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Disturbances of the autonomic nervous system play a crucial role in the pathogenesis and clinical course of many diseases. Recently, rapid development has occurred in the clinical assessment of autonomic function. Various procedures have been described as diagnostic tools to monitor autonomic dysfunction. Some of them are mostly used for research purposes. Many, however, have found their place in routine clinical evaluation. Our paper presents selected methods of assessment of the autonomic nervous system with particular emphasis on those that are useful in diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system. We discuss multiple tests based on cardiovascular reflexes, methods of studying heart rate variability as well as direct catecholamine measurements. Moreover, we outline tests of sudomotor function and microneurography.  相似文献   

Depression and hostility have been separately related to indicators of sympathetic hyperactivation and parasympathetic hypoactivation. We examined the associations of depressive symptoms, hostility, and their interaction with pre-ejection period (PEP) and high frequency heart rate variability (HRV), specific indices of sympathetic and parasympathetic cardiac control, respectively. Healthy, young adults (N = 120) completed questionnaires assessing depressive symptoms and hostility and underwent autonomic testing. Although main effects were not observed, a depressive symptoms × hostility interaction was detected for PEP (β = .25, p = .01). Simple slope analyses revealed that hostility was negatively related to PEP among individuals with low depressive symptoms but was not associated with PEP among those with mild-to-moderate depressive symptoms. No interaction effect was detected for high frequency HRV. Our findings suggest that depressive symptoms may moderate the link between hostility and sympathetic activation such that hostility is accompanied by sympathetic hyperactivation only when depressive symptoms are minimal.  相似文献   

The physiological and psychological effects of 2 human sex-steroid derived compounds, 4.16-androstadien-3-one (AND) and l,3,5(10),16-estratetraen-3-ol(EST) were measured in 24 subjects who participated in a within-subjects, double-blind experiment. A dissociation was evident in the physiological effects of AND, in that it increased physiological arousal in women but decreased it in men. EST did not significantly affect physiological arousal in women or men. Neither compound significantly affected mood. AND is an androgen derivative that is the most prevalent androstene in human male sweat, male axillary hair, and on the male axillary skin surface. The authors argue that AND's opposite effects on physiology in men and women further implicate this compound in chemical communication between humans.  相似文献   

A study has been performed in 50 subjects, 25 white and 25 black, measuring skin color (PI), basal skin resistance (SR) and amplitude of the galvanic skin response (GSR), and resting heart rate (HR) and the heart rate response (HRR) induced by a startle tone. A multiple correlation matrix revealed a statistically significant relationship between PI and SR and also GSR; between HR and HRR, and between SR and GSR. Analysis of the group differences revealed that blacks had significantly lower (darker) PI values, higher SR, greater GSR, and a higher HR and HRR. It is unclear from this study whether race or the intensity of skin color influenced the measured physiological responses.  相似文献   

Dynorphin-immunoreactive neurons in the autonomic nervous system   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The distribution of dynorphin-like immunoreactivity in the autonomic nervous system of the rat and guinea-pig was investigated using an antiserum raised against dynorphin-(1-17). Dynorphin-like immunoreactivity was observed in fiber networks in the prevertebral sympathetic ganglia, in fibers in the enteric plexa , circular muscle layer and a few in the lamina muscularis of the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract. After colchicine treatment dynorphin-immunoreactive cell bodies were observed both in the myenteric and submucous ganglia of the gut. The paravertebral ganglia contained occasional dynorphin-positive fibers and a few immunoreactive small intensely fluorescent cells. The distribution of the dynorphin-like immunoreactivity was compared to the distribution of enkephalin-like immunoreactivity, and it was found that in some areas there were similarities in the distribution patterns, although in other areas there were clear differences, indicating a non-identity of these two systems.  相似文献   

文题释义: 自主神经系统:是脊椎动物的末梢神经系统,由躯体神经分化、发展,形成功能上独立的神经系统,在调整心血管系统以适应肌肉活动的代谢需求过程中有重要调节作用,并且是身体活动最重要的表现者和支撑者。 心率变异性:是反映自主神经系统中交感神经和副交感神经(迷走神经)共同调控心功能的敏感标志物,其中包含着心血管系统、激素和体液等调节信息,可用来评价个体运动训练适应性效果。 背景:自主神经系统在调整心血管系统以适应肌肉活动的代谢需求过程中有重要调节作用,并且是身体活动最重要的表现者和支撑者。 目的:通过对国内外关于运动与自主神经系统、心率变异性评定自主神经系统的相关文献进行综述,系统梳理在运动中及运动后,运动强度、运动形式、运动时长对自主神经系统调控的可能影响,进而了解满足适应机体活动代谢需求的相关机制。 方法:检索PubMed等数据库,英文检索词为:“Autonomic nerves system” “Heart rate variability” “Exercise intensity”“Exercise modality”“Exercise duration”;并在中国知网数据库进行检索,中文检索词为:“自主神经系统”“心率变异性”“交感神经”。对文献进行筛选,时限为1999年至2018年,语言限制为中文和英文。 结果与结论:当前,心脏自主神经调节通常采用基于RR间期变化的心率变异性指标进行评定,心率变异性是反映自主神经系统中交感神经和副交感神经(迷走神经)共同调控心功能的敏感标志物,包含着心血管系统、激素和体液等调节信息。但目前对运动训练诱导心脏自主神经系统适应的机制尚不明确。运动强度可能是影响运动中和运动后心脏自主神经系统调节的主要影响因素,而运动形式、运动持续时间等训练学参数,以及它们的交互效应也可能影响心脏自主神经系统的调节适应过程。 ORCID: 0000-0001-8476-2771(陈艳林) 中国组织工程研究杂志出版内容重点:组织构建;骨细胞;软骨细胞;细胞培养;成纤维细胞;血管内皮细胞;骨质疏松;组织工程  相似文献   

α1A-adrenergic receptor (α1A-AR) regulates the cardiac and peripheral vascular system through sympathetic activation, and α2A-AR and α2C-AR subtypes are essential for presynaptic feedback regulation of catecholamine release from the central and peripheral sympathetic nerve. Genetic variations in each human α-AR subtype gene have been identified and have been implicated in hypertension and cardiovascular disease. It is not yet clear whether these genetic variations actually have an effect on sympatho-vagal modulation. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the relation between the five representative genetic polymorphisms of α-AR subtypes (Arg347Cys of α1A-AR; C-1291G, Asn251Lys, and DraI RFLP of α2A-AR; and Del322–325 of α2C-AR) and autonomic nervous system (ANS) function in young and healthy Japanese males. One hundred forty-nine subjects were genotyped for each α-AR polymorphism, and underwent evaluation of ANS function by power spectral analysis of heart rate variability (HRV) during supine rest and in a standing position. In a supine position, the α1A-AR 347Cys allele was significantly associated with lower HRV sympathetic index (normalized low frequency power [LF(%)] and LF:HF ratio) and higher HRV parasympathetic index [HF(%)]. Meanwhile, subjects with the α2C-AR Del322–325 allele had markedly higher LF(%) and LF:HF ratio and lower HF(%) than noncarriers. Thus, the α1A-AR and α2C-AR genetic variations influence sympatho-vagal balance even in young and healthy normotensive states, which could be postulated to constitute an intermediate phenotype for future pathological episodes of various ANS dysfunction-related diseases.  相似文献   

Mindfulness is known to decrease psychological distress. Possible benefits in pregnancy have rarely been explored. Our aim was to examine the prospective association of mindfulness with autonomic nervous system function during pregnancy and with later infant social‐emotional development. Pregnant women (N = 156) completed self‐report mindfulness and emotional distress questionnaires, and had their autonomic function assessed in their first and third trimesters, including heart rate (HR), indices of heart rate variability (HRV), preejection period (PEP), and systolic (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP). The social‐emotional development of 109 infants was assessed at 4 months of age. More mindful pregnant women had less prenatal and postnatal emotional distress (p < .001) and higher cardiac parasympathetic activity: root mean square of successive differences (RMSSD: p = .03) and high‐frequency (HF) HRV (p = .02). Between the first and third trimesters, women's overall HR increased (p < .001), and HRV (RMSSD, HF HRV, and low‐frequency (LF) HRV: p < .001) and PEP decreased (p < .001). In more mindful mothers, parasympathetic activity decreased less (RMSSD: p = .01; HF HRV: p = .03) and sympathetic activity (inversely related to PEP) increased less (PEP: p = .02) between trimesters. Their offspring displayed less negative social‐emotional behavior (p = .03) compared to offspring of less mindful mothers. Mindfulness in pregnancy was associated with ANS changes likely to be adaptive and with better social‐emotional offspring development. Interventions to increase mindfulness during pregnancy might improve maternal and offspring health, but randomized trials are needed to demonstrate this.  相似文献   

The concept of the autonomic nervous system as purely efferent does not seem to describe satisfactorily the patterns of its actions and mobilizing mechanisms. It is herein suggested that the autonomic nervous system should be rather considered as composed of functional modules comprising the visceral afferents, the integrating centers and the visceral efferents (sympathetic and parasympathetic).  相似文献   

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