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在纵隔肿瘤中,比较常见的有胸腺瘤、神经源性肿瘤、淋巴瘤、生殖细胞性肿瘤等。纵隔肿瘤的临床表现依肿瘤大小、部位及良恶性的不同而异。儿童纵隔肿瘤在临床并不少见,但早期症状不典型,缺乏特异性,一般随瘤体增大才出现一些胸痛、呼吸困难、咳嗽等症状,所以早期诊断较困难,易误诊漏诊。笔者选取2例缺乏特异性临床症状的儿童纵隔占位,通过其18F-FDG PET/CT影像学特征及临床资料进行鉴别诊断,归纳总结诊断思路,以提高影像诊断准确率。  相似文献   

The diagnosis of acute, non-traumatic diseases of the lower respiratory tract requires exact knowledge of the specific anatomy, physiology and pathology of the pediatric chest. The absolutely and relatively smaller airways, as compared with those of adults, and the undeveloped collateral ventilation result in radiological appearances that are unique in children. Viral pneumonia is predominant only in small children up to an age of 2 years. With increasing age, there is a higher incidence of bacterial pneumonia. The differentiation of viral and bacterial etiology of a pneumonia is not possible on the basis of chest radiographs. In acute pediatric imaging, possible aspiration of foreign bodies has to be considered. Since most foreign bodies cannot be detected radiographically, indirect features such as hyperinflation or mediastinal shifts have to be evaluated. Primary lung tumors are rare in children. More common are metastases with known primary tumors. Neuroblastoma or lymphomas may mimic intrapulmonary pathologies.  相似文献   

目的 探讨儿童胸壁病变的临床及影像表现特点,提高对胸壁病变的诊断水平。方法 收集我院2009年10月-2018年6月经手术及病理证实的50例胸壁病变患儿,包括感染组(4例)和非感染组(46例),非感染组进一步分为良性肿瘤组(41例)和恶性肿瘤组(5例)。50例患儿均行超声、CT或MRI检查。对所有病例的临床及影像表现进行回顾性分析。结果 3组病例的临床及影像表现各有不同。①临床表现:感染组病人全部出现发热、胸痛、病灶局部红肿热的临床表现,且病变均质软;良性肿瘤组中质软出现率为90.2%(37/41);恶性肿瘤组全部病变均质韧。3组病变移动性均差。感染组及恶性肿瘤组全部病例均有局部压痛,而良性肿瘤组压痛的发生率仅为7.3%(3/41)。②影像表现:良性肿瘤组中,75.6%(31/41)病变显示内部均匀,65.9%(27/41)边缘清晰;而感染组及恶性肿瘤组病灶内部不均匀,边缘模糊。良性肿瘤组中仅9.8%(4/41)病灶可见钙化,2.4%(1/41)病灶有出血,19.5%(8/41)病灶内部出现囊腔影,14.6%(6/41)病例可见肋骨破坏;恶性肿瘤组全部侵犯入胸腔并破坏肋骨;感染组均无肋骨破坏。感染组与恶性肿瘤组病变均呈明显强化,而良性肿瘤组中80.5%(33/41)表现为无/轻度强化。结论 不同性质胸壁病变临床特点各异,结合临床和影像特征可更好地诊断胸壁病变。  相似文献   

Chronic airspace diseases are commonly encountered by chest, body or general radiologists in everyday practice. Even though there is significant overlap in the imaging findings of different causes of chronic airspace disease, some key clinical, laboratory and imaging findings can be used to guide the radiologist to the correct diagnosis. The goal of this article is to review and compare these features.  相似文献   

Myofibroblastic inflammatory tumor is a controversial entity that shows great variability in clinical presentation, histological findings, evolution, and prognosis. It is a rare cause of primary lung tumor in adults; however, it is the most common cause of lung tumors in children. The diagnosis is fundamentally histological, although histological diagnosis is not easy because myofibroblastic inflammatory tumor is characterized by a polymorphic cellular infiltration of variable cellular composition that could be similar to other diseases such as lymphoma or low-grade sarcoma. We report the case of a 23-year-old woman in whom a solitary pulmonary nodule was discovered incidentally at plain-film chest x-ray.  相似文献   

Acute pericardial emergencies may present with acute chest pain. Although complete diagnosis and physiological effects of acute pericardial disease may require a combination of different imaging, CT plays a critical role in identifying the cause of chest pain in the ED. Many of these pericardial diseases can be fatal unless emergent treatment is obtained. The presentation can often be non-specific and symptoms can be overlapping with other diseases originating in the thorax or abdomen. Optimizing the CT scan is imperative when acute pericardial disease is suspected from clinical examination or preliminary imaging. The interpreting radiologist needs to be aware of the different entities which represent acute pericardial emergencies requiring urgent therapeutic intervention. Time is the essence, the clock is ticking, and every minute counts!  相似文献   

Diagnostic imaging of mediastinal masses in children.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Mediastinal masses are the most common thoracic masses in children. The encyclopedic list of diagnostic considerations can be distilled into a concise and practical differential diagnosis based on the location of the mass and the established prevalence of various tumors and pseudotumors in the mediastinal compartments. Malignant lymphoma, benign thymic enlargement, teratomas, foregut cysts, and neurogenic tumors make up 80% of mediastinal masses in children. Continuing advances in imaging technology have altered traditional approaches to the evaluation and diagnosis of mediastinal masses in children. Plain chest radiography remains the basic imaging examination to define location and morphology. Cross-sectional imaging subsequently clarifies the morphology and extent of the mass. In general, CT is the primary cross-sectional imaging procedure in the evaluation of most mediastinal masses in children. Exceptions to this rule include MR in children with posterior mediastinal masses or suspected vascular lesions: in such cases, MR imaging is the preferred initial postradiographic examination. Sonographic examination may be diagnostic in foregut cysts and some other mediastinal masses. Gallium-67 scintigraphy has an emerging role in management of malignant lymphoma.  相似文献   

艾滋病并发卡氏肺孢子虫肺炎的X线和CT诊断   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
目的 :探讨艾滋病 (AIDS)并发卡氏肺孢子虫肺炎 (PCP)的胸部X线和CT表现。材料和方法 :对 6例经证实的艾滋病并发卡氏肺孢子虫肺炎患者的胸部X线照片 ( 6例 )和CT扫描 ( 2例 )进行回顾性分析。结果 :典型表现为双侧肺门周围以及中、下肺野弥漫性网状阴影 ,部分渗出性病变可以相互融合 ,呈斑片样或磨玻璃样改变。少见表现有肺囊性改变、肺实变、肺门淋巴结增大、胸腔积液及气胸等。结论 :艾滋病并发卡氏肺孢子虫肺炎的特异性诊断是找到病原体 ,但是HIV抗体检测阳性者出现典型胸部影像表现结合临床症状 ,并排除其他免疫低下所致的细菌性感染或肿瘤 ,复方新诺明治疗有效 ,诊断AIDS并PCP可以成立。  相似文献   

胸壁病变的计算机X线摄影和CT检查   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:探讨胸壁病变的计算机X线摄影(CR)和CT表现及其诊断价值,提高对胸壁病变的认识。材料和方法:回顾分析经手术病理、穿刺细胞学检查或临床随访资料证实的39例CR和CT资料。结果:感染组12例中(包括化脓性感染4例,胸壁结核8例),CR准确诊断4例,CT诊断11例;软组织肿瘤组16例中(包括脂肪瘤7例,纤维肉瘤4例,血管瘤、神经纤维瘤、恶性纤维组织细胞瘤、侵袭性纤维瘤病和脂肪肉瘤各1例),CR准确诊断3例,CT诊断14例;骨肿瘤和肿瘤样病变组11例中(包括骨纤维异常增殖症7例,软骨瘤2例,多发性骨髓瘤和骨嗜酸性肉芽肿各1例),CR准确诊断8例,CT诊断10例。结论:CR简便,能诊断大多数胸壁骨性病变。CT对各种胸壁病变尤其是软组织病变的诊断较CR明显优越,对鉴别胸壁肿瘤的良恶性有肯定作用,但仍有一定限制。  相似文献   

The external ear is accessible to direct examination; the clinical history and otoscopy are sufficient to diagnose and treat most diseases of the external ear. We aim to describe the normal anatomy of the external ear, specify the indications for imaging tests, and review the clinical and radiological manifestations of the most common diseases affecting the external ear. We classify these diseases according to their origin into congenital, inflammatory, infectious, or traumatic disease or benign bone tumors or malignant tumors.Imaging does not play an important role in diseases of the external ear, but in certain clinical scenarios it can be crucial for reaching a concrete diagnosis and establishing the best treatment. Computed tomography is the first-choice technique for most diseases. Magnetic resonance imaging complements computed tomography and makes it possible to differentiate among different tissue types and to evaluate the extension of disease accurately.  相似文献   

Brain tumor is a distinct pathological entity that differs from other diseases, including cerebrovascular, demyelinating, inflammatory, infectious, and various miscellaneous diseases. Insidious onset and gradual progression of signs and symptoms are common in patients with brain tumors, whereas the onset of cerebrovascular diseases is usually acute or sudden. Patients with demyelinating, inflammatory, or infectious diseases show subacute onset. Differentiation of brain tumors from other disorders is usually possible from the clinically and radiologically characteristic features. However, in some diseases other than brain tumors, an atypical clinical course and/or radiological findings may suggest or simulate those of brain tumors. The diagnosis of brain tumor is confirmed histopathologically, and appropriate therapies are given to the patient based on the histopathological type and grade of the tumor. In order to obtain a specimen for histopathological examination, surgical intervention is required. Other diseases are usually diagnosed clinically and radiologically. Invasive procedures should be avoided in making a diagnosis. Therefore, differentiation of brain tumors from other diseases is a critical issue for neuroimaging. Detailed inspection of images is necessary, and characteristic findings, and additional imaging methods, such as diffusion-weighted imaging, are often helpful for the differential diagnosis. We assess the imaging findings of diseases simulating brain tumors and review the literature.  相似文献   

肺胸疾病影像学误诊的教训和对策(附100例分析)   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
目的 总结肺胸疾病影像学误诊的原因和经验教训 ,以期提高对疑难疾病和罕见疾病的鉴别诊断能力 ,以减少误诊。方法 收集手术 (活检 )病理或临床确诊的X线、CT、MRI和介入活检曾误诊的肺胸疾病 10 0例 ,回顾性分析其误诊原因。结果 肺胸疾病影像学总误诊率为 15 .6%。 (1)误诊病种 :肺癌最多见 ,其次是肺结核球 ,炎性假瘤 ,良性肿瘤或囊肿 ,少见病有肺肉瘤、肺淀粉样变、高位肺段隔离症及横膈病变等。 (2 )误诊的主客观原因有四种 :①观察分析欠准确有 18例 ;②病灶形态不典型或属罕少见疾病共 2 7例 ;③没有及时运用CT增强扫描等较新技术致误诊 3 0例 ;④诊断思维上的孤立片面性为主因 2 5例。结论 从以下四个方面来努力降低误诊率 ,提高正确诊断率 :(1)坚持以传统X线照片和透视为基础 ,同时注意应用能进一步揭示病变本质的其他手段如CT等。 (2 )认真磨练基本功 ,不断积累病例诊断正反两方面的经验 ,提高发现病变和分析鉴别诊断的能力。 (3 )坚持影像密切结合临床资料的综合诊断方法 ,注意形态与功能的联系。 (4 )对未能作出确诊或鉴别的病例 ,应明确建议选用进一步的检查方案  相似文献   

Brain tumor is a distinct pathological entity that differs from other diseases, including cerebrovascular, demyelinating, inflammatory, infectious, and various miscellaneous diseases. Insidious onset and gradual progression of signs and symptoms are common in patients with brain tumors, whereas the onset of cerebrovascular diseases is usually acute or sudden. Patients with demyelinating, inflammatory, or infectious diseases show subacute onset. Differentiation of brain tumors from other disorders is usually possible from the clinically and radiologically characteristic features. However, in some diseases other than brain tumors, an atypical clinical course and/or radiological findings may suggest or simulate those of brain tumors. The diagnosis of brain tumor is confirmed histopathologically, and appropriate therapies are given to the patient based on the histopathological type and grade of the tumor. In order to obtain a specimen for histopathological examination, surgical intervention is required. Other diseases are usually diagnosed clinically and radiologically. Invasive procedures should be avoided in making a diagnosis. Therefore, differentiation of brain tumors from other diseases is a critical issue for neuroimaging. Detailed inspection of images is necessary, and characteristic findings, and additional imaging methods, such as diffusion-weighted imaging, are often helpful for the differential diagnosis. We assess the imaging findings of diseases simulating brain tumors and review the literature.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to provide an overview of the spectrum of pediatric chest masses, to present the results of cross-sectional imaging with CT and/or MRI, and to define diagnostic criteria to limit differential diagnosis. Seventy-eight children with thoracic mass lesions were retrospectively evaluated using CT (72 patients) and/or MR imaging (12 patients). All masses were evaluated for tissue characteristics (attenuation values or signal intensity, enhancement, and calcification) and were differentiated according to age, gender, location, and etiology. Twenty-eight of 38 (74 %) mediastinal masses were malignant (neuroblastoma, malignant lymphoma). Thirty of 38 (79 %) pulmonary masses were metastatic in origin, all with an already known primary tumor (osteosarcoma, Wilms tumor). With one exception, all remaining pulmonary lesions were benign. Seventeen of 21 (81 %) chest wall lesions were malignant (Ewing sarcoma, primitive neuroectodermal tumor). The majority of mediastinal and chest wall tumors in children is malignant. Lung lesions are usually benign, unless a known extrapulmonary tumor suggests pulmonary metastases. Cross-sectional imaging with CT and/or MRI allows narrowing of the differential diagnosis of pediatric chest masses substantially by defining the origin and tissue characteristics. Magnetic resonance imaging is preferred for posterior mediastinal lesions, whereas CT should be used for pulmonary lesions. For the residual locations both modalities are complementary. Received 7 March 1997; Revision received 9 September 1997; Accepted 14 November 1997  相似文献   

The primary retroperitoneal tumors form a rare and diverse group of neoplasms, the origin of which is independent of the various retroperitoneal organs and unrelated to systemic diseases, such as lymphomas, lymphadenopathy, or metastases. Radiologic investigation, mainly cross-sectional imaging and, to a lesser extent, angiography is essential in the diagnosis and management of these tumors. The radiologist often is challenged to identify the origin and specific tissue composition of the imaged neoplasms. When the radiologic findings are combined with patient information and clinical data, the correct diagnosis may be made in many cases. Imaging-guided percutaneous needle biopsy further enhances the diagnostic yield of the various imaging modalities by establishing the diagnosis without the need for exploration.  相似文献   

The primary retroperitoneal tumors form a rare and diverse group of neoplasms, the origin of which is independent of the various retroperitoneal organs and unrelated to systemic diseases, such as lymphomas, lymphadenopathy, or metastases. Radiologic investigation, mainly cross-sectional imaging and, to a lesser extent, angiography is essential in the diagnosis and management of these tumors. The radiologist often is challenged to identify the origin and specific tissue composition of the imaged neoplasms. When the radiologic findings are combined with patient information and clinical data, the correct diagnosis may be made in many cases. Imaging-guided percutaneous needle biopsy further enhances the diagnostic yield of the various imaging modalities by establishing the diagnosis without the need for exploration.  相似文献   

Hepatic masses constitute about 5–6% of all intra-abdominal masses in children. The majority of liver tumors in children are malignant; these malignant liver tumors constitute the third most common intra-abdominal malignancy in the pediatric age group after Wilms’ tumor and neuroblastoma. Only about one third of the liver tumors are benign. A differential diagnosis of liver tumors in children can be obtained based on the age of the child, clinical information (in particular AFP) and imaging characteristics. The purpose of this review is to report typical clinical and imaging characteristics of benign and malignant primary liver tumors in children.  相似文献   

The imaging evaluation of thoracic trauma is a central feature of the acute assessment and management of injured children. A reliable early clinical diagnosis of chest injury often is difficult. Cardiopulmonary symptoms may not be present in the first 24 hours, and there is no consistent relationship between external chest wall injury and underlying abnormalities. This is particularly evident in children, in whom increased compliance of the bony thorax allows major internal injury to occur without associated skeletal injury. Additionally, unlike the examination of injuries to the head and abdomen, which are often evaluated with computed tomography in the initial posttraumatic period, chest radiography remains the primary method for evaluation of chest injuries, although it may not demonstrate or may underestimate many abnormalities. This essay reviews the imaging appearance of common and uncommon thoracic injury in children.  相似文献   

The presence of a soft tissue mass in children is of concern to parents and physicians. Fortunately, these masses are rare and usually benign or pseudotumoral. When dealing with malignant soft tissue tumors, therapeutic options and long-term survival are strongly related to the disease stage at the time of diagnosis. Therefore, when children present with indeterminate or persisting symptoms and posttraumatic, metabolic, or infectious disorders have been ruled out, one should perform dedicated imaging studies (conventional radiography, computed tomography [CT], or both; sonography; magnetic resonance [MR] imaging) to exclude the possibility of a nonpalpable soft tissue mass or to characterize the mass when present. An overview of the use of the different imaging modalities for evaluating soft tissue tumors in the pediatric patient is presented. Because of the numerous benign, malignant, and pseudotumoral soft tissue masses that are often encountered in children, clinical, histologic, and imaging features are presented as concise tables.  相似文献   

Imaging of sacrococcygeal germ cell tumors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
R G Wells  J R Sty 《Radiographics》1990,10(4):701-713
Sacrococcygeal teratoma is the most common solid tumor in neonates. Malignant sacrococcygeal germ cell tumors also occur in infants and children. Diagnostic imaging studies help confirm the diagnosis of a clinically palpable sacrococcygeal mass, determine its relationship to other structures, and detect metastases. Despite the relative frequency of sacrococcygeal germ cell tumors, characteristics of these lesions as evaluated with computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging have received little attention in radiologic literature. We outline important clinical information, review the spectrum of manifestations of these tumors with traditional imaging studies, and illustrate the value of CT and MR imaging for diagnosis and staging of sacrococcygeal germ cell tumors.  相似文献   

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