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报告以同侧余肺切除完成全肺切除病例22例,占我院肺手术的0.36%(22/6094)。距第一次肺手术时间1个月至26年。主要手术适应证:(1)肺结核复发;(2)支气管扩张症残留症状;(3)肺癌复发;(4)治疗肺切除术后余肺严重并发症。术后主要并发症是支气管胸膜瘘。我们认为,严格手术指征、了解第一次肺手术的全过程、提高手术技巧是余肺切除术取得成功的关键。  相似文献   

全肺切除82例报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报告全肺切除82例,其中单纯全肺切除术61例,胸膜全肺切除术7例,心包内全肺切除术14例,住院30天内无手术死亡,治愈81例,治愈率98.8%。本文结合临床就全肺切除手术适应证,残腔处理,手术要点进行讨论。  相似文献   

由各种原因引起肺叶或一侧全肺功能完全丧失,体积缩小,已造成不可逆病理性改变称毁损肺.对于一侧肺毁损的患者,适时采取手术切除病侧全肺.不但可以迅速缓解呼吸系统症状,而且可以显著提高患者生存质量,甚至对部分良性疾病可达到治愈目的.由于肺组织的广泛纤维化患侧肺功能丧失.患者均有不同程度的气促及反复出现的咳嗽、咳脓痰、咯血.而且由于壁层胸膜的增厚,内科治疗效果差.大多需外科治疗,但该手术对患者围术期的生理状况干扰大,手术过程创伤大,出血多,术后并发症多且严重,对手术技术的要求较高.文章总结毁损肺的全肺外科治疗方法和进展进行综述.  相似文献   

目的比较分析胸腔镜解剖性肺段切除及肺楔形切除术对肺小气道功能的影响。 方法收集2021年1~6月期间,在民航总医院行胸腔镜肺段切除及肺楔形切除124例患者资料,其中行解剖性肺段切除64例、肺楔形切除60例。通过比较两组患者术前、术后1周,以及术后1、3、6个月的MEF25%、MEF50%、MEF75%/25%变化,明确肺段切除与肺楔形切除对肺小气道功能的影响。 结果MEF50%、MEF75%/25%、MEF25%两组指标术后1周均降低,两者之间差异无统计学意义;术后1个月较术后1周升高,且肺楔形切除组较肺段切除组结果升高;术后3个月两组指标均较前升高,且肺楔形切除组仍较肺段切除组结果高;MEF50%、MEF75%/25%术后6个月恢复至术前水平,MEF25%肺楔形切除组恢复至术前水平,较肺段切除组指标高,肺段切除组尚未恢复至术前水平。 结论小气道肺功能指标更能反映出机体肺功能情况;对于<1 cm且实性成分<5 mm的肺小结节,肺楔形切除术后肺功能指标比肺段切除恢复较快;提示切除肺部组织越小,保留的肺功能越多,越具有长期的功能优势。  相似文献   

全肺切除治疗原发性支气管肺癌125例临床分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
全肺切除治疗原发性支气管肺癌125例临床分析张逊,王增林,姚计方,杜喜群,陈东鸿,陈宇自1978年1月至1992年7月,我们共手术治疗原发性支气管肺癌1016例,其中全肺切除125例,占12.3%。现对全肺切除治疗肺癌有关问题作初步分析。临床资料12...  相似文献   

肺切除加左心房部分切除治疗晚期肺癌   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
肺切除加左心房部分切除 (PRLA)技术 ,是近年来用于外科治疗已累及肺静脉根部和左心房房壁的晚期肺癌的一种术式。我们自 1997年 7月至 2 0 0 1年 3月采用这项技术完成 10例治疗 ,效果良好 ,现总结报道如下。资料和方法 全组 10例中男 8例 ,女 2例。年龄 38~ 6 8岁 ,中位数 5 8岁。肿瘤直径 6~ 16cm ,中位数 8cm。左心房受侵犯 8例为术前CT或MRI检查提示 ,2例为术中探查发现。手术采用常规后外侧胸部切口 ,经肋间进胸 ,先在心包外(内 )解剖并结扎肺动脉 ,切断支气管 ,距肿瘤边缘 1~ 3cm处剪开心包一圈 ,稍提起肺而牵拉肺静脉和左心…  相似文献   

急诊肺切除治疗大咯血85例临床分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
85例大咯血急诊肺切除,取得并发症少,死亡率低的良好效果。不可逆性肺部慢性病变如空洞、血管瘤破裂所致出血控制困难。急诊肺切除能去除出血来源及挽救病人生命;并能减少出血和感染扩散的危险。严格的术前准备、精确判定出血部位、平稳的麻醉处理、气管或支气管内插管、适当吸痰使下呼吸道通畅、迅速切除病肺是手术成功的关键。术后着重于咳痰、或支气管吸引下呼吸道积血或凝血块的处理;并积极预防感染。  相似文献   

肺癌全肺切除124例治疗总结   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
1982.10~1991.12我们行全肺切除术治疗肺癌124例,占同期肺癌外科治疗的15.1%。其中心包内处理血管88例,占71%。手术死亡率0.8%。术后并发症3.2%,无支气管胸膜瘘发生。术后5年生存率为27.7%,其中非小细胞癌5年生存率35.1%,未分化小细胞癌无1例生存满5年者。晚期肺癌心包内处理血管是安全的,能提高手术切除率。对III期未分化小细胞癌是否施行全肺切除,提出探讨。  相似文献   

双侧肺部分切除治疗Kartagener综合征1例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
病人 男 ,2 0岁 ,自幼反复咳嗽 ,咯黄脓痰 ,常有头痛伴鼻腔脓性分泌物。查体见鼻腔有脓涕 ,副鼻窦压痛 ;轻度漏斗胸 ;心尖搏动位于右侧。听诊右侧心音无病理杂音 ,双肺有细湿罗音。X线胸片显示镜面右位心 ,双肺纹理粗重。支气管碘油造影示左肺中叶及左下叶外基底段、右肺舌段支气管柱状扩张。腹部B超显示肝、脾转位。精液检查示精子不运动。临床诊断为Kartagener综合征。1996年 10月手术。经双侧第 4肋间、横断胸骨“河蚌”式开胸 ,切除左肺中叶及左肺下叶外基底段、右舌段。术后病人恢复顺利。随访至今 ,情况良好。讨论 原发…  相似文献   

局限性肺切除在肺癌治疗中的作用   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
从1970年至1992年对肺癌病人共行局限性肺切除56例,其中27例为姑息性切除,29例T_1N_0M_0周围型肺癌行根治性切除。后组病例术后5年生存率为71.4%,与该院同期T_1N_0M_0肺癌行肺叶切除的5年生存率(75.3%)无明显差别。因此,作者认为对过去曾行肺切除手术、心肺功能低下或高龄的T_1N_0M_0周围型肺癌病人行局限性肺切除是一较好的选择。  相似文献   

Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is often treated most effectively by resection. Although improved surgical procedures and perioperative care have made hepatic resection safe, the prognosis of patients with HCC is still poor because of the high incidence of postoperative recurrence. The most common site of extrahepatic recurrence is the lung. However, because of its multiplicity and concurrent recurrence in the liver remnant, resection of pulmonary metastases form HCC is rarely beneficial. We report two cases of long-term survival after repeated pulmonary resection of metastasis from HCC. At the time of this report the two patients were free of disease, 110 months and 107 months, respectively, after their initial hepatectomy. These case reports show that pulmonary metastases from HCC can be successfully resected in selected patients.  相似文献   

目的 探讨经尿道膀胱肿瘤电切术(transurethral resection of bladder tumor,TURBT)的疗效. 方法 2001年8月~2007年1月采用TURBT治疗膀胱肿瘤26例.切割电极切除瘤体包括距离肿瘤基底部0.5~1.0 cm的正常膀胱黏膜,切除深度达到浅或深肌层,电凝肿瘤基底部创面,术后定期使用丝裂霉素等药物膀胱腔内灌注化疗. 结果手术时间15~90 min,(52.5±37.5) min.1例术后发生严重膀胱出血,1例膀胱穿孔.22例随访0.5~2年,平均1年,肿瘤复发6例,其中原位复发4例,异位复发2例;1例合并乳糜尿,行左侧肾蒂周围淋巴组织结扎术. 结论 TURBT治疗膀胱肿瘤具有手术操作简单,疗效可靠等优点.  相似文献   

目的探讨腹腔镜辅助下全结直肠切除术的可行性、安全性。方法2008年10月-2011年10月行腹腔镜辅助下全结肠切除术10例,其中家族性腺瘤性息肉病4例,息肉癌变2例,结直肠多发癌1例,慢性溃疡性结直肠炎3例。建立气腹后,超声刀游离病变肠管系膜,并用可吸收夹夹闭主要血管后,Endo—GIA离断直肠下端,辅助切口4~6cm,取出切除标本,用管形吻合器行直肠-回肠吻合。结果10例腹腔镜辅助下全结直肠切除术均获成功,手术时间(364±37)min,术中出血量(200±59)ml,术后胃肠功能恢复时间(68±18)h,住院时间14~20d。术后无腹腔出血、内脏器官损伤等并发症。10例随访6~36个月,大便3~13次/d,3例结、直肠癌无肿瘤复发、转移。结论在熟练掌握腹腔镜结直肠部分切除术前提下,腹腔镜辅助下全结直肠切除术是安全、可行的。  相似文献   

Symptoms of Meckel's diverticulum (MD) are present in only 4% of all cases and are often aspecific. The diagnostic modalities for the distal ileum are also often ineffective. We report herein two cases of MD's complications, intestinal obstruction and diverticulitis, which were managed laparoscopically. In both cases laparoscopy allowed the physician not only to make an accurate diagnosis but, at the same time, to perform a tangential resection of the MD. Received: August 14, 2000 / Accepted: March 6, 2001  相似文献   

Pulmonary Blastoma: Report of Two Cases   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Pulmonary blastomas are a group of rare malignant neoplasms subdivided into three categories: classic biphasic pulmonary blastoma (CBPB), well-differentiated fetal adenocarcinoma (WDFA), and pleuropulmonary blastoma (PPB). We report herein the cases of two men with CBPB. Both were heavy smokers and presented with a history of hemoptysis. Physical examination revealed slightly significant findings, chest radiographs showed a large pulmonary mass, confirmed by computed tomography, and bronchoscopic biopsies were not diagnostic. A left and right inferior lobectomy was performed and a diagnosis of CPBP was confirmed by histological examination. In the first patient, local recurrence with multiple bilateral lung metastases was found 6 months later and despite chemotherapy, he died of respiratory failure 1 year after his operation. In the second patient, a subcutaneous metastasis was found in the right subscapular region 2 months later, and a cerebral metastasis in the right posterior parietal lobe 4 months later. Partial remission was achieved by cerebral irradiation, but 6 months later the patient died of cardiac failure while in a coma. We conclude that more aggressive and multidisciplinary treatment should be adopted for CBPB, and because of its low incidence, it is important to unify individual experiences in a central registry to gather as much information as possible regarding the biological and clinical features of this unusual disease.  相似文献   

Sudden life-threatening hemorrhage caused by erosion of the wall of a thoracic blood vessel such as the aorta, pulmonary artery, or pulmonary vein, in the late postoperative period is extremely rare and presents a challenging emergency. We report the cases of two patients whose only clinical manifestation was a hemorrhagic cutaneous chest wall fistula. Both patients were treated by emergency surgery. The diagnosis and management of this clinical entity requires a high index of suspicion and innovative therapeutic solutions.  相似文献   

160例肺曲菌球的外科治疗   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
目的探讨肺曲菌球的手术适应证及减少术后并发症的方法。方法回顾分析我院1975年9月至2006年3月经外科手术治疗的160例肺曲菌球患者的临床资料,根据肺部基础病变的性质和程度分为单纯性肺曲菌球组(SPA,n=34)和复合性肺曲菌球组(CPA,n=126)。分别行肺切除术154例,胸廓改形术加肺叶切除或肌瓣充填术3例,曲菌球清除加肌瓣填塞术3例。结果无手术死亡,160例患者中治愈156例,治愈率97.5%。术后发生并发症44例(27.5%),其中肺炎15例,肺复张不全12例,持续漏气10例,脓胸5例,肺脓肿5例,支气管胸膜瘘3例,切口感染2例。SPA组术后并发症发生率低于CPA组(P<0.05)。术后随访151例,随访4个月~5年无复发。结论外科手术为治疗肺曲菌球的首选方法,客观可靠的术前评估是减少术后并发症和手术成败的关键。电视胸腔镜辅助小切口开胸手术具有创伤小、恢复快、术后并发症少的优点,适用于肺基础病变局限、胸膜粘连较轻的患者。  相似文献   

The introduction of novel imaging approaches for recurrent prostate cancer (PC) has paved the way for the use of nonsystemic approaches in patients with recurrent disease. While use of surgery or radiotherapy is standard for men with nodal or bone recurrence only, there are no significant data on the possible curative role of surgery for pulmonary metastases. We aimed to assess the efficacy of lung resection in patients with isolated pulmonary recurrence after radical prostatectomy (RP) for clinically localized PC. Overall, nine patients with biochemical recurrence after RP and either single (n = 4) or multiple (n = 5) pulmonary uptake spots on fluorodeoxyglugose, choline, or prostate-specific membrane antigen positron emission tomography/computed tomography underwent a total of 20 lung resections between 2011 and 2017 at our institution. No postoperative complications occurred. After lung resection, seven of the nine patients experienced a biochemical response (defined as prostate-specific antigen <0.2 ng/ml at 40 d after surgery). All patients except for one were free of clinical recurrence (CR) at median follow-up of 23 mo. One patient experienced CR and received androgen deprivation therapy at the time of bone recurrence. Although larger prospective studies are needed, our series demonstrates that surgical resection of isolated pulmonary metastases is safe and effective in selected PC patients with recurrent disease.  相似文献   

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