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Transgender (trans) women are disproportionally burdened by the HIV epidemic due to complex structural, psychosocial and biological factors. HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is a biomedical prevention approach for people at substantial risk of acquiring HIV. This literature review assessed awareness, willingness to use, and barriers and facilitators for PrEP acceptability among trans women. A search was conducted through five databases and included studies with primary data and disaggregate results for trans women. Of 255 retrieved citations, 17 met the inclusion criteria and were included. Low to moderate knowledge about PrEP was observed among studies. However, willingness to use PrEP was predominantly high. Frequent barriers to PrEP acceptability included concerns about side effects, cost, hormone therapy, adherence, PrEP-related stigma and interaction with healthcare workers. Facilitators included perceived reduction of HIV risk, fear of HIV/AIDS and reduced dependence on partners. Findings suggest elevated interest in PrEP and highlight important barriers and facilitators that should be specifically addressed to optimize PrEP uptake and use among this highly vulnerable population.  相似文献   


Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is fully reimbursed by the French health insurance system since 2016. However, uptake of PrEP is slower than expected and little is known about men who have sex with men (MSM) who are eligible for PrEP according to French guidelines, but not using it. This study aims to (1) assess and describe MSM that are eligible to PrEP but not using it, and (2) identify potential individual and structural barriers of PrEP uptake among eligible MSM who are aware and intend to take PrEP. Data from EMIS-2017, a cross-sectional internet survey among gay, bisexual, and other MSM, were used. Among 7965 respondents without diagnosed HIV, 9.2% were PrEP users. Among 7231 non-PrEP users, 35.2% were eligible to PrEP and 15.2% were eligible, aware and intended to take PrEP. Eligible MSM who are not using PrEP are mostly younger, students, less “out”, living in small cities, using condoms more frequently but still with low self-efficacy regarding safe sex and more distant from preventive health care and information than PrEP users. Despite free PrEP availability in France, results suggest that PrEP is not fully accessible and that there is a need to increase PrEP demand and decentralize PrEP delivery.  相似文献   



HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) delivery in the UK is inequitable; over 95% of PrEP users were men who have sex with men (MSM) despite making up less than 50% of new HIV diagnoses. We conducted a systematic review to identify modifiable barriers and facilitators to PrEP delivery in the UK among underserved populations.


We searched bibliographic/conference databases using the terms HIV, PrEP, barriers, facilitators, underserved populations, and UK. Modifiable factors were mapped along the PrEP Care Continuum (PCC) to identify targets for interventions.


In total, 44 studies were eligible: 29 quantitative, 12 qualitative and three mixed-methods studies. Over half (n = 24 [54.5%]) exclusively recruited MSM, whereas 11 were in mixed populations (all included MSM as a sub-population) and the other nine were in other underserved populations (gender and ethnicity minorities, women, and people who inject drugs). Of the 15 modifiable factors identified, two-thirds were at the PrEP contemplation and PrEParation steps of the PCC. The most reported barriers were lack of PrEP awareness (n = 16), knowledge (n = 19), willingness (n = 16), and access to a PrEP provider (n = 16), whereas the more reported facilitators were prior HIV testing (n = 8), agency and self-care (n = 8). All but three identified factors were at the patient rather than provider or structural level.


This review highlights that the bulk of the scientific literature focuses on MSM and on patient-level factors. Future research needs to ensure underserved populations are included and prioritized (e.g. ethnicity and gender minorities, people who inject drugs) and provider and structural factors are investigated.  相似文献   



We conducted a retrospective analysis of administration of nonoccupational HIV post‐exposure prophylaxis (nPEP) in a single centre where tracing and testing of the source of exposure were carried out systematically over a 10‐year period.


Files of all nPEP requests between 1998 and 2007 were reviewed. Characteristics of the exposed and source patients, the type of exposure, and clinical and serological outcomes were analysed.


nPEP requests increased by 850% over 10 years. Among 910 events, 58% were heterosexual exposures, 15% homosexual exposures, 6% sexual assaults and 20% nonsexual exposures. In 208 events (23%), the source was reported to be HIV positive. In the remaining cases, active source tracing enabled 298 HIV tests to be performed (42%) and identified 11 HIV infections (3.7%). nPEP was able to be avoided or interrupted in 31% of 910 events when the source tested negative. Of 710 patients who started nPEP, 396 (56%) reported side effects, among whom 39 (5%) had to interrupt treatment. There were two HIV seroconversions, and neither was attributed to nPEP failure.


nPEP requests increased over time. HIV testing of the source person avoided nPEP in 31% of events and was therefore paramount in the management of potential HIV exposures. Furthermore, it allowed active screening of populations potentially at risk for undiagnosed HIV infection, as shown by the increased HIV prevalence in these groups (3.7%) compared with a prevalence of 0.3% in Switzerland as a whole.  相似文献   

Adolescents living in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) are disproportionately burdened by the global HIV/AIDS pandemic. Maintaining medication adherence is vital to ensuring that adolescents living with HIV/AIDS receive the benefits of antiretroviral therapy (ART), although this group faces unique challenges to adherence. Knowledge of the factors influencing adherence among people during this unique developmental period is needed to develop more targeted and effective adherence-promoting strategies. This systematic review summarizes the literature on quantitative observational studies examining correlates, including risk and resilience-promoting factors, of ART adherence among adolescents living with HIV/AIDS in LMICs. A systematic search of major electronic databases, conference-specific databases, gray literature, and reference lists of relevant reviews and documents was conducted in May 2014. Included studies examined relationships between at least one factor and ART adherence as an outcome and were conducted in primarily an adolescent population (age 10–19) in LMICs. The search identified 7948 unique citations from which 15 studies fit the inclusion criteria. These 15 studies identified 35 factors significantly associated with ART adherence representing a total of 4363 participants across nine different LMICs. Relevant studies revealed few consistent relationships between measured factors and adherence while highlighting potentially important themes for ART adherence including the impact of (1) adolescent factors such as gender and knowledge of serostatus, (2) family structure, (3) the burdensome ART regimens, route of administration, and attitudes about medication, and (4) health care and environmental factors, such as rural versus urban location and missed clinic appointments. Rates of adherence across studies ranged from 16% to 99%. This review identifies unique factors significantly related to ART adherence among adolescents living in LMICs. More research using longitudinal designs and rigorous measures of adherence is required in order to identify the range of factors influencing ART adherence as adolescents living with HIV/AIDS in LMICs grow into adulthood.  相似文献   

Populations at highest risk for acquiring HIV are more likely to pass through criminal justice (CJ) settings, and CJ-involved individuals are often at the intersection of multiple overlapping risk factors. The present study explored interest in, knowledge of, and barriers to PrEP uptake among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men involved in the criminal justice system. Using semi-structured interviews, 26 participants who identified as MSM were asked about PrEP knowledge and interest, HIV risk, and incarceration experience. One theme that emerged across interviews was how institutional distrust in CJ settings may instill lack of trust in medical care after perceived mistreatment. Participants explained how lack of privacy fostered feelings that medical care was not confidential, care received was tied to status as an incarcerated person, and feelings of dehumanization led to distrust. Findings explore how distrust may hinder PrEP uptake and other HIV prevention efforts in CJ settings as well as after release. They highlight the need for greater privacy efforts and cultural humility, and explore how medical settings may function as spaces for people who are incarcerated to disclose HIV risk status. Few studies to our knowledge have examined the role of institutional distrust on men who have sex with men (MSM) in the context of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) interventions. The present study has implications for creating best practices to structure HIV prevention interventions in CJ settings.  相似文献   

It is estimated that more than 3 million healthcare workers worldwide suffer needlestick and splash injuries whilst at work resulting in the potential transmission of blood‐borne pathogens via exposure to bodily fluids. Under‐reporting and the subsequent management of occupational injuries is a problem both in the United Kingdom and abroad. Many expatriate health care workers will work in low resource settings where the risk of transmission is greatest but in contrast to wealthier countries such as the United Kingdom, there is often a lack of effective systems for its safe management. This article provides important information about this risk and how to minimise it. The reasons for an increased risk in transmission, its subsequent management and pre‐departure planning are discussed, together with the evidence for initiation of post‐exposure prophylaxis; current National and International guidelines as well as the urgent need for International standardisation of these is also discussed.  相似文献   

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