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Preventive strategies can be divided into universal, selective and indicated prevention and early intervention. Universal interventions are directed to the general population. Selective approaches are targeted at people who have risk factors for an illness, but who do not show any current signs. Indicated approaches target high risk individuals with minimal signs or symptoms foreshadowing mental disorder, but who do not meet diagnostic levels at the current time. Early intervention involves treating those with already diagnosable disorder in a timely and optimal manner aiming to decrease the severity of the illness, and reduce secondary morbidity. Although universal and selective interventions are not yet viable strategies, indicated prevention and early intervention are now realistic possibilities in schizophrenia. Development of methods to identify those at risk of psychosis continues to evolve. Promising results in the prevention and delay of transition to psychotic disorder from high risk state have been found. Early intervention in schizophrenia, including promotion of early help-seeking, has been shown to reduce the duration of untreated psychosis, which is known to be associated with poor outcome in schizophrenia. Early intervention programmes which optimise the care of the first episode have been shown to produce better outcomes than routine management.  相似文献   

Preventive strategies can be divided into universal, selective and indicated prevention and early intervention. Universal interventions are directed to the general population. Selective approaches are targeted at people who have risk factors for an illness, but who do not show any current signs. Indicated approaches target high risk individuals with minimal signs or symptoms foreshadowing mental disorder, but who do not meet diagnostic levels at the current time. Early intervention involves treating those with already diagnosable disorder in a timely and optimal manner aiming to decrease the severity of the illness, and reduce secondary morbidity. Although universal and selective interventions are not yet viable strategies, indicated prevention and early intervention are now realistic possibilities in schizophrenia. Development of methods to identify those at risk of psychosis continues to evolve. Promising results in the prevention and delay of transition to psychotic disorder from high risk state have been found. Early intervention in schizophrenia, including promotion of early help-seeking, has been shown to reduce the duration of untreated psychosis, which is known to be associated with poor outcome in schizophrenia. Early intervention programmes which optimise the care of the first episode have been shown to produce better outcomes than routine management.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This review draws on current knowledge of risk for youth suicide to categorize strategies for intervention. Its goal is to identify areas of 'research need' and to provide an evidence base to identify 'best buy' preventive interventions for youth suicide. METHOD: The design, development, implementation and evaluation of prevention strategies ranging from clinical interventions to population-based universal approaches are considered within five risk factor domains: individual, family, community, school and peer. RESULTS: There is a paucity of evidence on the effects of interventions targeting depression and suicidal behaviour. Nevertheless, there are effective indicated, selective and universal interventions for important risk factors for depression and suicidal behaviour. Little evidence has emerged to support the efficacy of some traditional approaches to suicide prevention, such as school based suicide education programs and telephone hotlines. CONCLUSIONS: Youth suicide prevention strategies in Australia have generally employed traditional approaches that focus on clinical interventions for self-harmers, restricting access to lethal means, providing services to high risk groups and enhancing general practitioner responses. Both program development and research evaluation of interventions for many important risk and protective factors for suicide have been neglected.  相似文献   

Objectives: In most Western and Asian countries, a higher risk of suicide is found among elderly people than those in other age groups. However, the treatment needs of elderly people who are at risk of committing suicide are not well understood. We conducted an overview of studies that assessed the impact of suicide prevention interventions on suicide rates in elderly people in Japan. We interpreted the results of these studies, as well as prominent findings associated with other successful interventions, within a framework of the suicidal process and preventive strategies.

Method: We assessed six quasi-experimental studies of community-based interventions providing universal depression screening, subsequent care, and education to elderly people in Japan, and performed a combined analysis of outcome data.

Results: Screening interventions were associated with lower suicide rates. We also found a gender difference in the response to subsequent psychiatric or primary care. Two types of interventions decreased the rate of suicide among elderly people: crisis helplines and screening interventions. These interventions featured a close link between universal, selective, and indicated prevention strategies, which reflect different approaches tailored to the size and risk profile of the target individuals.

Conclusion: Successful interventions appear to hinge on systematic links between multi-level prevention interventions. Multi-level interventions for depression screening may result in lower suicide rates among elderly individuals in communities, although primary care interventions alone appear to be insufficient in men. The benefit of linked multi-level prevention interventions may highlight the importance of the multiple steps and components of the suicidal process.  相似文献   

Suicide is a major medical and social problem. Decades of suicide research have mostly focused on risk factors for suicidal behaviour while overlooking protective factors such as resilience that may help to address this important public health issue. Resilience is the capacity and dynamic process of adaptively overcoming stress and adversity while maintaining normal psychological and physical functioning. Studies conducted over the past 10–15 years suggest that resilience is a protective factor against suicide risk. Resilience is becoming a focus of suicide research and prevention. Building resilience should be a part of universal, selective, and indicated suicide prevention interventions. Promoting resilience may reduce suicide risk in the general population, in groups at elevated suicide risk, and among high‐risk individuals. Building resilience in the general population may reduce the incidence of stress‐related disorders and, consequently, suicidal behaviour. Improving resilience should be a part of a treatment plan of every psychiatric patient. Mental health professionals will probably have the best success in reducing suicide risk in psychiatric patients if they actively concentrate on increasing stress resilience using both psychosocial and pharmacological interventions. It is critically important to move forward the development of pharmacological and psychological interventions for enhancing resilience.  相似文献   

Many studies have confirmed that the risk of suicide in patients with first-episode psychosis (FEP) is high, and high rates of premature mortality, particularly from suicide, may occur in the early phases of schizophrenia. However, suicide rates are difficult to measure in FEP patients, even in carefully defined samples, and there is relatively little specific information about the risk of suicide at illness onset or retrospectively concerning the untreated psychotic period. This selected review of the literature investigates suicidal behaviour with particular regard to severe suicidality (plans and attempts) and risk factors associated with suicide in FEP patients. A search was performed to identify all papers and book chapters during the period 1965-2010, and approximately 100 studies met the inclusion criteria. Most of evidence suggests that risk of suicidal behaviour is relatively high in FEP patients. The research reports highlight the need for universal, comprehensive, public mental health interventions aimed, not only toward early detection, but also toward the rapid engagement in treatment of people with psychoses. These interventions should include an adequate assessment of suicidal behaviour in patients with FEP, and an examination of the efficacy of specific components of the interventions.  相似文献   

Suicide is the 14th leading cause of death worldwide. It is responsible for 1%-5% of all mortality. This article highlights the latest developments in universal, selective, and indicated prevention strategies. Concerning universal suicide prevention, current research has shown that strategies such as restricting access to lethal means (e.g., control of analgesics and hot-spots for suicide by jumping) and school-based awareness programs are most efficacious. Regarding selective prevention, substantial progress can be expected in psychological screening methods for suicidal behavior. The measurement of implicit cognition proved to be more valid in predicting future suicide attempts than classic clinical assessment. Latest developments are smartphone-based interventions and real-time monitoring of suicidal behavior. Great effort has been made to establish valid neurobiological screening methods (e.g., genetic and epigenetic risk factors for suicide, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis) without yielding a major bre-akthrough. Potentially, multiple biomarkers rather than a single one are necessary to identify individuals at risk. With regard to indicated prevention in form of psychopharmacological treatment, recent pharmacoepidemiological studies and meta-analyses have supported a protective role of antidepressants, lithium, and clozapine. However, the data concerning a specific anti-suicidal effect of these drugs are currently not consistent. Promising results exist for ketamine in reducing suicidal ideation, independently of its antidepressant effect. Concerning psychotherapy, recent findings suggest that psychotherapeutic interventions specifically designed to prevent suicide re-attempts are most efficacious. Specifically, cognitive behavioral therapy and psychodynamic therapy approaches proved to decrease the number of suicide re-attempts significantly.  相似文献   

Although schizophrenia onset usually occurs in late adolescence or early adulthood, much research shows that its seeds are planted early in life and that eventual onset occurs at the end of a neurodevelopmental process leading to aberrant brain functioning. This idea, along with the fact that current therapies are far from fully effective, suggests that preventive treatments may be needed to achieve an ideal outcome for schizophrenia patients and those predisposed to the disorder. In this article, we review the methodological challenges that must be overcome before effective preventive interventions can be created. Prevention studies will need to define the target population. This requires the identification of risk factors that will be useful in selecting at-risk people for preventive treatment. We review currently identified risk factors for schizophrenia: genes, psychosocial factors, pregnancy and delivery complications, and viruses. We also review 3 different types of prevention programs: universal, indicated, and selective. For schizophrenia, we distinguish prevention programs that target prodromal cases and those that target the disorder's premorbid precursors. Although those targeting prodromal cases provide a useful framework for early treatment of the disorder, studies of premorbid individuals are needed to design a truly preventive treatment.  相似文献   

Despite significant progresses in our knowledge of the risk factors for schizophrenia, we still are several steps short of implementing effective prevention strategies. Universal prevention strategies have several theoretical advantages but their implementation has been limited to date by their costs and lack of methods to assess their efficiency. To overcome this limitation, we suggest, based on research from therapeutic trials at individual level, the use of surrogate endpoints (SEs) at population level. We further suggest that subclinical measures of psychosis at population level are good SEs candidates for assessing universal measures for schizophrenia prevention.  相似文献   

Objective This paper addresses the prevention and treatment of depression in the general population. It argues that the public health burden of depression cannot be effectively tackled solely at the level of the treatment of individuals; in addition, coherent strategies by national governments are required. It summarises some of the public health interventions that were undertaken in England by the government to reduce the risk factors associated with depression in increase detection and treatment and to destigmatise this disorder. Lessons learned from this experience are described. Methods To assess the scope for collective public interventions, a national psychiatric morbidity study was commissioned. The Government set targets for reducing psychiatric morbidity and suicide. Research related to depression was commissioned. A public information strategy was launched to increase understanding and reduce stigma, including a five year ‘Defeat Depression’ Campaign. Particular attention was paid to updating General Practitioners in the recognition, detection and management of depression. Government departments worked with employers and trade union organisations to attempt to reduce work-induced stress. Universal and selective prevention measures aimed to reduce factors associated with depression, such as unemployment. Measures to reduce suicide include education of health and social care professionals, supporting high-risk groups and restricting access to means of suicide. The impact of these strategies is difficult to assess and will not be apparent until the national psychiatric morbidity study is repeated in 2001. The overall suicide rate fell by 11.7% in five years. Accepted: 21 December 2000  相似文献   

Suicide is an important public health problem in the demographic group that forms the bulk of military populations, namely young and middle-aged men. Suicide in the military also has special significance: certain aspects of military service can lead to serious mental disorders that increase the risk of suicidal behaviour. Moreover, military organizations have control over a broad range of factors (notably the direct delivery of mental health care) that could mitigate suicide risk. This article will review the literature on suicide risk in military organizations to answer the important question: Are military personnel at increased risk for suicide? Next, Mann et al.'s (2005) model for specific suicide preventive interventions in civilian settings will be reviewed and then expanded, with an emphasis on identifying special opportunities for suicide prevention in military organizations, including: 1) organizational interventions to mitigate work stress; 2) selection, resilience training, and risk factor reduction; 3) interventions to overcome barriers to care; and 4) systematic quality improvement efforts in mental health care. Finally, the evidence behind comprehensive suicide prevention programmes will be reviewed, with a special focus on the US Air Force's benchmark programme.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To review the research on the epidemiology, risk and resiliency, assessment, treatment, and prevention of late-life suicide. METHOD: I reviewed mortality statistics. I searched MEDLINE and PsycINFO databases for research on suicide risk and resiliency and for randomized controlled trials with suicidal outcomes. I also reviewed mental health outreach and suicide prevention initiatives. RESULTS: Approximately 12/100,000 individuals aged 65 years or over die by suicide in Canada annually. Suicide is most prevalent among older white men; risk is associated with suicidal ideation or behaviour, mental illness, personality vulnerability, medical illness, losses and poor social supports, functional impairment, and low resiliency. Novel measures to assess late-life suicide features are under development. Few randomized treatment trials exist with at-risk older adults. CONCLUSIONS: Research is needed on risk and resiliency and clinical assessment and interventions for at-risk older adults. Collaborative outreach strategies might aid suicide prevention.  相似文献   

Suicide is the primary cause of death among schizophrenic patients; follow-up studies suggested that 10-13% of schizophrenic patients die by suicide. Preventive measures based on early recognition of risk factors and the establishment of drug treatment protocols are no doubt of great help but have not resulted in a significant reduction of the number of suicides among these patients. Schizophrenia is a chronic disorder affecting all aspects of the individual's life. Prevention should therefore be addressed to various areas. This paper overviews studies dealing with major fields of interest in the prevention of suicide among patients with schizophrenia. The authors focus on the role of pharmacological treatment, psychosocial interventions and psychotherapy, the struggle against stigmatization and the role of GPs. Prevention of suicide among inpatients with schizophrenia is also analysed. It is concluded that those integrated strategies already in use and the implementation of less known interventions should constitute a more effective prevention of self-inflicted deaths among these patients.  相似文献   

Epidemiological considerations point to a small handful of prevention strategies that have the potential for dramatically reducing suicide rates. Nearly all of those prevention approaches involve population-based strategies to either find an increased number of individuals at high risk for suicide or to reduce the prevalence of risk factors in members of a population that, as a whole, has a relatively low rate of suicide. Few of these approaches have been evaluated in rigorous trials. We argue that there are rigorous randomized trial designs that are both feasible and ethical and can be used to test both programmes and implementation strategies for population-based suicide prevention. We review existing suicide prevention trials and introduce two new randomized trial designs that are likely to achieve sufficient statistical power. The ‘dynamic wait-listed design’ randomizes across different time periods and is now being used to test a gatekeeper training programme in 32 schools. It could also be used to examine suicide prevention programmes in rural areas. The multi-trial follow-up study builds on the large number of successful population-based preventive interventions aimed at reducing known risk factors for suicide in youths to see whether these also cause a reduction in rates of completed suicide.  相似文献   

Epidemiological considerations point to a small handful of prevention strategies that have the potential for dramatically reducing suicide rates. Nearly all of those prevention approaches involve population-based strategies to either find an increased number of individuals at high risk for suicide or to reduce the prevalence of risk factors in members of a population that, as a whole, has a relatively low rate of suicide. Few of these approaches have been evaluated in rigorous trials. We argue that there are rigorous randomized trial designs that are both feasible and ethical and can be used to test both programmes and implementation strategies for population-based suicide prevention. We review existing suicide prevention trials and introduce two new randomized trial designs that are likely to achieve sufficient statistical power. The 'dynamic wait-listed design' randomizes across different time periods and is now being used to test a gatekeeper training programme in 32 schools. It could also be used to examine suicide prevention programmes in rural areas. The multi-trial follow-up study builds on the large number of successful population-based preventive interventions aimed at reducing known risk factors for suicide in youths to see whether these also cause a reduction in rates of completed suicide.  相似文献   

The topic of this article is to probe into the specificities of suicide by jumping. This means of suicide hasn't been studied much and isn't well known yet.We reviewed the international scientific literature so as to take an in-depth look at this type of auto-aggressive action and highlight the characteristics of the subjects likely to commit suicide by jumping. We thus focus on the available epidemiological data and risk factors associated to suicide jumping. We also describe the prevention strategies most often evoked to deal with this public health issue, which are respectively about improving safety on the identified suicide sites and providing medical and psychological care to individuals likely to commit suicide by jumping.This meta-analysis presents our critical analysis of the methodological limits in the studies exposed. We provide further hints for researching this field of study; they're based on both the taking into account of variables that could be risk factors for this particular means of suicide and the evaluation of the efficiency for the preventive measures used.  相似文献   

Schizophrenics kill themselves too: a review of risk factors for suicide   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Suicide rates among schizophrenic individuals are disturbingly high. At present, suicide is the number one cause of premature death among schizophrenics, with 10 to 13 percent killing themselves. Recent studies place the risk of suicide for persons with schizophrenia at a level comparable to that for persons with affective disorder. Depression, especially the symptom of self-reported or perceived hopelessness, is an important comorbidity factor in assessing this risk. Young white schizophrenic men with high levels of premorbid functioning and high expectations are at particularly high risk. Schizophrenic women, unlike women in the general population, behave more like men when it comes to choosing suicide. This article reviews recent studies reporting suicide rates and risk factors for suicide among schizophrenic patients. Current issues concerning the prediction, prevention, and treatment of suicidality among persons with schizophrenia are also discussed.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: General hospital psychiatric services are able to provide leadership and coordinate the development of suicide prevention programs for individuals serviced in general hospital settings. We completed this literature review to suggest priorities for programming. METHODS: Our procedure was to update the review by Gunnell and Frankel that guided priorities for Health of the Nation, the national suicide prevention strategy in the UK. We completed a search, using the terms suicide prevention and control, of all English-language research and clinical trials conducted between January 1, 1994, and May 1, 2004. RESULTS: We identified 82 papers. Of these, 48 were excluded and the remaining 34 were grouped by secondary care setting categories. We found no articles on screening tools for predicting risk of suicide, 16 articles on interventions for individuals with suicidal behaviour, 14 articles on the treatment of major psychiatric disorders, 1 article and 1 published abstract on discharge from hospital, and 2 articles on reducing access to means. CONCLUSIONS: Based on a review of each category, we make several program and policy recommendations, including regularly updating clinical assessment skills, using guidelines for assessment of patients following a suicide attempt, assessing the risk of suicide 24 to 48 hours before discharge from hospital, and incorporating education about reducing access to means into routine psychiatric care.  相似文献   

Childhood physical abuse (CPA) has numerous short and long-term negative effects. One of the most serious consequences of CPA is an increased risk for suicide attempts. Clarifying the mechanisms by which CPA increases risk for suicidal behavior may enhance preventive interventions. One potential mechanism is a tendency toward aggression. In a sample of 266 criminal offenders, ages 18-62, we examined the relationships among CPA, lifetime aggression, and suicide attempts and tested lifetime history of aggression as a mediator of the relationship between CPA and suicide attempts. Results indicated that CPA and aggression were associated with suicide attempts. Consistent with our hypothesis, lifetime aggression mediated the CPA and suicide attempts relationship. Findings suggest that aggression may be an important mediator of the relationship between CPA and suicide attempts among criminal offenders, and are consistent with the possibility that treating aggression may reduce risk for suicide attempts.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To review the literature on suicide of inpatients with schizophrenia, to identify suicide risk factors as well as typical patterns of behavior and to suggest a rationale and strategies for future interventions. METHOD: A computerized MedLine, Excerpta Medica and PsycLit search supplemented by an examination of cross-references and reviews. RESULTS: Up to half the suicides among patients with schizophrenia occur during inpatient admission. Inpatient suicides were found among those of a young age group who were predominantly single, childless and socially isolated. The vast majority experienced an illness characterized by long duration and prolonged psychiatric hospitalizations or multiple admissions and discharges. Up to 50% of the suicides occurred in the first few weeks and months following discharge from the hospital. The paranoid subtype of schizophrenia, where positive symptoms prevail and negative symptoms are few, is associated with a suicide risk that is three times greater than that associated with nonparanoid subtypes and eight times greater than the risk associated with the deficit subtype. CONCLUSIONS: Treatment of suicide is a major problem among inpatients with schizophrenia. Evidence suggests that suicide is generally carried-out by patients who have been recently discharged or by those who manage to get away from the hospital. Strategies aimed at preventing this phenomenon have been introduced to the medical personnel, but suicide in these patients does not seem to have been reduced. We emphasize the need to establish guidelines for the prevention of suicide in hospitalized patients with schizophrenia.  相似文献   

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