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Adipokines (leptin, adiponectin, and hepatocyte growth factor (HGF)) secreted from adipose tissue have come to be recognized for their contribution to the mechanisms by which obesity and related metabolic disorders influence breast cancer risk. In this review, we discuss the direct and indirect effects of these protein factors on the biological and clinical aspects of breast cancer biology, and emphasize their distinctive modes of action through endocrine-, paracrine-, and autocrine-mediated pathways. The stimulatory effects of leptin on breast cancer growth were considered to occur primarily via activation of the estrogen receptor; however, new evidence suggests that leptin may be acting on downstream cell signaling pathways in both estrogen-dependent and -independent cell types. Another secretory adipokine, HGF, may act largely not only to promote tumor cell invasion, but also to enhance tumor growth indirectly by stimulating angiogenesis. In contrast, adiponectin, an endogenous insulin sensitizer, exerts a direct growth-inhibitory effect on tumor cells by downregulating cell proliferation and upregulating apoptosis, and also inhibits tumor-related angiogenesis.  相似文献   

During the reproductive life, the human endometrium undergoes cycles of substantial remodeling including, at menstruation, a massive but delimited tissue breakdown immediately followed by scarless repair. The present review aims at summarizing the current knowledge on the endocrine and paracrine control of menstruation in the light of recent observations that undermine obsolete dogmas. Menstruation can be globally considered as a response to falling progesterone concentration. However, tissue breakdown is heterogeneous and tightly controlled in space and time by a complex network of regulators and effectors, including cytokines, chemokines, proteases and various components of an inflammatory response. Moreover, menstruation must be regarded as part of a complex and integrated mechanism of tissue remodeling including features that precede and follow tissue lysis, i.e. decidualization and immediate post-menstrual regeneration. The understanding of the regulation of menstruation is of major basic and clinical interest. Indeed, these mechanisms largely overlap with those controlling other histopathological occurrences of tissue remodeling, such as development and cancer, and inappropriate control of menstrual features is a major potential cause of two frequent endometrial pathologies (i.e. abnormal uterine bleeding and endometriosis).  相似文献   

Breast cancer incidence is increasing in all parts of the world. Although in Western countries death rates are declining, there is a need to make attempts to prevent the disease in order to reduce the trauma of diagnosis and treatment. Endocrine approaches to breast cancer prevention have been the most successful approach to cancer prevention to date. Studies with tamoxifen were initiated when it was noted that, during adjuvant treatment after surgery to prevent relapse, the incidence of new contralateral cancers was reduced by half. Four trials of >or=5 years of tamoxifen compared with placebo in women at increased risk of breast cancer were initiated in the 1980s and showed a similar reduction in breast cancer, but only in oestrogen-receptor-positive disease. Recent follow-up indicated that there is a carry-over effect of tamoxifen after the completion of treatment at 5 years so that the preventive effect at 10 years is significantly great than at 5. The selective oestrogen receptor modulator (SERM) raloxifene has also been assessed as a preventive agent in two major international randomized trials compared with placebo and shows a protective effect similar to that of tamoxifen. An American study subsequently compared tamoxifen and raloxifene in a trial of nearly 20,000 women at increased risk (the STAR trial) and demonstrated that the two agents were equally effective but that the toxicity of raloxifene was less. Adjuvant trials comparing tamoxifen and the modern potent aromatase inhibitors (anastrozole, letrozole and exemestane) indicate that they are superior to tamoxifen and reduce contralateral breast cancer by approximately 70%. This observation has led to the initiation of two trials in postmenopausal women comparing anastrozole (the IBISII trial) or exemestane (the MAP-3 trial) with placebo. Currently it is recommended that tamoxifen is used to prevent breast cancer in premenopausal women and raloxifene for postmenopausal women (it is not effective in the premenopausal group),and we await the results of the aromatase inhibitor trials.  相似文献   

Atrial fibrillation is the most common cardiac arrhythmia, and it increases in prevalence with advancing age to about 6% in people older than 65 years. The chance of developing atrial fibrillation at age 40 years or older is about 25% in men and women. This arrhythmia accounts for about one-third of all strokes, and 30% of all patients with atrial fibrillation have a family history of the disease. In 1997, Brugada et al. identified the first locus for familial atrial fibrillation on chromosome 10q22-24 in three different Spanish families. Since that time, seven further loci have been mapped and four relevant genes identified. All these genes encode potassium-channel subunits. The mechanism of action by which all four genes induce atrial fibrillation is via shortening of the action potential duration and atrial effective refractory period. The consistency of the mechanism of action beckons the development of therapy specifically targeted to prevent these molecular events. In addition to monogenic diseases, patients with structural heart disease are predisposed to atrial fibrillation by inherited DNA polymorphisms. The development of chips with hundreds of thousands of single-nucleotide polymorphisms to perform genome-wide scans will elucidate over the next few years the single-nucleotide polymorphisms that predispose to atrial fibrillation. Within the next decade, most of the genes responsible for atrial fibrillation and the single-nucleotide polymorphisms that confer predisposition will probably be identified, and therapies will be developed on the basis of individuals' genomic profiles. In this review I provide an overview of the understanding of the relevant genetic mutations that have been identified so far, and briefly discuss what implications this information might have for practice.  相似文献   

Cardiac arrhythmias are a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in many developed countries. Despite intensive investigation, the cellular mechanisms for most cardiac arrhythmias have not been clearly established. As a consequence, drug therapy for most forms of atrial and ventricular arrhythmias remains largely empirical and ineffective, leading to the increased use of nonpharmacologic treatments. Clearly, new approaches to the prevention of cardiac arrhythmias are needed. Here we review the current experimental basis for several promising antiarrhythmic strategies, with a focus on those targeted against atrial and ventricular fibrillation. Although none of these strategies is yet ready for clinical application, they provide a basis for cautious optimism that effective pharmacologic therapy for fatal cardiac rhythm disturbances could be forthcoming.  相似文献   

Lavoie JL  Sigmund CD 《Endocrinology》2003,144(6):2179-2183
Since the discovery of renin as a pressor substance in 1898, the renin-angiotensin (RAS) system has been extensively studied because it remains a prime candidate as a causative factor in the development and maintenance of hypertension. Indeed, some of the properties of the physiologically active component of the RAS, angiotensin II, include vasoconstriction, regulation of renal sodium and water absorption, and increasing thirst. Initially, its affect on blood pressure was thought to be mediated primarily through the classical endocrine pathway; that is, the generation of blood-borne angiotensin with actions in target tissues. More recently, however, it has become appreciated that a local autocrine or paracrine RAS may exist in a number of tissues, and that these may also play a significant role in regulating blood pressure. Some of the difficulties in studying tissue RAS stem from the limitations of pharmacology in not differentiating between RAS products made systemically from those synthesized locally. However, the development of transgenic animals with highly specific promoters to target the RAS to specific tissues provided important tools to dissect these systems. Thus, this minireview will discuss recent advances in understanding the relationship between endocrine and paracrine (tissue) RAS using transgenic models.  相似文献   

Excess adiposity over the pre- and postmenopausal years is linked to risk of postmenopausal breast cancer. Weight loss could potentially reduce risk amongst those with excess weight via beneficial effects on the hormonal (decreased circulating levels of oestradiol, testosterone, insulin) and secretory profiles of adipocytes (decreased production of leptin, tumour necrosis factor-alpha, interleukin 6 and increased production of adiponectin). Only modest reductions in adipose tissue are achieved and sustained with current weight loss programmes, which makes strategies to mitigate the adverse metabolic effect of adiposity a priority for cancer prevention. The adverse hormonal and secretory effects of adipose tissue are influenced substantially by acute changes in energy balance prior to changes in adiposity. Human and animal studies have shown dietary energy restriction to bring about favourable changes in circulating levels of insulin, leptin, sex hormone binding globulin, insulin-like growth factor-1, oestradiol, testosterone, reactive oxygen species, and the production and secretion of locally acting adipokines and inflammatory cytokines, that is, increased adiponectin and decreased interleukin-6. Achieving and sustaining energy restriction remains a difficult challenge. Intermittent energy restriction is a potential strategy for promoting periods of energy restriction on a long-term basis. Animal and human data suggest that intermittent energy restriction may have cancer preventative effects beyond that of chronic energy restriction and weight loss. Intermittent energy restriction may be a potential strategy for the primary prevention of breast cancer.  相似文献   

Obesity causes dysfunction of adipose tissue, with resultant chronic inflammation and adverse interplay of various adipokines, sex steroids and endocrine hormones. All these drive tumourigenesis and explain the epidemiological link between obesity and cancer. Over the past decade, the associations among obesity, adipokines and cancer have been increasingly recognized. Adipokines and their respective signalling pathways have drawn much research attention in the field of oncology and cancer therapeutics. This review will discuss the recent advances in the understanding of the association of several adipokines with common obesity‐related cancers and the clinical therapeutic implications.  相似文献   

G proteins and G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) mediate the effects of a number of hormones. Genes that encode these molecules are subject to loss-of function or gain-of-function mutations that result in endocrine disorders. Loss-of-function mutations prevent signaling in response to the corresponding agonist and cause resistance to hormone actions, which mimics hormone deficiency. Gain-of-function mutations lead to constitutive, agonist-independent activation of signaling, which mimics hormone excess. Disease-causing mutations of GPCRs have been identified in patients with various disorders of the pituitary-thyroid, pituitary-gonadal and pituitary-adrenal axes, and in those with abnormalities in food intake, growth, water balance and mineral-ion turnover. The only mutational changes in G proteins unequivocally associated with endocrine disorders occur in GNAS (guanine nucleotide-binding protein G-stimulatory subunit alpha, or G(s)alpha). Heterozygous loss-of-function mutations of GNAS in the active, maternal allele cause resistance to hormones that act through G(s)alpha-coupled GPCRs, whereas somatic gain-of-function mutations cause proliferation of endocrine cells that recognize cyclic AMP as a mitogen. The study of mutations in G proteins and GPCRs has already had major implications for understanding the molecular basis of rare endocrine diseases, as well as susceptibility to multifactorial disorders that are associated with polymorphisms in these genes.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To determine whether higher adiposity is associated with greater breast cancer risk in older postmenopausal women. DESIGN: Prospective cohort study with mean follow-up of 11.3 years. SETTING: Four U.S. clinical centers. PARTICIPANTS: Seven thousand five hundred twenty-three women (mean age 73.5) enrolled in the Study of Osteoporotic Fractures. MEASUREMENTS: Weight, height, and waist and hip circumference were measured at baseline. Body composition was determined using bioelectrical impedance. Risk factor information was obtained by interview and questionnaire. Bone mineral density was measured using dual energy x-ray absorptiometry. The outcome was incident invasive breast cancer, confirmed using medical records. RESULTS: After adjustment for multiple risk factors, including bone density, women in the uppermost quartiles of weight, weight gain since age 25, body mass index, waist circumference, and percentage of body fat had higher breast cancer rates than women in the first quartiles of each measure. For example, breast cancer rates were 49% higher for women in the uppermost quartile of weight (hazard ratio (HR)=1.49, 95% confidence interval (CI)=1.05-2.10), 64% higher for women in the top quartile of weight gain since age 25 (HR=1.64, 95% CI=1.15-2.34), and 58% higher for women in the top quartile of percentage of body fat (HR=1.58, 95% CI=1.11-2.23) than for women in the lowest quartile of each measure. The associations between adiposity measures and breast cancer rates were not altered when the analyses were limited to very elderly women (> or = 70). CONCLUSION: Higher adiposity is an independent risk factor for breast cancer in elderly women.  相似文献   

Cholestasis is a common complication in patients with extrahepatic bacterial infection and sepsis. This article gives a comprehensive overview of the molecular and cellular mechanisms of sepsis-associated cholestasis. Recent advances in the understanding of intrahepatic cholestasis have allowed us to delineate the molecular mechanisms that underlie sepsis-associated cholestasis and to describe their potential clinical and therapeutic applications. The mechanisms and clinical presentation of sepsis-associated liver injury vary according to the severity of the bacterial infection. Proinflammatory cytokines and nitric oxide cause cholestasis by impairing hepatocellular and ductal bile formation. Ischemic liver injury and, rarely, progressive sclerosing cholangitis can also be found in patients with septic shock, or major trauma with systemic inflammatory response syndrome. Treatment is mainly focused on eradication of the underlying infection and managing the sepsis. The use of ursodeoxycholic acid or extracorporeal liver support as treatments for sepsis-associated cholestasis is under investigation, but neither can be recommended in routine clinical practice at present. Patients with progressive sclerosing cholangitis should be considered for orthotopic liver transplantation.  相似文献   

Prostaglandins (PG) E2, PGF2alpha and thromboxane (TX) mediate uterine contractility by targeting prostonoid EP, FP and TP receptors respectively. The aim of this study was to elucidate the function of these receptors in isolated human myometrium taken at term gestation prior to and following labour onset. Lower segment myometrial strips were immersed in organ baths in oxygenated Krebs' solution at 37 degrees C and connected to isometric force transducers. After equilibration, spontaneous activity and concentration responses to PGE2, PGF2alpha and U46619 (a stable TX mimetic) were measured as area under the curve and expressed as a percentage of the final contraction induced by hypotonic shock. Results were expressed as arithmetic means+/-s.e.m. and analysed using two-way ANOVA with Bonferroni's post hoc test. Myometrium excised at late gestation displayed the greatest spontaneous activity compared with the tissues taken during labour (P<0.001). Excitation evoked by PGF2alpha (P<0.01) and PGE2 at 10(-5) mol/l were attenuated after labour onset. U46619 consistently stimulated concentration-dependent contractions (P<0.001) and selective antagonists confirmed TP-mediated effects. The maintained responses to TX indicate crucial roles for TP receptors in the muscular tonus of the parturient uterus. This receptor and its secondary messenger system represent effective myometrial targets for tocolytic agents in both pregnancy and labour-associated disorders.  相似文献   

Whenever radiation therapy is given with curative intent there is the risk of serious damage to normal tissue. This risk increases with the dose of radiation, as does the probability of local tumour control. In the attempt to cure, the doses reach a level that inevitably causes some undesirable adverse effects, ranging from undetectable, or minimal, to unacceptably severe. Over the last few years, a number of reports have suggested that the prediction of normal tissue response after radiotherapy may be achieved by assays on samples withdrawn from the patients prior to treatment, although recent reports have described mixed results. The ability to predict tumour response to anti-hormones in patients with breast cancer has important implications with regard to treatment. Recent discoveries promise to provide individualized treatment options. However, there are no data to support that, used jointly, the combination of radiotherapy and hormone therapy may achieve an enhancement of breast cancer tumour response. Nowadays, development in cancer therapy is increasingly arising out of studies in basic science; its implementation in the hands of clinicians is improving the management of patients with cancer. In addition, as the biological aspects of irradiation and hormonal therapy offer an explanation, at least in part, for the outcome observed in patients with breast cancer after therapy, we have focused this review on trying to analyse the most relevant experimental research about the relative roles of radiotherapy and hormonal therapy, the corresponding side-effects and, taking into account recent advances, future areas of research that we consider of major importance in the field.  相似文献   

Adjuvant radiotherapy and adjuvant endocrine therapy are commonly given to patients with invasive breast cancer or with ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS). Although both therapies have been well established through a number of randomized studies, little is known about a possible interaction of both treatment modalities if they are given simultaneously. A number of in vitro studies have indicated that tamoxifen treatment might reduce the intrinsic radiosensitivity of MCF-7 breast cancer cells. Conversely, estradiol treatment increases the intrinsic radiosensitivity of MCF-7 cells. In one available animal study, an antagonistic effect of tamoxifen and ionizing radiation (XRT) could not be observed. Retrospective analyses of randomized clinical studies have not indicated an antagonistic effect of tamoxifen on the effectiveness of XRT, since local control has been consistently higher when XRT was combined with tamoxifen, compared with treatment with XRT alone, regardless of whether tamoxifen was started simultaneously with radiotherapy or after completion of radiotherapy. Currently there are no clinical data available that would suggest an adverse effect of adjuvant tamoxifen treatment started prior to or simultaneously with radiotherapy in breast cancer or DCIS. However, since an antagonistic effect of tamoxifen and simultaneous chemotherapy has been reported recently, the issue of simultaneous versus sequential radiation and tamoxifen treatment in breast cancer should be addressed in further studies.  相似文献   

Protection of the spermatogenic cells from the host immune response is fundamental to male fertility. Significantly, this protection extends to the tolerance of foreign tissue grafts placed within the testicular environment, a phenomenon that is called ‘immune privilege’. This privilege of the testis appears to involve several levels of immune control, encompassing the normal mechanisms of immune tolerance, antigen sequestration behind the blood–testis barrier, reduced immune activation, localised immunosuppression and antigen-specific immunoregulation. Central to these regulatory processes are the somatic cells of the testis, particularly the Sertoli cells, and testicular secretions, including androgens, cytokines, peptides and bioactive lipids. Failure of these protective mechanisms, which may be precipitated by trauma, inflammation or infection, or as the consequence of genetic factors, can lead to androgen deficiency, infertility and autoimmunity.  相似文献   

Formestane, a new selective aromatase inhibitor devoid of severe side-effects, has been shown to be active in patients with advanced breast cancer. To investigate the clinical activity and endocrinological effects of formestane as a first-line treatment, 52 patients were administered two different doses: 24 received 250 mg formestane and 28 received 500 mg formestane i.m. fortnightly. All of the patients had a performance status of 2 or less (ECOG scale), 34 (65%) had a disease-free interval of at least 2 years and 21 (40%) were both oestrogen-receptor- and progesterone-receptor-positive; 20 patients received hormone and 13 received chemotherapeutical adjuvant treatment. Objective responses were obtained in 8 patients in the 250-mg group (33%; 95% CI: 14%–52%) and in 13 patients in the 500-mg group (46%;, 95% CI.: 28%–64%). The median response duration in the two groups was respectively 11 and 12 months. E2 serum levels of oestradiol had significantly (P<0.001) decreased to more than 40% below the baseline value in both groups after 15 days of treatment, and remained unchanged thereafter. Local and systemic tolerability was satisfactory. We conclude that formestane is an effective and well-tolerated agent in previously untreated patients, and that these results should be confirmed by further studies.Abbreviation 17-OHCS 17-hydroxycorticosteroids Presented in part at the 7th European Conference on Clinical Oncology, November 1993, Jerusalem, Israel.  相似文献   

Therapeutic access in the treatment of breast cancer with the antiestrogen tamoxifen has been established by world-wide clinical trials since the drug was introduced by Cole et al, in 1971. In recent years, however, a new series of antiestrogens (the derivatives of tamoxifen) such as trioxifene, toremifene and droloxifene have been studied with regard to clinical efficacy as a first-line treatment for postmenopausal patients with breast cancer and occasionally even for patients who previously responded to tamoxifen and then relapsed. Luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH) agonists are now available for premenopausal patients that will produce a medical castration, when given continuously, by down-regulation of the pituitary LHRH receptors. Four compounds, leuprolide, buserelin, tryptorelin and goserelin have been available for clinical use, but goserelin (Zoladex) is now widely used by long-acting depot preparations, which are given subcutaneously once every 4 weeks. Another series of drugs which inhibit estrogen synthesis in postmenopausal patients and are termed "aromatase inhibitors" have been developed. The pure aromatase inhibitors newly developed include two types of both a steroidal compound (4-hydroxyandrostenedione) and a non-steroidal one which is a tetrahydroimidazopyrimidine derivative (CGS 16949A). This review describes the pharmacological and clinical aspects of these new agents.  相似文献   

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