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探讨童年期同伴欺凌经历对青春期发育的影响,为开展预防青少年欺凌行为的健康教育提供参考.方法 于2014年9月采取整群抽样方法,选取安徽省马鞍山市3所小学三到四年级693名学生为调查对象,采用自编同伴欺凌问卷评价同伴欺凌经历,青春期发育量表(Pubertal Developmental Scale,PDS)评价儿童青春期发育情况.2015年9月再次对所有研究对象开展随访(654人),评估同伴欺凌与青春期发育的关联.根据儿童在基线与随访调查中2次报告的被同伴欺凌经历,将儿童分为无受欺凌组、持续组、新发组和消退组.结果 61.0% (399/654)的儿童在基线与随访中均无同伴欺凌经历,11.5%(75/654)儿童有持续受欺凌经历,14.8% (97/654)有随访期新发受欺凌经历,12.7% (83/654)随访期不再受欺凌.4组同伴欺凌经历青少年PDS得分与体质量指数(BMI)随访前后变化差值比较,持续欺凌组PDS得分明显高于无欺凌组、消退组和新发组;BMI变化值在同伴欺凌不同分组中差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).多元线性回归分析显示,相比于无欺凌组,持续受欺凌组男生PDS得分增高(β=0.249,95%CI=0.136~ 0.362);女生新发组和持续组PDS得分显著增高(β值分别为0.191,0.245,95%CI分别为0.076~0.305,0.123~ 0.367).结论 持续被同伴欺凌经历可能致男女童青春期发育加速.  相似文献   

社会因素剖宫产儿体格与智力发育的前瞻性队列研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨社会因素剖宫产对儿童体格与智力发育的影响。方法:采用前瞻性队列研究,确定社会因素剖宫产和顺产产妇队列(社会因素剖宫产组68例、顺产组65例),分别于出生时、18月龄、24月龄、30月龄、36月龄、42月龄时体格检查,24月龄时智力测验(采用Gesell评分)。结果:两队列均衡性较好(P>0.05),两组儿童在身高、体重、头围以及智力发育方面差异均无统计学意义。结论:社会因素剖宫产对42月龄以下的儿童体格发育未见显著性影响,社会因素剖宫产智力发育并不优于顺产,远期影响仍需扩大样本量以及继续随访研究。  相似文献   

孙莹  陶芳标 《中国学校卫生》2020,41(6):801-803+806
青春期是童年期至成年期的过渡阶段,且该过程受生物、社会和环境等多因素的影响,其本身必然是跨学科范畴。本文简明梳理了青春期跨学科的发展及取得的部分进展,提出青春期跨学科研究的4个优先策略:基于队列探讨青春期发育的健康效应,发育时相与发育速度同步研究,重视遗传、表观遗传学与环境交互作用,拓展男童青春期研究。提倡科学运用青春期跨学科研究成果,在精细化研究的基础上,将多学科知识纳入到青春期系统研究框架中,互相补充和支持,交叉创新再出发。  相似文献   

单纯性肥胖对儿童青春期发育的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来 ,儿童单纯性肥胖症的发生率有迅速增加的趋势。肥胖对儿童的生长发育和心理健康有着重要的影响 ,并与多种成人疾病关系密切。作者试图探讨单纯性肥胖对儿童生长发育、机能素质、青春期性发育以及智力发育水平的影响 ,从而预防儿童期的肥胖症 ,为提高儿童健康水平提供预见性资料。1 对象和方法1.1 对象 选择济南市 7所中小学 11~ 14岁儿童为观察对象 ,其中 30名单纯性肥胖儿童为肥胖组。肥胖度均在中度以上 (身高标准体重比≥ 130 % ) ;30名正常体重儿童为对照组(身高标准体重比 90 %~ 110 %之间 )。男女人数各半。1.2 方法 形…  相似文献   

本文对包头市蒙族儿童青春期各项形态、机能、第二性征、皮脂厚度及骨龄进行了全面观察,阐明了蒙族青少年身高、体重、胸围,坐高等形态指标的青春期突增高峰年龄。机能指标男生高于女生,青春期差别非常显著。骨龄在男女间存在两次交叉,交叉时间较形态指标提前。皮下脂肪发育男女规律不同,女生青春期突增明显,且显著高于男生。第二性征发育总趋势男生以阴毛、变声开始较早,女生以乳房发育开始最早。女生平均初潮年龄13.09岁,平均初潮骨龄14.22岁。  相似文献   

肥胖对儿童少年青春期性发育影响探讨山东医科大学儿少卫生教研室(济南250012)张亨菊山东医科大学济南临床学院内分泌科李耀烟台市芝罘区卫生防疫站学校卫生科尉建华在青春期生长发育研究中体脂的含量与性成熟的关系已引起各国学者的兴趣[1,2],但脂肪含量与...  相似文献   

铅暴露对婴幼儿发育商数影响的队列研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
目的 了解婴幼儿出生前后铅暴露对其智力发育的影响。方法 采用前瞻性队列研究的方法。建立新婚夫妇研究队列,进行基线调查、孕前观察、孕期随访、分娩及新生儿情况记录,及子代发育商数测定和跟踪问卷调查;并用石墨炉原子吸收法测定基线血、孕中血、脐带血和婴幼儿血铅水平;纵向分析出生前后铅暴露水平对婴幼儿智力发育的影响。结果婴幼儿适应性行为能区发育商在父亲基线血铅高、低2组间,语言和个人-社交行为能区发育商数在婴幼儿血铅高低2组间差异有统计学意义。相关分析显示不同血样的血铅水平与婴幼儿5个行为能区发育商数均呈负相关,逐步回归分析显示,婴幼儿每个行为能区发育商数均与不同个体的血铅水平有关。结论 环境铅暴露可能导致婴幼儿智力发育迟缓,且不同行为能区发育的损伤程度与出生前后不同时期的暴露有关,防治铅对儿童的危害应在出生前就开始。  相似文献   

青春期发育时间受到遗传、环境、膳食和自身行为等因素的影响。现有的研究大多集中在表面的相关性上,对于生理、分子等机制的确证较少。本文根据目前已有的研究对影响青春期发育的因素进行综述,为制定预防和改善青春期发育提前的干预措施提供参考。  相似文献   

目的 探讨围青春期膳食质量对青春期发育的前瞻性影响,为预防中国儿童青春期发育提前提供理论依据.方法 利用西南地区儿童营养与生长发育队列数据,以1 588名6~8岁儿童(女童976名,男童612名)为研究对象,通过食物频率问卷收集儿童的膳食摄入信息,采用修订版中国儿童膳食指数(Chinese Children Dieta...  相似文献   

目的 分析2月龄时回应性照护对婴儿6个月内发育的影响,为在中国背景下推广实施世界卫生组织的儿童早期发展养育照护框架提供循证依据。 方法 2016年4月-2018年10月,利用上海亲子队列研究平台,从孕期随访至产后婴儿6月龄。孕产相关信息从孕期问卷和医院产科记录中获得;在婴儿2月龄时评价家长的回应性照护行为,在婴儿2月龄、6月龄时使用《年龄与发育进程问卷(第三版)》评价婴儿发育水平。 结果 2 853名婴儿完成2月龄随访,其中1 850人完成6月龄随访。婴儿2月龄时,家长对婴儿抚触搂抱和逗引交流的回应性照护具备率相对较低,分别为91.0%和92.1%,其他4个回应性照护行为具备率均超过95%。家庭年收入越高、母亲文化程度越高、母亲产后无抑郁症状的,婴儿获得充足的回应性照护的比例越高。在调整多种重要混杂因素的作用后发现,与2月龄时回应性照护充足组的婴儿相比,回应性照护不足组的婴儿2月龄粗大动作、精细动作、解决问题和个人-社会发育迟缓风险分别显著地增加了125%、442%、167%和162%,6月龄个人-社会发育迟缓风险增加了129%;与2月龄时回应性照护充足组的婴儿相比,一般组的婴儿2月龄精细动作和解决问题发育迟缓风险分别增加222%和136%。结论 2月龄时不充足的回应性照护能够明显增加婴儿的2月龄粗大动作、精细动作、解决问题、个人-社会的发育迟缓风险,对个人-社会发育的消极影响可持续到婴儿6月龄。  相似文献   



Bisphenol A (BPA) is an environmental endocrine disruptor and is found in many consumer products. Animal studies suggest that BPA may perturb pubertal development in males, although studies in humans are limited.


This study investigated the association between BPA exposure and pubertal onset and progression among school-aged boys in Shanghai, China.


A total of 671 boys aged 9–18 years from three schools (one elementary, one middle, and one high school) in Shanghai were enrolled in a cross-sectional study. Tanner stages for genital and pubic hair development and testicular volume were assessed by a specifically trained physician. Information concerning spermarche was self-reported. Urine samples were collected to examine peripubertal BPA exposure levels. Associations between BPA exposure and pubertal development, as indicated by the presence of different milestones in early puberty, mid-puberty and late puberty, were assessed using Poisson multivariate regression to derive adjusted prevalence ratios (PRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs).


Earlier onset of genital and pubic hair development was observed in boys with moderate BPA exposure compared with those exposed to the least BPA; the adjusted PRs were 1.31 (95%CI:1.03, 1.68) and 1.28 (95%CI:1.02, 1.60) for onset of genital maturation and pubic hair development, respectively. A similar trend was seen for onset of testicular development, although the association was not statistically significant. Conversely, compared with the lowest level of BPA exposure, moderate BPA exposure was associated with delayed presence of the late stage of genital development, with an adjusted PR of 0.78 (95%CI: 0.65, 0.92). A suggestive inverse association was also observed between BPA exposure and late progression of testicular development.


Our findings indicate an association between peripubertal BPA exposure and earlier pubertal onset, but delayed pubertal progression, in boys. Longitudinal studies of male pubertal development with periodic follow-up are needed to verify these results.  相似文献   

探讨童年期不良经历对青春期发育的影响,为针对性开展早期干预提供参考.方法 于2017年10月在安徽省马鞍山市3所小学,采用整群抽样的方法以班级为单位抽取1 057名三至四年级学生为调查对象,自我报告童年期不良经历(adverse childhood experiences,ACEs),包括躯体、情感与性虐待和躯体、情感忽视.客观评估男生睾丸容积和女生乳房Tanner发育分期.1年后随访再次评价ACEs与青春期发育.根据儿童基线与随访暴露情况,将ACEs分为无暴露组、短暂暴露组和持续暴露组.采用多元线性回归模型分析各组ACEs与随访1年后青春期发育的关联.结果 持续情感虐待与女生乳房Tanner分期和男生睾丸容积均呈正相关(β值分别为0.36,1.07,95%CI值分别为0.09~0.63,0.47~ 1.66,P值均<0.01);持续躯体虐待与男生睾丸容积呈负相关(β=-0.83,95%CI=-1.58~-0.08,P<0.05);性虐待与女生乳房Tanner分期呈负相关(持续β=-1.43,95%CI=-2.86~-0.02;短暂β=--0.45,95%CI=-0.73-0.19,P值均<0.05);持续情感忽视与女生乳房Tanner分期呈正相关(β=0.33,95% CI=0.06~0.61,P<0.05),与男生睾丸容积呈负相关(β=-0.19,95%CI=-1.38~-0.09,P<0.01).结论 青春期发育与童年期不良经历相关.不同ACEs青春期发育效应差异的具体机制和相同ACEs青春期发育效应的性别差异仍需进一步探讨.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To examine the importance of chronologic age versus pubertal status in predicting adolescent girls' depressive symptoms in different ethnic groups. METHODS: A national probability sample was used to obtain a representative cohort of 3216 adolescents, 5th through 8th grades. Subjects completed a questionnaire, which included a modified version of the Children's Depression Inventory (CDI) and an assessment of timing of menarche. RESULTS: Among Caucasians, post-menarcheal adolescent girls had higher depression scores than did same-aged pre-menarcheal girls. Boys and pre-menarcheal girls had similar depression scores in most age groups. Among African-Americans and Hispanics, there were no menarche-associated differences in depressive symptoms. CONCLUSION: In early adolescence pubertal status is a better predictor of depressive symptoms than chronological age in Caucasian, but not African-American or Hispanic girls.  相似文献   

探讨青春发育阶段和青春发动时相对青少年女性接触媒体传达的性知识与性态度的影响,为开展有针对性的性健康教育提供理论依据.方法 在上海市分层整群抽取6所学校的初、高中学生共1 390名,进行匿名电子问卷形式的“上海市中学生青春期健康及接触媒体状况的抽样调查”,选择其中496名处于不同青春发育阶段的青少年女性,分析年龄、青春发动时相与对媒体性内容的感兴趣程度、性信息的接触情况及感知媒体对性行为容忍度的关联.结果 青春发育阶段较高的女生对媒体中的性相关信息更感兴趣(P<0.01);更多暴露于除性病/艾滋病以外的性相关信息以及黄色录像/电影/刊物,更容易将媒体传达的信息解释为对青少年发生性行为的认可(P=0.006).控制年龄的影响后,青春发动时相提前的女学生对媒体中的性相关信息更感兴趣(P=0.023),并有将媒体传达的信息理解为对青少年发生性行为的认可的倾向(P=0.051).结论 青春发动时相提前的女生更容易被媒体传达的性内容吸引,并认为媒体对青少年发生性行为的认同度较高.应关注女生接触媒体性信息的情况,防止性相关危险行为的发生.  相似文献   

Pubertal stage was assessed in 453 Egyptian boys aged from nine to 17 years. Weights and albumin concentrations were measured and parasites identified from stool samples. The mean age to reach each stage of puberty was significantly delayed in the presence of low albumin levels and parasites. The magnitude of the delay was greater for genital stage 2 than for later stages. Weight was also lower in children with reduced albumin concentration or parasites. Among children of the same age, weight and albumin were positively correlated (P < 0·001), suggesting that albumin status is involved in the timing of puberty.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Early age at menarche increases future disease risk. Secular decline in age at menarche has been attributed to body size characteristics, diet, and energy expenditure. Risk factors for puberty have been less frequently explored. METHODS: A cross-sectional study of 186 New York Metropolitan Area, 9-year-old girls (54 African-American, 70 Hispanic, 62 Caucasians) used interviewer-administered questionnaires to assess exposures. Height and weight were measured. Pediatricians assessed pubertal development according to Tanner stages. RESULTS: African-Americans were more likely than Caucasians to have achieved puberty as determined by breast or hair development (stage 2 or higher) [age-adjusted odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals = 4.91 (2.15-11.19) and 4.25 (1.85-9.77), respectively]. Pubertal development was similar among Hispanics and Caucasians. Adiposity and height were significantly positively associated with breast or hair development. More sedentary activity hours non-significantly increased the likelihood of hair development. Lower energy, but higher polyunsaturated fat, consumption were suggestive of an association with breast development. Vitamin C and hair development were inversely related. No other nutrients or physical activity measures were related to pubertal development. CONCLUSIONS: Results are consistent with height and adiposity being associated with pubertal development. Sedentary activity or diet might possibly influence maturation.  相似文献   

  目的  研究男生肥胖和首次遗精年龄间的相关关系,为进一步掌握青少年生长发育规律提供科学依据。  方法  选取湖北省2014年体质健康调研数据库中汉族11~18岁男生3 893人,提取身高,体重和遗精情况3个指标,采用体质指数(BMI)判断营养状况,使用概率单位回归法计算半数遗精年龄,U检验比较城市和乡村半数遗精年龄的差异。  结果  湖北省11~18岁汉族男生超重肥胖率分别为14.85 %和6.65 %,城市和乡村男生的超重率为17.43 %、9.47 %,肥胖率为12.36 %、3.94 %,城市男生的超重率和肥胖率均高于乡村男生(χ2 = 19.74、48.01,均P < 0.05)。12岁城市男生肥胖组和正常体重组的首次遗精检出率分别为17.95 %和3.42 %,14岁城市男生肥胖组和营养不良组的首次遗精检出率分别为86.96 %和41.18 %,14岁乡村男生体重正常组和营养不良组首次遗精检出率分别为70.26 %和21.74 %,17岁城市男生肥胖组和正常体重组的首次遗精检出率分别为66.67 %和95.53 %,4组在不同营养状况下首次遗精检出率有差异(χ2 = 10.70、9.34、21.33、20.64,均P < 0.05)。城市男生的首次半数遗精年龄为13.75岁,晚于乡村男生的13.65岁(P < 0.05)。  结论  男生肥胖与首次遗精年龄之间有一定关系,但还需要进一步研究。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the prevalence of low body weight in Beijing pubertal girls and to establish the cut-off for body mass index (BMI) for underweight for Chinese pubertal girls. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. SETTING: Three socioeconomic areas (rural, suburban and urban) in Beijing, China. SUBJECTS: Random sample of 1214 adolescent girls aged 12-14 y from 13 middle schools. RESULTS: Using a modified Chinese reference, the rate of low body weight (BMI<18) was 32.2% (95% CI 29.6-34.8%). Compared with desirable weight girls (BMI=18-21), girls with low body weight had a lower bone age, delayed breast and pubic hair development, a lower rate of menarche, lower distal one-third radius and ulna bone mineral content (BMC), bone mineral density and bone width. Logistic regression showed that BMI was one of the predictors of one-third ulna BMC after adjustment for confounding variables. When comparing BMI<18 vs BMI=18-21, the risk of BMC being less than the median increased by 82% (odds ratio 1.82, 95% CI 1.06-3.13). Thinness and stunting rates assessed by WHO recommended cut-offs are also reported. CONCLUSIONS: High prevalence of low body weight (BMI<18) was found to be a major health problem among Beijing pubertal girls. BMI<18 is confirmed as the cut-off for delayed general growth and development for Chinese girls and for screening girls at risk of lower bone mineral status.  相似文献   

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