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Bariatric Surgery Worldwide 2003 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
Background: There is a world epidemic of overweight, obesity, and morbid obesity, encompassing 1.7 billion people. Bariatric
surgery today is the only effective therapy for morbid obesity. Methods: E-mail requests for information were sent to the
presidents of the national societies of the 31 International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity (IFSO) nations, or national
groupings, plus Sweden. Responses were tabulated; calculation of relative prevalence of specific procedures was done by weighted
averages. Results: Responders were 26 of 32 (81%) for the general questions and 24 of 32 (75%) for the question on specific
operative percentages. In the year 2002-2003, 146,301 bariatric surgery operations were performed by 2,839 bariatric surgeons;
103,000 of these operations were performed in USA/Canada by 850 surgeons. The earliest start date for bariatric surgery was
1953 in the USA; IFSO was founded in 1995. In the year 2002-2003, 37.15% of operations were open; 62.85% laparoscopic. The
6 most popular procedures by weighted averages were: laparoscopic gastric bypass, 25.67%; laparoscopic adjustable gastric
banding, 24.14%; open gastric bypass, 23.07%; laparoscopic long-limb gastric bypass, 8.9%; open long-limb gastric bypass,
7.45%; and open vertical banded gastroplasty, 4.25%. Pooling open and laparoscopic procedures, relative percentages were:
gastric bypass, 65.11%; gastric banding, 24.41%; vertical banded gastroplasty, 5.43%; and biliopancreatic diversion/duodenal
switch, 4.85%. Categorizing into restrictive/malabsorptive, purely restrictive, and primarily malabsorptive, the relative
distribution of procedures was 65.11%, 29.84%, and 4.85%, respectively. The number of countries performing gastric banding
was 23 (95%), gastric bypass 21 (88%), vertical banded gastroplasty 19 (79%), and biliopancreatic diversion/duodenal switch
16 (67%). Purely restrictive procedures were performed in 24 (100%) of the countries, restrictive/malabsorptive in 21 (88%),
and primarily malabsorptive in 18 (75%). Conclusions: Bariatric surgery is expanding exponentially to meet the global epidemic
of morbid obesity. Operative procedures in bariatric surgery are in flux and specific geographic trends and shifts are evident.
Yet, of the patients qualifying for surgery, only about 1% are receiving this therapy – the only effective treatment currently
available. 相似文献
Background: Controversy exists regarding the best surgical treatment for super-obesity (BMI >50 kg/m 2 ). The two most common
bariatric procedures performed worldwide are laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (LAGB) and laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric
bypass (LRYGBP). We undertook a retrospective single-center study to compare the safety and efficacy of these two operations
in super-obese patients. Methods: 290 super-obese patients underwent laparoscopic bariatric surgery: 179 LAGB and 111 LRYGBP.
Results: There were one death in both groups. The early complication rate was higher in the LAGB group (10% vs 2.8%, P<0.01). Late complication rate was higher in the LAGB group (26% vs 15.3%, P<0.05). Operating time and hospital stay were significantly higher in the LRYGBP group. LRYGBP had significantly better excess
weight loss than LAGB (63% vs 41% at 1 year, and 73% vs 46% at 2 years), as well as lower BMI than LAGB (35 vs 41 at 18 months).
Conclusion: LRYGBP results in significantly greater weight loss than LAGB in super-obese patients, but is associated with
a higher early complication rate. 相似文献
Background: The procedure of choice for morbid obesity remains controversial. One of the most effective treatments is the
biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch (BPD/DS), which is, however, associated with a significant morbidity rate.
Adjustable gastric banding (AGB) by the laparoscopic approach is an easier procedure with the intent to reduce complication
rates. It replaced the sleeve gastrectomy in this study. The objective was to assess the feasibility and safety of this new
laparoscopic treatment. Methods: AGB with duodenal switch (DS) was performed laparoscopically with 7 trocars. A gastric band
was appropriately placed below the gastroesophageal junction, followed by BPD/DS with a 250-cm alimentary channel and a 100-cm
common channel. Results: All 5 patients were women, with mean preoperative BMI 52.2 kg/m2 (40.6 to 64.4). The operations were performed via laparoscopy in a mean of 206 ± 35 minutes. There was no postoperative complication,
infection or conversion. Mean hospital stay was 8.8 days (8-11). At 12 months, mean BMI is 35.8 kg/m2 (26.1-46.0), with continuing weight loss and no hypoalbuminemia. Conclusions: These data suggest that laparoscopic AGB/DS
is feasible, with a low morbidity rate. This technique could combine the long-term weight loss of malabsorptive procedures,
with a low-morbidity, adjustable, restrictive procedure. This technique could be used in selected patients, but requires a
larger study with longer follow-up. 相似文献
Revisional Bariatric Surgery - Safe and Effective 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Jones KB 《Obesity surgery》2001,11(2):183-189
Background: Revision operations have traditionally been considered difficult and associated with a high complication and long-term
failure rate. This paper demonstrates that revision and/or conversions to Roux-en-Y gastric bypass are generally safe as well
as effective in long-term weight maintenance and control of co-morbidities. Methods: A retrospective study from January 1989
through August 1999 was done involving 141 patients who had had various gastroplasty (118), gastric banding (6), jejunoileal
bypass (3), or loop (2) and Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGBP) procedures (12), with either technical failures or poor long-term
maintained weight loss. Results:The demographics were: mean pre-operative weight at original surgery 264 lbs (120 kg); postop
weight at a mean elapsed time since surgery of 5 years, 4 months: 188 lbs (85 kg), or a mean excess weight loss of 59%. The
mean BMI dropped from a pre-op 45 to a post-op 31.There were 7 complications which required emergency surgery (5%), which
included 4 leaks, 2 subphrenic abscesses, and 1 wound dehiscence. Other complications included 4 hernias, 3 staple-line failures,
1 transient renal failure, and 3 incidences of peptic ulcer disease requiring surgery, giving a total major complication rate
of 13% in 17 patients, with no deaths. An earlier experience of this author comparing conversion RYGBP vs revision gastroplasty
found better morbidity rates and weight loss with those converted to RYGBP. Conclusion: Converting failed gastric limiting
and other bariatric procedures to RYGBP was safe and effective. Technical approaches to each problem type encountered are
presented. 相似文献
Duodenal Switch is a Safe Operation for Patients who have Failed Other Bariatric Operations 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Background: The incidence of morbid obesity and its surgical treatment have been increasing over the last few years. With
this increase, there has been a rise in the number of patients who have had less than desirable outcome after bariatric operations.
We perform the duodenal switch (DS) in patients for whom other weight loss surgical procedures have failed, because of inadequate
weight loss, weight regain or significant complications, such as solid intolerance or dumping syndrome. Method: From November
1999 to March 2004, 46 revisional surgeries were performed at our institution. The data was prospectively collected and reviewed,
based on a number of parameters. Operative details, perioperative morbidity, and results are reported. Results: 46 patients
had their original bariatric surgical operation revised to DS. This resulted in complete resolution of their presenting complaints.
The %EWL was 69% at the time of publication, with a mean lapsed time of 30 months. We had no mortality. Anastomotic leak occurred
in 4 patients, 2 in our first 8 patients. We also noted that the majority of the patients were not aware of all the surgical
procedures available to them at the time of their original operation. Conclusion: In patients in whom gastroplasty, gastric
bypass or both have failed to provide adequate weight loss, or worse have resulted in complications, DS can be performed as
a safe revisional operation. The revision of other failed bariatric operations to DS results in both weight loss and resolution
of the complications. 相似文献
Laparoscopic Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch: Technique and Initial Experience 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Background: The duodenal Switch (DS) is a variant of the biliopancreatic diversion (BPD) for the surgical treatment of morbid
obesity. Materials and Methods: The laparoscopic DS (LapDS) operation is described, and the early surgical outcomes of 16
patients are reported. Results: Postoperative stay was 5 to 8 days. Local wound infection at a trocar site was the most common
local complication. Conclusion: LapDS is an advanced, complex and feasible technique in bariatric surgery. 相似文献
Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch Combined with Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding
Gabriel SG Karaindros CA Papaioannou MA Tassioulis AA Gabriel SG Sigalas VI Giannakakis PP 《Obesity surgery》2005,15(4):517-522
Background: The authors investigated the usefulness of an approach combining biliopancreatic diversion (BPD) with duodenal
switch (DS) and laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (LAGB) in morbidly obese patients. Methods: 258 morbidly obese patients
underwent bariatric surgery. 80 underwent gastric bypass (GBP), with an 80-ml pouch, a 120-150-cm common channel and a 350-cm
alimentary limb (Group 1). 178 underwent BPD combined with DS-LAGB (Group 2): an 80cm common channel and a 200-cm alimentary limb were created in 68 patients (Subgroup 2a); a 120-cm common channel and a 300-cm alimentary limb were created in 110 patients (Subgroup 2b). Quality of life was assessed using the Moorehead-Ardelt Quality of Life Questionnaire (MA-QLQ). Results: At 2 years, mean
BMI and %EWL were 27.8 kg/m2 and 77.4 (Group 1), 25.2 kg/m2 and 99.6 (Subgroup 2a), and 27.6 kg/m2 and 79.3 (Subgroup 2b), respectively. 4 GBP patients regained their weight 2 years after surgery. There was 1 death, not
related to surgery in Subgroup 2b. Preoperative MA-QLQ scores were similar between groups; at 2 years, MA-QLQ scores were
higher in Subgroups 2a and 2b compared to Group 1 (+2.49 and +2.59 vs +0.98, respectively). Conclusion: Combination bariatric
surgery is a safe, effective and durable weight loss option for the treatment of morbid obesity. 相似文献
Background: A percentage of all types of bariatric surgery will fail. Our experience with failed biliopancreatic diversion
(BPD) as a primary operation or revision operation for failed laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (LAGB) convinced us
that uncontrolled hunger is often the underlying cause. To control hunger after failed bariatric surgery,a novel approach
combining LAGB with BPD-duodenal switch (DS) has been tried. Methods: Patients who had failed to lose weight after BPD or
LAGB were considered in 2 groups. Group 1: patients who had failed LAGB underwent laparoscopic BPD-DS without sleeve gastrectomy,
with the LAGB left in-situ. Group 2: patients who had failed primary (subgroup 2a) or revision (subgroup 2b) BPD had a LAGB
placed with no other revision of their surgery. Results: 11 patients have undergone this form of revision surgery with little
morbidity. Mean age at the original operation was 45 years, mean (range) BMI was 45.3 (38-62) kg/m2. After the reoperation, at 3 months (9 patients) mean BMI was 30 kg/m2 and at 6 months (4 patients) mean BMI was 27 kg/m2. Conclusion: In this small study, combination surgery was safe and effective for failed BPD or LAGB. LAGB failure may be
best managed with DS malabsorption without gastric resection. 相似文献
Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy: A Multi-purpose Bariatric Operation 总被引:23,自引:20,他引:3
Background: The use of the laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG), a restrictive operation, in different settings, is presented.
Methods: 31 patients underwent LSG in the following groups: 1) 7 patients with very high BMI as a first stage of the duodenal
switch (DS); 2) 7 morbidly obese patients with severe medical conditions; 3) 16 obese patients with lower BMI (35-43); and
4) 1 patient converted from a prior gastric banding. Results: 1 patient with BMI 74 died, a 3.2% mortality. The percentage
of excess BMI loss (%EBMIL) in group 1 above was 63.1% from 4-27 months. The %EBMIL of the cirrhotics in group 2 was 76.0%
(69-100%). The %EBMIL in group 3 patients was 68.5% (58.3-123%) at 3-27 months. The %EBMIL of the group 4 patient is 13% because
she had previously lost almost all of her EBMI. Conclusion: LSG may become the ideal operation for staging in patients with
BMI >55, for treating morbidly obese patients with severe medical conditions, as an excellent alternative to adjustable bands
in lower BMI patients, or for conversion of gastric banding patients. 相似文献
Early Results of Laparoscopic Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch: A Case Series of 40 Consecutive Patients 总被引:16,自引:4,他引:16
Background: Biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch (BPD-DS) is an operation which provides one of the greatest maintained
weight losses of any bariatric procedure.We looked at the safety and efficacy of laparoscopic BPD-DS for morbid obesity. Methods:
A 150-200 ml sleeve gastrectomy was created and anastomosed to the distal 250 cm of divided ileum. The median length of the
common channel was 100 cm. All patients were prospectively followed up to 12 months. Results: 40 consecutive patients underwent
laparoscopic BPD-DS as a primary procedure for morbid obesity. Median patient body mass index (BMI) was 60 kg/m2 (range 42-85
kg/m2). Mean age was 43 ± 1 years (± SEM), with 12 males and 28 females. One patient was converted to open laparotomy (2.5%).
Median operative time was 210 ± 9 minutes (range 110-360 minutes) with a significant correlation between BMI and operative
time (p = 0.04). Median length of stay was 4 days (range 3- 210 days). There was one 30-day mortality (2.5%). Major morbidities
occurred in 6 patients (15%), including 1 anastomotic leak (2.5%), 1 venous thrombosis (2.5%), 4 staple-line hemorrhages (10%)
and 1 subphrenic abscess (2.5%). Median follow-up at 6 months (range 1-12 months) resulted in 46% ± 2% excess weight loss
(EWL) and at 9 months 58% ± 3% EWL. Conclusion: Laparoscopic BPD-DS is a complex, yet feasible, procedure resulting in effective
weight loss with an acceptable morbidity. A BMI >65 was associated with increased morbidity and mortality. A long-term study
is needed to confirm efficacy and proper patient selection. 相似文献
A Comparison of Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding and Biliopancreatic Diversion in Superobesity 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
Background: Controversy exists regarding the best surgical treatment for superobesity (BMI >50 kg/m2), and a comparison of the 2 most commonly performed procedures in Europe, namely biliopancreatic diversion (BPD) and laparoscopic
adjustable gastric banding (LAGB), has not yet been reported. Methods: BPD has been performed in 134 morbidly obese patients
since 1996, and as the primary bariatric procedure in 23 superobese patients. 23 sex-matched patients who most closely resembled
the age and BMI of the 23 BPD patients were chosen from 1,319 patients who had undergone LAGB since 1996. These groups were
compared using appropriate statistical tests. Results: BPD was performed laparoscopically in 12 patients. Median excess weight
loss at 24 months was 64.4% following BPD and 48.4% following LAGB. Hospital stay and complication rate were significantly
greater with BPD, although the majority of complications were related to the laparotomy wound in patients undergoing open
BPD. Rate of resolution of obstructive sleep apnea, hypertension and diabetes mellitus following LAGB was similar to BPD.
Conclusion: BPD results in significantly greater weight loss than LAGB in superobese patients, but is associated with a longer
hospital stay and a higher complication rate in patients undergoing open BPD. 相似文献
Background: The current attitudes among European bariatric surgeons toward the laparoscopic bariatric operations were examined.
Methods: 150 questionnaires were sent to recognized bariatric surgeons in Europe, and 60% responded. Results: 47% of respondents
perform laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (LRYGBP), 81% laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (LAGB), and 29% laparoscopic
biliopancreatic diversion with or without duodenal switch (L-BPD/BPDDS). For BMI <40, 57% of respondents would only perform
LAGB, 7% LRYGBP, 2% vertical banded gastroplasty (VBG), 3% L-BPD/BPDDS, and 2% intra-gastric balloon. For BMI 40-50, 43% of
respondents prefer LAGB, 11% LRYGBP, 8% VBG, 5% L-BPD/BPDDS, and 33% contemplate several operations. For BMI 50-60, 30% prefer
LAGB, 23% LRYGBP, 5% VBG, 16% L-BPD/BPDDS, and 26% tailor each patient's treatment. For BMI >60, 20% prefer LAGB, 24% LRYGBP,
37% L-BPD/BPDDS, 2% VBG, and 17% consider more than one operation. Although important, BMI and patient eating habits are not
significant in choosing an operation for 25% of respondents. Interestingly, 39% of the surgeons offer laparoscopic bariatric
surgery to so-called pediatric patients (<18). Of these, 76% favor LAGB, 8% LRYGBP, 8% L-BPD and 4% other procedures. Conclusions:
The overall body of respondents prefers laparoscopic procedures. The responses suggest that at lower BMI there is a higher
trend for restrictive operations. However, as BMI increases, combined and malabsorptive operations are preferred. At least
one-third of surgeons offer bariatric surgery to patients with age <18 years, and here LAGB is greatly preferred. 相似文献
Background: Although bariatric surgery is known to be effective in the short term, the durability of that effect has not been convincingly
demonstrated over the medium term (>3 years) and the long term (>10 years). The authors studied the durability of weight loss
after bariatric surgery based on a systematic review of the published literature. Methods: All reports published up to September, 2005 were included if they were full papers in refereed journals published in English,
of outcomes after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGBP), and its hybrid procedures of banded bypass (Banded RYGBP) and longlimb
bypass (LL-RYGBP), biliopancreatic diversion with or without duodenal switch (BPD±DS) or laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding
(LAGB). All reports that had at least 100 patients at commencement, and provided ≥3 years of follow-up data were included.
Results: From a total of 1,703 reports extracted, 43 reports fulfilled the entry criteria (18 RYGBP; 18 LAGB; 7 BPD). Pooled data
from all the bariatric operations showed effective and durable weight loss to 10 years. Mean %EWL for standard RYGBP was higher
than for LAGB at years 1 and 2 (67 vs 42; 67 vs 53) but not different at 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7 years (62 vs 55; 58 vs 55; 58 vs
55; 53 vs 50; and 55 vs 51). There was 59 %EWL for LAGB at 8 years, and 52 %EWL for RYGBP at 10 years. Both the BPD±DS and
the Banded RYGBP appeared to show better weight loss than standard RYGBP and LAGB, but with statistically significant differences
present at year 5 alone. The LL-RYGBP was not associated with improved %EWL. Important limitations include lack of data on
loss to follow-up, failure to identify numbers of patients measured at each data point and lack of data beyond 10 years. Conclusions: All current bariatric operations lead to major weight loss in the medium term. BPD and Banded RYGBP appear to be more effective
than both RYGBP and LAGB which are equal in the medium term. 相似文献
The Decrease in Plasma Ghrelin Concentrations following Bariatric Surgery Depends on the Functional Integrity of the Fundus 总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4
Frühbeck G Diez-Caballero A Gil MJ Montero I Gómez-Ambrosi J Salvador J Cienfuegos JA 《Obesity surgery》2004,14(5):606-612
Background: Gastric bypass surgery, which involves the production of a reduced stomach pouch,has been shown to markedly suppress
circulating ghrelin concentrations. Since bypassing the ghrelin-producing cell population may be relevant to the disruption
of fundic-derived factors participating in food intake signaling, the effect of weight loss induced by either adjustable gastric
banding (AGB), Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGBP) or biliopancreatic diversion (BPD) was studied. Methods: 16 matched obese
patients [35.0 + 2.4 years; initial body weight 124.8 ± 5.7 kg; body mass index (BMI) 47.1 ± 2.2 kg/m2] in whom similar weight loss had been achieved by either AGB (n=7), RYGBP (n=6) or BPD (n=3) were studied. Blood was obtained
for biochemical and hormonal analyses. Body composition was assessed by air-displacement-plethysmography. Results: Comparable
weight loss (AGB: 26.1 ± 5.1 kg; RYGBP: 32.1 ± 5.0; BPD: 31.7 ± 6.1; P=NS) and decrease in percentage body fat (AGB: 10.0 ± 1.5%; RYGBP: 14.2 ± 2.8; BPD: 10.3 ± 1.0; P=NS) induced by bariatric surgery exerted significantly different (P=0.004) effects on plasma ghrelin concentrations, depending on the surgical procedure applied (AGB: 480 ± 78 pg/ml; RYGBP:
117 ± 34; BPD: 406 ± 86). Without significant differences in BMI, body fat, glucose, triglycerides, cholesterol, insulin and
leptin levels, patients who had undergone the RYGBP exhibited statistically significant diminished circulating fasting plasma
ghrelin concentrations compared with the other two bariatric techniques which conserve direct contact of the fundus with ingested
food (P=0.003 vs AGB and P=0.020 vs BPD). Conclusion: Fasting circulating ghrelin concentrations in patients undergoing diverse bariatric operations
depend on the degree of dysfunctionality of the fundus. 相似文献
Asthma and Sleep Apnea in Patients with Morbid Obesity: Outcome after Bariatric Surgery 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Simard B Turcotte H Marceau P Biron S Hould FS Lebel S Marceau S Boulet LP 《Obesity surgery》2004,14(10):1381-1388
Background: Asthma and sleep apnea syndrome (SAS) are frequently reported in obese patients. The authors determined the prevalence
of asthma and SAS in morbidly obese patients and the effect of biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch (BPD-DS) on
these conditions. Methods: 398 patients were evaluated for bariatric surgery in a university-affiliated tertiary care center.
All patients completed a written questionnaire on asthma and SAS before BPD-DS. In addition, 139 patients also completed a
questionnaire on their general health status, including asthma and SAS, 2 years after the procedure. Results: For the cohort
of 398 patients, the prevalence of self-reported asthma was 30.4% and that of SAS, 32.2%. No significant association was found
between asthma and SAS diagnosis (P =0.10). Significant relationships were observed between the diagnosis of asthma and age, hip circumference, waist/hip ratio,
weight and BMI of the patients as well as between a diagnosis of SAS and gender, waist circumference, hip circumference, waist/hip
ratio, weight and BMI. 2 years after surgery (mean BMI was reduced from 51.4 to 30.5 kg/m2), asthma was reported improved in 79.3% of patients and SAS was improved in all but one with this condition; among 29 SAS
patients using CPAP before surgery, only 4 were still using this treatment after 2 years. Conclusion: The prevalence of asthma
and SAS is high in the morbidly obese population and is associated with markers of obesity. We found no association between
the diagnosis of asthma and SAS diagnosis in this population. BPD-DS improved self-reported severity of asthma and SAS symptoms. 相似文献
Background: More should be known about the spectrum of endoscopic abnormalities and treatments in patients with upper gastrointestinal
(UGI) symptoms after laparoscopic bariatric surgery. Methods: Patients referred for endoscopic evaluation of UGI symptoms
after laparoscopic bariatric surgery were studied. Clinical manifestations, endoscopic findings and therapy were recorded
and correlated. Results: 76 patients who had undergone laparoscopic vertical banded gastroplasty (LVBG) and 28 who had undergone
laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (LRYGBP) underwent 160 instances of upper endoscopy. The symptoms included nausea or
vomiting (n=47, 29.4%), epigastric discomfort (n=44, 27.5%), UGI bleeding (n=26, 16.3%), heartburn or acid regurgitation (n=26,
16.3%), dysphagia (n=10, 6.3%) and anemia with dizziness (n=7, 4.4%). The endoscopic diagnosis consisted of normal findings
(n=57, 35.6%), marginal ulcer (n=39, 24.4%), erosive esophagitis or esophageal ulcer (n=21, 13.1%), food impaction (n=21,
13.1%), stenosis or stricture (n=14, 8.8%), gastric ulcer (n=7, 4.4%), and duodenal ulcer (n=1, 0.6%). Patients with UGI bleeding,
dysphagia and LRYGBP tended to have endoscopic abnormalities (P<0.001, P=0.09 and P=0.021, respectively). Endoscopic therapy was successful in resolving the complications including stenosis, UGI bleeding and
food impaction. Conclusions: Endoscopy is an essential method of combining relevant endoscopic findings and therapeutic intervention
in symptomatic patients following laparoscopic bariatric surgery. 相似文献
Bonatti H Hoeller E Kirchmayr W Muhlmann G Zitt M Aigner F Weiss H Klaus A 《Obesity surgery》2004,14(5):655-658
Background: Obesity is an important risk factor for perioperative complications including the development of ventral hernias.
Methods: This retrospective study comprises patients who underwent abdominal hernia repair simultaneously with or following
implantation of a Swedish Adjustable Gastric Band? (SAGB). Results: 9 out of 415 patients (2.2%) who received a SAGB between
January 1996 and June 2001 underwent ventral hernia repair. In 6 patients, hernias preexisted from previous abdominal surgery
at the time of the bariatric procedure, and another 3 hernias occurred at the median and left upper abdominal trocar position
following SAGB placement. Median BMI at time of SAGB implantation was 44 (range 35-52), and at time of hernia repair was 36
(range 25-46). 2 hernias were repaired during SAGB placement, 3 during redo surgery, and 2 during abdominoplasty. In 2 patients,
significant weight loss with loss of soft tissue support of the hernia sac led to recurrent episodes of small bowel obstruction
necessitating emergency repair. Repair included direct defect closure in 7 patients and sublay polypropylene net implantation
in 2 patients. Recoveries have been uneventful without wound infections or recurrence in all patients after a median follow-up
of 34 months (range 13-69). Conclusion: In morbidly obese patients, the optimal management and timing of incisional hernia
repair should weigh the risk of recurrence and perioperative complications against the risk of hernia-associated complications. 相似文献
Intraluminal Migration of Bovine Pericardial Strips Used to Reinforce the Gastric Staple-Line in Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery 总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0
A 41-year-old morbidly obese woman (BMI 40.8) underwent elective laparoscopic biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch.
The operation involved: sleeve gastrectomy, division of duodenum, creation of a duodenoenterostomy, and creation of a distal
ileoenteric anastomosis. With laparoscopic stapling, bleeding is often a problem along the sleeve gastrectomy staple-line.
To reduce this risk, we used bovine pericardial strips to reinforce the staple-line throughout its length. 4 weeks postoperatively,
the patient was found to have fragments of pericardium in her vomitus, indicating intraluminal migration of the reinforcing
strips. Her subsequent course has been uneventful. This represents the first report of such migration. Indications, benefits,
complications and risks of using bovine pericardium to reinforce gastric staple-lines in laparoscopic bariatric surgery are
discussed. 相似文献
Background: The duodenal switch procedure with gastric reduction (DS) is a hybrid procedure for morbid obesity that combines
moderate intake restriction with moderate malabsorption. This report describes the laparoscopic hand-assisted technique for
the duodenal switch procedure (LapDS). Methods: Restriction is achieved via a greater curvature gastrectomy, reducing gastric
capacity to 120 ml. The malabsorptive component is constructed by dividing the duodenum 4 cm distal to the pylorus and anastomosing
the proximal duodenum to the distal 250 cm of ileum. The biliopancreatic limb is anastomosed to create a 100 cm common channel.
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy, cholangiogram, liver biopsy and appendectomy are performed in conjunction with DS. Results:
345 LapDS procedures (27 lap-assisted; 318 hand-assisted) were performed between September 1999 and February 2002. There were
299 women and 46 men with a mean age of 43 years (range 19-67 years). Mean BMI was 50 (range 36-118 kg/m2). Mean operating time was 201 minutes (range 105-480). The median length of hospital stay was 3.0 days (range 2-22 days,
excluding one outlier). There were 7 conversions to open laparotomy, 14 reoperations, and 21 readmissions. There were 3 pulmonary
emboli, 2 deep venous thromboses, and 4 perioperative proximal anastomotic strictures. There were no deaths. Mean percent
excess weight loss at 6, 18, and 24 months was 51%, 89%, and 91%, respectively. Conclusion: Laparoscopic assisted duodenal
switch procedure can be performed safely with acceptable operative times and without excess morbidity or mortality. 相似文献
Background: The recent application of the laparoscopic method combines minimal invasiveness with reversibility, adjustability
and shorter hospital stay. The first laparoscopic bariatric operation in Turkey was performed by us in 1998. Methods: We report
the results in 50 consecutive patients who underwent the laparoscopic application of SAGB between April 1998 and April 1999.The
operation setting was the same as for the laparoscopic antireflux procedure. After a closed CO pneumoperi2 toneum (16-18 mmHg),
in the first 20 cases five and in the remaining 30 cases four trocars were inserted. A 30°laparoscope was placed on the line
between the umbilicus and the xiphoid through a 10 mm trocar.We followed and respected the main steps of the operation as
well. Pre and postoperative body weight (BW), body mass index (BMI) and percent excess weight (%EW) values were calculated
and compared. Results: Our early results were quite satisfactory and promising. After an average follow-up period of 1 year
(range 6-18 months), the 50 patients of our laparoscopic series showed a BW of 74 kg (range 56- 112), a BMI of 29 (range 21-40),
and an EW of 62% (range 22-86). Conclusion: With its lower morbidity rate, shorter hospital stay and better cosmetic results,
the laparoscopic approach may be considered the first choice in bariatric surgery. 相似文献