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Transient foamy virus vector production by adenovirus vectors   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The genome of the prototype foamy virus (PFV) has been introduced into an adenoviral/PFV hybrid vector and tested for stable in vitro gene transfer. Three different adenoviruses are used to encode: (i) the PFV structural genes gag and pol (Ad-GagPolDeltaPacI); (ii) the PFV structural gene env (Ad-Env); and (iii) the PFV vector genome (Ad-MD9) encoding the transgene (the enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP) gene). Following cotransduction by the three adenoviruses, the target cells become transient PFV vector-producing cells, resulting in the in situ release of recombinant PFV at a titre of up to 10(3) vector particles/ml, which can then infect surrounding cells, leading to stable integration of the expression cassette. Stable eGFP expression, observed for up to 60 days (11 passages) in cells transduced with all three adenoviral vectors, was shown by PCR to be the result of PFV integration. In contrast, cells transduced with only the adenovirus encoding the PFV vector genome showed a marked decrease in eGFP expression by passage 2 (16 days post-transduction) and did not contain integrated PFV vector. In short, this paper describes the production of a hybrid vector capable of high in vitro transduction and stable transgene expression using adenovirus and PFV vectors.  相似文献   

Targeted adenovirus vectors   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Recombinant adenovirus (Ad) vectors continue to be the preferred vectors for gene therapy and the study of gene function because they are relatively easy to construct, can be produced at high titer, and have high transduction efficiency. However, in some applications gene transfer with Ad vectors is less efficient because the target cells lack expression of the primary receptor, coxsackievirus and adenovirus receptor (CAR). Another problem is the wide biodistribution of vector in tissue following in vivo gene transfer because of the relatively broad tissue expression of CAR. To overcome these limitations, various approaches have been developed to modify Ad tropism. In one approach, the capsid proteins of Ad are modified, such as with the addition of foreign ligands or the substitution of the fiber with other types of Ad fiber, in combination with the ablation of native tropism. In other approaches, Ad vectors are conjugated with adaptor molecules, such as antibody and fusion protein containing an anti-Ad single-chain antibody (scFv) or the extracellular domain of CAR with the targeting ligands, or chemically modified with polymers containing the targeting ligands. In this paper, we review advances in the development of targeted Ad vectors.  相似文献   

Fully deleted adenovirus vectors (FD-AdVs) would appear to be promising tools for gene therapy. Since these vectors are deleted of all adenoviral genes, they require a helper adenovirus for their propagation. The contamination of the vector preparation by the helper limits the utility of currently existing FD-AdVs in gene therapy applications. We have developed an alternative system for the propagation of FD-AdVs, in which the adenoviral genes essential for replication and packaging of the vector are delivered into producer cells by a baculovirus-adenovirus hybrid. A hybrid baculovirus Bac-B4 was constructed to carry a Cre recombinase-excisable copy of the packaging-deficient adenovirus genome. Although the total size of the DNA insert in Bac-B4 was 38 kb, the genetic structure of this recombinant baculovirus was stable. Bac-B4 gave high yields in Sf9 insect cells, with titers of 5 x 10(8)p.f.u./ml before concentration. Transfection of 293-Cre cells with lacZ-expressing FD-AdV plasmid DNA followed by infection by Bac-B4 at a MOI of 2000 p.f.u./ml resulted in rescue of the helper-free vector. Subsequent passaging of the obtained FD-AdV using Bac-B4 as a helper resulted in approximately 100-fold increases of the vector titer at each passage. This resulting vector was completely free of helper virus and was able to transduce cultured 293 cells. However, scaling-up of FD-AdV production was prevented by the eventual emergence of replication-competent adenovirus (RCA). Experiments are underway to optimize this system for the large-scale production of helper virus-free FD-AdVs and to minimize the possibility of generation of replication-competent adenovirus (RCA) during vector production. This baculovirus-based system will be a very useful alternative to current methods for the production of FD-AdVs.  相似文献   

Vaccines based on replication-defective adenoviral vectors are being developed for infectious agents and tumor-associated antigens. Early work focused on vaccines derived from a common human serotype of adenovirus, that is, adenovirus of the serotype 5 (AdHu5). Neutralizing antibodies against AdHu5 virus, present in a large percentage of the human population, dampen the efficacy of vaccines based on this carrier. To circumvent this problem, we generated vectors derived from chimpanzee adenoviruses. Here we describe some basic parameters of vectors derived from chimpanzee adenoviruses C68 and C7, including growth characteristics, yields of infectious particles, effects of additional deletions in E3 and E4 and lengths of the inserted foreign sequence as they relate to the suitability for their eventual development as vaccine carriers for clinical use.  相似文献   

Recombinant adenovirus vectors have been used extensively to deliver foreign genes to a variety of cell types in vitro and in vivo. One problem with the use of adenovirus vectors has been the difficulty of constructing new vectors. In this review, we introduce not only a simple in vitro ligation method that is quick and efficient for generating new vectors, but also a method by which to construct vectors containing genetically modified fiber proteins for achieving targeted gene transfer and expression. The system described here should offer a powerful tool for the construction of recombinant adenovirus vectors for human gene therapy.  相似文献   

Advances in understanding the interaction of animal viruses with their cognate receptors has led to improvements in the development of cell-specific, targeted viral vectors. Research strategies to generate safe, non-inflammatory viral vectors that are capable of delivering a therapeutic gene to a specific population of cells are currently underway in many laboratories. One approach in the utilization of this cell targeting activity is to ablate the natural interaction of the virus with its native receptor, although this is not an absolute requirement. The initial development of 'viral targeting strategies' was based on the view that by modifying the viral protein/receptor interaction, it would be possible to redirect virus vectors to new host cells. As the understanding of virus/cell interactions increased it was observed, however, that many viruses can use different entry mechanisms for cell attachment and penetration. Adenovirus vectors have been used extensively for the delivery of genes to cells. The entry mechanism for adenoviruses into cells has recently been studied and is relatively well understood, however, there are many aspects of cell receptor/virus interactions, which have still to be elucidated. The single high-affinity receptor on mammalian cells for adenovirus type 5 is recognized as the coxsackie and adenovirus receptor. However, in the absence of coxsackie and adenovirus receptor other receptors are used. A thorough understanding of the biology of adenoviruses is essential in the further development of their use as vectors for cell targeting. One strategy is to modify the viral capsid, either through coating the surface using bispecific antibodies, or by chemically crosslinking the targeting ligand onto the virion surface. Another approach is to genetically modify the virus by incorporating the targeting ligand into the viral 'spike' (fiber) protein. This involves manipulating the adenovirus genome and generating a new targeting ligand on the surface of the fiber protein using recombinant DNA technology. The penton base protein has also received attention as a means of directing adenoviruses via insertion of novel targeting ligands.  相似文献   

Adenovirus (Ad)-based vectors have received considerable attention in recent years as the 'work-horse' of gene delivery, as evidenced by over 160 clinical trials utilizing this vector class. The Ad vectors utilized in these trials have been delivered into hundreds of humans via any number of intratumoral, intrabronchial, subcutaneous or intravenous routes. Most of these trials have utilized first-generation, E1-deleted [E1-] versions of these vectors. Multiple animal studies have demonstrated that [E1-]Ad vectors induce a variety of toxic responses, directed both to the Ad vector itself and the vector-transduced cells. Because of these limitations, the development of multiply attenuated (deleted) Ad vectors has been pursued by a number of research groups. These vectors retain many of the advantages of [E1-]Ad, while simultaneously improving the overall vector performance, primarily manifested as reduced sub-acute and chronic toxicities, combined with extended duration of persistence of the vectors within transduced cells. This review focuses upon the investigations that have been performed utilizing multiply deleted Ad vectors, and how these studies shed light upon the immune mechanisms directed against Ad vectors.  相似文献   

Adenovirus (Ad) vectors can be injected into human ocular tissues without producing adverse events and are therefore a promising means of gene transfer to the retina. However, when administered subretinally, Ad vectors primarily transduce the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), whereas the majority of mutant gene products that cause photoreceptor (PR) degeneration are expressed exclusively in the PR cells. While it has been shown previously that pseudotyping of Ad can partially overcome the limited PR transduction by Ad5, we found that pseudotyping of Ad is not necessary for transduction of PR cells. We determined that, in the context of Ad, the cytomegalovirus (CMV) promoter is not significantly active in PRs. We compared expression levels from CMV and chicken beta actin (CBA) promoters in neural retina and found that CBA has a 173-fold greater potency than CMV. We also investigated the nature of the Ad-RPE interaction in murine retina and determined that the RGD domain in Ad penton plays a key role in RPE tropism. Deletion of the RGD domain coupled with use of the CBA promoter permitted transgene expression in neural retina approximately 667 times more efficiently than with Ad5 vectors. The use of these vectors in combination with a 4.7 kilobase (kb) rhodopsin promoter enabled transgene expression exclusively in PR cells in vivo.  相似文献   

It has been difficult to produce a chimeric vector containing both Ad and AAV rep and cap, and to grow such chimeric vectors in 293 cells. By recombination in vitro in a bacterial host, we were able to produce recombinant plasmid AdAAV (pAdAAVrep-cap), which could be used to generate recombinant AdAAV (rAdAAVrep-cap) after transfection into 293 cells. A recombinant adenovirus, rAdAAVGFP, in which the green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene is flanked by the AAV terminal repeats cloned into the E1-deleted site of Ad was also generated. Co-infection of rAdAAVrep-cap together with rAdAAVGFP into 293 cells resulted in production of high titers of rAAV expressing GFP. It was noted that the titer of rAdAAVrep-cap was lower than the titer of control AdCMVLacZ. The lower titer of rAdAAvrep-cap was associated with expression of Rep protein. Non-homologous recombination occurs after high passage and results in deletions within the AAV rep genes. These results indicate that (1) rAdAAVrep-cap can be produced; (2) rAdAAVrep-cap + rAdAAVGFP is a convenient and efficient way to transfect 293 cells to grow high titer rAAV; and (3) frozen stock is required to avoid propagation of rep-deleted pAdAAVrep-cap.  相似文献   

Adenovirus-based vectors can efficiently transfer therapeutic genes into cells through an entry process that is initiated be binding to specific receptors on the cell surface. The receptors for the most commonly used Ad vectors include both the Coxsackie and adenovirus receptor (CAR) and omega-integrins. Therapeutic applications of AD vectors could be expanded if the specificity of gene transfer could be modulated to enhance expression of a therapeutic gene in transfer tissues and avoid non-target tissues. Ad vectors have been successfully retargeted to novel receptors using several approaches. The merits and challenges of specific approaches are discussed. In vivo evaluation of these retargeted Ad vectors has given promising results but has also highlighted additional challenges for achieving efficient targeted gene delivery. Additional modifications beyond those affecting interaction with the native receptors, CAR and integrins may be required both to avoid the clearance mechanisms that effectively remove circulating vector following systemic administration and to avoid gene transfer in non-target tissues such as the liver. Developing Ad vector that address these issues and can be targeted to novel receptors would enable gene delivery at the site of disease in applications that are currently not feasible.  相似文献   

Viral vectors expressing short hairpin RNA (shRNA) are attractive for efficient and tissue-specific RNA interference (RNAi) delivery. We and others previously reported that recombinant adenovirus (Ad) vector-mediated RNAi has great potential for a variety of applications in molecular biology studies and gene therapy. In the present study, we have developed an efficient Ad vector-mediated RNAi system, in which an Ad vector carries four shRNA-expression cassettes (Ad-multi-shRNA vector), a simple and effective strategy for enhancing the RNAi response per Ad vector particle. The data demonstrated that the Ad-multi-shRNA vectors showed an enhanced RNAi effect compared to conventional Ad vectors containing a single shRNA-expression cassette. An application of the Ad-multi-shRNA vector carrying four same shRNA-sequences against the RET finger protein, an oncogene known to desensitize cells to oxidative stress and cisplatin, resulted in an enhanced cytotoxic effect of cisplatin, demonstrating the advantages of the Ad-multi-shRNA vector for silencing target genes. Furthermore, an Ad-multi-shRNA carrying four different shRNA-sequences efficiently silenced the multiple target genes simultaneously. These data suggest the potential usefulness of the Ad-multi-shRNA vector not only in basic research but also in clinical gene therapy.  相似文献   

Molecular basis of the inflammatory response to adenovirus vectors   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Liu Q  Muruve DA 《Gene therapy》2003,10(11):935-940

A major role of the early gene 1A and 1B products (E1A and E1B) in adenovirus infection is to create a cellular environment appropriate for viral DNA replication. This is, in part, achieved by inactivation of tumor suppressor gene products such as pRb or p53. The functions of these same cellular proteins are also frequently lost in tumor cells. Therefore, we hypothesized that tumor cell lines with deregulated p53 and/or pRb pathways might support replication of E1A/E1B-deleted, first-generation adenovirus vectors (AdE1(-)). Here, we analyzed the impact of virus uptake, cell cycling, and the status of cell cycle regulators on AdE1(-) DNA synthesis. Cellular internalization of AdE1(-) vectors varied significantly among different tumor cell lines, whereas nuclear import of incoming viral DNA appeared to be less variable. Replication assays performed under equalized infection conditions demonstrated that all analyzed tumor cell lines supported AdE1(-) synthesis to varying degrees. There was no obvious correlation between the efficiency of viral DNA replication and the status of p53, pRb, and p16. However, the amount of virus attached and internalized changed with the cell cycle, affecting the intracellular concentration of viral DNA and thereby the replication efficacy. Furthermore, infection with AdE1 - vectors caused a partial G(2)/M arrest or delay in cell cycle progression, which became more pronounced in consecutive cell cycles. Correspondingly, vector DNA replication was found to be enhanced in cells artificially arrested in G(2)/M. Our findings suggest that cell cycling and thus passing through G(2)/M supports AdE1(-) DNA replication in the absence of E1A/E1B. This has potential implications for the use of first-generation adenovirus vectors in tumor gene therapy.  相似文献   

Production of first generation adenovirus vectors: a review   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
In the past decade, adenovirus vectors have generated tremendous interest, especially in gene therapy applications. In the so-called 'first generation' adenovirus vectors, the transgenes are inserted in place of the E1 region, or less often the E3 region. Although second-generation and helper-dependent adenovirus vectors will probably prevail in the future in applications that require long-term gene expression, first generation adenovirus vectors will remain very useful in other settings, such as cancer and vaccination, or simply to transfect cell lines that are refractory to other transfection methods. Until a few years ago, the construction of first generation adenovirus vectors was a labor-intensive and time-consuming process. More than 20 methods have appeared that facilitate their construction and are reviewed below.  相似文献   

Effective repeat administration with adenovirus vectors to the muscle   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Chen P  Kovesdi I  Bruder JT 《Gene therapy》2000,7(7):587-595
Effective repeat administration of adenovirus vectors following intranasal or intravenous delivery is hindered by a strong neutralizing antibody response to the vector. Intramuscular administration of adenovirus vectors elicited a neutralizing antibody response that peaked between 14 and 21 days after infection. However, effective repeat intramuscular administration of adenovirus vectors was not hindered by the presence of neutralizing antibodies in the serum. Surprisingly, beta-galactosidase expression in the skeletal muscle of immunized mice was equivalent to that observed in control mice. As expected, these serum neutralizing antibodies effectively blocked repeat administration of adenovirus vectors when delivered via the intravenous route. These results were observed in both C57BL/6 and Balb/c mice and thus do not appear to be strain specific. Successful repeat administration of adenovirus vectors to skeletal muscle has significant implications for the use of adenovirus vectors clinically and for increasing the safety and efficacy of adenovirus vector gene delivery.  相似文献   

Induced apoptosis supports spread of adenovirus vectors in tumors.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
J Mi  Z Y Li  S Ni  D Steinwaerder  A Lieber 《Human gene therapy》2001,12(10):1343-1352
Selectively replicating viruses hold promise as anticancer agents. To eliminate the tumor, these viruses must efficiently spread throughout the tumor and induce oncolysis. We hypothesized that viral release and spread could be supported by apoptosis induced after assembly of de novo-produced virions in tumor cells. As a model to test this, we employed an adenovirus vector that replicated in human tumor cell lines. Expression of a dominant-negative I-kappaB from this vector sensitized tumor cells to recombinant human tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha)-mediated apoptosis. We found that apoptosis induced during viral DNA replication compromised virus production, whereas apoptosis induced after virion assembly enhanced viral release from infected cells and dissemination. Electron microscopy demonstrated that viral particles were associated with or included in apoptotic bodies whose phagocytosis by neighboring cells provides a potential means for viral spread. Apoptosis induced after viral replication also supported spread in vivo, in subcutaneous tumors or liver metastases, resulting in a delay of tumor growth. Our findings could be applicable to other selectively replicating viruses or antitumor strategies that involve application of proapoptotic or cytolytic agents.  相似文献   

Human CD46 (membrane cofactor protein), which serves as a receptor for a variety of pathogens, including strains of measles virus, human herpesvirus type 6 and Neisseria, is rapidly downregulated from the cell surface following infection by these pathogens. Here, we report that replication-incompetent adenovirus (Ad) serotype 35 (Ad35) vectors, which belong to subgroup B and recognize human CD46 as a receptor, downregulate CD46 following infection. A decline in the surface expression of CD46 in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells was detectable 6 h after infection, and reached maximum (72%) 12 h after infection. Ad35 vector-induced downregulation of surface CD46 levels gradually recovered after the removal of Ad35 vectors, however, complete recovery of CD46 expression was not observed even at 96 h after removal. The surface expression of CD46 was also reduced after incubation with fiber-substituted Ad serotype 5 (Ad5) vectors bearing Ad35 fiber proteins, ultraviolet-irradiated Ad35, vectors and recombinant Ad35 fiber knob proteins; in contrast, conventional Ad5 vectors did not induce surface CD46 downregulation, suggesting that the fiber knob protein of Ad35 plays a crucial role in the downregulation of surface CD46 density. These results have important implications for gene therapy using CD46-utilizing Ad vectors and for the pathogenesis of Ads that interact with CD46.  相似文献   

Adenovirus (Ad)-based vectors offer several benefits showing their potential for use in a variety of vaccine applications. Recombinant Ad-based vaccines possess potent immunogenic potential, capable of generating humoral and cellular immune responses to a variety of pathogen-specific antigens expressed by the vectors. Ad5 vectors can be readily produced, allowing for usage in thousands of clinical trial subjects. This is now coupled with a history of safe clinical use in the vaccine setting. However, traditional Ad5-based vaccines may not be generating optimal antigen-specific immune responses, and generate diminished antigen-specific immune responses when pre-existing Ad5 immunity is present. These limitations have driven initiation of several approaches to improve the efficacy of Ad-based vaccines, and/or allow modified vaccines to overcome pre-existing Ad immunity. These include: generation of chemically modified Ad5 capsids; generation of chimeric Ads; complete replacement of Ad5-based vaccine platforms with alternative (human and non-human origin) Ad serotypes, and Ad5 genome modification approaches that attempt to retain the native Ad5 capsid, while simultaneously improving the efficacy of the platform as well as minimizing the effect of pre-existing Ad immunity. Here we discuss recent advances in- and limitations of each of these approaches, relative to their abilities to overcome pre-existing Ad immunity.  相似文献   

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