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目的 了解中国农村地区已婚妇女家庭暴力发生情况及相关知识。方法 2004年11月至2005年1月,在吉林、安徽省和重庆市的人口基金项目县,采用多阶段容量比例抽样方法随机抽取25个乡镇,对3998名18岁及以上的已婚妇女进行问卷调查。结果 调查地区家庭暴力发生非常普遍,一生中总暴力、心理暴力、躯体暴力和性暴力的发生比例分别为64.8%、58.1%、29.7%和16.7%;调查前12个月中总暴力、心理暴力、躯体暴力和性暴力的发生比例分别为42.6%、37.2%、14.0%和7.7%。不同种类家庭暴力常常同时存在,将近1/3的妇女同时遭受2种或3种家庭暴力的伤害。调查妇女对家庭暴力的认识较差,75.2%的调查妇女对家庭暴力不了解,很多遭受过家庭暴力伤害的妇女对家庭暴力也一无所知,尤其是对心理暴力的知晓情况更差。结论 中国农村地区家庭暴力发生非常普遍,尤其是心理暴力,但已婚妇女对家庭暴力的了解还比较欠缺,需要引起有关部门的重视。  相似文献   

北方城市人工流产妇女家庭暴力相关因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许多国际性研究显示,孕期家庭暴力发生率在5.5%~17%之间,人工流产妇女中家庭暴力发生率高于一般人群(15.0%~39.5%)。家庭暴力的发生与教育水平、地域无关而与收入低、不同种族以及婚姻年限小于2年有关。本文对我国北方部分城市的人流妇女中家庭暴力发生情况进行了调查。以了解中国人流妇女家庭暴力发生现状并分析人工流产妇女中家庭暴力发生的相关因素,为在高危人群中开展反对家庭暴力的宣传教育和干预活动,  相似文献   

家庭暴力与人工流产相关因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨人工流产与家庭暴力发生的相关因素,提出干预措施来降低人工流产发生,保护和维护妇女的健康与权益。方法:在北京、河北3所医院计划生育门诊,设计统一调查表格,经过培训采用面对面的问卷调查,用INFO6.2a及OR、χ2、t检验方法分析。结果:人工流产人群中家庭暴力中躯体、心理暴力发生率占51.4%,性暴力占30.4%;有家庭暴力妇女的人流次数、妇科并发症均增多,资料中也反映未婚人流占41.4%,未婚家庭暴力发生率高于已婚者。结论:避孕失败,男方为主要责任。男性采用避孕方法失败率高达48.5%,年龄小于20岁人流率高达7%,有性暴力人流并发症为21.6%。医务人员对家庭暴力认识不够,要加强对医务人员及青少年教育,更好地关心妇女健康。  相似文献   

农村地区家庭暴力发生情况及影响因素分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
目的了解我国农村地区家庭暴力发生情况及其影响因素。方法2004年11月~2005年1月.在联合国人口基金生殖健康/计划生育第五周期3个项目县,采用多阶段容量比例抽样方法,随机抽取25个乡镇.3998名18岁及以上的已婚育龄妇女进行定量问卷调查。这3个项目县分别为吉林东辽县、安徽居巢区和重庆铜梁市。结果我国部分农村地区家庭暴力发生率为65.0%.精神暴力最为常见。其次是躯体暴力,性暴力发生率相对较低,分别为58.3%.29.8%,16.9%。生活中的暴力经历与家庭暴力的发生有非常显著的关联,妇女年幼时经历过或看到、听到过家庭暴力者,其遭受家庭暴力伤害的危险明显增高.但妇女的个人特征与家庭暴力发生之间没有明显关系。结论在我国家庭暴力普遍存在,尤其是精神暴力。生活中的暴力经历对家庭暴力发生有重要影响。应该加强宣传教育.提高对家庭暴力的普遍性的认识,以减少暴力发生。  相似文献   

目的 探讨妊娠前、妊娠期及产后针对妇女的家庭暴力发生的现况以及相关的影响因素。方法 在天津市、河南省、辽宁省以及陕西省,采用分层整群抽样及面对面调查的方法,选择32个区,对有6~18月龄小儿的妇女进行调查,以了解她们妊娠前、妊娠期和产后家庭暴力的情况。采用SPSS软件进行分析。结果 中国北方部分地区妊娠前、妊娠期和产后家庭暴力总的发生率为12.6%,其中性暴力的发生率最高(8.0%),心理暴力的发生率最低(3.5%),躯体暴力发生率居中(5.6%)。妊娠前、妊娠期和产后家庭暴力的发生率分别为9.1%、4.3%和8.3%。进一步分析显示妊娠前发生家庭暴力则预示着妊娠期、产后很可能发生家庭暴力。单因素分析发现与家庭暴力相关的因素有:妇女和配偶的受教育程度低、结婚时间长、体力劳动者、个人月收入低、吸烟、饮酒。还发现妇女见到周围有人挨丈夫打的及夫妻关系不好者,发生家庭暴力的可能性大。结论 中国北方城市家庭暴力的发生率较高,应该引起足够的重视。对医务人员进行广泛深入的培训,以增强他们对家庭暴力的认识和反应,以及了解如何进行筛查和管理家庭暴力案例。  相似文献   

中学校园暴力的流行病学调查及影响因素分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的通过流行病学调查,探讨中学校园暴力的发生情况及其影响因素。方法采用整群抽样方法,以广州市某区中学生为调查对象,自行设计问卷对其一年来发生校园暴力的情况及相关因素进行调查,分析各类型的暴力发生率,并采用多因素logistic回归分析暴力发生的影响因素。结果调查了1064名中学生,校园暴力发生率为40.7%,其中男生发生率为49.7%,女生为29.6%,差异有统计学意义(x^2=43.75,P=0.000);高中生暴力发生率低于初中生(x^2=25.25,P=0.000)。男生遭受总暴力、心理暴力、身体暴力和性暴力的发生率分别为39.3%、21.6%、17.0%、6.0%,女生为26.3%、14.1%、9.7%、3.2%;男生施暴他人的各暴力发生率分别为26.7%、13.3%、17.0%、3.6%,女生分别为8.6%、4.6%、5.7%、1.7%。吸烟、逃学、游荡、曾受家庭暴力、零用钱少是校园暴力的影响因素(OR=6.15、2.52、2.05、1.88、1.31)。结论广州市中学生校园暴力的发生率较高,应引起学校和社会的重视并采取有效措施。  相似文献   

广州市两所医院工作场所暴力现象调查   总被引:32,自引:1,他引:32  
目的 了解医院工作场所暴力的发生现况并分析其原因,为维护医院正常工作秩序提供依据。方法 调查广州市2所三级甲等医院的卫生工作人员2001年10月至2002年10月中遭受工作场所暴力的情况。工作场所暴力事件的判断标准是,卫生工作人员本人在上述调查时间的1年中,在医院场所遭遇到心理暴力和(或)身体暴力。结果 1043名被调查者在1年中有678人遭受过工作场所暴力,以个人为单位,发生率为65.0%,以心理暴力为主。医生比护士更容易受到暴力威胁,发生率分别为70.3%和67.7%。30~39岁年龄段、工龄为11~20年的医院工作人员发生率最高。男性(11.7%)比女性(5.3%)更容易遭受身体暴力,但心理暴力和性暴力在性别上均差异无显著性。护士和护士助理最容易遭受性暴力。患者家属(64.2%)与患者本人(50.0%)是主要的肇事者,以患者家属为主。没有满足肇事者要求、患者病情无好转或患者自认无好转是发生工作场所暴力的主要原因。结论广州市医院工作场所暴力多发,必须引起重视,实施以法律与教育为主导的综合干预措施,以维护医院的正常工作秩序。  相似文献   

[目的]研究唐山市农村地区家庭暴力的发生情况,以探讨影响家庭暴力发生的因素。[方法]在唐山市农村地区抽取3个村,对部分已婚妇女进行面对面问卷调查;采用SPSS12.0软件进行描述性分析、χ^2检验、logistic多元回归分析。[结果]唐山市农村地区已婚妇女躯体暴力的发生率为12.4%,性暴力的发生率为11.2%,心理暴力的发生率为20.6%。影响躯体暴力发生的主要因素有:妇女暴力生活经历和妇女家庭地位。[结论]农村已婚妇女家庭暴力发生率较高,将会对妇女身心健康造成很大影响。  相似文献   

[目的]了解宁夏农村地区家庭暴力发生情况及其影响. [方法]2007年5月,在宁夏某县采用多阶段随机整群抽样方法,抽取了2个乡管辖的10个村的2 088名15~64岁妇女进行定量问卷调查. [结果]宁夏农村地区曾经家庭暴力总的发生率为62.3%,其中精神暴力最为常见,其次是躯体暴力,性暴力相对低,其发生率分别为61.5%,30.3%和3.0%.最近1年家庭暴力总的发生率为30.1%,其中精神暴力、躯体暴力、性暴力分别为29.6%.7.5%和1.0%.非暴力组的家庭亲密度与适应性及生命质量均高于暴力组. [结论]在宁夏家庭暴力普遍存在,尤其是精神暴力,它严重影响着妇女的家庭亲密度、适应性及生命质量.  相似文献   

目的 分析长沙市农村中学生暴力遭遇发生影响因素.方法 以过去一年是否遭遇情感暴力、躯体暴力、性暴力为多应变量,采用多元多水平logistic回归模型分析三种暴力类型间的相关关系及暴力遭遇的影响因素.结果 在3620名被调查者中,情感暴力、躯体暴力和性暴力的发生率分别为21.5%、24.3%和2.0%.采用多元多水平模型将班级水平的随机效应分离出来后得到情感暴力与躯体暴力、情感暴力与性暴力,躯体暴力与性暴力之间的相关系数分别为0.337、0.133、0.131;躯体暴力发生率在班级内存在聚集性(X2=4.286,P=0.038);情感暴力与性暴力在班级内存在关联性(X2=4.239,P=0.039);躯体暴力与性暴力在班级内存在关联性(X2=4.482,P=0.034).暴力发生率的影响因素有性别、吸烟、父母吵架、欺负他人、自尊水平.结论 多元多水平模型可将班级水平的随机效应分离出来,使结果的估计更加准确;在采取有关措施降低中学生暴力遭遇发生率时,除应注意一些个人因素和家庭因素的影响外,班集体小环境所起的作用也不容忽视.  相似文献   

Wu J  Guo S  Qu C 《Contraception》2005,72(2):117-121
A cross-sectional study was conducted to investigate the prevalence, type and severity of domestic violence (DV), and determine the factors related to DV among women seeking induced abortion in China. A total of 1215 women seeking induced abortion were interviewed. The results show that the prevalence of DV among participants was 22.6%. The violence included 18.1% sexual abuse, 7.8% physical abuse and 3.0% emotional abuse. Among abused women, 46 (16.8%) experienced violence frequently; 4.4% experienced three types of violence (sexual, physical and emotional violence). The number of times of having induced abortion in the abused group was significantly higher than that in the nonabused group (p<.001). There is statistically significant association between the occurrence of DV and relevant factors including fear of partner, quarreling with partner, partner's economic control, receiving the cold shoulder from partner (p<.001, OR 1.8-2.5).  相似文献   

目的:了解未婚人工流产(人流)女青少年中的性暴力发生现状及其对生殖健康的影响。方法:于2002年10月~2003年2月在北京、郑州、深圳、南宁市8所医院对2002名自愿要求人流的未婚女青少年进行了自填式问卷调查和妇科检查以及有关性传播疾病(STDs)的实验室检测。结果:2002名未婚人流女青少年中有282名报告曾遭受了性暴力,其发生率为14·08%。在首次性行为和近1年中曾遭受了性暴力的比例分别为7·99%和8·39%。性暴力施暴者中最常见的是男朋友(76·24%)。在性暴力受害者中,有46·10%的人被证实目前患有STDs(包括滴虫性阴道炎、念珠菌性阴道炎、沙眼衣原体感染、淋病、尖锐湿疣、生殖器疱疹)。性暴力受害者更可能首次性行为年龄<18岁、有多个性伴侣、在月经期有性行为、受教育程度低和有吸烟、饮酒嗜好。单因素分析显示,性暴力受害者中有STDs感染史和目前有STDs感染的比例明显高于无性暴力的女青少年,差异有极显著性(P<0·01);多因素分析表明,性暴力经历、首次性交年龄<18岁、性伴侣数≥2个、不使用避孕方法、父母关系不良是未婚人流女青少年是否感染性传播疾病的预测因子。与未遭受性暴力的女青少年相比,性暴力受害者目前有STDs感染的风险增加了1·3倍。结论:未婚人流女青少年中有较高的性暴力发生率和性传播疾病患病率,对未婚人流女青少年的生殖健康造成了明显的影响。  相似文献   

Quantitative study in order to study domestic violence in women with induced abortion. Interviews were conducted with 147 women hospitalized for induced abortion in a public maternity hospital in Salvador, Bahia. The subjects are characterized by mostly women, black, poorly educated, economically dependent on spouses, experienced psychological abuse, physical and sexual abuse committed by their spouses. Almost half of the women were victims of domestic violence during the current pregnancy, and that was the reason for inducing abortion for 67% of them. The study reveals an association between experience of domestic violence and induced abortion. As mental health consequences, they developed symptoms of post trauma stress disorder. It is necessary that the health professionals consider the cues to identify domestic violence as a health problem associated with induced abortion, which requires a transformation on the training model, including domestic violence as a health issue.  相似文献   

The purpose of this brief article is to examine the prevalence of domestic violence during pregnancy using data from 349 women attending an antenatal clinic serving refugees in Saidon, Lebanon. The Abuse Assessment Screen was used to identify cases of abuse among the women attending the clinic during the months of June and July, 2005. A total of 240 (68.8%) women experienced one form of physical, emotional, and sexual abuse in their marital life, and 40 (11.4%) women experienced physical violence during their current pregnancy. Violence during pregnancy was strongly associated with previous experiences of physical, emotional and sexual violence.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: As violence against women is a prevalent phenomenon, it is quite likely that health workers have experienced such violence. Prevalence among female health staff of emotional, physical and sexual abuse inflicted by a current or previous male partner as well as awareness of violence within the family of origin or among acquaintances were studied. Whether such experiences were associated with practice and knowledge concerning care of abused women was also examinated. METHODS: Questionnaires were distributed to randomly selected female health care workers at a Swedish hospital. Response rate was 68% (588 participating). Bivariate and multivariate analyses were performed. MAIN FINDINGS: Emotional, physical and sexual abuse by a current or previous male partner was reported by 23.5%; abuse within family or among acquaintances by 22.1%. Associations between personal experience of violence and aspects of practice and knowledge in bivariate comparisons did not remain significant in binary logistic regression analyses, with one exception. Those with awareness of violence within the family or among acquaintances met abused women more frequently. Training was positively associated with all aspects of care and knowledge. CONCLUSION: The prevalence rate of intimate partner violence (23.5%) among female health staff was high and not unlike that of the Swedish female population in general. Training is of greater importance than personal experience of violence in the context of practice and knowledge when meeting abused women as patients. Hence, men's violence against women should be included in professional education and in in-service training.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: State laws mandating health care personnel to contact police when treating patients injured as a result of domestic violence are controversial. Attitudes toward these laws have been studied in select groups, but never in a large population-based sample. METHODS: We measured support for mandatory reporting (MR) among 845 women in 11 cities who participated in a telephone survey assessing risk factors for intimate partner violence. Abused women were oversampled to create equal groups (427 abused and 418 non-abused); results are presented stratified by abuse status or weighted based on prevalence of abuse among women who were screened. RESULTS: The estimated prevalence of physical violence or threat of physical violence from an intimate partner during the past two years was 11.7%; 72% (95% CI = 69%-75%) of women supported MR. Abused women were significantly less likely to support MR compared to non-abused women (59% versus 73%, p < 0.01). Reasons that endorsed support included: victims would find it easier to get help (81%) and would like health care personnel to call the police (68%). Reasons that endorsed opposition included: victims would be less likely to disclose abuse (77%), would resent someone else having control (61%), and reporting would increase the risk of perpetrator retaliation (44%). CONCLUSIONS: Most women support mandatory reporting by health care personnel. However, abused women were significantly less supportive than those not abused.  相似文献   

Violence against women is frequent, and has serious consequences for their physical and mental health. Until now, a common response of health services and professionals to victims has been the denial of the violence. The aims of this study were to estimate the prevalence of present and past violence among women attending social and health services in Trieste (Italy) for any reasons, and to evaluate the feasibility of asking them about violence. Five public health care facilities were involved: a hospital-based Emergency Department, two "Consultorio Familiare", and two community-based Social service centers. The final sample consisted of 510 women; the response rate among eligible women was 76% across all facilities. The study revealed a high prevalence of different kinds of violence, mostly perpetrated by men well known to the victim. Among the women interviewed, 10.2% had experienced physical/sexual violence in the last 12 months, regardless of perpetrator. Violence by a male partner or former partner, occurred in 6.4% of women; by other relatives, 1.6% of women; and by "other" persons 3.3% of women. The results demonstrated the feasibility of "asking about violence" in all cases; moreover, those women who had been abused were often eager to talk about it. A systematic approach to the issue of violence is a necessary condition for responding appropriately to the needs of women who have experienced or are experiencing violence. Nevertheless, to avoid the replication of a common bias against victims of violence, health and social personnel should be appropriately trained before "asking all cases" becomes a policy within health and social services.  相似文献   

《Women & health》2013,53(2-3):121-133

Background: State laws mandating health care personnel to contact police when treating patients injured as a result of domestic violence are controversial. Attitudes toward these laws have been studied in select groups, but never in a large population-based sample.

Methods: We measured support for mandatory reporting (MR) among 845 women in 11 cities who participated in a telephone survey assessing risk factors for intimate partner violence. Abused women were over-sampled to create equal groups (427 abused and 418 non-abused); results are presented stratified by abuse status or weighted based on prevalence of abuse among women who were screened.

Results: The estimated prevalence of physical violence or threat of physical violence from an intimate partner during the past two years was 11.7%; 72% (95% CI = 69%–75%) of women supported MR. Abused women were significantly less likely to support MR compared to non-abused women (59% versus 73%, p < 0.01). Reasons that endorsed support included: victims would find it easier to get help (81%) and would like health care personnel to call the police (68%). Reasons that endorsed opposition included: victims would be less likely to disclose abuse (77%), would resent someone else having control (61%), and reporting would increase the risk of perpetrator retaliation (44%).

Conclusions: Most women support mandatory reporting by health care personnel. However, abused women were significantly less supportive than those not abused.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To determine whether having been abused as a child increases the risk of adolescent pregnancy in El Salvador and whether intimate partner violence during adolescence affects the association. METHODS: Using data from 3753 women between the ages of 15 and 24 from a nationally representative household health survey of Salvadoran women (FESAL 2002/2003), the association between history of childhood abuse (emotional, physical, or sexual abuse, and witnessing abuse of one's mother) and adolescent pregnancy was explored using multiple logistic regression analyses. The effect of intimate partner violence during adolescence on the relationship was explored among a subgroup of 15-19-year-olds. RESULTS: The risk of adolescent pregnancy was significantly higher among women abused as children. Women who were sexually abused, physically abused, or who experienced any type of abuse had a 48%, 42%, and 31% higher risk, respectively, of adolescent pregnancy than those without a history of abuse, after adjusting for confounding factors. Intimate partner violence during adolescence was also strongly and significantly linked with adolescent pregnancy risk. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first study from a Latin American country to demonstrate a relationship between childhood abuse and adolescent pregnancy. Greater efforts are needed to promote detection of abuse, expand knowledge about sexual and reproductive health, protect vulnerable youth, and to advocate for greater rights and social protections to Salvadoran children and adolescents.  相似文献   

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