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目的探讨综合性医院的医院感染和病原菌分布情况,为预防与控制医院感染提供科学依据。方法对2010—2012年出院的患者医院感染情况进行回顾性调查分析。结果发生医院感染4007例,感染率为2.69%,感染例次4430,感染例次率2.97%。医院感染率居首位的科室为ICU病房,侵袭性操作如泌尿道插管、呼吸机等是医院感染的重要因素。本调查显示4个季度医院感染在例数上无明显差异,但主要易感部位上呼吸道、下呼吸道、泌尿道的季节变化差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05),医院感染病原菌以革兰阴性菌为主,占61.14%,革兰阳性菌占15.54%,大肠埃希菌的分离率最高。大肠埃希菌、克雷伯菌的分离率在三、四季度较一、二季度有明显升高。对临床上最常见金黄色葡萄球菌与大肠埃希菌的耐药率变化分析显示,部分抗生素的总体耐药率变化差异有统计学意义。结论通过对医院感染的流行病学调查和监测,可以发现医院感染变化的趋势及医院感染控制的关键点,针对重点科室、危险因素、易感人群加强管理和目标监测,可有效降低医院感染的发生。  相似文献   

A rhabdomyoblastic differentiation in a malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor is unusual and is termed as a malignant triton tumor. A series of 10 such cases with their clinicomorphological features, diagnosed over a 10-year period, is presented. The average age of occurrence was 30 years, with the maximum number of cases in the second decade and with male outnumbering female patients. More cases were seen in the setting of neurofibromatosis. On histology, 80% of the cases were of high grade. Distinct rhabdomyoblastic cells were identified in the areas of malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor. Immunohistochemistry confirmed the neurogenic differentiation with varying S-100 expression and the rhabdomyoblastic differentiation with desmin and myoglobin positivity in all cases. Surgery with adequate margins constituted the treatment mainstay with adjuvant chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy in individual cases. On follow-up with 7 cases, 3 showed local recurrences, including one that, in addition to another 2 cases, showed lung metastasis. One patient died of the disease. This case along with another high-grade case displayed a diffuse Ki-67 and p53 positivity. Malignant triton tumor is an uncommon tumor associated with an aggressive behavior. Surgery with clear margins is the treatment mainstay. Adjuvant radiotherapy is effective.  相似文献   



Nosocomial urinary tract infections (UTIs) are common in catheterized patients. Fungal UTI has become an important nosocomial problem over the past decade. The microbiology of candiduria is rapidly evolving and new trends are being reported.


To study the microbiological trends and antifungal resistance profile of Candida in urine of catheterized chronic liver disease (CLD) patients at a super specialty hepatobiliary tertiary-care center.

Materials and Methods:

urine samples were collected by sterile technique, processed by semi-quantitative method as per the standard protocols. Direct microscopic examination of urine sample was also done to look for the presence of pus cells, red blood cells, casts, crystals or any bacterial or fungal element.


A total of 337 yeast isolates were obtained from catheterized patients, non-albicans Candida spp. emerged as the predominant pathogen and was responsible for 67.06% of nosocomial fungal UTI. Candida tropicalis accounted for 34.71% of the cases, whereas Candida albicans grew in 32.93%, Candida glabrata 16.32%, rare Candida spp. Nearly 11.5% (Candida hemolunii to be confirmed by molecular methods). Antifungal sensitivity varied non-albicans species except C. tropicalis, Candida parapsilosis were more often resistant to antifungal drugs.


Nosocomial Candida UTIs in CLD patients is common, due to the cumulative pressure of contributing factors such as urinary instrumentation and prolonged use of broad-spectrum antibiotics. Non-albicans Candida were found to outnumber C. albicans in catherized CLD patients. Risk of strain persistence is also higher with non-albicans Candida. Thus, species identification and susceptibility testing is a must for appropriate management of such patients.  相似文献   

Providencia stuartii nosocomial urinary tract infections occurring in the same hospital over an 18-month period of retrospective study were shown, by serotyping and biotyping, to have been caused by two endemic strains. Two episodes, involving 38 patients in one ward and 11 patients in another, were caused by a mannitol-positive strain of serotype O55. Transmission of the strain through the movements of one patient appeared to have been the basis for the introduction of the agent from one ward to the other. In another episode, involving two patients in a third ward, the infections were caused by a mannitol-negative strain of serotype O49. The study demonstrated the usefulness of serotyping and biotyping in epidemiological studies of infections caused by P. stuartii.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: We carried out a retrospective analysis of an outbreak of adenovirus (AdV) infections in a paediatric unit. The aim of the study was to analyse cases, determine the route of transmission and to evaluate the efficacy of the prevention measures. PATIENTS AND METHODS: The study was performed by recollection of AdV infection cases during a period of 1 year and the results were compared with the list of clinical cases recorded during the epidemic. The clinical files of children with a positive specimen were retrospectively analysed. During that period, five members of the medical staff showed clinical signs and symptoms of AdV infection. A throat swab was collected from a subset of the staff. RESULTS: Among nine patients with positive AdV detection, six were infected with an Adv type 2. Six were nosocomially-acquired, the other two were only probable nosocomial infections. The index case was a child presenting a febrile diarrhoea 48 h prior to being admitted to the hospital. Nosocomial transmission was associated with the prolonged shedding of the virus with faeces of the infected cases. The specimens collected from the staff remained negative. The outcome was favourable for all children. CONCLUSIONS: Prevention measures, implemented when the epidemic was characterised, allowed the control of the nosocomial outbreak.  相似文献   

Nosocomial fungal infections: epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Invasive fungal infections are increasingly common in the nosocomial setting. Furthermore, because risk factors for these infections continue to increase in frequency, it is likely that nosocomial fungal infections will continue to increase in frequency in the coming decades. The predominant nosocomial fungal pathogens include Candida spp., Aspergillus spp., Mucorales, Fusarium spp., and other molds, including Scedosporium spp. These infections are difficult to diagnose and cause high morbidity and mortality despite antifungal therapy. Early initiation of effective antifungal therapy and reversal of underlying host defects remain the cornerstones of treatment for nosocomial fungal infections. In recent years, new antifungal agents have become available, resulting in a change in standard of care for many of these infections. Nevertheless, the mortality of nosocomial fungal infections remains high, and new therapeutic and preventative strategies are needed.  相似文献   

Protein electrophoresis was carried out on 102,000 samples from the patients of a district general hospital over 10 years, and a monoclonal protein was detected in 730 cases; of these, 114 could be classified as B cell malignancies and 261 as monoclonal gammopathy of undefined significance (MGUS). The various clinical and laboratory features of monoclonal gammopathy were examined with respect to distinguishing the malignant conditions from MGUS at first presentation.  相似文献   

Nosocomial bloodstream infections (nBSIs) are an important cause of morbidity and mortality. Data from a nationwide, concurrent surveillance study, Brazilian SCOPE (Surveillance and Control of Pathogens of Epidemiological Importance), were used to examine the epidemiology and microbiology of nBSIs at 16 Brazilian hospitals. In our study 2,563 patients with nBSIs were included from 12 June 2007 to 31 March 2010. Ninety-five percent of BSIs were monomicrobial. Gram-negative organisms caused 58.5% of these BSIs, Gram-positive organisms caused 35.4%, and fungi caused 6.1%. The most common pathogens (monomicrobial) were Staphylococcus aureus (14.0%), coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS) (12.6%), Klebsiella spp. (12.0%), and Acinetobacter spp. (11.4%). The crude mortality was 40.0%. Forty-nine percent of nBSIs occurred in the intensive-care unit (ICU). The most frequent underlying conditions were malignancy, in 622 patients (24.3%). Among the potential factors predisposing patients to BSI, central venous catheters were the most frequent (70.3%). Methicillin resistance was detected in 157 S. aureus isolates (43.7%). Of the Klebsiella sp. isolates, 54.9% were resistant to third-generation cephalosporins. Of the Acinetobacter spp. and Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates, 55.9% and 36.8%, respectively, were resistant to imipenem. In our multicenter study, we found high crude mortality and a high proportion of nBSIs due to antibiotic-resistant organisms.  相似文献   

A unique genome type of adenovirus 5 was isolated from 37 specimens of 25 patients. DNA restriction analysis was performed with seven endonucleases. Part of the patients were treated at a bone marrow transplantation unit in Munich. Nosocomial spread, rather than activation of endogenous adenovirus infection, was likely for many of them. In addition, sporadic cases suggested an endemicity of this genome type in Bavaria.  相似文献   

Bacteremia due to multiply-antibiotic-resistant Serratia marcescens occurred within 1 week in four patients who were in adjacent beds in an intensive care unit. The strains were serotyped as O14:H12 and were nitrate negative. This unusual biochemical marker was useful in the investigation of the outbreak.  相似文献   



Rotaviruses are the leading cause of community-acquired and nosocomial gastroenterocolitis in children. There are limited data concerning the epidemiology of nosocomial rotavirus gastroenterocolitis (NRVG) in Central European countries, including Poland. The aim of our study was to analyse the epidemiology of NRVG in a large tertiary hospital in Warsaw.

Material and methods

We analysed retrospectively data of 63 173 patients aged 0-18 years hospitalized in the period 2006-2010. Nosocomial rotavirus gastroenterocolitis was defined as acute gastroenterocolitis (> 3 loose, or looser than normal, stools in 24 h and/or vomiting), confirmed with rapid immunochromatographic test (BioMaxima, Poland), if symptoms developed > 48 h after admission.


In total 575 cases of NRVG were diagnosed. The cumulative attack rate of NRVG was calculated as 0.91% (95% CI: 0.85-0.98%). The incidence density was 2.05/1000 bed-days (95% CI: 0.19-0.22/1000 bed-days). The mean proportion of NRVG among all rotavirus infections was 24%. The highest rates of NRVG were noted at wards where the mean duration of hospital stay was longer than 5 days (General Paediatrics and Neonatal Pathology). Seventy-one percent of children with NRVG were younger than 2 years. The mean duration of hospital stay of children with NRVG was longer than the average duration of hospitalization (11.6 days vs. 4.6 days, p < 0.01).


Our study showed a relevant incidence of NRVG, which can prolong the children''s hospital stay. Limiting the number of NRVG is important to improve patients’ safety and to avoid additional costs. Routine vaccination against rotavirus diseases could reduce the number of NRVG.  相似文献   



To assess the frequency and forms of pulmonary tuberculosis at autopsy in a high-traffic hospital in the capital city of a country with a low tuberculosis incidence.


We performed a retrospective search of autopsy data from the period 2000 to 2009 at Sestre Milosrdnice University Hospital Center, Zagreb, Croatia. We also examined patients’ records and histological slides.


Of 3479 autopsies, we identified 61 tuberculosis cases, corresponding to a frequency of 1.8%. Active tuberculosis was found in 33 cases (54%), 23 of which (70%) were male. Of the 33 active cases, 25 (76%) were clinically unrecognized and 19 (76%) of these were male.


Clinically undiagnosed tuberculosis accounted for a substantial proportion of active tuberculosis cases diagnosed at autopsy. Autopsy data may be an important complement to epidemiological data on tuberculosis frequency.Each year, there are nearly 9 million new tuberculosis cases globally and nearly 2 million tuberculosis-related deaths (1,2). Tuberculosis occurs throughout the world, but its incidence varies greatly (3). Preventing infection through contact between healthy individuals and patients is the best measure to fight tuberculosis. The new World Health Organization strategy to fight tuberculosis, Stop TB Strategy (2006-2015), deals with the human immunodeficiency virus epidemic that has increased the incidence of tuberculosis (4). The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control in 2008 created a strategy against tuberculosis called the “Framework Action Plan to Fight Tuberculosis in the European Union” (5). The long-term goal of the Stop TB Strategy and TB Framework Action Plan is to control and ultimately eliminate tuberculosis in the world based on four basic principles: ensure prompt and quality care for all; strengthen the capacity of health systems; develop new tools; and build partnerships and collaboration with countries and stakeholders (4,5).Croatia has a low incidence of tuberculosis, which has been steadily decreasing for the last five decades (6). The peak of the epidemic was at the turn of the 19th and 20th century, when more than 400 deaths per 100 000 people occurred as a direct result of tuberculosis (6). In the mid-20th century, the incidence of new tuberculosis cases was 20 000 per 100 000 people (6). In 2009, the incidence of new tuberculosis cases was 20 per 100 000 people (7) and in 2006 nearly all reported cases showed low levels of multidrug resistance (2,6,7). In accordance with international and European efforts, Croatia has its own guidelines for the fight against tuberculosis, with the following goals: to cure at least 85% of cases; to detect at least 70% of tuberculosis patients, and to decrease the incidence of the disease to 10 per 100 000 people (6-8).Although tuberculosis can affect any organ, 70%-80% of cases suffer from pulmonary tuberculosis (2). Generally, it is possible to detect tuberculosis infection 8-10 weeks after exposure based on a positive tuberculin skin test or an interferon-gamma release assay (9). The rest of the cases have latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI), which is an asymptomatic condition, and cannot transmit the disease (1,2). However, transmission becomes possible under certain conditions such as stress or immune suppression (6,10,11). It is believed that individuals with LTBI account for most infections in low-incidence countries like Croatia, and that this problem is compounded by migration and increasing numbers of homeless persons, alcoholics, and drug addicts (6,10,12).Statistics about tuberculosis prevalence may underestimate the number of infected people, since as many as half of the cases of pulmonary tuberculosis seen at autopsy were previously undiagnosed (12,13). In fact, few studies have examined the relationship between tuberculosis diagnoses at autopsy and reported tuberculosis prevalence in the population (14). This information may help assess whether clinically unrecognized tuberculosis poses a significant public health threat. The present study examined 3479 autopsies performed from 2000 through 2009, to assess the frequency and forms of pulmonary tuberculosis in a country with a low tuberculosis incidence. The results were compared with the number of tuberculosis patients in Croatia recorded in the Croatian Health Service Yearbook for the same period (7,8).  相似文献   

In the course of one calendar year (1989–1990), 46 specimens of respiratory secretions (from 44 patients) cultured in the microbiology department of a large district general hospital in The Netherlands were found to yieldNeisseria meningitidis. Twenty-eight of the 46 samples yielded pure cultures of meningococci and 18 yielded other recognised respiratory pathogens as well. Only one patient had pneumonia, whereas 19 had acute respiratory infections and 18 acute purulent exacerbations of chronic bronchitis. The remaining patients, who had a variety of symptoms, all had purulent sputum. Only 8 of the 44 patients were under 40 years of age; 21 were aged more than 60 years. Serological grouping and subtyping showed a predominance of group B strains (in 24 of 44 patients) and 13 strains were non-groupable. The importance of recognising or overlooking meningococci in cultures of respiratory secretions is discussed.  相似文献   



Wound infections are associated with increased morbidity and mortality.


To determine the prevalence, aetiology and susceptibility profile of bacterial agents of wound infection among in- and- out patients at a rural tertiary hospital in Nigeria, within a 5 year period.


Wound swabs collected from 156 out-patients and 353 in-patients were, cultured and microbial isolates identified using standard methods. Antibiotic susceptibility testing was done on bacterial isolates.


The prevalence of wound infection in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010 was 71.4%, 76.2%, 74.5%, 61.5%, and 67.0% respectively. The overall prevalence of wound infection was 70.1%. In all the years studied, out-patients had a higher prevalence of wound infection, but this was significant in 2007, 2009, and 2010 only. Staphylococcus aureus was the most prevalent pathogen in both in- and out - patients with the exception of 2009 where both Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa had the same prevalence (24.4%) among in - patients. The flouroquinolones were the most potent antimicrobial agents against bacterial isolates from both in - and out -patients.


Staphylococcus aureus was the most predominant etiologic agent of wound infection among in and out patients. A generally higher resistance pattern was observed among nosocomial bacterial pathogens. Prudent use of antibiotics is recommended.  相似文献   

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