigate health care workers’ barriers and also motivators toward seasonal influenza vaccination.Methods:An interview questionnaire survey and focus group sessions were conducted to measure uptake and assess barriers to seasonal influenza vaccination among HCWs in main hospitals and primary care centers in Ismailia city.Results:There were 980 participants, of whom 131 (13.4%) reported having received influenza vaccination in last season 2018/2019. Females were 76.8% of participants, and nurses were the main occupational category of study sample (80.4%). The most commonly reported motivator (97.7%) was “protection of oneself and family members” among the vaccinated participants. The top barriers among non-vaccinated ranked by their Relative Importance Index (RII), included lack of instruction by supervisors RII=0.82, lack of awareness about vaccine benefits RII=0.79 and lack of awareness from where to get the vaccine RII=0.71. Predictors of non-vaccination included belief that the vaccine itself may induce influenza (OR: 1.9 p<0.05, CI, 1.3-2.8) and the perception that vaccination is ineffective (OR: 2.8 p<0.05, CI, 1.5-5.2), and lack of knowledge about the vaccinations recommended for health care workers (OR: 1.9 p<0.05, CI, 1.2-2.8).Conclusions:Addressing specific barriers to influenza vaccination uptake among healthcare workers may improve vaccination rate. Targeted evidence-based promotion campaigns and programs should be established to overcome identified barriers.Key words: Seasonal influenza vaccination, health care workers, barriers  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo identify the influenza vaccination coverage in healthcare workers in primary care and to determine the factors associated with vaccination (2013-2014 season).MethodsA cross-sectional study was carried out among 287 healthcare workers who completed a questionnaire that included questions about knowledge, beliefs and attitudes to influenza and vaccination. We estimated the vaccine coverage and identified the variables associated with vaccination of healthcare workers by using non-conditional logistic regression models.ResultsThe participation rate was 47.2%. Vaccination coverage was 60.3% and was higher in workers older than 55 years, women and pediatricians. The factors associated with healthcare worker vaccination were the perception that vaccination confers protection (aOR: 11.1; 95%CI: 3.41-35.9) and the perception that it is effective (aOR: 7.5; 95%CI: 0.9-59.3). No association was found between receiving the vaccine and knowledge of influenza or vaccination. However, an association was found with prescribing vaccination to pregnant women, to persons older than 65 years, and to immunosuppressed individuals.ConclusionsStrategies should be designed to increase coverage, based on changing negative attitudes of healthcare workers to vaccination.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify the common barriers and facilitators for acceptance of pandemic influenza vaccination across different countries. This study utilized a standardized, anonymous, self-completed questionnaire-based survey recording the demographics and professional practice, previous experience and perceived risk and severity of influenza, infection control practices, information of H1N1 vaccination, acceptance of the H1N1 vaccination and reasons of their choices and opinions on mandatory vaccination. Hospital-based doctors, nurses and allied healthcare workers in Hong Kong (HK), Singapore (SG) and Leicester, United Kingdom (UK) were recruited. A total of 6318 (HK: 5743, SG: 300, UK: 275) questionnaires were distributed, with response rates of 27.1% (HK), 94.7% (SG) and 94.5% (UK). The uptake rates for monovalent 2009 pandemic H1N1 vaccine were 13.5% (HK), 36.2% (SG) and 41.3% (UK). The single common factor associated with vaccine acceptance across all sites was having seasonal influenza vaccination in 2009. In UK and HK, overestimation of side effect reduced vaccination acceptance; and fear of side effect was a significant barrier in all sites. In HK, healthcare workers with more patient contact were more reluctant to accept vaccination. Drivers for vaccination in UK and HK were concern about catching the infection and following advice from health authority. Only a small proportion of respondents agreed with mandatory pandemic influenza vaccination (HK: 25% and UK: 42%), except in Singapore where 75.3% were in agreement. Few respondents (<5%) chose scientific publications as their primary source of information, but this group was more likely to receive vaccination.The acceptance of pandemic vaccine among healthcare workers was poor (13-41% of respondents). Breaking barriers to accept seasonal influenza vaccination should be part of the influenza pandemic preparedness plan. Mandatory vaccination even during pandemic is likely to arouse substantial discontent.  相似文献   

  目的  了解上海市静安区社区医务人员流感疫苗接种率及其影响因素。  方法  2019年4月,对上海市静安区共15家社区卫生服务中心的所有医务人员进行问卷调查,采用χ2检验和多因素Logistic回归分析模型对流感疫苗接种率的影响因素进行单因素和多因素分析。  结果  上海市静安区社区医务人员流感疫苗接种率为14.57%,多因素Logistic回归分析模型分析结果显示不同科室、不同专业、流感疫苗知识得分、信念态度得分、流感疫苗是否免费、是否与老人同住是社区医务人员流感疫苗接种率的可能影响因素。  结论  静安区社区医务人员流感疫苗接种率较低,应加强健康教育提高其认知水平,并建议相关部门推进医务人员免费接种流感疫苗政策。  相似文献   

IntroductionInfluenza is a major concern across healthcare environments. Annual vaccination of healthcare workers (HCW) remains a key mode of influenza prevention in healthcare settings. Yet influenza vaccine coverage among HCWs continues to be below recommended targets, in pandemic and non-pandemic settings. Thus, the primary objective of this analysis is to identify motivators and barriers to pandemic (panINFLU) and seasonal influenza vaccination (sINFLU) through the qualitative analysis of HCW provided reasons driving HCW's personal vaccination decisions.MethodsData were collected from a multi-professional sample of HCWs via a cross-sectional survey study, conducted at a tertiary-care hospital in Ontario, Canada. HCW provided and ranked qualitative reasons for personal (1) panINFLU (pH1N1) and (2) sINFLU (2008/2009 season) vaccine uptake and avoidance were used to identify key vaccination motivators and barriers through content analysis methodology.ResultsMost HCW vaccination motivators and barriers were found to be similar for panINFLU and sINFLU vaccines. Personal motivators had the greatest impact on vaccination (panINFLU 29.9% and sINFLU 33.9%). Other motivators included preventing influenza in loved ones, patients, and community, and awareness of HCW role in influenza transmission. In contrast, concerns of vaccine safety and limited HCW knowledge of influenza vaccines (panINFLU 46.2% and sINFLU 37.3%).HCW vaccination during the pandemic was motivated by panINFLU related fear, epidemiology, and workplace pro-vaccination policies. HCW perceptions of accelerated panINFLU vaccine development and vaccine safety compromises, negative views of external sources (i.e. media, pharmaceutical companies, and regulatory agencies) and pandemic management strategies were barriers specific to panINFLU vaccine.ConclusionsHCW panINFLU and sINFLU vaccine coverage can increase if future vaccination programs (1) highlight personal vaccination benefits (2) emphasize the impact HCW non-vaccination on family members, patients and community, (3) address HCW vaccine related knowledge gaps, and (4) implement pro-vaccination workplace policies consistent with those in place at the study site during pH1N1.  相似文献   

我国6个省份全人群流感疫苗接种及认知情况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目的 了解调查地区全年龄组人群流感预防知识的认知及流感疫苗接种情况,探索影响流感疫苗接种的相关因素。方法 采用横断面调查设计,选择北京市、内蒙古自治区、上海市、广东省、云南省和甘肃省6个省份,通过12320卫生热线采用随机数字表拨打电话的抽样方法,于2018年3-5月开展全年龄组人群的流感防控知识、流感疫苗接种情况的电话调查,调查估计样本量为9 438人。结果 本调查应答率为46.4%(10 045/21 658),10 045名调查对象中,"流感和普通感冒有区别"的知晓率为75.3%(7 564/10 045),"流感病毒会引起严重后果"的知晓率为82.0%(8 241/10 045)。出现流感样症状后采取频繁洗手、戴口罩和自我隔离的健康行为率分别为80.4%(7 936/9 873)、75.8%(7 506/9 899)和73.6%(7 228/9 822)。最近1年流感疫苗接种率为5.7%(570/10 037)。最近1年流感疫苗接种率的相关多因素logistic回归分析结果显示,调查对象来自甘肃省或北京市、职业是医务人员或全日制学生、调查对象共同居住人数≥ 2人、出现流感样症状后戴口罩,最近1年流感疫苗接种率相对较高。结论 6个省份调查对象流感相关知识的知晓率、出现流感相关症状后的健康行为率和最近1年流感疫苗接种率均有待进一步提高。应加强流感预防知识和疫苗接种的健康教育,探索流感疫苗免费接种策略。  相似文献   

ObjectivePoland is significantly behind other European countries in terms of influenza vaccination coverage. In addition, the vaccination rate among health care personnel in Poland is also very low. The aim of this study was to determine the current barriers to achieving effective influenza vaccination coverage among primary health care (PHC) patients and physicians in Poland and to reveal any associations between the patients’ and physicians’ characteristics and the influenza vaccination coverage rate among patients.MethodA cross-sectional questionnaire-based survey was distributed among 18 PHC physicians and 533 their patients in Krakow, Poland and the surrounding region. The data from patients were associated with the doctors’ characteristics.ResultsThe reasons for not receiving the influenza vaccine differed between patients and their physicians. Among the patient population, the main reason behind vaccination non-compliance was the self-perception of good health, while forgetting about the vaccination was the main reason among the physicians.The factors that had the positive influence on the patients’ decision to receive the vaccination involved: older age, being a widower, being retired, having a chronic disease, being vaccinated against influenza in the past and awareness of influenza complications. Moreover, those patients who had received sufficient influenza vaccination education from their healthcare provider and had been the patients of physicians who had been vaccinated against influenza, had significantly higher vaccination rates.ConclusionImproved patients and doctors education strategies are needed to maximize influenza vaccination coverage rates. Information regarding the need and benefits of the influenza vaccine, along with details on where and when to receive vaccination will provide a positive influence on a patients’ decision-making process regarding vaccination compliance. Also, the free of charge influenza vaccinations for all primary health care workers should be considered.  相似文献   

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