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口腔颌面部畸形和缺损包括先天性畸形、发育性畸形、后天畸形和缺损。最常见的先天性口腔颌面部畸形是唇、腭裂畸形,常见发育性畸形为牙颌面畸形,而后天畸形和缺损是指由于疾病或损伤等引起的畸形和组织缺损。口腔颌面部畸形和缺损常导致外貌缺陷和功能障碍,因此治疗这类疾病必须遵循整形外科的治疗原则,必要时进行适当的心理干预。  相似文献   

先天性牙槽突裂是唇、腭裂常见的伴发畸形,并造成口腔形态和功能异常以及面部整体发育不协调。早期修复牙槽突畸形,恢复上颌骨骨性结构的完整和连续性,有助于恢复口腔正常形态和功能,利于面中、下部骨性支架的生长发育,是唇腭裂序列治疗中极为重要的一环。为此,近3年来作者在行唇、腭裂修复术的同时进行牙槽突一期植骨修复术(简称同期手术),近期效果满意,并对此进行讨论。1材料和方法1.1 临床资料1997年5月~1999年12月在西安交通大学口腔医学院颁面外科唇腭裂治疗科进行唇、腭裂修复术的患者中选择26例行牙槽突裂同期植骨修复术,其中男20例,女6例,年龄6月~16岁,平均5.2岁。26例均合并有牙槽突裂,其  相似文献   

腭裂是颌面部较常见的先天性发育畸形,其原发或继发畸形均会影响患者的口颌系统功能和身心健康。牵张成骨(DO)是矫治颌面部骨骼畸形和组织缺损的新型外科技术之一,利用其矫治先天性腭裂的原发或继发畸形的研究已取得一定的效果。本文对动物实验和临床应用中的术期选择、手术方式、牵张装置的设计、牵张时机、可能的并发症及其预后等方面进行综述,以诠释DO技术在关闭原发性腭裂裂隙、延长硬腭长度、矫治牙槽突裂、矫治继发性上颌骨发育不全中的研究和应用。  相似文献   

目的:了解近7年先天性唇腭裂的发病情况并分析其发病因素。方法:对1994年1月-2001年1月884例先天性唇腭裂住院手术患者进行回顾性统计分析。结果:唇裂合并腭裂、唇裂或伴牙槽裂、单纯腭裂分别占56.79%、22.06%和21.15%。男女比例为2.25:1。结论:多基因遗传和胚胎的环境因素包括感染、药物、精神因素是唇腭裂的重要病因。  相似文献   

腭裂是口腔颌面部最常见的先天性畸形之一,可单独或合并其他先天性畸形存在,但腭裂合并镜面右位心及内脏反位患者极罕见。本文报告1例不完全性腭裂伴镜面右位心、右位主动脉弓及内脏反位,并结合文献对其临床特点进行了讨论。  相似文献   

先天性唇腭裂病例的临床统计分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
先天性唇、腭裂是一种最常见的颜面部畸形,此类病人占我院口腔颌面部先天性畸形的92.5%(8655例),本次统计是按照国际疾病分类原则进行分类统计,了解单纯性唇裂(749.101)、单纯性腭裂(749.002)以及唇裂伴有腭裂(749.201)病人的单病种的情况,性别与疾病的关系,历年的收治情况。同时还采取随机抽样,每年抽100例同时期的健康状况和遗传因素与该病的联系。旨在提醒育龄夫妇注意孕期前后的身心  相似文献   

先天性唇腭裂是常见的颌面部先天性畸形之一,唇腭裂整复治疗的方法一直备受关注,因患儿鼻、唇、腭牙槽突外形的恢复对其心理和身体发育都有重要的意义.目前有两种治疗方法,一种是单纯的手术整复,另一种是新生儿在术前先行矫治器治疗,以阻止畸形发展,同时尽可能减少原有畸形,为手术创造良好的组织条件,提高唇腭裂的外科修复效果.  相似文献   

目的:多数牙的先天性缺失严重影响患者的容貌和口腔功能.临床上对多数牙先天性缺失常采用正畸和义齿修复的方法治疗,但治疗时间较长,疗效并不理想.本文采用口腔种植技术治疗多数牙先天性缺失.方法:由于多数牙先天性缺失的种植基础较差,情况复杂,应根据患者口腔具体情况,常需多种临床技术联合应用才能取得较好的效果.本文列举了3个多数牙先天性的复杂病例,采用了自体骨移植、  相似文献   

先天性上下牙槽粘连分离术一例报告李翠平刘志良刘淑兰患儿女性,足月顺产,24h,河北省曲阳县东河流乡人。患儿出生后被发现上下牙槽粘连,不能开口吮乳,不能开口啼哭,于1995年10月8日收入院。检查未见其它先天性畸形,一般状况尚可。其母智力低下,妊娠期间...  相似文献   

牵张成骨术在腭裂畸形矫治中的应用和研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
牵张成骨是矫治骨骼畸形及缺损的一种新型外科技术,它对先天性腭裂的各种畸形进行整复和矫治已取得明显效果。本文阐述了腭裂术后继发性面中份发育畸形利用该技术矫治的优点、术期的选择、术中注意事项及如何提高矫治精度和质量,并对腭咽闭合不全、上颌骨横向发育不足、牙槽突裂及原发性腭裂等颌骨畸形及缺损的矫治方法、效果及相关机理进行了介绍。  相似文献   

Intraoral synechia is a rarely seen intraoral anomaly. As a result of intraoral synechiae, fusion of the palatal shelves may be prevented because of the abnormal interposition of the tongue. Hence, cleft palate anomaly accompanies intraoral synechiae in many patients. The main problem for these patients is the inadequate oral opening for feeding. Flexible nasopharyngeal examination before intubation may help the anesthetist for simple excision of synechiae in the newborn period. In this article, a newborn who had a congenital synechia between the mandible and the maxilla has been presented, and the etiopathogenesis of intraoral synechia and the importance of flexible nasal endoscopy before endotracheal intubation are discussed.  相似文献   

Congenital alveolar synechiae is rarely seen as an isolated disease. It is generally observed together with various syndromes such as Van der Woude and cleft palate lateral alveolar synechiae syndrome, and is concomitant with other anomalies in the maxillofacial or other regions of the body. Prior to this case report , eight cases of isolated congenital alveolar synechiae have been reported. This paper reports a case of isolated congenital alveolar synechiae in a 10-month-old baby girl. The report concentrates on the clinical features of isolated congenital alveolar synechiae, the likely aetiological causes and the treatment.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: A 1-day-old baby girl with a cleft of the secondary palate and a soft tissue band connecting the upper and lower jaws and preventing mouth opening was referred to the cleft lip and palate team by her pediatrician. This case represents a further example of an interesting but rare anomaly known as congenital alveolar synechia syndrome that requires early management to allow normal feeding and oral development.  相似文献   

Congenital tumors of the oral cavity are uncommon. Teratoid tumors account for most of the reported cases and are infrequently associated with a cleft of the soft palate. Of the remaining tumors associated with pediatric cleft palate, congenital lipoma is rare. Lipomas of the oral cavity may show cartilaginous or osseous changes. These changes have not been reported in lipoma associated with cleft palate. A rare case of congenital osteolipoma associated with cleft palate and showing osseous change is presented here. The pathogenesis of the lesion and the osseous metaplasia are described. The present case is the second case of congenital lipoma associated with cleft palate in the literature.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Documentation of the application of maxillary distraction osteogenesis using rigid external distraction (RED) with skeletal anchorage combined with predistraction alveolar bone grafting (ABG) in cleft maxilla. DESIGN: Case report. PATIENT: A patient with numerous congenital missing teeth and severe maxillary deficiency related to complete bilateral cleft lip and palate with large alveolar bone defect. INTERVENTION: The patient received preoperative orthodontic treatment, predistraction ABG, and maxillary distraction osteogenesis using RED with skeletal anchorage. RESULTS: Predistraction ABG completely united the cleft maxilla. The united maxilla was successfully advanced by the RED system with skeletal anchorage, despite unsound dentition with numerous congenital missing teeth. CONCLUSION: The present study demonstrates that the combination of predistraction ABG and RED system with skeletal anchorage is effective for the treatment of severe maxillary deficiency related to complete bilateral cleft lip and palate with large bone defect and numerous congenital missing teeth.  相似文献   

A 1-day-old boy in respiratory distress had a midline soft tissue band between the floor of the mouth and the posterior edge of the hard palate. There was also a soft palatal cleft, cardiac anomalies, and a hypoplastic right fifth finger and toe. Although his airway initially improved following urgent excision of the subglossopalatal band, he continued to have episodic desaturations. A tongue-lip adhesion opened his airway, and he subsequently underwent resection of juxtaductal aortic coarctation and ligation of patent ductus arteriosus and left superior vena cava. Congenital oral synechiae are uncommon. Affected infants often require prompt intervention secondary to respiratory distress and feeding difficulty. Review of the literature indicates that midline subglossopalatal synechia with cardiac and digital anomalies may be in the oromandibular-limb hypogenesis spectrum.  相似文献   

牙槽突裂是位于唇腭裂患者上颌牙弓处的骨缺损,常发生于侧切牙与尖牙之间。由于先天性裂隙、早期手术治疗所致瘢痕挛缩及唇肌压迫等原因,患者多并发严重的上颌骨横向发育障碍。牙槽突植骨术作为唇腭裂序列治疗中的重要步骤,是修补上颌骨裂隙和矫正上颌横向发育不足的有效手段。众多临床实践及研究发现,正畸治疗的时机选择与牙槽突植骨术的成功率及预后效果密不可分,同时,牙槽突裂的裂隙特点对牙槽突植骨术产生的影响也不可忽视。本文就牙槽突裂的裂隙特点与正畸治疗时机对牙槽突植骨术成功率及预后的影响两方面进行综述,以期为唇腭裂患者临床治疗方案的选择及实验研究的设计提供一定的依据。  相似文献   

Cleft lip and palate (CL/P) is a frequent congenital malformation that manifests in several varieties including unilateral or bilateral and complete or incomplete. Alveolar cleft reconstruction remains controversial with regard to timing, graft materials, surgical techniques, and methods of evaluation. Many studies have been conducted addressing these points to develop an acceptable universal protocol for managing CL/P. The primary goal of alveolar cleft reconstruction in CL/P patients is to provide a bony bridge at the cleft site that allows maxillary arch continuity, oronasal fistula repair, eruption of the permanent dentition into the newly formed bone, enhances nasal symmetry through providing alar base support, orthodontic movement and placement of osseointegrated implants when indicated. Other goals include improving speech, improvement of periodontal conditions, establishing better oral hygiene, and limiting growth disturbances. In order to rehabilitate oral function in CL/P patients alveolar bone grafting is necessary. Secondary bone grafting is the most widely accepted method for treating alveolar clefts. Autogenous bone graft is the primary source for reconstructing alveolar cleft defects and is currently the preferred grafting material.  相似文献   

目的探求患有先天性唇腭裂少年儿童的个性状态。方法调查对象包括7~17岁50例先天性唇腭裂患儿组和年龄相仿的正常少年儿童对照组。两组均采用艾森克个性问卷(儿童)EPQ(Junior)进行个性调查。结果EPQ(Junior)量表(T分)两组总体情况相比较患儿异常例数高于对照组(P<0.005),各项量表(T分)及多项量表(T分)也是患儿组高于对照组(P<0.005)。结论唇腭裂少年儿童造成个性不良与唇腭裂畸形有关,所以在矫治唇腭裂的同时也必须注意个性不良的防治。  相似文献   

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