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美国生物防御能力建设的特点与启示   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
生物武器、生物恐怖和新发传染病是当今国际社会面临的重大安全问题。美国高度重视生物防御能力建设,将生物防御能力建设纳入国家安全战略,不断提升其国家生物防御能力水平。本文简要分析了美国生物防御能力建设的主要特点,包括明确的生物防御战略、充分的预防预警准备、有效的后果处置能力、强大的科技支撑体系等,希望能对我国及其他发展中国家的生物防御能力建设有所启示。  相似文献   

本文简要介绍了生物防御产业的定义和特点,分析了美国生物防御产业政策制定和管理措施等方面的经验和启示,同时结合国内的发展现状,提出要加强生物防御产业发展,增强生物防御能力的若干对策建议.  相似文献   

生物防御特需药物是反生物战、反生物恐怖以及应对突发生物事件的重要手段,加强国家生物防御特需药物研发能力是维护国家主权领土完整、维护国家利益拓展和遂行非战争军事行动等保障国家和军队生物安全的基础和关键。当前,国际生物防御科技进展迅猛,世界主要发达国家日益重视生物防御特需药物的研究、开发与储备。该文以美国为例,分析其生物防御特需药物研发现状及主要特点,并提出加强我国相关研究的对策建议。  相似文献   

新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情造成的大量人员伤亡及经济损失让各国不得不重新审视生物安全防御体系建设。随着基因编辑、人工智能等技术的迅速发展,使得对病原的改造、对特定种群的感染及智能化袭击逐渐成为可能。美国在生物安全防御体系建设方面一直处于世界领先地位。本文从美国生物安全防御政策法规的制定、生物安全防御领域投入的经费分析、生物监测及预警体系建设现状、高等级生物安全实验室建设现状这四个方面对美国生物安全防御体系建设的历史、演进、经验进行总结,并列举对中国生物安全防御体系建设的启示,以期为完善我国生物安全防御体系建设提供参考。  相似文献   

美国生物防御战略计划分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物恐怖与新发、突发传染病应对是当今人类社会面临的重大安全问题.美国高度重视生物防御能力建设,发布了多项与生物防御相关的国家战略并开展了一系列的生物防御计划.本研究分析了美国《21世纪生物防御》、《应对生物威胁国家战略》等生物防御战略以及生物盾牌计划、生物监测计划等生物防御计划的特点及对我国的启示.美国生物防御战略引领其生物防御计划的实施,生物防御计划推动其生物防御能力的提升,同时其生物防御能力建设结合了自然发生传染病的应对.我国应建立明确的生物防御战略,有计划分阶段地实施生物防御计划,同时加强对自然发生新发、突发传染病的应对能力建设.  相似文献   

本文分析了美国生物防御领域2010年年度进展及发展态势,包括重要文件传递了政府高度关注生物威胁的信息,投入大量经费加强生物防御能力建设,通过开发前沿技术强化了生物威胁的应对能力,以及不断寻找目前生物防御的不足之处以利于进一步改进。  相似文献   

2007年,日本文部科学省为“安全安心科学技术项目”设立了题为“日本的反生物恐怖技术和研发现状调研”的课题。其研究目的是调研反生物恐怖的相关信息,并在分析生物恐怖危险的基础上讨论今后需要研究开发的先后顺序,为制定研发路线图及政府决策提供参考。该课题组2008年3月提交了最终报告。本文根据报告的内容,将日本反生物恐怖相关研究的现状作一介绍。  相似文献   

国外反生物恐怖演习对我国的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
田德桥  郑涛 《解放军医学杂志》2006,31(12):1201-1204
目的介绍国外重要反生物恐怖演习,分析演习所取得的经验教训,为我国的生物恐怖应对及开展反生物恐怖演习服务。方法搜集整理相关网站及论著中关于反生物恐怖演习的介绍及报告,从这些演习中找到一些规律。结果等一些发达国家非常重视反生物恐怖演习工作,通过演习可以发现存在的一些问题以得到改进。结论我国有必要开展相应的反生物恐怖演习,在演习中需要重视及检验:领导层的决策,部门间的合作,新成立机构的作用,现存的一些机制需要改进的方面,国际合作,通讯交流,疾病预防控制措施,医疗机构的应对,疫苗及药品的储备等。  相似文献   

生物样本库作为临床治疗和医学科学研究的基础设施,是推动临床医学学科创新与诊疗技术创新的关键。目前我国生物样本库行业处于加速发展阶段,但存在缺乏统一的标准化流程,生物样本学科尚未建成、缺乏专业的人才队伍、各个样本库之间相互独立缺乏资源共享机制、样本库的成本效益低,样本使用率低等问题。针对上述问题,应加强生物样本库标准化建设,建立生物样本学,培养高素质专业人才,整合样本资源,实现信息共享,提高样本使用率,促进可持续发展。  相似文献   

目的:对近年来国内外重要的生物恐怖袭击应对处置演习进行分析和总结,为生物袭击应对准备和处置能力建设提供借鉴.方法:收集演习事例,归纳分析演习情景设置中所用的生物剂种类和袭击类型、演习产生的效果及其存在的问题;总结演习的类型及其特点,以及不同类型演习对生物恐怖袭击应对准备和处置能力的检验作用等.结果与结论:要做好生物袭击事件应对处置能力准备,生物袭击应对处置演习在检验、磨合、培训环节发挥着重要的作用.在组织、检验应对处置能力准备演习时要根据演习检验的目标,设计好演习情景想定并选择适当的演习类型.  相似文献   

The success of spin trapping techniques in vivo hinges on whether spin traps with high trapping efficiency and biocompatibility can be developed. Currently, two iron chelates based on the dithiocarbamate structure (hydrophilic ferro-di(N-methyl-D-glucamine-dithiocarbamate, or Fe(II)-MGD, and lipophilic ferro-di(diethyldithiocarbamate), or Fe(II)-DETC), are used for spin trapping of nitric oxide (NO) in biologic systems. However, detection efficiency is hampered by a complex redox chemistry for Fe(II)-MGD and by the insolubility of Fe(II)-DETC in water. To circumvent these problems, two new spin trap formulations based on Fe(II)-DETC were developed: a lipid-based carrier system stabilized by lecithin and inclusion complexes in hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin. The capability of these two systems to trap NO was determined and compared to the standard spin traps in vitro (in the presence of an NO donor) and in vivo (after induction of septic shock in mice). The sensitivity of the detection of NO was significantly increased (by a factor of 4) using the lipid-based carrier systems or inclusion complexes compared to the standard spin trap agents.  相似文献   

Limitations in resolution and sensitivity of 13C NMR spectroscopy have reduced the information obtainable from intact biological systems. With the aim of increasing the information from in vivo 13C NMR two multipulse NMR techniques, the DEPT pulse sequence and the gated spin-echo sequence, were used to obtain edited 13C NMR spectra from different 13C-labeled mammalian tissues. This allowed the separation of the 13C NMR signals from the tissues into subspectra containing either CH, CH2, or CH3 signals, thereby increasing the information obtainable from these spectra. Comparing the two techniques, the DEPT sequence gives more accurate editing than the gated spin-echo sequence but suffers from the difficulty of determining 1H pulse angles in vivo.  相似文献   

人员穿着正压生物防护服在高危生物污染环境中作业时可能面临一些潜在的安全风险,这些风险可以通过模拟试验进行评估并有效规避。该文从防护服的动态检测方法、使用风险研究两方面综述了国内外的相关研究现状,提出了尚需解决的问题以及未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

In terms of preventing or reducing the mass disaster caused by chemical and biological warfare agents (CBWs), establishing an efficient chemical and biological defense (CBD) system is vital. Balkan countries including Turkey, Greece, Romania, and Bulgaria are located in the "hot region," where some of the neighboring countries have had a CBW production program or do not comply with the international treaties related to the prohibition of CBWs. On the other hand, setting up the CBD is difficult and requires excessive expenditure, which causes a large economical hardship. According to the point of view of Turkish nuclear, biological, and chemical scientists, who are well experienced with CBD, the formation of a CBD system in the Balkan countries would prevent the CBW threat in this region, and in addition, would be able to make a contribution to global security.  相似文献   

Water proton spin-lattice relaxation times are commonly used as a guide in establishing the off-resonance irradiation time as well as the repetition time of the magnetization transfer experiment. T1 discrimination effects occur if the motionally restricted spin bath longitudinal magnetization does not reach thermal equilibrium. In this study we developed the formalism necessary for the evaluation of T1 discrimination contributions to proton magnetization transfer arising from the use of a short repetition time relative to the spin-lattice relaxation time of the motionally restricted spin bath. The results of computer simulation indicate that T1, discrimination contributions occur when the repetition time is small relative to the spin-lattice relaxation time of the motionally restricted spin bath, and when the off-resonance irradiation is weak and far off-resonance. For somewhat longer repetition times, T1 discrimination contributions become important only when the cross relaxation rate is small, and the fractional amount of motionally restricted component large. The occurrence of T1 discrimination effects results in distortion of water proton intensity ratio dispersion curves thereby resulting in the estimation of erroneous magnetization transfer parameters, whereas in magnetization transfer contrast enhanced imaging, such contributions are manifested by a decrease in image contrast.  相似文献   

In the last 2 decades major advances have been made in the field of assessment methods for medical imaging and computer-assist systems through the use of the paradigm of the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. In the most recent decade this methodology was extended to embrace the complication of reader variability through advances in the multiple-reader, multiple-case (MRMC) ROC measurement and analysis paradigm. Although this approach has been widely adopted by the imaging research community, some investigators appear averse to it, possibly from concern that it could place a greater burden on the scarce resources of patient cases and readers compared to the requirements of alternative methods. The present communication argues, however, that the MRMC ROC approach to assessment in the context of reader variability may be the most resource-efficient approach available. Moreover, alternative approaches may also be statistically uninterpretable with regard to estimated summary measures of performance and their uncertainties. The authors propose that the MRMC ROC approach be considered even more widely by the larger community with responsibilities for the introduction and dissemination of medical imaging technologies to society. General principles of study design are reviewed, and important contemporary clinical trials are used as examples.  相似文献   

活性氧等自由基与神经变性性疾病、糖尿病、辐射损伤等多种病理过程的发展相关。检测自由基技术在辐射防护和辐射生物效应方面具有重要的实际意义。该文综述了建立在电子自旋共振(ESR)基础上的各种自由基检测技术,同时介绍了新近建立的利用免疫电子自旋捕捉技术检测DNA和蛋白质大分子自由基的方法。  相似文献   

The accuracy of measurement of the spin-lattice relaxation time (T1) in biological systems using the variable nutation angle method is discussed using computer simulations. This method could reduce the time required for measurement to 10% of that using the inversion recovery method. In the perfused salivary gland of the rat (310 K), the T1 values of sugar phosphates, creatine phosphate, gamma-phosphate, and beta-phosphate of nucleotide triphosphates determined by this method were 5.2, 4.8, 0.9, and 0.8 s, respectively. During secretion of saliva, the T1 value of sugar phosphates decreased to 3.7 s, which could be due to an increased chemical exchange of phosphate in glycolysis.  相似文献   

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