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为了确定不同年龄组鼻腔最小横截面积(minimalcross-sectionalarea,MCA)及其距前鼻孔的距离(distanceoftheminimalcross-sectionalareafromthenostril,DCA),应用声反射鼻测量计对1355名健康儿童、少年及成人(3~86岁)进行检测,并对儿童、少年的MCA、DCA值与年龄相关性进行初步探讨。结果表明,单侧鼻腔MCA范围为0.192~0.915cm2,DCA范围为0.300~2.554cm,儿童及少年时期MCA、DCA变化均与年龄呈显著直线正相关关系(P<0.01),健康成人MCA、DCA在各年龄组内存在性别差异(P<0.05)。本检测所提供数据可为鼻腔生理、病理生理研究,鼻腔疾病的协助诊断及疗效判定提供参考数据。  相似文献   

应用声反射鼻测量计对正常成人鼻腔及鼻咽部容积的测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:研究正常成人双侧鼻腔容积、鼻咽部容积的正常值范围。方法:应用声反射鼻测量计测定正常成人659例,同时测定慢性鼻炎患者82例作为对照。结果:正常成人鼻腔容积为29.92~37.48cm^3,鼻咽部容积为29.37~44.16cm^3,与对照组比较,男女鼻腔容积差异均有显著性意义(P〈0.05)。结论:声反射鼻测量计可客观地评价鼻气道,本测定所提供的数据可为正常成人鼻腔生理、病理研究、鼻腔疾病的  相似文献   

声反射鼻测量计对婴幼儿进行鼻腔测量   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的 :研究正常婴幼儿鼻腔最小横截面积 (MCA)及其距前鼻孔的距离 (DCA)、双侧鼻腔容积 (NV)、双侧鼻咽部容积 (NPV)的正常值范围。方法 :应用声反射鼻测量计测量正常婴幼儿 175例 ,同时测量急性上呼吸道感染婴幼儿 10 8例作为对照。结果 :正常婴幼儿双侧MCA范围为 0 .2 0~ 0 .5 0cm2 ,DCA范围 1.93~ 2 .47cm ,NV范围 2 .6 9~ 4.75cm3 ,NPV范围 3.83~ 8.92cm3 ,与对照组比较 ,MCA、DCA、NV差异均有显著性意义 (P <0 .0 5 )。结论 :声反射鼻测量计可以客观地评价婴幼儿鼻气道 ,本检测可为婴幼儿鼻腔生理、病理研究 ,鼻腔疾病的辅助诊断及疗效判定提供参考依据。  相似文献   

声反射鼻测量计的临床应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为明确声反射鼻测量计在辅助客观评估各种鼻腔及鼻咽部疾病(鼻炎,鼻息肉,腺样体肥大,呼吸睡眠暂停综合征)的严重程度及评价此类疾病手术或非手术治疗疗效中的作用,应用其测量了159例各种鼻腔及鼻咽部疾病患者,结果发现随鼻腔及鼻咽部疾病的病变性质,程度不同,鼻腔最小横截面积,鼻腔容积,鼻咽部容积有相应的改变,经手术或非手术治疗后可基本恢复正常。提示声反射鼻测量计是一种简便,有效的在多种鼻腔及鼻咽部疾病的辅  相似文献   

应用声反射鼻测量计对696名3~17岁正常儿童及少年进行检测,确定其鼻腔容积(NV)、鼻咽部容积(NPV)的正常值范围,并对NV、NPV与年龄的相关性进行初步探讨。结果表明,正常儿童、少年双侧NV为9.175~17.207m3,NPV为22.158~52.225cm3,且NV、NPV变化与年龄均呈显著直线正相关(P<0.01)。认为前述数据对进一步探讨声反射鼻测量计在儿童及少年鼻腔及鼻咽部疾病的协助诊断及判定疗效方面具有重要意义。  相似文献   

目的:使用鼻声反射技术检测学龄前儿童鼻腔容积,提出检测方法、结果分析方法以及相关正常参考值。方法:①在最小横截面积相同但容积不同的模拟鼻腔,通过鼻声反射仪和通气阻力检测仪测量管腔容积和通气阻力,比较最小横截面积和管腔容积在反映通气阻力变化时的敏感性。②使用鼻声反射仪测量97例4岁儿童和137例5岁儿童的鼻腔容积。结果:①在模拟鼻腔最小横截面积不变的情况下,通气阻力随鼻腔容积增加而减小。②学龄前儿童平均双侧鼻腔容积为(2.03±0.4)ml。不同年龄和不同性别学龄前儿童鼻腔容积差异均无统计学意义(均P>0.05)。结论:分析鼻声反射检测结果时,鼻腔容积变化比最小横截面积更能反映鼻腔通气阻力变化。本次研究提出鼻声反射检测结果评估方法和学龄前儿童鼻腔容积正常参考值。  相似文献   

用于成人的市售声反射鼻测量计(AR)经改装可试用于婴幼儿。将标准波管用一只内径较小(截面积0.312cm2)的玻璃管替代。在应用于新生儿之前,先在足月死婴的鼻腔应用以确认其精度。声反射鼻面积曲线与鼻模面积数据以及从标本直接测得的容积数据作比较,鼻腔总面积AR与鼻模数据非常相关计(r=0.88),声反射法测得的鼻瓣膜区总面积只比其实际面积小1.8mm2(22.1mm2对23.9mm2),但比实际的后鼻孔面积大10mm2。AR测得的鼻总容积比直接测量(灌水)的容积小5.2%。AR在10例健康足月婴儿中应用,鼻瓣膜区总面积为19.2±0.05mm2,…  相似文献   

鼻通气的感觉与鼻腔的大小有关,美容性鼻复位成形术(ARRP)有使鼻腔横截面积缩小的可能,研究用声反射鼻腔测量法评估ARRP前后鼻腔内气腔大小。37例中,男13例,女24例。17~48岁,平均年龄29岁。ARRP类型:驼峰鼻骨截除11例;鼻尖成形术包括软骨分离法17例,软骨切除法9例。术前、术后6月和滴血管收缩剂前后分别测量共4次。测量以距前鼻孔的距离不同横截面积结果:鼻瓣区最小横截面积ARRP术后较术前减少22%~25%;梨状孔区(距前孔3.3cm)和中鼻甲前区(距前孔4.0cm)均减少11%~13%;鼻腔后部(距前孔6.4cm)和总气腔容量…  相似文献   

成年人鼻声反射测量的面积-距离曲线分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 分析正常成年人面积-距离曲线,得到大多数人面积-距离曲线上前两个最小横截面积(the first minimum cross-sectional area,MCA1;the second minimum cross-sectional area,MCA2)和整个鼻腔的最小截面积(total minimum cross-sectional area,MCA)的常见位置.方法 正常成年人103例,年龄18~60岁,平均(35.6±12.6)岁,其中男性49例(98侧鼻腔),年龄18~60岁,平均(35.7±13.3)岁;女性54例(108侧),年龄18~60岁,平均(35.6±11.9)岁.利用Eccovision鼻声反射仪测量得到面积-距离曲线及MCA1,MCA2,MCA及其距前鼻孔的距离.结果 多数受试者的MCA1位于前鼻孔附近,多数受试者的MCA2位于距前鼻孔2 cm的距离附近,与下鼻甲前端出现的位置基本一致,多数受试者MCA多位于鼻阈至下鼻甲前端出现的位置之间.结论 MCA能客观地反映鼻腔的通畅程度,特别是将分析片断定于1 cm以后则更有意义.  相似文献   

应用声反射鼻测量计对人鼻周期的观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨成人、儿童鼻周期的类型、特点及鼻粘膜病理状态对鼻周期的影响。方法:应用声反射鼻测量计测量了16例正常成人,11例正常儿童,14例双侧鼻阻塞患者的鼻周期。测量时间为4 ̄8.5h,间隔时间为30min。结果:所有受试者均有明显的鼻周期,正常成人组国病组以典型鼻周期为最常见,正常儿童组以一致型为最常见鼻病组与正常成人之间在鼻周期类型、周期时间方面无明显差异,但鼻腔容积变化幅度小于正常成人组,正  相似文献   

The authors aimed to evaluate the validity and characteristics of acoustic rhinometric tests by comparing the results with those of computed tomography (CT) of the nasal cavity. Cross-sectional areas along the nasal cavity were measured by acoustic rhinometry (AR) and CT of the nasal cavity in 30 normal subjects. Cross-sectional areas measured by each technique showed a statistically significant correlation. The two measurements showed a better linear correlation in the anterior part of the nasal cavity up to 24 mm from the nostril than in the posterior part of the nasal cavity beyond that point. Mean cross-sectional areas measured by AR were constantly less than those measured by CT of the nasal cavity up to 33 mm from the nostril, whereas areas measured by AR were greater than those measured by CT scans beyond that point.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to evaluate the effect of the external nasal dilator on the dimension of the nasal valve in Orientals. DESIGN: A cohort study of normal subjects. SETTING: Academic institution. METHODS: The nasal fossae of normal subjects were assessed by acoustic rhinometry before and after application of the external nasal dilator. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The minimal cross-sectional area of the nasal fossae and the total cross-sectional area of the nose. RESULTS: Nasal fossae of 25 normal subjects were evaluated. There was a significant increase of 0.10 cm2 (SD = 0.16) or a 17% increase in the minimal cross-sectional area of the 50 nasal cavities after application of the external nasal dilator (Wilcoxon's matched-pairs signed rank test, p = .0001). A significant increase in the total minimal cross-sectional area for the whole nose after application was also present (0.19 cm2, SD = .27, or 16%; Wilcoxon's matched-pairs signed rank test, p = .0032). CONCLUSIONS: The external nasal dilator results in an increase in the minimal cross-sectional area of the nasal airway in Orientals.  相似文献   

We evaluated the intrasession and intersession reliability of acoustic rhinometry in measuring nasal cross-sectional areas in 10 subjects. Subjects were measured under three conditions: with a Breathe Right nasal strip in place, with a sham strip in place, and with no strip in place. Two sets of three measurements were taken 1 week apart. The intrasession reliability both with and without the Breathe Right strip was very good (intraclass correlation coefficient [ICC] [2,1]: 0.97 and 0.98, respectively). The intersession reliability with and without the Breathe Right strip was not nearly as good (ICC [2,1]: 0.62 and 0.67). The Breathe Right strip increased the mean nasal cross-sectional area by 0.10 cm2 (17.4%). We conclude that acoustic rhinometry is a reliable way to measure nasal cross-sectional area during a single session of multiple tests, but it is not as reliable across sessions. We also determined that the Breathe Right nasal strip significantly increases nasal cross-sectional area.  相似文献   

We used acoustic rhinometry to assess the geometry of the nasal cavity. The cross-sectional area of the nasal cavity as a function of distance from the nostrils was obtained. Seventeen patients with hypertrophy of the inferior turbinate and septal deviations were examined preoperatively and postoperatively; 34 normal subjects served as controls. The cross-sectional area at the anterior part of the nose suggested that skeletal hypertrophy of the inferior turbinate might be expected in the side opposite the main septal deviation. Unilateral inferior turbinoplasty seems advisable.  相似文献   

The feeling of nasal patency is related to the dimensions of the nasal cavity. After aesthetic reduction rhinoplasty, the cross-sectional areas of the nose may decrease critically. In this study, acoustic rhinometry, a new method based on acoustic reflections, was used to evaluate the internal dimensions of the nasal cavity in 37 patients before reduction rhinoplasty and again 6 months after surgery. The internal dimensions of the nasal cavity—especially the anterior dimensions—were reduced after rhinoplasty. Compared with the preoperative values, the minimum cross-sectional area (at the nasal valve) decreased by 22% (totally) to 25% (unilaterally) (P = .000), and the cross-sectional areas at the piriform aperture decreased by 11% to 13% (P = .02).  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The goal of this study was to evaluate the relationship between feline nasal cavity geometry determined in vivo by acoustic rhinometry (AR(in vivo)) and by nasal cavity casts. Cast cross-sectional areas were measured by acoustic rhinometry (AR(cast)), a fluid-displacement method (FDM), and slicing. A volume comparison between AR(in vivo) and AR(cast) was studied in cats with varying degrees of nasal obstruction after application of phenylpropanolamine, saline, or compound 48/80. METHOD: After measurements of AR(in vivo), impression material was injected into the nasal cavity to produce casts. Subsequently, the cross-sectional areas of the nasal impressions were measured by AR(cast) and FDM using ethanol. All casts were weighed to determine exact volume. Six casts also were sliced into segments of equal thickness for determination of cross-sectional area. RESULTS: Cast volume determined by AR(cast) was consistent with results obtained using FDM and weight. Volumes of the first 3 cm determined by AR(in vivo) ranged between 78 +/- 9% of cast volumes determined by AR(cast) for decongested cavities and 16 +/- 15% for congested cavities. CONCLUSION: AR(in vivo) does not reflect cast geometry, probably because of (1) underestimation by AR because of methodological problems caused by the cavity geometry, (2) deformation of compliant structures within the nasal passageways resulting from the casting procedure, and/or (3) the casting material reaches parts of the nasal cavity not accessible to sound, e.g., sinuses or recesses. Nevertheless, this study does not preclude the use of AR as a sensitive method suited to evaluate relative changes in nasal volume caused by experimental challenges of the nasal mucosa. Compared with AR(in vivo), casts still may be of use but it is less sensitive to measure relative changes after experimental challenge.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to determine whether a modification to commercially available acoustic rhinometry (AR) instrumentation might allow equipment designed for use in adults to determine accurately the nasal cavity configuration of infants and children. The standard wave tube was replaced with a version having a narrow (0.312-cm2) internal diameter (ID). Before use with neonates, the accuracy of this instrument was evaluated using the nasal cavity of a full-term infant cadaver. Acoustic nasal area curves were compared to area measurements of polyvinylsiloxane nasal casts and direct volume measurements of the specimen. AR correlated well with nasal cast data (r = .88) for total nasal cavity area. The acoustic method underestimated the total area at the nasal valve by only 1.8 mm2 (22.1 mm2 vs. 23.9 mm2) and overestimated choanal area by 10 mm2 (56.9 mm2 vs. 46.9 mm2). In addition, AR measured total nasal volume to within 5.2% of the value obtained by direct measurement. In a cohort of 10 normal, term infants, the mean acoustic value for total nasal valve area was 19.2 ± 0.05 mm2 and for total nasal volume was 1.76 ± 0.53 cm3. This, the first report of nasal area and volume information in live infants, suggests that the modified AR device has utility both in airway research and as a nasal patency screening tool in the pediatric population.  相似文献   

Acoustic rhinometry (AR) evaluates the geometry of the nasal cavity by measuring the minimum cross-sectional area (MCA) and nasal volume (V) by means of acoustic reflection. Understanding the normal and pathologic conditions of the internal nasal cavity using AR is important in the diagnosis of structural abnormalities in patients. The aim of this study was to investigate the normal range of AR parameters in healthy volunteers from three ethnic groups in Singapore: Chinese, Malay and Indian. We also attempted to evaluate the role of these measurements in the documentation of structural abnormalities in the nose. A total of 189 Singaporeans, aged > or = 18 years, were recruited from a nationwide survey study. They comprised 83 Chinese, 35 Malays and 71 Indians. Eighty-nine subjects had a rhinoscopically normal nose (Group 1), 77 had significant septal deviation (Group 2) and 23 had inferior turbinate hypertrophy (Group 3). AR was performed to measure the MCA at the anterior 1-5 cm from the nostril and the volume (V) between points at the nostril and 5 cm into the nose. A mean MCA (mMCA; equal to (L + R)/2) and a total volume (Vt; equal to L + R) were then calculated for each subject, where L and R refer to the measurements made for the left and right nostrils, respectively. The results showed that there was no statistically significant difference in mMCA (p = 0.80) and Vt (p = 0.60) among the three ethnic subgroups of Group 1. Statistically significant differences were found only between Groups 1 and 3 (p < 0.001 for both mMCA and Vt) and between Groups 2 and 3 (p = 0.001 for mMCA and p = 0.013 for Vt). Although there was no significant difference between Groups 1 and 2, significant differences in MCA (p = 0.001) and V (p = 0.040) were found between the narrower sides (smaller volume) and the wider sides in Group 2, indicating volume compensation between the nasal cavities. In conclusion, our study demonstrates that there is no significant difference in the normal range of AR measurements among Chinese, Malay and Indian ethnic groups. AR is able to determine the structural abnormality of the internal nasal cavity caused by septal deviation and inferior turbinate hypertrophy.  相似文献   

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