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Purpose: Uncontrolled intraocular pressure (IOP) is a major risk factor for the development of optic neuropathy at patients of glaucoma Lowering IOP has been shown to be beneficial form of therapy for patients with primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG). Methods: We controlled IOP-lowering efficacy, safety, quali-  相似文献   

ASTUDYOFBIOLOGICALFUNCTIONOFRETINOBLASTOMAGENE(RbGENE)ChenDanian陈大年,LiDaizong李岱宗,HuangQian黄倩,LiAnren李安仁,GuJianren顾健人andLuoChe...  相似文献   

Background: Systemic high dose application of magnesium leads to relaxation of vasospasm in small vessels. In normal pressure glaucoma patients vasospasm might be one of the major patho-genetic factors. Some investigations report on a neuroprotective action of oral magnesium. Aim of the present study was to examine the effect of oral magnesium on ocular blood flow and visual  相似文献   

Introduction: The Confoscan 3 is a scanning slit corneal confocal microscope. The scanning slit principle allows only the light from a thin plane of the cornea to be focused on an extremely sensitive CCD camera. The non applanating 40X immersion objective produces corneal frames 340mm×255 mm wide and 5mm thick. The analysed area is small but the details provided, allows the in vivo study of the cellular and extra cellular structures.  相似文献   

The cell morphology of corneal endothelium in 84 mice with experimental traumatic cataract was investigated with stained corneal buttons. In the experimental group, the boundaries between adjacent corneal endothelial cells were significantly distorted, some cell boundaries manifested degenerative changes that led to coalescence of the cells. The mean density and mean area of endothelial cells of the controls showed significant difference from those of the experimental group during the 12 weeks of observation. The density of endothelial cells decreased from 3312±337/mm~2 of the control group to 2944±418/mm~2 in the group of partially opaque lenses and 2713±472/mm~2 in the group of totally opaque lenses. Meanwhile, the area of endothelial cells and the coefficient of variation also significantly changed correspondingly, and the degree of damage in the corneal endothelium correlated with the degree of the lens opacity.  相似文献   

Objective: To investigate the effects of topical travoprost 0.004% and topical bimatoprost 0.03% on retrobulbar blood flow (RBF). Methods: Nineteen young healthy men without any known ocular or systemic disorder were enrolled in this prospective, double-masked, randomized, cross-over study. Baseline RBF mea-  相似文献   

Purpose: To discuss the value of a new method of grading quantitatively the amount of disc damage in patients with glaucoma Methods: The Disc Damage Likelihood Score (DDLS) employs 9 stages of damage based on the width of the neuroretinal rim or the circumferential extent of absence of rim, adjusted for the size of the optic disc. We report the results of studies regarding re-  相似文献   

No considerable difference between efficiency of topical car-boanhydrase inhibitors was detected during comparison of their hypotensive effect after single usage in healthy volunteers and glaucoma patients (40 participants). Maximal hypotensive effect occurred in four hours after study started and average IOP decreasing was one percent from primary level. When using during  相似文献   

Purpose: To compare endoscopic cyclophotocoagulation (ECP) and Ahmed drainage implant in the treatment of refractory glaucoma. Methods: 68 eyes with refractory glaucoma were randomized prospectively to either ECP or Ahmed tube shunt implantation, always performed by a single surgeon. Eyes that were included were pseudophakic with a history of at least one tra-beculectomy with an antimetabolite, and a visual acuity better  相似文献   

Aim: To examine the prevalence and correlates of pseudoexfolia-tion syndrome in a sample Japanese population. Methods: In 1998, a cross-sectional community survey was conducted among residents of Hisayama A total of the 3,054 residents living in Hisayama, Japan, aged 50 years or older, 1,844 (60.4%) consented to participate in the study. Each participant underwent a comprehensive examination that included an ophthalmic exami-  相似文献   

Purpose: to study influence of medical treatment on visual functions, hydrodynamics and a blood-flow in the optic nerve in patients with glaucoma in combination with myopia. Methods: Two groups of patients with glaucoma with the normalized intraocular pressure in combination with myopia were examined. The first group has consisted of 57 patients receiving rates of medical  相似文献   

Objective: To evaluate the pressure-reducing effect of la-tanoprost as monotherapy after replacing current dual therapy in pseudoexfoliation glaucoma patients. Methods: The 12-month  相似文献   

Background: Following a series of reports on central nervous system (CNS) related side effects of topical brimonidine tartrate 0.2% in pediatric patients, this drug can be considered a good representative of topical ocular therapeutics that has the potential to cause significant CNS side effects. Purpose: To examine the neuro-ocular tissue distribution of topical brimonidine.  相似文献   

Purpose: Electronmicroscopic characteristics of anterior lens capsule and cortical fiber cells from glaucomatous patients who underwent combined trabeculectomy and phacoemulsification were compared with capsule specimens and cortex from catarac-tous lenses of non-glaucomatous patients. Methods: A phacotra-beculectomy or phacoemulsification were performed in 26 glaucomatous eye (Group 1). Twelve control subjects (Group 2) re-  相似文献   

In adult rats 90 minutes of ischemia were induced by transient ligature of the left ophthalmic vessels (LOV). One hour before ischemia the left eye was treated with two drops of saline  相似文献   

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