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[目的]了解产房护士职业性腰背痛(OLBP)情况和护士相关知识的了解程度;探讨OLBP的相关危险因素.[方法]对本院产房和妇科72名护士进行OLBP现状调查.[结果]产房和妇科发病率分别为100.0%和81.8%(P<0.05);29.4%的护士了解概念,16.7%的护士了解其分布情况;OLBP常见致病因素归结于月经、生育、工作负荷重、用力方法不合理及工作压力大等.[结论]产科护士OLBP的发生率较高,工作因素为OLBP常见致病因素,护士对OLBP知识了解及重视程度较低.建议护理管理者给予重视,落实工作技能培训,加强护士的自我保健,降低护士OLBP的发病率.  相似文献   

目的:观察职业性腰背痛培训在缓解ICU护士腰背痛中的应用效果。方法:选择河北省4家三级甲等医院的107名ICU护士为研究对象,并随机分为实验组(n=55)和对照组(n=52)。实验组进行30min的人体力学知识培训和10min的腰背部肌肉锻炼操指导;对照组只进行30min的人体力学知识培训。培训前后采用视觉模拟评分法(VAS)对其疼痛程度进行评价。结果:干预后实验组VAS评分为(2.13±0.72)分,对照组VAS评分为(3.23±0.44)分,差异有统计学意义(P=0.001)。结论:职业性腰背痛培训能有效缓解ICU护士职业性腰背痛。  相似文献   

采用文献回顾对手术室护士腰背痛的影响因素进行分析,并结合临床提出护理对策。通过采取一些预防措施缓解了手术室护士职业性腰背痛。  相似文献   

目的:调查麻醉科护士预防职业性腰背痛行为现状,并分析相关影响因素,以便为制订对应的干预方案提供科学参考。方法:采用便利抽样法于2023年2月—3月选取383名麻醉科护士作为研究对象,采取一般资料调查表、中文版护士预防职业性腰背痛行为量表对其进行调查。结果:麻醉科护士预防职业性腰背痛行为得分为(94.30±17.77)分。多重线性回归分析显示,性别、工作时间年限、是否定期进行健康锻炼为麻醉科护士预防职业性腰背痛行为的影响因素(均P<0.05)。结论:麻醉科护士预防职业性腰背痛行为能力处于中等水平,具备较强的自我预防意识,但预防腰背痛相关知识储备不足,需采取针对性干预措施和教育计划提升其预防职业性腰背痛能力。  相似文献   

腰背痛是导致人群伤残调整生命年(Disability adjusted life year,DALY)重要危险因素之一.护士是职业性腰背痛的高发人群,严重影响其工作质量和生活质量,并导致大量直接和间接成本支出.临床实践指南是实现腰背痛有效管理的重要依据.复旦大学循证护理中心基于我国文化背景、护理人力配置实际情况及临床护...  相似文献   

腰背痛(low back pain,LBP)是一种职业相关性疾病,人群中腰背痛发生率约85%,LBP与肩、颈、臂及腿痛统称为肌肉骨骼疾患(musculoskeletal disorder,MSD),其最基本的特点就是疼痛和运动功能障碍[1]。研究表明[2],护士是患腰背痛的高危人群,护士和  相似文献   

目的通过对护士进行职业性腰背痛发生相关知识的培训,提高其对腰背痛发生的认知能力,以减少职业伤害。方法选择2009年3月一2010年4月在上海市第八人民医院工作的执业护士48名,均为女性,年龄23~54岁。参考相关文献,结合日常护士工作中存在的诱发腰背痛的相关危险因素,自行设计护士职业性腰背痛情况调查表,并进行问卷测评,根据结果给予相应的教育培训、现场指导。经培训后5个月再次测评,比较培训前后护理人员对职业腰背痛的认知状况。结果培训后护士对职业性腰背痛认知水平较培训前均有所提高,培训前后比较差异有统计学意义(P〈0.001)。结论有针对性的健康知识培训能有效提高护士职业性腰背痛的认知水平,改善护士不良工作方法和生活习惯,预防和降低腰背痛的发生率,从而保障护士的自身健康,有利于提高护理人员的生活质量。  相似文献   

泉州市部分三级甲等医院护士腰背痛状况及相关因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的调查分析护士易患腰背痛的相关因素,并提出相应防治对策。方法对泉州市2所三级甲等医院护龄1年以上的171名护士进行问卷调查。结果 74.27%的护士有腰背痛史,近半年内的发病率为59.65%;年龄为(24.65±2.81)岁;易患腰背痛的危险因素有年龄、护龄、社会心理因素、工作性质、组织管理因素等。结论护士易患职业性腰背痛是多种因素协同作用的结果,防治腰背痛关键在于护士应提高自我保护意识,做好初级预防、早期干预及合理的组织管理。  相似文献   

目的 了解外科护士职业性腰背痛发生情况及其腰背痛的自我防范意识,探讨职业因素对外科护士职业性腰背痛的影响.方法 应用护士OMSI症状自评量表,自行设计的临床护士腰背痛相关职业性因素问卷(内容包括工作性质、精神因素、工作环境、自我防护意识),随机选取我院外科120名护士实施问卷调查.结果 护士职业性腰背痛发生率65%,中度职业性腰背痛发生率为22.4%.结论 外科临床护士是患职业性腰背痛的高危人群.腰背痛的发生与外科护士的工作性质、精神因素及自我防范意识程度密切相关.  相似文献   

《Annals of medicine》2013,45(4):255-256
So far, eight prospective studies and 50 cross-sectional or retrospective studies have focused on risk factors for low back syndromes. Half of these have been published during the 1980s. Hard physical work and, in particular, frequent lifting and postural stress are likely to result in disc degeneration, low back pain and sciatica. Physical strain may also have prophylactic effects, as physical leisure activity and muscular strength are negatively associated with the risk of low back pain. Much evidence points to driving motor vehicles being causally associated with low back pain and sciatica. A probably causal relationship exists between body height and risk of sciatica, but height is not necessarily predictive of other types of low back pain. Obesity, smoking, psychological distress and poor general health also carry increased risk of low back pain, but their causal role is questionable. Although none of the suspected risk factors can be described as having been conclusively investigated epidemiologically, the results of published studies show that there are modifiable factors contributing to low back pain. The overall potential of primary prevention is great if adequate tools for intervention can be developed.  相似文献   

Disability determination for occupational low back pain challenges indemnification systems because spinal pathoanatomy is weakly related to pain intensity and functional capacity, making judgments of disability vulnerable to such confounding factors as sociodemographic variables (eg, race, socioeconomic status). To assess the contribution of impairment, race, and socioeconomic status to disability ratings and post settlement functional status, the current study investigated 580 African American and 892 white workers' compensation claimants with occupational low back pain who were surveyed an average of 21 months after claim settlement. Results indicated that diagnosis, surgery, and medical costs (indicators of impairment) were associated with disability ratings at the time of case settlement. African American race was negatively associated with disability ratings and also with diagnosis/surgery and medical costs. Disability ratings, however, correlated only weakly with post settlement status at 21-month follow-up. The association between race and disability ratings suggests that inequities operate in disability determination. Furthermore, the relative lack of association between disability ratings and postsettlement status raises questions about the validity of disability determination for workers' compensation claimants with low back pain. PERSPECTIVE: Results demonstrated apparent racial/ethnic disparities in treatment and little association between disability ratings and post settlement status. Together, these results raise questions about social justice in the management of occupational back pain, as well as the validity of associated disability determination processes.  相似文献   

ObjectiveThe purposes of this study were to investigate the prevalence of and risk factors for low back pain (LBP) in teachers and to evaluate the association of individual and occupational characteristics with the prevalence of LBP.MethodsIn this cross-sectional study, 586 asymptomatic teachers were randomly selected from 22 primary and high schools in Semnan city of Iran. Data on the personal, occupational characteristics, pain intensity, and functional disability as well as the prevalence and risk factors of LBP were collected using different questionnaires.ResultsPoint, last month, last 6 months, annual, and lifetime prevalence rates of LBP were 21.8%, 26.3%, 29.6%, 31.1%, and 36.5%, respectively. The highest prevalence was obtained for the high school teachers. The prevalence of LBP was significantly associated with age, body mass index, job satisfaction, and length of employment (P < .05 in all instances). Prolonged sitting and standing, working hours with computer, and correcting examination papers were the most aggravating factors, respectively. Rest and participation in physical activity were found to be the most relieving factors.ConclusionThe prevalence of LBP in teachers appears to be high. High school teachers were more likely to experience LBP than primary school teachers. Factors such as age, body mass index, length of employment, job satisfaction, and work-related activities were significant factors associated with LBP in this teacher population.  相似文献   

Objective: Investigate the influence of external factors such as depression and BMI among subjects with primary severe low back pain (LBP) and low back related leg pain (LBLP). Background: The report of disability in patients with LBP may be significantly influenced by confounding and moderating variables. No similar studies have examined the influence of these factors on LBLP. Methods: This study included 1,448 consecutive subjects referred to a tertiary spine clinic. Unconditional binary logistic regression was used to determine the influence of comorbidities on the relationship between self‐reported back and leg pain. A change in estimate formula was used to quantify this relationship. Results: Among those subjects with primary LBP the unadjusted odds ratio was 8.58 (95% CI 4.87, 15.10) and when adjusting for BMI, depression and smoking was 5.94 (95% CI 3.04, 11.60) resulting in a 36.7% change due to confounding by these comorbidities. Among those with primary LBLP, the unadjusted odds ratio was 4.49 (95% CI 2.78, 7.27) and when adjusting for BMI and depression was 4.60 (95% CI 2.58, 8.19) resulting in a 1.7% change due to confounding by these comorbidities. Conclusion: The disability statuses of the patients with primary LBP in this study were more significantly affected by comorbidities of BMI, depression and smoking than patients with report of LBLP. However, these comorbidities contribute little to the relationship of primary low back related leg pain and Oswestry scores ≥ 40.  相似文献   

临床护士职业紧张及其影响因素的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 了解临床护士职业紧张的现状及影响因素.方法 应用职业紧张量表修订版(OSI-R)对二级、三级甲等医院从事临床治疗工作的护理人员236名(临床护士组)及女性后勤管理人员189名(对照组)进行调查.结果 临床护士组职业任务、个体紧张反应得分高于对照组,有显著差异(p<0.05或p<0.01).临床护士紧张反应的主要影响因素是任务不适、任务冲突、责任感、自我保健、社会支持、理性处理.结论 临床护士暴露于较高的职业紧张因素水平,增强个体应对能力可降低紧张反应.  相似文献   

《Pain Management Nursing》2014,15(1):283-291
The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of a stretching exercise program (SEP) on low back pain (LBP) and exercise self-efficacy among nurses in Taiwan. A total of 127 nurses, who had been experiencing LBP for longer than 6 months and had LBP with pain scores greater than 4 on the Visual Analogue Scale for Pain (VASP), were randomly assigned to an experimental group and a control group. The experimental group (n = 64) followed an SEP, whereas the control group (n = 63) was directed to perform usual activities for 50 minutes per time, three times a week. Data were collected at four time points: at baseline, and 2, 4, and 6 months after the intervention. During the 6-month follow-up, the experimental group had significantly lower VASP scores than did the control group at the second, fourth, and sixth months. In addition, the experimental group showed significantly higher exercise self-efficacy than did the control group at the fourth and sixth months. A total of 81% of the participants in the experimental group reported a moderate to high level of LBP relief. The findings can be used to enhance self-care capabilities with SEP for nurses that experience LBP or are vulnerable to such work-related pain. SEP is an effective and safe nonpharmacological intervention for the management of LBP.  相似文献   

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