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《Annals of human genetics》1980,43(4):429-431
Book reviewed in this article:
Genetic Epidemiology . Edited by N ewton E. M orton and C hin S ik C hung
Evolutionary Biology . Volume 11. Edited by M. K. H echt , W. C. S teere and B. W allace
Clinical Atlas of Human Chromosomes . By J ean D e G rouchy and C atherine T urleau
Myotonic Dystrophy . By P. S. H arper . Eastbourne: W. B. Saunders.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Progressive Muskeldystrophie, Myotonie, Nyasthenie . Edited by E. K uhn .
Current Xtdies in Hemophilia. Proceedings of the 3rd Congress of the World Federation of Hemo philia. Paris, September 7–9, 1965. Edited by J. P. S ooller and F. Josso.
Origins of Man . By J. B uettner -J anusch .
Genetics of Interracial Crosses in Hawaii . By N. E. M orton , C. S. C hung ; and M.-P. MI.
Mental Deficiency: the Changing Outlook . Edited by A nn M. C larke and A. D. B. C larke .
Cranial Morphology in Down's Syndrome. A Comparative Roentgencephalometric Study in Adult Males . By E rik K isling .
Advances in Blood Grouping , volume II. By A. S. W iener and M. S hapiro .
The Language of Life. An Introduction to the Science of Genetics . By G eorge and M uriel B eadle .
The Control of Environment . Edited by J. D. R oslansky .  相似文献   

《Annals of human genetics》1967,31(2):209-213
Book reviewed in this article:
Protein Biosynthesis and Problems of Heredity, Development and Ageing . By Z h . A. M edvedev .
The Development of Sex Differences . By E leanor E. M accoby .
Rece. lzt Advances in, Biological Psychiatry . Vol. IX. Edited by J. W ortis .
Chromosomes Today . Vol. 1. Edited by C. D. D arlington and K. R. L ewis .
Chromosome Manipulations and Plant Genetics . Edited by R. R iley and K. R. L ewis .  相似文献   

《Annals of human genetics》1964,28(1-3):317-318
Book reviewed in this article:
Papers on Human Genetics. Edited by S amuel H. B oyer , IV. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall Inc. and London: Prentice-Hall International. 1964.
Methodology in Basic Genetics. Edited by W alter J. B urdette . Holden-Day, Inc. 1963.
The Process of Evolution. Edited by P. R. E hrlich and R. W. H olm . New York, San Francisco, Toronto and London: McGraw-Hill. 1963.
Teaching Genetics. Edited by C. D. D arlington and A. D. B radshaw . Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd Ltd. 1963.
Principles of Numerical Taxonomy. By R. R. S okal and P. H. A. S neath . San Francisco and London: W. H. Freeman and Company. 1963.
General Physiology of Cell Specialization. Edited by D aniel M azia and A lbert T yler . 1963. New York, McGraw-Hill
Die angeborenen Stoffwechselanomalien. Grundlagen. Klinik. Therapie. By K. S chreier , in collaboration with H. M attern , U. P orath and J. S pranger , and with a contribution by H.-G. L asch . Stuttgart: Georg Thieme. 1963.
Proceedings of the 4th Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability , vol. iv , Biology and Problems of Health. Edited By J erzy N eyman . Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. 161.  相似文献   

《Annals of human genetics》1977,41(2):269-275
Thomas Hunt Morgan. Pioneer of Genetics. By I an S hine and S ylvia W robel . 1976.
Modern Biology and Its Human Implications. B y J. A. V. B utler . 1976.
Human Haemoglobin Variants and Their Characteristics. By H. L ehmann and P. A. M. K ynoch . 1976.
Teratology and Congenital Malformations: A Comprehensive Guide to the Literature. Edited by L ois W einstein .
Colour Vision Deficiencies. Volume III. Edited by G. V erriest . Modern Problems in Ophthalmology. Volume 17.
Down's Anomaly. Second edition. By G. F. S mith and J. M. B erg .
Human Biology. Second edition. By G. A. H arrison , J. S. W einer , J. M. T anner and N. A. B arnicot .
The HLA System. An Introductory Survey. By A. S vejgaard , M. H auge , G. J ersild , P. P latz , L. P. R yder , L. S taub N ielsen and M. T homsen .
Foundations of Mathematical Genetics. By A. W. F. E dwards .
Humangenetik: Ein kurzes Handbuch. Band III/3. Hämatologie. Edited by P eter E mil B ecker .
Handbook of Statistical Distribution. B y J. K. P atel , C. H. K apadia and D. B. O wen .
Exercises Programmés de Génétique Médicale. By P. J albert , B. S ele , J. F eingold .
Patterns of Sexuality and Reproduction. By A lan S. P arkes .  相似文献   

《Annals of human genetics》1978,41(3):391-396
Book reviewed in this article:
Chemical Mutagens. Vol. 4. Principles and Methods for Their Detection. Edited by A. H ollaender .
Genetics and the law. Edited by A. M ilunsky and G. J. A nnas
Basic Bacteriology and Genetics. J. R. S okatch and J. J. F erretti .
Human Behaviour Genetics. By A.R. K aplan .
Evolution. B y T heodosius D obzhansky , F rancisco J. A yala , C. L edyaed S tebbins and J ames W. V alentina .  相似文献   

Book reviews     
《Annals of human genetics》1966,29(4):411-417
Book reviewed in this article:
Problems of Radiation Genetics . By N. P. D ubinin .
Introduction to Medical Genetics . By V. P. E phroimson .
Genetics and the Epidemiology of Chromic Diseases . Edited by J. V. N eel , M argery W. S haw and W. J. S chull .
The Molecular Basis of Heredity . By A. B. P eacocke and R. B. D rysdale .
Diffusion Models in Population Genetics . By M otoo K imura .
Human Genetics and its Foundations . By M aurice W hittinghill .
Gregor Mendel: Experiments in Plant Hybridisation (with commentary and assessment by the late Sir R onald F isher ). Edited by J. H. B ennett .
Genetics land Prehistory . The Rede Lecture 1965. By G avin de B eer . Cambridge University Press. Pp. 37. 5s.
Embryologie. Ein Lehrbuch auf allgemein biologischer Grundlage . 2nd edition. By Prof. Dr D ietrich S tarck .  相似文献   

《Annals of human genetics》1977,40(3):369-370
Book reviewed in this article:
Mathematical Foundations of Social Anthropology . By P aul A. B allanoff .
Chromosomes Today . Volume 5. Edited by P. L. P earson and K. R. L ewis .  相似文献   

《Annals of human genetics》1982,46(2):189-190
Book reviewed in this article:
Population Systems. A General Introduction . By A. A. B erryman .
Recombinant DNA. Benchmark Papers in Microbiology, vol. 15. Edited by K. J. D enniston and L. W. E nquist .
Genetic Engineering. Principles and Methods. Vol. 3. Edited by J. K. S etlow and A. H ollaender .  相似文献   

《Annals of human genetics》1962,25(4):417-422
Book reviewed in this article:
Hemoglobin and its Abnormalities. By V ernon M. I ngram .
The Metabolic Basis of Inherited Disease. Edited by S tanbury , J. B., W yngaarden , J. B. & F redrickson , D. S. B lakiston .
L'Hérédité en Ophtalmologie. By J. F rançois .
Human Genetics. By C. C. L i .
Morbus Haemolyticus neonatorum im Abo-system. By Dr med. K. F ischer .
The Scientific Basis of Medicine: Annual Reviews , 1961. British Postgraduate Medical Federation. University of London.
Cell Heredityj . By R uth S ager and F rancis J. R yan .  相似文献   

《Annals of human genetics》1966,30(2):197-199
Book reviewed in this article:
A Search for Genetic Effects of High Natural Radioactivity in South India . By H. G rüneberg , G. S. B ains , R. J. B erry , L inda R iles , C. A. B. S mith and R. A. W eiss .
Les Chromosomes Humains (Caryotype Normal et Variations Pathologiques ). By R aymond T urpin and J erome L ejeune .
Animal Ecology in Tropical Africa . By D. F. O wen .
Introduction to Genetics . By E. J. K ormondy .  相似文献   

《Annals of human genetics》1980,44(2):223-228
Book reviewed in this article:
Advances in the Study of Birth Defects. Volumes 1 and 2. Edited by T. V. N. P ersaud
Genetic Mosaics and Chimeras in Mammals. Basic Life Sciences. Volume 12. Edited by L. B. R ussell .
Selection in One- and Two-locus Systems. By T. N. N agylaki .
Advances in Human Genetics. Volume 9. Edited by H. H arris and K. H irschhorn .
Genetic Aspects of Affective Illness. Edited by J. M endlewicz and B. S hopsin
Human Genetics. Problems and Approaches. Edited by F. V ogel and A. G. M otulsky .  相似文献   

《Annals of human genetics》1980,43(3):303-309
Book reviewed in this article:
Human Growth . Volume I. Principles and Pre-natal Growth . Edited by F rank F alkner and J. M. T anner . New York, London
Major Sex-Determining Genes . By S. O hno . Vol. 11 of Monographs on Endocrinology, edited by F. G ross , M. M. G rumbach , A. L abhart , M. B. L resmt , T. M ann , L. T. S amuels and J. Z ander .
The Genetics of Aging . Edited by E. L. S chneider  相似文献   

《Annals of human genetics》1981,45(2):216-221
Book reviewed in this article:
The Phylogeny of Human Chromosomes. By H. N. S euánez
Human and Mammalian Cytogenetics. An Historical Perspective. By T. C. H su
Genetic Disorders and the Fetus: Diagnosis, Prevention and Treatment. Edited by A. M ilunsky
Monoclonal Antibodies. Hybridomas: A New Dimension in Biological Analyses. Edited by R. H. K ennett , T. J. M c K earn and K. B. B echtol
The Muscular Dystrophies. British Medical Bulletin, vol. 36, no. 2, May 1980. Edited by J. N. W alton and F. L. M astaglia
Human Genetics: Possibilities and Realities. Ciba Foundation Symposium, New Series, no. 66. Edited by R. P orter and M.O'C onnor
Dermatoglyphics-50 Years Later. Edited by W. W ertelecki and C. C. P lato
Kinetic Logic: a Boolean Approach to the Analysis of Complex Regulatory Systems. (Lecture Notes in Biomathematics, vol. 29.) Edited by R. T homas  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Chromosome Techniques, Theory and Practice . By A run K umar S harma and A rchana S harma .
Genetics Today. Proceedings of the XIth International Congress of Genetics, The Hague, The Netherlands, september 1963. Edited by S. J. G eerts .
Methods and Goals in Human Behavior Genetics . Ed. by S teven G. V andenberg .
The Gene Concept . By N atalie B arish .
Ethnic Affinities of the Rabha . By B huban M. D as .
The Effects of Inbreeding on Japanese Children . By W illiam J. S chull and J ames V. N eel .
General Genetics , 2nd edition. By A. M. S rb , R. D. O wen and R. S. E dgar .  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Bone Marrow Biopsy Edited by J.R. Krause.
Taking Uterine Cervical Smears J. Elizabeth Macgregor.
Histology: Microscopic Anatomy and Embryology Kurt E. Johnson.
Pathology of Granulomas and Neoplasms of the Nose and Paranasal Sinuses I. Friedmann and the late D.A. Osborn.
Geographical Pathology in Cancer Epidemiology Edited by E. Grundmann, J. Clemmesen & C.S. Muir.
Lymphatics of the Heart A.J. Miller.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
An Introduction to the Principles of Disease 2nd edition. J.B. Walter.
Biopsy Pathology of the Lymphoreticular System D.H. Wright & P.G. Isaacson.
Principles and Practice of Surgical Pathology Edited by S.G. Silverberg. Vols 1 and 2.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
《Annals of human genetics》1968,31(3):319-322
Book reviewed in this article:
The Origin of Genetics . A Mendel Source Book. Edited by C urt S tern and E va R. S herwood . San Francisco and London: W. H. Freeman and Company. 1966. Pp. 179. 18s. paper; 36s. cloth.
Fundamental Genetica . Edited by M ilan S osna ; selection and commentary by Jaroslav Kfiie-neckf. Prague: Publishing House of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences; Brno: Moravian Museum; Oosterhout (N.B.), The Netherlands: Anthropological Publications. 1965. Pp. 400.
Human Population Cytogenetics , by W. M. C ourt B rown . North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam: 196'7. Pp. xii+107. 40s.
CIBA Foundation Study Group No. 25. Mongolisnz . In commemoration of Dr John Langdon Haydon Down. Edited by G. E. W. W olstenholme and R uth P orter . Published by J. and A. Churchill, Ltd. London. Pp. 99 + ix. 18s.
Advances in Reproductive Physiology . Vol. I. Edited by A nne M c L aren . London: Logos Press, and New York: Academic Press. 1966. 295 pp. Price 100s.
Norrie's Disease. A Congenitd Progressive Oculo-Acoustico-Cerebral degeneration . By M. W arburg . Munksgaard: Copenhagen. 1966. Pp. 147. Price 65 Danish Kroner.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Perinatal Pathology (Major Problems in Pathology, Vol 15) J.S. Wigglesworth.
Bone Marrow Biopsies Updated-New Prospects for Clinical Diagnostics Edited by B. Frisch & R. Bartl.
Cardiac Pathology-An Integrated Text and Colour Atlas A.E. Becker & R.A. Anderson.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Ovarialtumoren Edited by G.Dallenbach Hellweg.
Recent Advances in Neuropathology, Vol. 2 Edited by W.T. Smith & J.B. Cavanagh.
Pulmonary Pathology M.S.Dunnill.
Histochemistry R.W. Horobin. Butterworths.
International Histological Classification of Tumours, No. 24, Histological Typing of Tumours of the Eye and its Adnexa L.E.Zimmerman & L.H. Sobin.
International Histological Classification of Tumours, No. 25, Histological Typing of Kidney Tumours F.K. Mostofi, J.A. Sesterhann & L.H. Sobin.
Self-Assessment in Histology P.R. Wheater & H.G. Burkitt.
Ultrastructural Appearances of Tumours. A Diagnostic Atlas D.W. Henderson & J.M. Papadimitriou.
Ultrastructural Pathology of the Cell and Matrix Feroze N. Ghadially. 2nd edition.  相似文献   

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