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同种原位肝移植围手术期的处理   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的 总结我院自1999年8月以来,开展的3种同种异体原位肝移植(Orthotopic liver transplantation,OLT)围手术期的处理过程及经验体会。方法 2例原位肝移植,1例肝-肾联合移植术。均在术前12h口服环孢霉素A(CsA)和骁翻(MAP),术中用甲基强的松龙(MP)1000mg静脉冲击防止排斥,术后MP CsA MAP三联用药。结果 (1)中3你病人手术均获成功,其中2例原位肝移植病人存活至今,生活质量良好。肝肾联合移植病人于术后第76d死于严重混合感染。(2)移植肝的功能维护是肝移植术后处理的重点,其中包括急性排斥反应的诊断和处理,以及其它可能引起肝移植肝功能损害,衰竭等问题的处理。(3)全身非移植器官的功能恢复;包括呼吸系统,感染,出血,胸水,腹水等并发症处理过程。结论 肝移植围手术期的处理是肝移植成功与否的关键,其中包括肝移植的排斥反应及各系统的功能支持与维护。  相似文献   

报告了11例同种异体原位肝脏移植手术患者的围手术期护理。主要包括在做好心理疏导、健康教育、术后监护、体位护理、疼痛护理、T管观察护理及营养支持的同时,密切观察有无排斥反应、肝动脉栓塞,胆道狭窄、腹泻等并发症,并做好康复锻练及出院指导。本组未发生护理并发症,除1例死于其他并发症外,余10例均健康存活。  相似文献   

同种异体肝移植的围手术期处理   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
围手术期(pefioperative period)是指外科手术病人从住院之日起,到术后出院为止的期限。在我国肝移植的围手术期是指从医生确定受体并着手进行术前准备时起,直到术后治愈出院止,通常为2—4周。  相似文献   

目的:总结肾脏移植围手术期处理经验。方法:回顾性分析300例次肾脏移植手术前后的临床资料。结果:由于重视术前准备、供受体配型、供肾保护、手术操作、免疫抑制剂合理应用等,300例肾脏移植获得了较满意结果。结论:围手术期处理恰当与否,直接影响移植肾脏近远期存活率。  相似文献   

肝移植围手术期处理   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
陈实 《肝胆外科杂志》1997,5(4):200-202
肝移植手术已成为治疗终末期肝功能衰竭的有效手段,术式已定型。但除了手术技术问题外,围手术期的处理直接影响手术的成败,肝移植早期死亡绝大多数是在术后两周内,所以围手术期处理特别重要。围手术期处理根据肝移植不同的适应证及受者不同的病情有所区别,肝移植手术是特大手术,所以涉及的问题不仅复杂而且面广,限于篇幅,本文仅就肝移植围手术期可能出现的特殊问题作讨论。患者确定准备接受肝移植后,术前除了对患者肝脏还应对其他器官脏器功能和状况进行全面检查和评估,并尽可能调整患者全身一般情况,特别是改善营养状况和呼吸系…  相似文献   

我院于 1999年 5月 2 7日为 1例病史9年的终末期扩张型心肌病患者施行了同种异体原位心脏移植术 ,患者现已存活 10个月 ,生活质量良好。本文重点讨论围手术期心律失常及术后各种并发症的处理。一、一般资料患者为男性 ,2 6岁 ,体重 6 0kg ,O型血 ,全心功能衰竭 ,心功能Ⅲ~Ⅳ级。术前各项检查结果为 :(1)胸部X线检查 :心脏阴影明显增大 ,心胸比例 80 % ,两肺淤血征象。 (2 )动态心电图 :全程示心房纤颤 ,心率 5 1~ 15 5次 /min ,平均 6 5次 /min ,多源频发室性早搏 136 4次 /2 4h ,成对室性早搏 5次 /2 4h ,ST、T呈鱼钩样改…  相似文献   

肝移植围手术期的处理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1术前状态的评估和矫正与欧美相比我国肝移植患者的术前状态一般较差,多数患者是在生命垂危的最后时刻才同意接受肝移植。因此,正确评估患者的一般状态、各器官功能,积极进行术前的最后矫正,是肝移植的重要环节。在我国,通常从患者同意接受肝移植的一刻起,即进入肝...  相似文献   

肝脏是三大营养物质代谢的中心场所,也是人体最重要的代谢器官,具有良好的代偿能力.肝脏手术的危险性在于肝硬化和肝功能代偿的程度.术前正确评估肝脏的储备功能、术中选择适当的术式和术后降低肝功能衰竭的发生对于降低肝脏手术的死亡率十分重要.因此,肝脏手术的患者应重视围手术期的处理.  相似文献   

目的:探讨中国小型猪非转流条件下原位肝移植的围手术期特点,以建立成熟、稳定的移植模型。方法:通过预实验组8例次和实验组18例次非转流条件下中国小型版纳猪原位肝脏移植术,观察围手术期血流动力学及重要代谢指标的变化,改进围手术期处理措施,总结围手术期处理特点。结果:预实验组8例次均在术后当天死亡。实验组18例次无术中死亡,术后7d存活率为88.9%。实验组平均手术时间(179.6±14.3)min,平均无肝期(27.3±3.4)min。无肝期血流动力学及生化代谢波动明显。术后当天麻醉清醒,术后约3~5h开始自行排尿,术后第3天正常进食。结论:手术中无肝期时间的缩短及血流动力学的相对稳定是非转流条件下猪原位肝移植成功的关键。  相似文献   

我院1996年12月27日为一例原发性胆汁性肝硬化病人行同种异体原位肝移植。患者存活52天。现将围手术期监测与处理总结如下。临床资料一.受者情况:男,63岁,体重50公斤。因黄疲于1995年在我院行剖腹探查术。术后病理诊断为原发性胆汁性肝硬化。患者术后症状不缓解,再次人院决定行原位肝移植木:在体外循环(右大隐静脉一右腋静脉)转流下切除病变全肝,发现肝脏较前次手术明显肿.k,质地变硬。再原位移植一新鲜全肝。手术时间为14小时3O分,供肝。芒、缺血时间为9小时))分钟。术中肝脏保存于UW液中,1ill管开放前用Z{”平衡液经门…  相似文献   

Abstract:  Steroid-resistant acute rejection (SR-AR) and ductopenic rejection (DR) after liver transplantation are infrequent, but difficult to manage. We performed a retrospective review of patients with SR-AR or DR treated with sirolimus-based therapy. Since 2002, we have treated five patients with SR-AR and eight patients with DR. All patients had associated renal insufficiency. Six patients showed no response, of whom five died and one was retransplanted. In six cases, rejection was resolved after changing, while one improved. Therefore, the total response rate was 54%. Ten of 13 patients (77%) suffered some type of adverse event. Ten of these (77%) suffered a hematologic event. Four patients (31%) had infection. Only two patients had to discontinue treatment. Univariate analysis showed that pre-conversion bilirubin was lower in responders (Bilirubin: R: 210 ± 205 vs. NoR: 554 ± 159 μmol/L; p = 0.07 and Creatinine clearance higher: R: 37 ± 11 vs. NoR: 25   ±   11 mL/min; p = 0.09). Sirolimus trough levels one month after switching were higher in responders (R: 11 ± 1.8 vs. NoR: 7.5 ± 3.3 ng/mL; p = 0.03). We conclude that a dual therapy regimen of tacrolimus and sirolimus can achieve a high response rate as a rescue therapy for SR-AR and DR, provided it is begun as soon as possible.  相似文献   

Objective : To review the Australian National Liver Transplantation Unit’s (ANLTU) experience with chronic rejection (CR) in liver transplantation (LTx) in order to establish a better management strategy. Materials and Methods : Clinical records and prospective data on the ANLTU database were reviewed. Statistical analysis was performed on microcomputer. Results : Between January 1986 and June 1997, 17 patients (6.4%) (9 male, 8 female) were diagnosed with CR at a median 0.83 years (0.21–6.33 years) after LTx. Prior to the diagnosis of CR, all had a background of increasingly cholestatic liver function tests. The total number of prior acute rejection episodes was 42 (mean 2.5, range 1–5) with 18 episodes (42%) being steroid resistant. Other co-morbid factors included: cytomegalovirus infection 10 (58%); low levels of immunosuppression 7 (41%); and biliary complications 6 (35%). Mortality was high at 14 (82%). Conclusions : The outcome is poor in adults with CR, with or without re-Tx. Efforts should be made to avoid septic complications that require lowering the dosage of immunosuppression. Early diagnosis and prompt treatment of acute rejection are recommended. In cases of early CR, conversion to FK506 regimen is worthwhile.   相似文献   

The microvasculature plays an important role in the pathogenesis of humoral- and cell-mediated renal allo- and xeno-graft rejection. Peritubular capillary (PTC) endothelium expresses the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I and II antigens in the resting phase, as does the glomerular capillary endothelium, suggesting that these cells may be major immune targets. However, the role of PTCs in renal allo- and xeno-graft rejection is unclear. In this review, we discuss injury and subsequent remodeling of PTCs in both humoral- and cell-mediated rejection in allo- and xeno-grafts. Recent evidence suggests that PTC injury and endothelial cell death occur during both cell- and humoral-mediated rejection. Severe PTC rejection contributes to deterioration of graft function and acute graft loss. The mild but recurrent form of PTC rejection is associated with progressive interstitial fibrosis and chronic rejection. Following endothelial injury, the remaining PTC endothelium activates with up-regulation of allo-antigens and adhesion molecules, and down-regulation of anti-coagulant proteins. Subsequent to this, more severe rejection and graft dysfunction occur. Therefore, a careful analysis of cellular- and antibody-mediated rejection in PTCs is important in the diagnosis of rejection, prediction of graft prognosis, and in further development of new anti-rejection therapies.  相似文献   

To evaluate the results of selective treatment of biopsy-proven mild acute rejection episodes, we retrospectively studied 1-week liver biopsies of 103 patients with a primary liver graft in relation to liver function tests. The overall incidence of rejection was 35 %. In four patients the biopsy showed histological features consistent with rejection; in 27 patients it showed mild acute rejection (grade 1), and in 5 patients it showed moderate acute rejection (grade 2). Study group 1 consisted of 19 untreated patients with grade 1 rejection and group 2 of 8 treated patients with grade 1 rejection. At 30 and 90 days, no differences in liver function tests were found. The infection rate, histology after 1 year, and survival in the two groups did not differ. It may, therefore, be concluded that withholding treatment in histologically proven mild acute rejection is possible in selected patients based on histological, biochemical, and clinical criteria. This may reflect the functional diversity of morphologically similar lymphocytic infiltrates observed in graft biopsies showing features of mild acute rejection.Liver Transplant Group  相似文献   

Abstract To evaluate the results of selective treatment of biopsy-proven mild acute rejection episodes, we retrospectively studied 1-week liver biopsies of 103 patients with a primary liver graft in relation to liver function tests. The overall incidence of rejection was 35 %. In four patients the biopsy showed histological features consistent with rejection; in 27 patients it showed mild acute rejection (grade 1), and in 5 patients it showed moderate acute rejection (grade 2). Study group 1 consisted of 19 untreated patients with grade 1 rejection and group 2 of 8 treated patients with grade 1 rejection. At 30 and 90 days, no differences in liver function tests were found. The infection rate, histology after 1 year, and survival in the two groups did not differ. It may, therefore, be concluded that withholding treatment in histologically proven mild acute rejection is possible in selected patients based on histological, biochemical, and clinical criteria. This may reflect the functional diversity of morphologically similar lymphocytic infiltrates observed in graft biopsies showing features of mild acute rejection.  相似文献   

We retrospectively analyzed the incidence and outcome of steroid-resistant rejection (SRR) during the first 6 months after OLT in 126 patients receiving triple immunosuppression. A total of 95 patients either did not experience acute rejection at all or had acute rejection that subsided without additional treatment. A total of 31 patients had biopsy-proven acute rejection that required therapy: 18 patients had acute rejection that responded to steroid therapy (steroidsensitive rejection, SSR); the remaining 13 patients had SRR and received ATG. At the onset of acute rejection, no differences in clinical, biochemical, or immunological parameters were present between patients with SSR and SRR. However, the histological grade of acute rejection in the initial biopsy was higher in patients with SRR (P=0.05). ATG treatment was effective in 10 of the 13 patients and was not associated with an increased incidence of opportunistic infections. Patient and graft survival rates at 2 years were comparable in the three groups. These data show that the incidence of SRR during the first 6 months after OLT is low, and that its treatment with ATG is both effective and well tolerated.  相似文献   

The microvasculature plays an important role in the pathogenesis of humoral- and cell-mediated renal allo- and xeno-graft rejection. Peritubular capillary (PTC) endothelium expresses the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I and II antigens in the resting phase, as does the glomerular capillary endothelium, suggesting that these cells may be major immune targets. However, the role of PTCs in renal allo- and xeno-graft rejection is unclear. In this review, we discuss injury and subsequent remodeling of PTCs in both humoral- and cell-mediated rejection in allo- and xeno-grafts. Recent evidence suggests that PTC injury and endothelial cell death occur during both cell- and humoral-mediated rejection. Severe PTC rejection contributes to deterioration of graft function and acute graft loss. The mild but recurrent form of PTC rejection is associated with progressive interstitial fibrosis and chronic rejection. Following endothelial injury, the remaining PTC endothelium activates with up-regulation of allo-antigens and adhesion molecules, and down-regulation of anti-coagulant proteins. Subsequent to this, more severe rejection and graft dysfunction occur. Therefore, a careful analysis of cellular- and antibody-mediated rejection in PTCs is important in the diagnosis of rejection, prediction of graft prognosis, and in further development of new anti-rejection therapies.  相似文献   

活体肝部分移植术供肝的处理   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的 探讨活体肝移植术供肝的处理方法。方法 以日本京都大学经治的9例活体肝部分移植供者为对象,对供肝的灌洗时机、方法和供肝的修整及保存等方面进行观察。结果 9例供肝顺利切取,肝切除量平均占全肝的20% ̄29%,受肝者存活良好。结论 供肝的灌洗时机、方法和供肝的修整及保存都是活体体肝部分移植术中应重视的问题。  相似文献   

肝移植急性排斥反应的诊断与治疗   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 总结肝移植术后急性排斥反应(AR)的诊治经验。方法 回顾性分析57例肝移植患者术后AR的发生率和治疗结果。结果 21例患者术后因肝功能异常而行38次移植肝活检(术后6~91d),11例15次发生AR,其中8例为单次,3例为两次或两次以上,轻度11次,中重度4次,AR发生率为19.3%(11/57)。20次为单纯保存-再灌注损伤(PRI)。3次为药物中毒。所有AR均经激素冲击或调整FK506剂量后缓解。结论 移植肝活检对于AR的诊断与鉴别诊断有重要意义,只要给予及时的诊断与治疗,AR一般是可逆的。  相似文献   

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