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正常中脑导水管脑脊液MR流速流量研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨中脑导水管脑脊液(CSF)流速、流量测量正常值。方法应用Philips Intera Achieva 1.5TMR机对30例健康志愿者行导水管MR相位对比法CSF-QF序列扫描,用流动分析软件测量中脑导水管脑脊液速、流量。结果中脑导水管截面像素为13.73±3.59,导水管CSF的上峰速度为(6.40±1.85)cm/s,下峰速度为(7.88±3.04)cm/s,上峰流量为(0.12±0.05)ml/s,下峰流量为(0.15±0.07)ml/s,返流系数为(90.86±6.79)%,绝对流量为(0.07±0.05)ml/s,平均流速值为(0.01±0.18)cm/s。中脑导水管CSF搏动性流动与心动周期的关系为正弦波形。结论建立了Philips Intera Achieva 1.5T中脑导水管脑脊液流速、流量正常值。  相似文献   

目的 采用3.0T磁共振相位对比法(PC-MR)测量正常成人中脑导水管脑脊液流动,探讨不同编码速率(Venc)对测量结果的影响.方法 选取32名健康志愿者(男15名,女17名)分两组进行研究,其中青年组(18~35岁)18名,中年(36 ~ 56岁)组14名.选用T2WI正中矢状面定位,在导水管显示最大的幅度图像上沿导水管边缘绘制感兴趣区.每位预置Venc 5、20、35、50、65cm/s垂直导水管中间段先后行5次扫描.取收缩期向下峰值流速(PPV)、舒张期向上峰值流速(PNV)及绝对每搏输出出量(ASV)进行参数分析.通过SPSS 17.0统计分析软件,采用均数±标准差进行描述性分析,并进行方差分析及t检验.结果 Venc预置20~50cm/s均获得较好的相位图像,时相-流率曲线呈近似正弦函数,各测量指标均数间单因素方差分析差异均无统计学意义(FPPV=0.032,FPNV=0.025,FASV=0.038,P值均>0.05).Venc预置5 cm/s时32名志愿者中26名相位图像出现相位混淆,时相-流率曲线不规则,测量结果明显低于Venc 20~50 cm/s各组(t=3.39 ~3.87,P值均<0.01).Venc 65 cm/s时相-流率曲线规则但其幅度下降,各测量指标均数低于Venc 20~50 cm/s各组(=2.78~3.04,P值均<0.05).取Venc20cm/s比较不同性别间及青、中年组间各测量指标均数差异均无统计学意义(t=0.23 ~1.04,P值均>0.05).结论 预置Venc 5、65cm/s时测量结果偏低;Venc 20 ~ 50 cm/s内各指标测量结果间并无差异;不同性别间及青、中年龄组间中脑导水管脑脊液流速、流量无差异.  相似文献   

目的探讨同一解剖位置不同检查者测量结果间的相关性及可复性。方法选取32例健康志愿者,其中男15例,女17例,年龄18~30岁,平均(25.4±3.4)岁。应用3.0TMR两次测量中脑导水管不同解剖位置的脑脊液(CSF)流动。由两位医师先后对同一志愿者进行独立扫描,所有图像由另一医师进行后处理。选用T2WI正中矢状面定位,先后垂直导水管入口段、中间段、出口段进行扫描。在导水管显示面积最大的幅度图像上沿其边缘绘制ROI,重复3次取其结果平均值。取收缩期向下峰值流速(PPV)、舒张期向上峰值流速(PNV)及绝对每搏出量(ASV)进行对比分析。取2位医师测量结果的平均数用于比较不同解剖定位对测量结果的影响。结果不同解剖定位间平均PPV、PNV存在统计学差异,上段高于下段(P<0.05),两两均数比较,入口段与出口段流速存在差异(P<0.05);而ASV三者间无差异(P>0.05)。不同医师测量相同解剖定位时,两次PPV测量结果相关性以中间段最高,相关系数r=0.94,出口段r=0.82,入口段r=0.78。结论①中脑导水管不同解剖位置的CSF流速存在差异,上段流速高于下段,而ASV无差异;②导水管中间段测量结果可复性最佳,可作为理想的测速位置。  相似文献   

磁共振相位对比方法测量导水管脑脊液流量   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
目的 :探讨 0 .5TMR扫描系统测量导水管脑脊液 (CSF)流量的可行性、可靠性和精确性。方法 :对健康志愿者 8例、正常受检者 2 2例行导水管MR相位对比电影 (PCcine)序列扫描 ,用流动分析软件测量导水管脑脊液流量。结果 :正常人导水管CSF的峰速度 (PV)为 ( 7.987± 2 .95 7)cm /s ,平均速度 (ASV)为 ( 0 .3 0 3± 0 .2 46)cm/s ;导水管CSF搏动性流动与心动周期的关系为正弦波形。结论 :用磁共振相位对比方法测量导水管脑脊液流量 ,有助于对疾病状态下导水管CSF流量变化的分析  相似文献   

目的:探讨用磁共振相位对比电影(PC cine)对导水管脑脊液定量测量的临床应用价值。方法:将35例中枢神经系统不同疾病分三组,用PC cine方法进行导水管脑脊液流量测量。结果:在脑血管病组伴白质改变时导水管流量增加;梗阻性脑积水导水管流量减少,流动波形异常;交通性脑积水导水管流量增加,波形圆钝。结论:磁共振PC cine方法测量导水管脑脊液流量简单易行,可为临床提供更多的影像信息。  相似文献   

正常人导水管脑脊液流动的MR测量研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
正常人导水管脑脊液流动的MR测量研究陈彦刘晓林戴建平有关脑脊液(CSF)运动的研究,在40年代初已经开始。O'Connel[1]根据腰椎穿刺测量首先提出了CSF循环与动脉搏动有关,颅内大动脉的扩张是CSF搏动性运动的根本原因。1955年,Bering...  相似文献   

目的探讨MRI 相位对比电影序列 (cine PC) 定性分析脑脊液流动的可能性,并运用该技术对正常志愿者进行分析.方法采用MRI cine PC序列对15名正常志愿者的脑室、脑池和颈椎管内蛛网膜下腔的脑脊液流动进行定性观察,并对心脏周期不同时段脑脊液流动方向的变化进行分析.结果 MRI cine PC序列可清楚地显示心脏周期各个时段各个脑室、脑池和脊髓蛛网膜下腔中脑脊液运动方向的变化.结论 MRI cine PC法是一种新型的无创性的检查手段,对脑脊液的流动有很强的敏感性,是一种很有前途的研究手段.  相似文献   

正常脑脊液循环的MRI定量研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
目的运用MRIcine相位对比法研究正常志愿者的脑脊液流动.材料和方法采用MRIcinePC对40例正常志愿者颅内及椎管脑脊液循环进行研究,男29例,女¨例,年龄7~76岁.对其中31例作了中脑导水管、枕大孔和C2水平的脑脊液流动方向、流速和流量的研究,9例测定了T6及L1水平的脑脊液流动方向.结果(1)心房收缩期和心室收缩期,脑脊液自第三脑室向下流人第四脑室;心室舒张期,则脑脊液流动方向相反.椎管内心脏收缩期和舒张期脑脊液流动方向与中脑导水管基本相同,即收缩期脑脊液向下流动,而舒张期脑脊液向上流动.脑脊液在椎管内的流动方向蜿蜒曲折,颈和腰段椎管内能测得明显脑脊液流动和确定其流向的部位在椎管的前部,而胸段则在椎管的后部.(2)每个心动周期中脑导水管脑脊液向下峰速和向上峰速分别为15.6±6.58mm/s和15.92±6.79mm/s,中脑导水管的向下流量及向上流量分别为0.547±0.208ml/s及0.538±0.208ml/s,净向下流量为0.009±0.008ml/s;枕大孔脑脊液向下峰速和向上峰速分别为2.47±0.98mm/s和2.94±1.34mm/s,向下流量及向上流量分别为0.534±0.249ml/s及0.530±0.250ml/s,净流量为0.004±0.002ml/s;C2层面脑脊液向下峰速和向上峰速分别为4.72±1.86mm/s和4.89±1.78mm/s,向下流量及向上流量为1.106±0.476ml/s和1.101±0.476ml/s,净流量0.005±0.003ml/s.结论MRIcinePC能无损伤地研究人体脑脊液的流动和比较精确地确定脑脊液的流速、流量和方向,是一种优于其他方法的研究CSF流动的重要方法,在此基础上能进一步对脑脊液循环障碍疾病进行定量研究.  相似文献   

 目的 探讨MRI相位对比序列(cine PC)研究和分析脑脊液流动的可能性,并运用该技术对正常志愿者进行分析.方法 采用MRI cine PC序列, 对正常志愿者进行分析,并测量中脑导水管上下丘之间的横断层面脑脊液的流动速度.结果 MRI cine PC序列可清楚地显示心脏周期各个时段各个脑室、脑池和脊髓蛛网膜下腔中脑脊液运动方向的变化,并能对脑脊液流速进行精确地测量.结论 MRI cine PC法是一种新型的无创性的检查手段,对脑脊液的流动有很强的敏感性,是一种很有前途的研究手段.  相似文献   

目的 探讨磁共振3DTSEDRIVE成像对中脑导水管梗阻的诊断价值.方法 幕上脑积水患者31例,应用Philips Achieva (1.5T)超导型MRI扫描仪,SENSENV16线圈,行中脑导水管3DTSEDRIVE成像检查、相位对比法脑脊液电影成像及脑脊液流速分析.结果 3DTSEDRIVE序列检出中脑导水管部分狭窄、粘连22例,导水管闭塞3例,导水管通畅6例.结论 3DTSEDRIVE成像可清晰显示中脑导水管细节,能显著提高中脑导水管梗阻的诊断准确率,可作为常规MRI检查的重要补充.  相似文献   

Our purpose in this investigation was to explain the heterogeneity in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flow pulsation amplitudes. To this end, we determined the contributions of the cerebral arterial and jugular venous flow pulsations to the amplitude of the CSF pulsation. We examined 21 healthy subjects by cine phase-contrast MRI at the C2–3 disc level to demonstrate the CSF and vascular flows as waveforms. Multiple regression analysis was performed to calculate the contributions of (a) the arterial and venous waveform amplitudes and (b) the delay between the maximum systolic slopes of the arterial and venous waveforms (AV delay), in order to predict the amplitude of the CSF waveform. The contribution of the arterial waveform amplitude was positive (r = 0.61; p = 0.003) to the CSF waveform amplitude and that of the venous waveform amplitude was negative (r = −0.50; p = 0.006). Both in combination accounted for 56 % of the variance in predicting the CSF waveform amplitude (p < 0.0006). The contribution of AV delay was not significant. The results show that the variance in the CSF flow pulsation amplitudes can be explained by concurrent evaluation of the CSF and vascular flows. Improvement in the techniques, and controlled experiments, may allow use of CSF flow pulsation amplitudes for clinical applications in the non-invasive assessment of intracranial dynamics by MRI. Received: 3 January 1996 Accepted: 5 June 1996  相似文献   

Cardiac-related motion of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was investigated by analysis of the velocity-dependent phase of CSF protons and flow-dependent signal enhancement in magnitude images using ECG-gated FLASH sequences. In the cerebral aqueduct, CSF flow from the third to the fourth ventricle begins 200 ms after the R-wave of the ECG and simulates an arterial pulse wave pattern. It lasts about 60% of the cardiac cycle and is followed by backflow from the fourth to the third ventricle, which is slower and shorter. In the spinal canal, oscillating caudad motion precedes flow from the third to the fourth ventricle by about 50-100 ms and is superimposed on a bulk flow, which moves simultaneously in opposite directions in separate subarachnoid channels; it is directed mainly caudally in the anterior cervical subarachnoid space.  相似文献   

We studied two patients with spontaneous cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) rhinorrhoea with MRI and other imaging modalities. T2-weighted images proved most useful for the detection and localisation of the CSF leakage. MRI appeared to provide an accurate and noninvasive method for preoperative investigation of spontaneous CSF rhinorrhoea.  相似文献   

Wenzel R  Leppien A 《Neuroradiology》2000,42(12):874-880
Knowledge of the exact site of leakage of cerebrospinal fluid CSF leakage is important for planning surgery. We report our experience with myelocisternography with Gd-DTPA. We decided that intrathecal use of this contrast medium was justified in selected cases when other techniques have failed. After we had given detailed information to four patients with CSF leakage, they underwent five examinations. The images were interpreted by comparing those before and after injection. In all cases the contrast medium arrived at the basal cisterns, giving high contrast against adjacent structures. All patients tolerated the examination without complications or any indication of side effects. Received: 17 May 1999/Accepted: 12 May 2000  相似文献   

目的 运用脑脊液自旋标记MRI技术评估脑室间通路的解剖形态及脑脊液流动状态.方法 按照报名顺序随机选择50名正常志愿者采用时-空标记的反转恢复单次激发自旋回波序列(SLIR-SSFSE)标记内源性脑脊液,观察脑室间连接结构的解剖形态和其内脑脊液的流动方向,并利用多次测量求平均值的方法分别测量和计算出受试者的室间孔、中脑导水管及第四脑室正中孔及双侧外侧孔的纵径和横径,根据不同TI时间内脑脊液在脑室间连接结构的流动距离计算脑脊液的流速.结果 室间孔、中脑导水管、第四脑室正中孔和外侧孔内脑脊液均呈双向流动状态;室间孔冠状面呈位于两侧丘脑前内侧和穹窿之间的管状结构,向上与两侧侧脑室相通,向下与第三脑室相续,呈"Y"型.左侧室间孔纵径3.50~5.50 mm,平均(4.37±0.47)mm,横径1.00~1.40 mm,平均(1.21±0.13)mm;右侧室间孔纵径4.20~4.80 mm,平均(4.42±0.20)mm,横径1.00~1.60 mm,平均(1.21±0.19)mm;矢状面呈上下斜行的细管状影,两室间孔间夹角为55°~58°;左侧室间孔向足侧流速为1.61~2.52 mm/s,平均(2.00±0.17)mm/s,右侧室间孔向足侧流速1.93~2.20 mm/s,平均(2.03±0.09)mm/s;中脑导水管矢状面呈贯穿中脑的弧形管状结构,中脑导水管纵径9.90~17.30 mm,平均(15.51±1.70)mm,横径1.70~2.30 mm,平均(1.92±0.17)mm;中脑导水管向足侧流速5.00~8.74 mm/s,平均(7.84±0.86)mm/s,向头侧流速3.84~6.71 mm/s,平均(6.01±0.66)mm/s;第四脑室正中孔矢状面呈分叉样管状结构,向前分叉细小与延髓中央管相通,向下直行与小脑延髓池相续,两外侧孔冠状面呈"八"形,自第四脑室外侧角向外下与小脑延髓池相续,左外侧孔纵径6.30~14.60 mm,平均(10.42±2.88)mm,横径1.00~1.50 mm,平均(1.24±0.18)mm;右外侧孔纵径6.20~15.50 mm,平均(12.13±3.05)mm,横径1.00~1.40 mm,平均(1.19±0.13)mm,两外侧孔间夹角为87°~114°;左外侧孔向足侧流速2.89~6.70 mm/s,平均(4.78±1.32)mm/s,右外侧孔向足侧流速2.84~7.11 mm/s,平均(5.56±1.40)mm/s.结论 脑脊液自旋标记MRI可以反映脑室间通路的解剖形态,并可实时评估脑脊液的流动状态.
Objective To assess the anatomic morphology of the connective structures among brain ventricles and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) movement in them by CSF spin-labeling MR imaging. Methods According to the order of registration, 50 healthy volunteers were randomly selected and received cerebrospinal fluid spin-labeling MR scan with time-spatial labeling inversion recovery single-shot fast spin echo sequence (SLIR-SSFSE). The tagged CSF was used as an endogenous tracer. The anatomic morphology of the connective structures of brain ventricles and the flow direction of CSF were observed. The longitudinal diameter and transverse diameter of bilateral foramina of monro, midbrain aqueduct, and the central and bilateral lateral apertures of the fourth ventricle of each subject were measured and calculated based on multiple measurements. The flow rate of CSF was calculated based on the flow distance of CSF in the connective structures between brain ventricles during different TI time. The mean value of each indicator was acquired. Results Two-way flow state of CSF was observed in all connective structures, including bilateral foramina of monro, midbrain aqueduct, and the central and bilateral lateral apertures of the fourth ventricle. On the coronal planes, foramen of monro appears as a "Y"-type tubular structure locating among the both sides of the anteriomedial thalamus and fornix, which connect upward with bilateral lateral ventricles and downward with the third ventricle. The longitudinal diameter and transverse diameter of the left side of foramen of monro were 3.50-5.50 mm[mean (4.37 ±0.47)mm]and 1.00-1.40 mm[mean(1.21 ±0. 13) mm], respectively. The longitudinal diameter and transverse diameter of the right side of foramen of monro were 4. 20-4. 80 mm[mean(4.42 ± 0.20) mm]and 1.00-1.60 mm[mean (1.21 ±0. 19) mm], respectively. On the sagittal planes, foramen of monro appeared as an oblique fine tubular structure with the angle of 55°-58° between the both sides. CSF flow velocity towards the foot was 1.61-2. 52 mm/s[mean (2. 00 ± 0. 17) mm/s]in the left side of foramen of monro and 1.93-2. 20 mm/s [mean (2.03 ±0.09) mm/s]in the right side of foramen of monro. On the sagittal planes, midbrain aqueduct appeared as a curved tubular structure through diencephalon, with the longitudinal diameter of 9.90-17.30 mm[mean(15.51 ± 1.70) mm]and the transverse diameter of 1.70-2.30 mm[mean (1.92 ± 0. 17)mm]. In midbrain aqueduct, CSF flow velocity towards the foot was about 5.00-8.74 mm/s[mean (7.84 ±0.86) mm/s]and towards the head was about 3.84-6.71 mm/s[mean (6. 01 ±0. 66) mm/s]. On the sagittal plane, the central apertures of the fourth ventricle appeared as a fork-like tubular structure, with a small bifurcation forward to the central canal of the medulla oblongata and a posterior branch downward to cerebellomedullary cistern. On the coronal plane, lateral apertures of the fourth ventricle appeaed as curved tubular structures connecting the lateral horn of the fourth ventricle and cerebellomedullary cistern. The longitudinal diameter and transverse diameter of the left lateral aperture were 6.30-14. 60 mm[mean (10.42 ±2.88) mm]and 1.00-1.50 mm[mean (1.24 ±0.18) mm],respectively; of the right lateral aperture, they were 6. 20-15.50 mm[mean (12. 13 ± 3.05) mm]and 1.00-1.40 mm[mean(1.19 ±0. 13) mm], respectively. The angle range between the left and right lateral aperture was from 87° to 114°. CSF flow velocity towards the foot was about 2. 89-6. 70 mm/s[mean (4. 78 ± 1.32) mm/s]in the left lateral aperture and 2. 84-7.11 mm/s[mean (5.56 ±1.40) mm/s]in the right lateral aperture. Conclusions CSF spin-labeling MR imaging could display the anatomic morphology of the connective structure among brain ventricles and could be used for noninvasively assessing CSF movement.  相似文献   

We describe an unusual occult transclival cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) fistula to the sphenoid sinus demonstrated by MRI. CT was performed because of a posterior cerebral infarct caused by cardiac arrhythmia. Axial sections showed fluid in the sphenoid sinus. High-resolution scans revealed a bony defect 3 mm in diameter of the posterior wall of the sphenoid sinus, and MRI showed a transclival CSF fistula. This occult lesion was confirmed by surgery and duraplasty was successfully performed via an endonasal approach. Received: 17 September 1997 Accepted: 6 April 1998  相似文献   

An interleaved velocity-sensitised fast low-angle shot pulse sequence was used to study cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flow in the cerebral aqueduct, and supratentorial CSF production in 9 patients with normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH) and 9 healthy volunteers. The peak aqueduct CSF flow, both caudal and rostral, was significantly increased in patients with NPH. No significant difference in the supratentorial CSF production rate was found between patients (mean 0.60+/–0.59 ml/min) and healthy volunteers (mean 0.68+/–0.31 ml/min). Our method may be useful for investigation and monitoring of patients with NPH before and after ventriculoperitoneal shunt operations.  相似文献   

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