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目的:研究上颌牙弓狭窄与口周力之间的内在关系。方法:用新型计算机辅助口周力测量系统对16名上颌牙弓狭窄患者上下颌第一磨牙颊侧、舌侧进行口周力测量。结果:口周力两次重复测量结果之间无显著性差异;男女之间各牙位的口周力值无显著性差异;同侧上下颌第一磨牙颊侧压力相比有显著性差异、舌侧压力相比有显著性差异。结论:该口周力测量系统有良好的重复性和稳定性;口周力与性别无相关性;牙颌形态影响口周力,口周力会因牙颌形态的改变而发生适应性变化。  相似文献   

口周力的分布与错He畸形牙弓形态的相关性研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
分析畸形牙弓形态与口周力大小分布的关系。方法:选择AngleⅡ类1分类,Ⅱ类2分类及正常He受试者各12人。应用应变计式压力传感器口周力测量系统测量其上、下唇,舌对下前牙、舌对后牙的肌肉压力;同时采用研究模测量法,测量其研究模型上、下牙弓长度、宽度、  相似文献   

AngleⅡ类错He者口周力的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对AngleⅡ类1分类与2分类错He与2分类He儿童各12名,在姿势位时用新型电阻应变计式压力传感器测量系统,对其上下唇和舌肌对上一中切牙与磨牙所施压力进行了测量比较。结果表明:(1)AngleⅡ类错He者与正常He相比,唇肌压力变化明显,舌肌压力改变不如唇肌显著。(2)上唇肌压力是由AngleⅡ类错He上切牙的位置所决定,其1分类上唇肌压力较大,2分类唇肌压力则较小。上唇对上切牙唇向或舌各倾斜,  相似文献   

口周肌压力与错He畸形   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

目的:探讨异常吞咽对牙根吸收的影响。方法:选择11-16岁异常吞咽患者和正常吞咽患者各24名,拍全口曲面断层片,分别测量2组上下颌8个切牙的牙根吸收等级,并经过计算机进行统计学检验。结果:2组的牙根吸收等级差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论:异常吞咽是牙根吸收的高危因素。  相似文献   

成人骨性AngleⅢ类错He的吞咽型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用X线动态录相-计算机图像处理系统,对33名正常He成人(男17名,女16名)和29名成人骨性AngleⅢ类错He患者(男14人,女15人)的吞咽型进行了研究。结果表明:(1)成人骨性AngleⅢ类错He患者息止颌位时,舌、舌骨、下颌骨位置较正常He者低,唇分开度和磨牙分开度较大。吞咽时舌尖在上抬的同时向后缩,形成典型的舌后缩天咽型。多数患者磨牙没有合接触,上下唇分开。(2)成人骨性Angle  相似文献   

口周力的分布与错牙合畸形牙弓形态的相关性研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的:分析畸形牙弓形态与口周力大小分布的关系。方法:选择AngleⅡ类1分类、Ⅱ类2分类及正常牙合受试者各12人。应用应变计式压力传感器口周力测量系统测量其上、下唇、舌对下前牙、舌对后牙的肌肉压力;同时采用研究模测量法,测量其研究模型上、下牙弓长度、宽度、覆牙合及覆盖。结果:同正常牙合相比,不同的牙弓形态,其上下唇肌肉的压力变化较舌肌显著;上唇压力与切牙覆盖呈正相关,下唇压力与切牙覆牙合及下牙弓长度呈正相关,并可导致下颌后缩,加重了AngleⅡ类错牙合畸形。结论:错牙合畸形与口周肌肉压力之间存在着密切的相关关系,肌肉压力随着畸形特征的改变也会产生具有一定规律的变化  相似文献   

唇腭裂术后反He患者口周肌肌电图的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对28名正常He,27名普通反He及29名单侧完全性唇腭裂术后反He患者的上唇肌及颏肌肌电图的检查,发现唇腭裂术后反He者口周肌肉存在特征性的肌电活动;①患者吞咽唾液时,上唇及颏肌肌电幅显著大于正常He及普通反He组;②唇腭裂组及普通反He组患者姿势位时,刻肌肌电幅大于正常He;③患者在各功能位时,上唇肌肌电活动非对称指数大于正常He及普通反He患者。唇腭裂术后反He患者周肌肉活动的异常,提示  相似文献   

口呼吸与鼻呼吸儿童颅面形态差异的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
目的 比较口呼吸与鼻呼吸儿童颅面形态的差异 ,探讨呼吸方式与颅面形态的关系。方法 通过口鼻气流同步测定系统的随机检测 ,选择鼻呼吸比例≤ 70 % (口呼吸组 )及≥ 95 % (鼻呼吸组 )的 1 1~ 1 4岁儿童各 34名 ,比较其颅面硬组织形态的差异。结果 口呼吸儿童与鼻呼吸儿童相比 ,面部呈明显的垂直生长型 ,下颌平面角 (MP SN)为 39 3 ,明显大于鼻呼吸组 (33 2 ,P <0 0 1 ) ;下颌体长度较小 ,下颌角开大 ,颏部及面型后缩 (P <0 0 5) ;其矢状骨面型可表现为I、II、III各种类型 ,两组间差异无显著性。结论 口呼吸是造成颅面垂直向发育不调的因素之一。正畸医师应注意及时去除影响鼻呼吸的因素 ,纠正口呼吸的不良习惯 ,使颅面形态朝向正常的方向发展  相似文献   

通过测量30名正常儿童鼻呼吸及口呼及状态下的四周力值,发现口呼吸状态下上唇、下唇、上颌后牙颊侧,下颌后牙舌侧肌肉压力有显著性增高,下前牙舌侧压力有显著性下降。本实验结果可以解释口呼吸患者下颌后缩、切牙舌倾,后牙反等临床特征的病因机理。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the association between strength of the perioral muscles and masticatory performance. Subjects were 56 healthy adults (30 men and 26 women; mean age of 24·9 years) with normal occlusion. Perioral muscle pressure was measured using JMS tongue pressure measurement device, and maximum tongue pressure and cheek pressure on the habitual chewing side (H) and non‐habitual side (non‐H) were measured. The masticatory performance was evaluated using gummy jelly, and the amount of glucose extracted was measured after chewing under condition H or non‐H. The association between sex and maximum tongue pressure was analysed using Student's t‐test. Cheek pressure and the amount of the glucose extracted between condition H and non‐H or between men and women were analysed by two‐way repeated‐measures anova . In addition, the correlations between maximum tongue pressure and cheek pressure on condition H, maximum tongue pressure and the amount of glucose extracted under condition H, and cheek pressure and the amount of glucose extracted under condition H were analysed using Pearson's correlation coefficients for men and women. The maximum tongue pressure, cheek pressure and the amount of glucose extracted were higher in men than in women. The amount of glucose extracted was higher under condition H than under condition non‐H, but no significant difference in chewing side was observed in cheek pressure between men and women. Additionally, positive correlations were shown between maximum tongue pressure, habitual‐side cheek pressure and the amount of glucose extracted on men and women. In conclusion, the association between higher perioral muscle pressure and better masticatory performance was shown.  相似文献   

房晓旭  范存晖 《口腔医学》2019,39(9):840-843
唇腭裂患者常出现牙颌发育缺陷,其影响因素非常复杂。患者唇腭裂修复术前后的口周力都不同于正常人。多数学者认为,患者唇腭部术后软组织张力变化是导致患者牙颌生长受限的原因之一。现就唇腭裂患者口周力的研究现状及研究方法做一综述。  相似文献   

王思  李煌  杜娟  陈金林 《口腔医学》2016,(9):809-812
目的研究上颌前方牵引加舌刺矫治替牙期伴舌习惯的高角骨性Ⅲ类错的临床疗效。方法 7例适应证患者接受前牵引加舌刺的矫形治疗,采用X线头影测量技术分析软硬组织矫治前后的改变。结果所有患者前牙建立正常的覆盖,正常或稍浅的覆。上颌骨向前发育,下颌骨后退,下颌平面角无明显增大,上下颌骨间不调改善,鼻唇角减小,面型明显改善。结论使用上颌前方牵引加舌刺能有效治疗替牙期的伴舌习惯的高角骨性Ⅲ类错。  相似文献   

We investigated the impact of tongue‐thrusting on lingual pressure during fluid intake with a straw. In this study, 12 healthy young dentate individuals (two women and 10 men; 19–33 years) were instructed to drink 15 mL of water with a regular drinking straw at 37 °C, when indicated by the investigator. Participants drank after adjusting tongue position to one of the following patterns: (i) Holding the tip of the straw between the lips (Normal Position: NP), (ii) Sticking out the tongue to the vermilion zone of the lower lip and inserting the straw 1 cm past the front teeth (Tongue‐thrusting Position: TP). Five recordings were conducted for each participant in a randomised order. To measure tongue pressure during swallowing, a specially designed 0·1‐mm thick sensor sheet (Nitta, Osaka, Japan) with a tactile system for measurement of pressure distribution (I‐SCAN; Nitta) was used. Duration, maximal magnitude and integrated value of tongue pressure were analysed based on the wave of tongue pressure recorded while water was swallowed. Magnitude, duration and integrated value of tongue pressure were significantly lower in TP than in NP at the median line (Ch1–3). Magnitude and integrated value of tongue pressure at the lateral part of the tongue (Ch5) were significantly lower in TP than in NP. When duration, maximal magnitude and integrated values were compared by channel, no significant differences were observed in NP, but a significant difference was found between Ch3 and the lateral areas Ch4/Ch 5 in TP. When the tongue was thrust forward, movement dynamics of the entire tongue changed and influenced contact between the tongue and palate during liquid intake with a straw. The impact was noticeably weaker on the median line than in lateral areas.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to clarify which physiological and anatomical factors were involved in the formation of tongue indentations, which are believed to be a clinical sign of clenching. Twenty-four dentulous subjects were investigated. They were divided into two groups, depending on the presence or absence of tongue indentations: (i) a tongue indentation group and (ii) a no tongue indentation group. Intraoral appliances containing a small pressure sensor were placed at the lingual surfaces of the upper and lower right first molars. Lingual pressure on the lingual surfaces of the upper and lower right first molars was then recorded under different conditions. The tasks selected as physiological factors to be recorded were: (i) silent reading at rest for 10 min, (ii) maximum voluntary clenching (MVC) for 5 s, (iii) 10% of MVC for 1 min and (iv) swallowing. The results for all tasks were compared between groups. Tongue width and dental arch width were also measured as anatomical factors. No significant differences were found between groups during silent reading at rest, clenching, swallowing, or in tongue pressure integration during silent reading at rest. However, a significant difference was found in terms of tongue width (P < 0.05). These results indicate that neither volume of lingual pressure exerted on the lingual surface of the teeth during rest, clenching, nor swallowing are related to the formation of tongue indentations. The results do suggest; however, that tongue width at rest plays an important role in the formation of tongue indentations.  相似文献   

目的 :建立基因转染兔舌肌和确定其最优化方案。方法 :采用大规模提纯的pBlacZ质粒和普通医用外科缝线来制备分子外科缝线 ,通过手术切开兔舌肌 ,模拟临床操作 ,进行分子外科缝线术转染外源基因的试验 ,同时利用正交试验设计分析 ,选择与临床密切相关的因素进行基因转染最优化方案的研究。结果 :基因转染实验侧含pBlacZ质粒的肌肉组织有lacZ基因的表达 ,正交试验分析提示在分子外科缝线术转染外源基因的研究中 ,4周、1 0缝线、经盐酸布比卡因麻醉可获得最高的基因表达效率。结论 :兔舌肌可摄取和表达外源质粒 ,是—个潜在的分子外科转基因部位。  相似文献   

成人骨性反(牙合)患者口周肌压力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 :研究骨性反牙合患者的口周肌压力特征 ,了解口周肌压力与牙颌形态的相关性。方法 :以 2 0名成人骨性反牙合患者为研究对象 ,检测了姿势位时上下切牙区、尖牙区、磨牙区颊 (唇 )舌侧口周肌压力。结果 :与对照组相比 ,除了上下磨牙区舌侧口周肌压力外 ,骨性反牙合组中的口周肌压力大于对照组中对应区域口周肌压力 (P <0 .0 1)。骨性反牙合患者同一牙弓内左右两侧口周肌压力值无显著性差异 ,各测量区域颊侧压力均大于相应部位的舌侧压力 (P <0 .0 1) ;除了尖牙区唇侧外 ,上下对应区域口周肌压力下颌大于上颌 (P <0 .0 1) ;各牙位口周肌压力中 ,下颌唇侧的口周肌压力最大 (P <0 .0 1)。结论 :牙颌形态影响口周肌压力的大小 ,骨性反牙合患者口周肌压力的最显著的特征为姿势位时下切牙唇侧肌压力值最大。  相似文献   

张超  王栋  李玥  张红  袁颖 《口腔医学》2021,41(7):623-626
目的 观察舌肌的功能训练是否能改善舌后缩的程度并提高下颌全口义齿的固位效果.方法 选择30例舌后缩的无牙颌患者,按照生物功能性修复系统(biofunctional prosthetic system,BPS)的标准流程为其制作全口义齿,并在下颌义齿前牙区唇侧基托的磨光面制作3个底为5 mm、高为2 mm的树脂突,间隔为...  相似文献   

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