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头静脉起自手背静脉网的桡侧,在臂前区,行于肱二头肌外侧沟内,经三角肌胸大肌间沟内穿锁胸筋膜注入腋静脉或锁骨下静脉[1].贵要静脉起自手背静脉网的尺侧,行于肱二头肌内侧沟的下半,穿臂筋膜注入肱静脉或胶静脉.  相似文献   

头静脉注入颈外静脉1例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
据中国人体质调查统计 ,头静脉末端注入有 5种类型 ,其中注入颈外静脉的成人占 2 .2 4 % ,儿童占5 .0 %。作者在解剖一具成年男性尸体标本时 ,见其右侧头静脉直接注入颈外静脉 ,现报道如下 :右侧头静脉起自手背静脉网桡侧 ,沿前臂桡侧、臂的外侧进入三角肌胸大肌间沟 ,向上越过锁骨呈直角注入右侧颈外静脉前壁 (附图 )。右侧头静脉出三角肌胸大肌间沟末端至汇入点的距离为 5 .5cm ,压扁外径5 .0mm。右颈外静脉自锁骨内侧端上缘到右头静脉汇入点的距离为 4 .5cm ,其压扁外径为 8.0mm。左侧头静脉起始、行程、汇入部位正常。附图 头…  相似文献   

头静脉汇入颈外静脉的观测及其临床意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对614侧成人尸体的头静脉末段进行了解剖观测,发现47侧(7.65%)与颈外静脉直接或间接相连。其中头静脉主干越过锁骨前面直接汇入颈外静脉41侧(6.68%);与颈外静脉间接借越过锁骨前面的交通支相连6侧(0.98%)。头静脉主干汇入颈外静脉的部位距锁骨上方1.52±0.78cm;越过锁骨的位置,距锁骨内侧端的直线距离为8.54±1.10cm,距肩峰外侧端的直线距离为6.40±1.30cm;在锁骨前方的外径为3.40±1.10mm。本对头静脉的此种汇入变异的临床意义进行了讨论。  相似文献   

<正>头静脉末端注入贵要静脉的变异极少见,作者在指导临床医学本科生局部解剖时发现1例头静脉变异(图1),为积累国人体质资料,给临床诊疗提供形态学依据,现报告如下。1资料与方法10%福尔马林固定的男尸1具,约62岁,身高167cm,发育正常,双上肢对称等粗,外观无任何畸形。解剖显露左上肢的头静脉、贵要静脉、肘正中静脉、肱静脉等结构,用游标卡尺测量其径线  相似文献   

头静脉汇入腋静脉变异较少见,头静脉汇入腋静脉的属支胸腹壁静脉尚未见报道。作者在解剖一老年男性尸体标本过程中,发现头静脉变异一例,现报道如下。1材料与方法男性尸体标本一例,年龄约60岁,身长167 cm。常规方法解剖显露上肢皮下组织及浅静脉,见右头静脉由掌背侧静脉网起始,绕过前臂桡侧至前臂掌面,向上至肘关节下侧与肘正中静脉和贵要静脉交通,且在此有一浅层分支绕至肱三头肌外侧头与长头之间与上臂的深静脉相通,而不是在前臂与深静脉相通,之后头静脉上升至肱二头肌与肱桡肌之间,经过前臂外侧皮神经浅面,向上循肱二头肌外缘向上,并且在…  相似文献   

头臂静脉变异1例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
上腔静脉由左右头臂静脉汇合而成,而头臂静脉作为人体的一条较大静脉,变异情况较少见。作者在解剖1例成人男尸过程中,发现左头臂静脉变异,现报道如下,以期为临床提供参考资料。  相似文献   

<正>人体浅静脉走行变异的情况较常见,一般多见于中小浅静脉,而颈外静脉做为头颈部最大的浅静脉,出现变异的情况则较少见,尤其是双侧均出现变异更为罕见,我们在解剖1具男性尸体标本时发现这一情况,现报告如下。1材料与方法材料来自于内蒙古医科大学人体解剖学教研室,男性标本。在进行头颈部局部解剖,观察颈部浅静脉血管走行时发现,左侧颈外静脉粗大、单行;右侧则出现双颈外静脉,分别剥离双侧颈外静脉之间的起止点、走行,观察颈外静脉收纳及最后注入静脉  相似文献   

<正>头静脉变异较多,但是汇入颈外静脉的较少见。正常情况头静脉应起自手背静脉网的桡侧,在臂前区,行于肱二头肌外侧沟内,经三角肌胸大肌间沟内穿锁胸筋膜注入腋静脉或锁骨下静脉[1-2]。本文作者在实体解剖实验课上解剖1具女尸标本时,发现1例头静脉走行及注入方式变异。为积累解剖学资料,现报告如下。1材料与方法用常规方法解剖1具女尸,显露上肢皮下组织及浅静脉,见该具女尸左侧头静脉(外径约0.20 mm)起自手背静脉网的桡  相似文献   

The external jugular v. (EJV) is increasingly being used for therapeutic procedures and monitoring by clinicians. In view of this clinical relevance, dissection was done on the head and neck regions in 40 adult cadavers of Indian origin to detect variations of the EJV. Though several patterns of tributaries were found, a facial v. (FV) of considerable size was observed coursing obliguely to join the EJV in the neck in four cases (5%). The distance of the junction of the FV and the EJV from the angle of the mandible ranged between 55 and 104 mm. This may represent a persistent communication of the primitive linguofacial v. with the secondarily developing EJV. This anastomotic channel is present for some time in the fetus but later undergoes retrogression. Its persistence in some individuals results in this variation.  相似文献   

The most common cause of a neck mass that increases in size on the Valsalva maneuver is laryngocele. Jugular phlebectasia is a congenital dilation of the jugular vein, which is extremely rare in adults, may present similarly. Duplication of the internal jugular vein (IJV), which is usually encountered coincidentally, is another rare anatomic variation. Isolated cases or cases associated with IJV ectasia have been reported. We report on an adult patient with coexisting external jugular phlebectasia and internal jugular duplication on the same side.  相似文献   

Summary The dissection of 100 external jugular veins in 50 cadavers was the object of this anatomic study. A certain number of notions concerning the afferent veins, the mode of termination and the valvular system of this vessel were defined. 1)Afferent veins. Along its pathway toward the deep venous system, the external jugular vein successively received: the transverse cervical vein in 88 cases (88%), usually opposite the intersection of the external jugular vein with the dorsal border of the sterno- cleidomastoid muscle; the suprascapular vein in 47 cases (47%); the anterior jugular vein in 46 cases (46%); the cervical vein or anastomosis with the latter in 13 cases (13%). 2)Mode of termination. Forty-three subjects presented a symmetric mechanism. 100 anastomoses can be classed into three types: in 60 cases (60%), the external jugular vein flowed into the jugulo-subclavian venous confluence; in 36 cases (36%), in to the subclavian vein at a distance from its junction with the internal jugular vein; in 4 cases (4%) in to the trunk of the internal jugular vein. 3)Study of the valves. There were studied in 25 subjects (50 external jugular veins). The valves were found in the ostial and paraostial position in 49 out of 50 veins.
Contribution à l'étude des afférences et de la terminaison de la veine jugulaire externe
Résumé Cette étude anatomique repose sur la dissection de 100 vv. jugulaires externes chez 50 cadavres. Elle a permis de préciser un certain nombre de notions concernant les veines afférentes, le mode de terminaison et le système valvulaire de ce vaisseau. 1)Veines afférentes. Le long de son trajet vers le sytème veineux profond, la v. jugulaire externe reçoit successivement: la v. cervicale transverse dans 88 cas (88 %), habituellement en regard du croisement de la v. jugulaire externe avec le bord dorsal du m. sterno-cléido-mastoïdien ; la v. supra-scapulaire dans 47 cas (47 %); la v. jugulaire antérieure dans 46 cas (46 %) ; la v. céphalique ou une anastomose avec celle-ci dans 13 cas (13 %). 2)Mode de terminaison. Quarante trois sujets présentent un dispositif symétrique. Les 100 abouchements peuvent être classés en trois types : dans 60 cas (60 %) la v. jugulaire externe se déverse dans le confluent veineux jugulo-subclavier ; dans 36 cas (36 %), dans la v. subclavière à distance de sa réunion avec la v. jugulaire interne ; dans 4 cas (4 %) dans le tronc de la v. jugulaire interne. 3)Etude des valvules. Recherchées chez 25 sujets (50 vv. jugulaires externes), les valvules ont été retrouvées dans 49 cas sur 50 en position ostiale ou paraostiale.

We examined 70 external jugular veins from 35 cadavers. In six veins we observed a septum, 6–25 mm long, which completely divided the lumen of the vein. The septum, which has not been previously described, was located approximately 5 cm superior to the vein's termination into the subclavian vein. Histologically, the septum is composed of tunica intima and tunica media in contrast to venous valves which are composed of tunica intima only.  相似文献   

目的 探讨头静脉汇入腋静脉或锁骨下静脉夹角对经头静脉入路上肢外周静脉穿刺中心静脉置管(peripherally inserted central catheters,PICC)操作的影响。 方法 解剖38具(76侧)捐献者遗体,测量和分析上肢外展0 °和90 °时男、女两侧头静脉汇入腋静脉或锁骨下静脉的夹角。 结果 头静脉汇入腋静脉或锁骨下静脉的前外侧壁,汇入处管径平均为(7.27±2.94)mm,95%可信区间为6.51~8.03 mm,夹角有锐角、直角和钝角3种类型。上肢外展0 °时,夹角平均为(47.14±27.02)°,95%可信区间为40.97°~63.32°;上肢外展90°时,夹角平均为(63.88±24.26)°,大于上肢外展0°时夹角,95%可信区间为53.96°~65.64°。上肢外展0°时,男、女夹角无明显差异,而上肢外展90°时男性夹角大于女性夹角。上肢外展0°和90°时,左、右侧夹角均无明显差异。 结论 经头静脉入路PICC术时,男、女两侧头静脉汇入腋静脉或锁骨下静脉的夹角不影响导管通过,但有少部分人夹角接近或大于90°,尤其男性上肢外展90°可能增加导管通过夹角的难度,操作中需加以注意。  相似文献   

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