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A 30 year old veterinary surgeon developed a febrile illness with serological evidence of Brucellosis. He was known to have aortic valve disease and during the course of the illness, the clinical features of endocarditis became evident, with a vegetation visible echocardiographically on the aortic valve. Because of persisting fever despite appropriate antibiotic therapy, aortic valve replacement with a viable cryopreserved allograft aortic valve was undertaken. Organisms consistent with Brucella species were demonstrated in the excised vegetation. The patient received a six week course of antibiotics and his post-operative course was uneventful.  相似文献   

广西犬种布鲁氏菌病流行病学调查研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
1985年在广西自治区的38个市县进行了犬种布鲁氏菌病的调查,用犬种抗原试管凝集试验对2278只家犬做了血清学检测,查出33个市县为犬种布病疫区,感染率13.7%。从19个市县分离出犬种布鲁氏菌64株,以城市郊区和平原地区的病原检出率较高,山地和丘陵地区次之。  相似文献   

一起布氏杆菌病暴发的调查@吴镜楚$江苏省无锡市疾病预防控制中心!无锡214002 @袁建芬$江苏省无锡市疾病预防控制中心!无锡214002 @汪霆$江苏省无锡市疾病预防控制中心!无锡214002 @王丽娟$江苏省无锡市疾病预防控制中心!无锡214002~~  相似文献   

在国内首次应用布鲁氏菌酚不溶性组分(PI)治疗慢性布鲁氏菌病84例,临床观察的结果认为 PI 组分能取得与布鲁氏菌苗疗法相同的脱敏效果,近期疗效治愈和基本治愈率可达75%上下,副作用小,临床使用安全,易为患者所接受。  相似文献   

布氏菌病新诊断技术的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
我们在1995 ̄1998年间对PCR诊断布病技术进行了多方面研究。其结果表明,该技术在诊断中有一定特异性和较高的敏感性(100fg)。对陕西、河北和山东省区的布病患及健康对照人群的PCR检测,不同省区患阳性率差别较大,各省区的对照人群也有一定的阳性。建议,进一步改进PCR诊断布病技术,并扩大试用范围,以便提高诊断水平。同时对DNA分子探针等技术也作了初步探索。  相似文献   

本文报道了治疗25例急性和活动性布鲁氏菌病患者的方法,提出用四环素静脉点滴7日,肌注庆大霉素7日,再口服复方新诺明(CO-SMZ)或利福定(Rifandin)14日的三阶段疗法,可获得良好疗效。并指出了惯用的口服四环素加肌注链霉素疗法的不足之处。  相似文献   

本文对天津部分奶牛队643名职工,进行了临床和 HT、SAT、CFT、RBPT、ELISA 等血清学检测和皮内变态反应试验。查得血清阳性率7.93%(51/643),患病率为2.33%(15/643)。并且对阳性者分别按性别、年龄、接触奶牛年限、职业(工种)、血型等进行了分析。得出了感染与年龄、接触年限、职业(工种)、血型等在统计学上显著有关。指出:患布鲁氏菌病的奶牛是人畜间布鲁氏菌病流行的传染源,并指出以接触为主的传播途径和牛种布鲁氏菌为流行菌株。最后强调对重点人群布鲁氏菌病普查的重要性,并对今后的布鲁氏菌病防治工作提出了建议。  相似文献   

本文用 PHA 及 ConA,检测了豚鼠实验性布病的皮肤反应。实验表明:①豚鼠感染布鲁氏菌后,5(1/2)月 PHA 皮肤反应加强,8个月减弱,10(1/2)月恢复正常。ConA 皮肤反应在感染后8个月仍明显高于健康对照。②PHA 及 ConA 皮肤反应和 E-RFC 及 IgG-FC 受体阳性 T 淋巴细胞有关。③皮肤反应和淋巴细胞转化有一定的平行关系。④PHA 及 ConA 同时皮内注入,引起相互干扰。  相似文献   

本文报道了三例急性期布鲁氏菌病引起的皮下结缔组织、淋巴及滑囊组织炎性病理改变,并认为这些改变是布鲁氏菌侵入人体后变态反应所造成的。  相似文献   

The ranges of spinal movement in 390 healthy children aged from10 to 15 years have been recorded. These measurements are intwo planes, anterior and lateral; they are quick and easy toperform and require no special equipment, just a tape measure.  相似文献   

本文通过对五省区的2354份犬血清的调查表明 皆有 B.canis 菌感染情况存在,平均感染率为7.48%.B.Canis 感染犬后可以产生不同类型抗体。与分离细菌吻合率最高的是 GyT和 RBPT.RBPT 方法简便,易判定,特异性较强,可作为犬被感染与否的筛选。  相似文献   

根据1990-1995年布氏菌病全国监测点羊,牛,猪,人的血清学阳性率资料,利用灰色模型和加权平均法,建立了两种数学预报模型,将两种预报值取算术平均进行综合后,给出了1996-1997的布病了性率预报值。  相似文献   

The lumbar-spine radiographs of 67 patients with idiopathicchondrocalcinosis articularis were reviewed for disc calcificationand other changes. Calcification was present in 21 (31%) ofthe patients, seen most frequently at the L 2–3 disc space.The 21 patients as a group were significantly older than the46 patients without disc calcification, and also had a muchhigher incidence of chondrocalcinosis in peripheral joins. Therewas no association with back pain or spinal stiffness. The 21patients with disc calcification included six patients witha destructive peripheral arthropathy, and three of them haddestructive changes affecting the lumbar spine. Three patientswith a destructive peripheral arthropathy were also includedin the group without disc calcification, and one of these hada destructive arthritis of the lumbar spine. For comparison, there was a 55% incidence of spinal chondrocalcinosisin nine patients with primary hyperparathyroidism and peripheraljoint chondrocalcinosis, and a 6% incidence in 100 anteroposteriorlumbar spine radiograph ‘controls’, taken beforeintravenous urography, although in this letter group the changeswere minimal and confined to the margin of a single disc ineach case. * Paper read at the Annual Meeting of the British Associationfor Rheumatology and Rehabilitation, London, March 1976. Sharedthe Association prize for the best short paper. *Paper read at the Annual Meeting of the British Associationfor Rheumatology and Rehabiliation, London, March 1976. Sharedthe Association prize for the best short paper. Present address: Consultant Rheumatologist, Worthing Hospital,Lyndhurst Road, Worthing, Sussex.  相似文献   

用PCR技术诊断动物布病,还未见报道。作者首次用牛种布氏菌104M株100万1只的菌量感染普通小鼠,分别在感染第5d、10d 采血,同时做血清学反应和PCR检测为阳性,同时,还检查了感染15d的豚鼠,其SAT和PCR结果均为阳性,PCR和SAT在感染的后期有很高的符合率。  相似文献   

本报告指出虽然液相补体结合试验诊断家畜布病的特异性较强,灵敏度较高,但其操作不如固相补体结合试验简便,而且耗材料量大,不利于在基层兽医部门直接应用。因此,在保持液相补体结合试验特异性强,灵敏度高的基础上,作者建立了固相补体结合试验诊断家畜布病的操作程序和判定标准。用固相和液相补体结合试验检测牛羊血清519份,其阳性检出率固相为2.3~71.4%,液相为2.3~65.3%,无显著差异(P>0.05)。两种检测方法的阳性一致率为88.6~100%,亦显示较高水平。  相似文献   

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