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Vascular cell senescence and vascular aging   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Vascular cells have a finite lifespan when cultured in vitro and eventually enter an irreversible growth arrest called "cellular senescence". A number of genetic animal models carrying targeted disruption of the genes that confer the protection against senescence in vitro have been reported to exhibit the phenotypes of premature aging. Similar mutations have been found in the patients with premature aging syndromes. Many of the changes in senescent vascular cell behavior are consistent with the changes seen in age-related vascular diseases. We have demonstrated the presence of senescent vascular cells in human atherosclerotic lesions but not in non-atherosclerotic lesions. Moreover, these cells express increased levels of pro-inflammatory molecules and decreased levels of endothelial nitric oxide synthase, suggesting that cellular senescence in vivo contributes to the pathogenesis of human atherosclerosis. One widely discussed hypothesis of senescence is the telomere hypothesis. An increasing body of evidence has established the critical role of the telomere in vascular cell senescence. Another line of evidence suggests that telomere-independent mechanisms are also involved in vascular cell senescence. Activation of Ras, an important signaling molecule involved in atherogenic stimuli, induces vascular cell senescence and thereby promotes vascular inflammation in vitro and in vivo. It is possible that mitogenic-signaling pathways induce telomere-dependent and telomere-independent senescence, which results in vascular dysfunction. Further understanding of the mechanism underlying cellular senescence will provide insights into the potential of antisenescence therapy for vascular aging.  相似文献   

With each cell division, telomeres progressively shorten until they reach a critical length, at which point the cells enter cellular senescence. Microglia, a non-neuronal cell type residing within the central nervous system (CNS), play vital roles in maintaining neuronal function, health, and survival in both the normal and pathological CNS. A recent article described an increased incidence of microglial cytoplasmic structural abnormalities (i.e., swelling, twisted and shortened processes, and fragmentation) and dystrophy occurring in the cerebral cortex of human brains with age. These results suggest that microglial dystrophy may be a result of, or contribute to, their senescence, which in turn may impair their neuron-sustaining functions and ultimately lead to neuronal cell death.  相似文献   

Werner syndrome and Bloom syndrome result from defects in the RecQ helicases Werner (WRN) and Bloom (BLM), respectively, and display premature aging phenotypes. Similarly, XFE progeroid syndrome results from defects in the ERCC1-XPF DNA repair endonuclease. To gain insight into the origin of cellular senescence and human aging, we analyzed the dependence of sister chromatid exchange (SCE) frequencies on location [i.e., genomic (G-SCE) vs. telomeric (T-SCE) DNA] in primary human fibroblasts deficient in WRN, BLM, or ERCC1-XPF. Consistent with our other studies, we found evidence of elevated T-SCE in telomerase-negative but not telomerase-positive backgrounds. In telomerase-negative WRN-deficient cells, T-SCE—but not G-SCE—frequencies were significantly increased compared with controls. In contrast, SCE frequencies were significantly elevated in BLM-deficient cells irrespective of genome location. In ERCC1-XPF-deficient cells, neither T- nor G-SCE frequencies differed from controls. A theoretical model was developed that allowed an in silico investigation into the cellular consequences of increased T-SCE frequency. The model predicts that in cells with increased T-SCE, the onset of replicative senescence is dramatically accelerated even though the average rate of telomere loss has not changed. Premature cellular senescence may act as a powerful tumor-suppressor mechanism in telomerase-deficient cells with mutations that cause T-SCE levels to rise. Furthermore, T-SCE-driven premature cellular senescence may be a factor contributing to accelerated aging in Werner and Bloom syndromes, but not XFE progeroid syndrome.  相似文献   

A major feature of aging is a reduction in muscle strength from sarcopenia, the loss of muscle mass. Sarcopenia impairs physical ability, reduces quality of life and increases the risk of fall and injury. Since aging is a process of stochastic decline, there may be many factors that impinge on the progression of sarcopenia. Possible factors that may promote muscle decline are contraction-related injury and oxidative stress. However, relatively little is understood about the cellular pathways affecting muscle aging, in part because lifespan studies are difficult to conduct in species with large muscles, such as rodents and primates. For this reason, shorter-lived invertebrate models of aging may be more useful for unraveling causes of sarcopenia and functional declines during aging. Recent studies have examined both physiological and genetic factors that affect aging-related declines in Caenorhabditis elegans nematodes. In C. elegans, aging leads to significant functional declines that correlate with muscle deterioration, similar to those documented for longer-lived vertebrates. This article will examine the current research into aging-related functional declines in this species, focusing on recent studies of locomotory and feeding decline during aging in the nematode, C. elegans.  相似文献   

The aging process depends on genetic stability, metabolic control, and resistance to stress; longevity in particular seems related to resistance to stress. Responses to stress anticipate adaptation to an unacceptable disparity between real or imagined personal experience and expectation, including adaptive stress, anxiety, and depression. However, if stress persists, it may lead to chronic diseases, ranging from inflammation and cancer to degenerative diseases. For some time, only remarkable stress was acknowledged to induce immune and vascular alterations, such as infection or hypertension. Now it is known that moderate stress independent of conventional risk factors can induce a potent alteration of health conditions and consequently shorten life quality and lifespan. Inflammation is a critical defense mechanism, that, uncontrolled, contributes to chronic conditions with inflammatory pathogenesis. Stressful life conditions turn out to induce a diffuse (systemic) pro-inflammatory status. Subclinical chronic inflammation is an important pathogenic factor in the development of metabolic syndrome, a cluster of common pathologies, including cardiovascular disease. Markers include mediators associated with endothelial activation and dysfunction. This work reports the in vitro and in vivo effects of the monoterpene AISA 5203-L on human vascular endothelial cells in reversing replicative senescence in preventing and alleviating nonpathological stress, as assessed by a functional observational battery (FOB) of 44 tests, addressing behavioral, neurological, and physiological criteria.  相似文献   

Roles of FGF signaling in stem cell self-renewal, senescence and aging   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Coutu DL  Galipeau J 《Aging》2011,3(10):920-933
The aging process decreases tissue function and regenerative capacity, which has been associated with cellular senescence and a decline in adult or somatic stem cell numbers and self-renewal within multiple tissues. The potential therapeutic application of stem cells to reduce the burden of aging and stimulate tissue regeneration after trauma is very promising. Much research is currently ongoing to identify the factors and molecular mediators of stem cell self-renewal to reach these goals. Over the last two decades, fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) and their receptors (FGFRs) have stood up as major players in both embryonic development and tissue repair. Moreover, many studies point to somatic stem cells as major targets of FGF signaling in both tissue homeostasis and repair. FGFs appear to promote self-renewing proliferation and inhibit cellular senescence in nearly all tissues tested to date. Here we review the role of FGFs and FGFRs in stem cell self-renewal, cellular senescence, and aging.  相似文献   

Epidemiological studies have shown that age is the chief risk factor for atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases, but the molecular mechanisms that underlie the increase in risk conferred by aging remain unclear. Evidence suggests that the cardiovascular repair system is impaired with advancing age, thereby inducing age-associated cardiovascular dysfunction. Such impairment could be attributable to senescence of cardiovascular tissues at the cellular level as a result of telomere shortening, DNA damage, and genomic instability. In fact, the replicative ability of cardiovascular cells, particularly stem cells and/or progenitor cells, has been shown to decline with age. Recently, considerable progress has been made in understanding the pathogenesis of human progeroid syndromes that feature cardiovascular aging. Most of the genes responsible have a role in DNA metabolism, and mutated forms of these genes result in alterations of the response to DNA damage and in decreased cell proliferation, which might be common features of a phenotype of aging. Here we review the cardiovascular research on cellular senescence, stem cell aging, and progeroid syndromes and discuss the potential role of cellular senescence in the mechanisms underlying both normal aging and premature aging syndromes.  相似文献   

Normal human cells cease proliferation after a finite number of population doublings, a phenomenon termed replicative senescence. This process, first convincingly described by Hayflick and Moorhead [Hayflick, L. & Moorhead, P. S. (1961) Exp. Cell Res. 25, 595-621] for cultured human fibroblasts 40 years ago, is suggested to be a fundamental defense against cancer. Several events have been demonstrated to induce the senescent phenotype including telomere shortening, DNA damage, oxidative stress, and oncogenic stimulation. The molecular mechanisms underlying senescence are poorly understood. Here we report that a 1-week exposure to oligonucleotide homologous to the telomere 3'-overhang sequence TTAGGG (T-oligo) similarly specifically induces a senescent phenotype in cultured human fibroblasts, mimicking serial passage or ectopic expression of a dominant negative form of the telomeric repeat binding factor, TRF2(DN). We propose that exposure of the 3' overhang due to telomere loop disruption may occur with critical telomere shortening or extensive acute DNA damage and that the exposed TTAGGG tandem repeat sequence then triggers DNA-damage responses. We further demonstrate that these responses can be induced by treatment with oligonucleotides homologous to the overhang in the absence of telomere disruption, a phenomenon of potential therapeutic importance.  相似文献   

Cellular senescence and tissue aging in vivo   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A long-standing controversy concerns the relevance of cellular senescence, defined and observed as a cell culture phenomenon, to tissue aging in vivo. Here the evidence on this topic is reviewed. The main conclusions are as follows. First, telomere shortening, the principal known mediator of cellular senescence, occurs in many human tissues in aging. Second, it is not clear whether this results in cellular senescence or in some other cell fate (e.g., crisis). Third, rodents probably are not appropriate experimental models for these questions, because of important differences in telomere biology between rodent cells and cells from long-lived mammals (e.g., human or bovine cells). Fourth, better and more comprehensive observations on aging human tissues are needed to answer the question of the occurrence of senescent cells in tissues, and new experimental approaches are needed to elucidate the consequences of telomere shortening in tissues in aging.  相似文献   

On aging, senescence, and senility   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

CD28−, CD57+ and KLRG1+ are cell surface markers that have been used to describe senescent T-lymphocytes in humans. However, the relationship among these phenotypes during aging, and their relationship with the concept of in vitro cellular aging have not been well established. Using five-colour flow cytometry, we analyzed peripheral blood T-lymphocytes for their expression of CD28, CD57 and KLRG1 in 11 young (Y) and 11 old (O) apparently healthy human subjects. The proportions of CD28− and CD57+ cells were significantly higher among the T-cell populations of O compared to Y subjects; the proportion of KLRG1+ cells was significantly higher only among CD8+ cells. Populations that were more frequent in the elderly participants were characterised as CD28+ CD57+, CD28− CD57+ or CD28− CD57−. The expression of p16 and p21, considered as markers for in vitro senescence, was higher in CD28+ CD57+ cells than in other subpopulations in both age groups. The expression of p21 was age-related, which was not the case for p16. Thus, although both p16 and p21 are involved in T-cell senescence, they appear to behave differently. CMV infection and shifts in subpopulations are unlikely as explanations of the observed differences. Their higher levels of p16 and p21 expression, coupled with their higher prevalence in the elderly participants make CD28+ CD57+ cells the subpopulation of T-cells most closely corresponding to the concept of senescent cells.  相似文献   

The incidence of chronic respiratory diseases (e.g., chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, COPD) and interstitial lung diseases (e.g., pneumonia and lung fibrosis) increases with age. In addition to immune senescence, the accumulation of senescent cells directly in lung tissue might play a critical role in the increased prevalence of these pulmonary diseases. In the last couple of years, detailed studies have identified the presence of senescent cells in the aging lung and in diseased lungs of patients with COPD and lung fibrosis. Cellular senescence has been shown for epithelial cells of bronchi and alveoli as well as mesenchymal and vascular cells. Known risk factors for pulmonary diseases (cigarette smoke, air pollutions, bacterial infections, etc.) were identified in experimental studies as being possible mediators in the development of cellular senescence. The present findings indicate the importance of cellular senescence in normal lung aging and in premature aging of the lung in patients with COPD, lung fibrosis, and probably other respiratory diseases.  相似文献   

Soluble proteins can undergo spontaneous structural and conformational alterations that lead to their stable aggregation into amyloid fibrils. Amyloidogenic proteins have been implicated in several types of age-related pathologic changes. For example, transthyretin amyloid accumulation in the heart can lead to cardiac failure, while β-amyloid deposition within the microvasculature and gray matter of the brain is linked to cerebral hemorrhage and neuronal death. Over the course of evolution, protein structures have developed that largely resist such aggregation. Spontaneous chemical modifications correlated with the normal aging process, however, including the deamidation, isomerization, and racemization of asparaginyl and aspartyl residues, as well as the oxidation and glycation of various amino acid residues, may contribute to amyloid formation by altering protein structure. In fact, a recent chemical analysis of neuritic plaque and vascular β-amyloid deposits from the brains of Alzheimer's disease victims has revealed that the majority of the aspartyl residues in β-amyloid are in the isomerized and/or racemized configuration. Although enzymes exist that can reverse at least part of this damage for intracellular proteins, the accumulation of extracellular proteins containing altered residues might contribute to the deterioration of heart, brain, and other tissues that occurs with aging and disease.  相似文献   

Cellular senescence is a stable proliferation arrest associated with an altered secretory pathway, the senescence-associated secretory phenotype. However, cellular senescence is initiated by diverse molecular triggers, such as activated oncogenes and shortened telomeres, and is associated with varied and complex physiological endpoints, such as tumor suppression and tissue aging. The extent to which distinct triggers activate divergent modes of senescence that might be associated with different physiological endpoints is largely unknown. To begin to address this, we performed gene expression profiling to compare the senescence programs associated with two different modes of senescence, oncogene-induced senescence (OIS) and replicative senescence (RS [in part caused by shortened telomeres]). While both OIS and RS are associated with many common changes in gene expression compared to control proliferating cells, they also exhibit substantial differences. These results are discussed in light of potential physiological consequences, tumor suppression and aging.  相似文献   

Mammalian cells can respond to damage or stress by entering a state of arrested growth and altered function termed cellular senescence. Several lines of evidence suggest that the senescence response suppresses tumorigenesis. Cellular senescence is also thought to contribute to aging, but the mechanism is not well understood. We show that senescent human fibroblasts stimulate premalignant and malignant, but not normal, epithelial cells to proliferate in culture and form tumors in mice. In culture, the growth stimulation was evident when senescent cells comprised only 10% of the fibroblast population and was equally robust whether senescence was induced by replicative exhaustion, oncogenic RAS, p14(ARF), or hydrogen peroxide. Moreover, it was due at least in part to soluble and insoluble factors secreted by senescent cells. In mice, senescent, much more than presenescent, fibroblasts caused premalignant and malignant epithelial cells to form tumors. Our findings suggest that, although cellular senescence suppresses tumorigenesis early in life, it may promote cancer in aged organisms, suggesting it is an example of evolutionary antagonistic pleiotropy.  相似文献   

Ink4a/Arf links senescence and aging   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The mammalian INK4a/ARF locus encodes two linked tumor suppressor proteins, p16INK4a and ARF, which respectively regulate the retinoblastoma (RB) and p53 pathways. Genetic data have firmly established that both proteins possess significant in vivo tumor suppressor activity. In addition to their non-overlapping roles in preventing cancer, one or both proteins are induced under certain circumstances in most cultured murine and human cell types, and thereby are critical effectors of senescence. Likewise, data from murine models have suggested that this anti-cancer growth inhibitory activity of the locus can similarly affect permanent growth arrest in vivo. When such in vivo senescence occurs in a cell possessing self-renewal potential (e.g. a tissue stem cell), there is an attendant decline in the regenerative capabilities of the organ maintained by that stem cell. In turn, the concomitant decline of this stem cell reserve is a cardinal feature of mammalian aging. Expression of the INK4a/ARF locus, therefore, appears not only to be a major suppressor of cancer, but also an effector of mammalian aging.  相似文献   

An overwhelming array of policies and programs can be used to help older people (and future older people) maintain healthy lifestyles. How can clinicians help ensure that their patients take advantage of these opportunities? How can these broad-scope policies, educational and information initiatives, and direct service programs be turned into tools to help older people maximize health and independence? First, physicians do not need to do it all themselves. They need to know where to send their patients. For example, case managers in local aging service organizations and social workers, nurses, and discharge planners in hospitals can help connect elderly patients to appropriate benefits and services. Physicians play a critical role in creating a bridge between patients and the array of programs and information that can help them change their individual patterns of behavior. A serious lack of integration exists between what is known about healthy behaviors and lifestyles and what is really happening and available to older people today. From the earlier articles in this issue we know that much can be done to prevent many types of age-related disease and disability. This article provides examples of mechanisms that can be used to broadly disseminate knowledge about effective behavior and treatment changes and create mechanisms to turn this knowledge into real and widespread client-level, practice-level, health system, and community-wide interventions. Second, physicians need to understand that they are not merely subject to these policies and initiatives. They can help formulate and shape them. This political involvement includes active participation in policy initiatives of professional associations, involvement in research and demonstration activities, keeping informed about policy proposals at the federal and state levels, and helping advance ideas for improving health behaviors by speaking up and working toward change. These changes go beyond health initiatives to involve improving housing, nutrition, transportation, and other arenas that play a role in the health of communities and cities. According to the IOM, the most successful interventions are aimed at families, neighborhoods and communities. Interventions are also most likely to be successful when legislative, media, and marketing efforts support them [50]. These broader policies may actually have the most potential impact in terms of developing sustainable lifestyle changes that reach all Americans, especially those with the greatest health needs. Within the aging population, those with greatest health needs include members of minority groups, recent immigrants, and the old-old. These groups are often overlooked when designing and implementing health promotion programs. It is important, however, to remember, for patients and for ourselves, you are never too old to benefit from prevention.  相似文献   

Community resources are necessary for the health and well-being of older people. They can be organized with respect to the primary characteristic of successful aging they promote. Resources for avoiding disease and related disability include wellness programs, home health care, and mental health services. Resources that help older people sustain high functioning include senior centers, adult day care, and senior housing. Finally, active engagement with life is facilitated through employment services, learning experiences, and volunteer programs. Community resources for baby boomers in late life may differ from those available for today's elders. They will be no less important for successful aging, however.  相似文献   

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