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我国是高原高山之国,从天山、帕米尔、喀喇昆仑到喜马拉雅有长达3 500公里的高原国防线。我军的许多高山边防站和哨所都在海拔4 000m以上,如花石峡兵站(4 300m)、喀喇昆仑红旗拉甫边防站(4 300m)、唐古拉兵站(5 100m)和荣获中央军委"喀喇昆仑钢铁哨卡"的神仙湾哨卡(5 380m)。这些高山边防战士和反恐、  相似文献   

目的:探讨寒冷环境下骨髓穿刺输液技术在实验猪中的应用效果.方法:选择我院野战医疗所寒冷环境下实验猪8只,选择其16条后腿进行胫骨或跟骨部位骨髓穿刺输液(实验组),16只耳朵进行耳缘静脉输液(对照组).模拟战场环境,两组实验猪均经过爆震处理.在环境温度相同的情况下观察并比较两组的一次穿刺成功率、输液通道建立时间及输液速度...  相似文献   

目的 通过研究高原人工富氧环境(简称富氧室)对急进高原人员睡眠的作用,探讨富氧室的抗缺氧效果及其与高原习服的关系. 方法 利用分子筛制氧机在海拔3500 m高原建立富氧室.将18名世居平原人员随机分为富氧组、缺氧组和平原组,每组各6人.平原组不进入高原,富氧组和缺氧组人员乘飞机到达高原后,在未供氧情况下记录2组受试人员的心率和血氧饱和度(arterial oxygen saturation,SaO2).当晚22:00两组人员分别进入富氧室和普通房间,休息至次日上午9:00通过睡眠呼吸记录分析系统,对受试人员进行监测,在同一时间对平原组也进行监测.数据采集完毕后利用系统自带分析软件进行分析. 结果 ①富氧组供氧后SaO2为92.3%.±1.0%,高于供氧前的82.9%±4.2%和缺氧组的79.3%±5.9%(P<0.01),但低于平原组的97.3%±0.8%(P<0.05),且差异均有统计学意义.心率值在富氧组供氧前后及与缺氧组间差异无统计学意义,但均高于平原组,且差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).②睡眠结构富氧组与缺氧组差异无统计学意义,与平原组比较浅睡眠偏多,深睡眠偏少,且差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).低通气次数和呼吸紊乱指数平原组低于缺氧组和富氧组(P<0.01);富氧组呼吸紊乱指数低于缺氧组,两组分别为28.1±11.9和53.2±23.4,且差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).③睡眠期间,富氧组和缺氧组的归一化低频功率和低频与高频的比值分别为89.3±2.9、9.4±2.8和90.2±1.8、9.9±1.9,组间差异无统计学意义,但均高于平原组的85.8±2.9和6.4±1.4,且差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);平原组的归一化高频功率则高于富氧组和缺氧组,且差异有统计学意义(P<0.05). 结论 高原富氧室可以有效改善急进高原人员睡眠情况,但对睡眠期间心率变异性未见显著影响,且与高原习服的关系尚待深入研究. Abstract: Objective To study the effects of the artificial oxygen-enriched environment (is called "oxygen-enriched room" in short) on sleep efficiency of the people who participate in the mission on plateau with hurry-up entry,and to investigate the anti-hypoxia effect of oxygen-enriched room to plateau acclimatization. Methods Eighteen subjects were randomly and averagety allocated into plain group,oxygen-enriched group and hypoxia group.Only the later two groups were dispatched to plateau by air.Molecular sieve oxygenerator was used to supply the room with oxygen on 3500 m plateau.The oxygen-enriched group and hypoxia group got into the oxygen-enriched rooms and normal rooms respectively at 22 o' clock and took rest till to 9 o' clock next morning.The changes of heart rate (HR) and the saturation of blood oxygen (SaO2) of three groups were recorded and compared between the states of with and without oxygen enrichment.The subjects were monitored by sleep respiration recording and analysis system. Results ①The SaO2 of the oxygen-enriched group was 92.3%±1.0%,and it was significant higher than the state before oxygen enrichment (82.9%±4.2%) and than that of hypoxia group (79.3%±5.9%,P<0.01),but lower than that of plain group (97.3%±0.8%,P<0.05).②There were less deep sleep and more slight sleep in hypoxia group and oxygen-enriched group than in plain group.The hypopnea and apnea hypopnea index (AHI) of plain group was significant lower than that of hypoxia group and oxygen-enriched group (P<0.05).The AHI of the oxygen-enriched group was 28.1±11.9,and it was significant lower than that of hypoxia group (53.2±23.4)(P<0.05).③The normalized low-frequency (Ln) and the ratio of low-frequency to high-frequency (LF/HF) measured in sleep was respectively 89.3±2.9 and 6.4±1.4 in oxygen-enriched group comparing to 90.2±1.8 and 9.9±1.9 in hypoxia group but without statistical difference.The corresponding Ln and LF/HF of plain group was 85.8±2.9 and 6.4±1.4 respectively,significantly higher than those of other two groups (P<0.05).Plain group also showed higher normalized high-frequency than others(P<0.05). Conclusions Oxygen-enriched environment can effectively improve the sleep quality but significantly change heart rate variation (HRV) of the people who participate in the mission with hurry-up entry to plateau.Further studies are still needed to reveal the quantitative effectiveness of oxygen-enriched room to plateau acclimatization.  相似文献   

目的评价新型飞行救生食品对人体生理和代谢的影响,推断对生存能力的保障效果。方法10名男性在3d时间内仅食用280g新型飞行救生食品,饮用1500ml纯净水。试验期间进行主观症状问卷调查,并定时测定有关生理生化和人体测量学指标,包括心电图、血压、体温、血常规、血清电解质、谷丙转氨酶、谷草转氨酶、血糖、尿常规以及体重、脂肪率、握力,计量每日尿量,采用生活作业观察法计算每日热能消耗。通过上述指标综合评价新型飞行救生食品对人体功能的影响,推断其保障效果。结果体重明显减轻,脂肪率、握力和体温没有明显变化,血压虽有所升高,但仍在正常范围内。心电图结果表明,72h试验对心脏没有产生可见的电生理影响。血常规、血清电解质、谷丙转氨酶、谷草转氨酶和血糖虽有变化,但是均在正常值范围。尿量显著减少,72h试验后尿常规仍在正常值范围。主观感觉包括:口渴感、饥饿感、疲劳感、头晕和头痛随试验时间的推移而明显加重,但所有受试者一般状况良好。结论新型飞行救生食品可以维持3d的基本生存需要。  相似文献   

目的 评价新型舰艇救生食品的人体效应情况.方法 挑选6名男性受试志愿者,在8 d时间内每人每天食用新型舰艇救生食品372 g,饮用1500 ml纯净水.试验期间进行主观感觉调查,并定时测定有关生理生化及体能指标,采用生活作业观察法计算每日热能消耗.结果 被试验者握力、体温、血压和心电图没有明显变化,体质量、血糖和体力劳动能力(PWC170)明显下降,肝功能和肾功能正常,主观感觉状态良好,仅饥饿感较强.结论 新型舰艇救生食品能维持人体8 d基本生存的需要.  相似文献   

目的研究不同生理等效高度的富氧环境对大鼠急进高原肺水肿的防护作用。方法50只雄性Wistar大鼠按随机数字表法分为地面对照组、缺氧组、富氧1组、富氧2组及富氧3组,每组10只。除地面对照组外,分别将各实验组大鼠置于实验舱内,均以10m/s的速度上升至气压高度6000m,上升同时缺氧组输入空气,富氧1组和富氧2组分别输入氧浓度35%和30%的富氧气体,富氧3组则每4h交替输入空气与35%富氧气体,流量均为7L/min。24h后实验舱下降至地面,处死大鼠,测肺部含水率及病理学效应,测肺组织匀浆中的内皮素-1浓度和-氧化氮合酶活力。结果地面对照组大鼠肺含水率最低(0.80%±0.01%),与其它各组比差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01);缺氧组最高(0.83%±0.01%),与地面对照组和富氧3组比差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01);3个供氧组居中,其中富氧3组以o.81%土0.01%显著低于富氧1组和富氧2组(P〈0.05)。病理结果表明各实验组出现了不同程度肺水肿表现,由重至轻依次为缺氧组、富氧2组、富氧1组和富氧3组。内皮素-1浓度各组间差异无统计学意义。地面对照组一氧化氮合酶活力最高,为(1.49土0.24)U/mg,与其它各组比差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01);缺氧组最低,为(0.78±0.28)U/mg,富氧1组和富氧3组一氧化氮合酶活力较强,分别为(1.06±0.17)U/mg、(1.09土0.20)U/mg,与缺氧组比较差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。结论在6000m停留24h后大鼠出现了高原肺水肿。氧浓度为35%富氧环境(生理等效高度约2500m)能够有效预防肺水肿,而氧浓度为30%的富氧环境(生理等效高度约3500m)防护效果不显著。4h间断供给含氧35%气体同样可以有效预防大鼠在6000m出现的高原肺水肿。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The authors studied the development of a thrombectomy device that is adequately steerable and quickly placeable in case of extensive pulmonary embolism. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The device consists of a self-expandable nitinol basket mounted at a catheter-tip, which allows suction and extraction of thrombus material. Five in vitro tests were performed followed by tests in 6 sheep. In vivo thrombus material was introduced through a jugular vein to produce pulmonary embolism. After catheter insertion over the right femoral vein, the basket was placed adjacent to the pulmonary embolus and the extraction procedure was performed. RESULTS: In in vitro tests, the extracted thrombus amount varied between 60% and 95%. In animal experiments, the extracted amount varied between 30% and 95% as determined angiographically. Limiting factors were steerability and optimal positioning of the basket in relation to the embolus. CONCLUSIONS: Extraction of pulmonary embolism with the self-expanding suction basket is feasible. However, successful recanalization is limited by catheter maneuverability in the pulmonary arterial system.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Our objective was to study the perception of cabin air quality (CAQ) and cabin environment (CE) among commercial cabin crew, and to measure different aspects of CAQ on intercontinental flights. METHODS: A standardized questionnaire was mailed in February-March 1997 to all Stockholm-based aircrew on duty in a Scandinavian flight company (n = 1,857), and office workers from the same company (n = 218). The answers were compared with an external reference group for the questionnaire (MM 040 NA). During this time, smoking was allowed on intercontinental flights, but not on other shorter flights. Smoking was prohibited on all flights after 1 September 1997. The participation rate was 81% (n = 1,513) in the aircrew, and 77% (n = 168) in the office group. Air humidity, temperature, carbon dioxide (CO2) and respirable dust were measured during intercontinental flights, during both smoking and nonsmoking conditions. Statistical analysis was performed by multiple logistic regression analysis, keeping age, gender, smoking, current smoking, occupation, and perceived psychosocial work environment simultanously in the model. RESULTS: Air humidity was very low (mean 5%) during intercontinental flights. In most cases (97%) the CO2 concentration was below 1,000 ppm. The average concentration of respirable particles was 67 microg x m during smoking conditions, and 4 microg x m(-3) during non-smoking conditions. Complaints of draftiness, too high temperature, varying temperature, stuffy air, dry air, static electricity, noise, inadequate illumination, and dust were more common among aircrew as compared with office workers from the same company. Female crew had more complaints on too low temperature, dry air, and dust. Current smokers had less complaints on stuffy air and environmental tobacco smoke (ETS). Younger subjects and those with atopy (childhood eczema, allergy to tree or grass pollen, or furry animals) reported more complaints. Reports on work stress and lack of influence on working conditions were strongly related to perception of a poor cabin environment. Flight deck crew had more complaints about inadequate illumination and dust, but less complaints about other aspects of the cabin environment, as compared with flight attendants. Aircrew who had been on a flight the previous week, where smoking was allowed, had more complaints on dry air and ETS. CONCLUSION: Complaints about work environment seems to be more common among aircrew than office workers, particularly draft, stuffy air, dry air, static electricity, noise, inadequate illumination and dust. We could identify personal factors of importance, and certain conditions that could be improved, to achieve a better perception of the cabin environment. Important factors were work stress, lack of influence on the working conditions, and environmental tobacco smoke on some longer flights. The hygienic measurements in the cabin, performed only on intercontinental smoking flights, showed that air humidity is very low onboard, and tobacco-smoking onboard leads to significant pollution from respirable dust.  相似文献   

新研囊式抗荷装备的抗荷性能   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
目的:探讨新研制囊式抗荷装备的抗荷性能。方法:①在离心机(+Gz增长率为1G/s)上测定了6名受试者的基础+Gz耐力,分别采用45%、65%和90%扩大覆盖面积抗荷服(45%ECGS、65%ECGS、90%ECGS)与KT-9抗调器配套时的+Gz耐力,确定其抗荷性能;②在离心机(+Gz增长率为3G/s)上测定10名飞行员穿45%ECGS配KT-9抗调器、并穿代偿背心进行抗荷正压呼吸及做抗荷动作时的+Gz耐力。结果:45%ECGS、65%ECGS和90%ECGS的抗荷性能分别为2.50、3.38和3.63G;飞行员穿45%ECGS进行抗荷正压呼吸及做抗荷动作时的+Gz耐力可达到9G/10s。结论:新研囊式抗荷装备的抗荷性能比现役抗荷装备明显提高。  相似文献   

目的 探讨高原高寒环境下平战时肢体枪弹伤后血浆电解质代谢的特点.方法 将24头实验猪随机分为高原战时致伤组(GZ)、高原平时致伤组(GP)和平原平时致伤组(PP),每组8头.分别于伤前、伤后30分钟、2、6、12小时、1、2、3、5、7、10、14天采静脉血测定钾、钠、氯和钙、镁、磷的含量.结果 伤后平原平时组和高原平...  相似文献   

This study was conducted to evaluate how training for disassembling and assembling a weapon and patrol data message terminal and loading a magazine in different temperatures affected the ability to perform those skills in a cold environment. One group trained six times on separate days in a warm environment (19 degrees C), the second group trained three times in a warm environment and then three times in a cold environment (-15 degrees C), and the third group trained six times in the cold environment. Training first in warm and then in cold shortened performance time by 6% to 28%, in comparison to training only in a warm environment. Also, training in cold made the subjects faster than training in warm. In conclusion, before performing military operations in a cold environment, it is most beneficial to train first in warm and then in cold. Training only in warm produces the lowest level of performance in a cold environment.  相似文献   

高原环境恶劣,其中低压低氧,紫外线辐射强,风速大等特点都对人的认知功能会产生明显影响。本文综述了高原环境对认知功能的影响,如知觉,学习记忆能力,注意力,语言功能以及人格和情绪等,其作用与海拔高度、进入高原时间和任务复杂程度均有明显关系。本文旨在为高原环境下官兵认知功能防护,以及开发士兵军事训练的新措施提供科学有效的依据。  相似文献   

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