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该文概要介绍了国内外医学教育和护理学教育标准化发展的趋势,并聚焦于我国本科护理学教育标准,详细阐述了该标准的用途、内容结构及其特点。在此基础上,重点介绍了目前我国本科护理学专业认证的基本程序,包括认证专家组的组成、认证的具体步骤、认证活动的形式和过程,以期帮助国内各护理院校进一步认识和理解本科护理学教育标准的内涵和本科护理学专业认证工作的重要意义。  相似文献   

该文通过回顾护理学专业认证近几年的实践工作,总结了教育部高等学校护理学专业教学指导委员会对认证内容、程序、认证专家方面的完善和改进,并指出护理学专业认证存在的问题及发展方向。  相似文献   

专业认证作为高等教育质量保证的重要措施,促使高等教育机构质量保障由外部力量转变为教育机构自我发展、自我激励、自我约束的内在需求。科学的专业认证制度既能有效地保障专业教育发展的基本需求,又能调动专业教育院校的特色化和个性化发展的积极性。该文通过回顾国内外护理学专业认证、教育标准和规范的发展现状,探讨我国护理学专业认证的未来与发展。  相似文献   

专业认证工作是国家教育部实施高等学校本科教学质量与教学改革工程的重要内容之一,护理学本科专业认证是有效提升我国护理教育教学水平和人才培养质量的重要举措。2010年我国护理学本科专业试认证工作启动以来,已经先后有14所高等院校的护理学专业进行了认证,该文着重归纳总结了认证院校护理专业师资队伍建设中存在的问题,并提出相关建议,旨在为促进我国高等护理教育发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

护理学专业认证旨在建立专业标准杠杆,规范国内护理专业教育,促进国内护理专业教育与国际接轨,实现教育国际化。南方医科大学是我国首批接受专业认证的院校,该文介绍了接受护理学专业试认证工作的过程、认识与体会,为进一步推动认证工作的有效开展提供参考依据。  相似文献   

该文总结了护理本科专业认证开展6年来各护理院系在本科教育计划中存在的不足,分别从课程计划、教学方法、科学方法教育、主要课程、课程计划管理、与毕业后和继续护理学教育的联系6个方面对存在的问题进行了分析,在分析的基础上提出了相应的整改建议,旨在为院校提高护理学专业教育计划制订的科学性、合理性和执行质量提供参考。  相似文献   

The shortage of qualified faculty has been consistently reported as a major barrier impeding acceptance of all qualified applicants into nursing programs. In addition to faculty recruitment, the attrition of faculty is also a concern for schools of nursing. In this study, we found that nationally 11.8% of full-time faculty who worked in 2010 left their full-time jobs by 2011. Nearly half of total attrition, or 5.7% of full-time faculty members, were related to leaving for nonacademic nursing positions, whereas another 20% of attrition, or 2.4% of full-time faculty, resulted from retirement. Nearly 20% of faculty egressions, or 2.2% of full-time faculty, was due to leaving for nursing administrative positions or full-time faculty positions in an academic setting. Leaving for part-time faculty positions made up slightly more than 10% of faculty attrition or 1.3% of full-time faculty. Our bivariate analysis identifies distinctive academic and demographic profiles of faculty who left full-time positions for different reasons, and our multivariate analysis further shows that different individual and institutional attributes are significantly associated with different types of attrition.  相似文献   

护理学是一门综合性应用学科,注重临床实践能力的培养。帮助学生具备胜任岗位解决临床护理问题的能力、减轻患者病痛是本科人才培养的重要核心内容。该文以护理本科人才培养目标为依据,以全国护理专业本科教育认证及实际调查研究结果为基础,结合我国护理本科教育临床护理实践能力培养现状,对临床实践能力培养中存在的主要问题进行分析,并结合教育部护理本科人才实践能力标准提出建议,旨在帮助护理院校结合自己的实际情况不断完善教学方案,启发教育改革思路,为我国培养高质量本科护理专业人才提供参考依据。  相似文献   

These findings reveal that an emphasis on death and dying in baccalaureate nursing schools has definitely increased over the past 20 years. Ninety-five percent of the schools reported here have some emphasis on death and dying. The majority of nursing students take the death and dying offerings. Overwhelmingly, the professional background of the instructor is nursing. While only 5 percent of the schools do not offer anything in death and dying, nearly half of these plan to offer something "within the next five years." If death and dying offerings influence students' attitudes, as is suggested in research cited above, baccalaureate nursing programs in the United States apparently have taken positive steps toward helping nurses cope with dying over the past 20 years. If nurses themselves cannot deal with death, caring for a dying patient may be difficult. With continued increased emphasis on death and dying in nursing curricula, both nurses, patients, and patients' families will hopefully benefit.  相似文献   

通过介绍南京中医药大学护理学专业认证的过程和后期整改方案,提出高等中医院校护理学专业应当把握专业认证的机遇,充分发挥中医护理在高等护理教育中的特色和优势,以规范中医护理核心课程体系,提高人才培养质量,培养中西医结合高等护理人才,促进专业发展。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND. Written communication skills are critical for nursing practice. However, nursing faculty often find students unprepared to communicate clearly and effectively in writing. This integrative review identifies and discusses specific approaches used in baccalaureate programs to teach writing skills to prelicensure nursing students. METHODS. Electronic databases PubMed, CINALHL, and ERIC were used. Nine articles were found describing programs that taught writing skills to prelicensure nursing students in baccalaureate programs. All articles were published since 1990 and met inclusion and exclusion criteria. Writing programs were divided into two categories: stand‐alone programs and programs integrated across a nursing curriculum. Instructional strategies were analyzed to identify common elements. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION. Five common elements of such programs were identified: short writing assignments, faculty training, sequential writing assignments, giving students examples of successful writing or explaining grading rubrics, and revision after faculty or peer feedback. Across‐curriculum programs appeared to include these components more often than stand‐alone programs. CONCLUSION. Writing programs implemented across a nursing curriculum may be more likely to include certain common components than are stand‐alone programs. There is a critical need to measure both short‐ and long‐term outcomes of these writing programs.  相似文献   

我国本科护理学专业教育标准构建的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 构建既符合我国国情,又顺应国际环境的本科护理学专业教育标准,为开展本科护理学专业认证提供依据和科学的评价工兵.方法 考察我国护理本科教育现状,并组织专家小组会议构建本科护理学专业教育标准草案.运用德尔菲法,从全国开办护理本科护理教育的院校中选择98所进行两轮函询,根据专家意见修订草案,同时对标准进行验证.结果 确立的本科护理学专业教育标准包括本科护理学毕业生应达到的基本要求(32项)和本科护理学专业教育办学标准(10个领域40项).专家意见的集中程度和对各级指标评价的一致性程度均较高.结论 形成的本科护理学专业教育标准科学、全面地规定了我国护理本科教育的人才培养和办学条件要求,符合我国本科护理教育的发展现状,并融入了我国护理专业发展特色,体现了当前护理教育发展的国际趋势.  相似文献   

There is a significant effort to include gerontological nursing in baccalaureate nursing programs, but there needs to be continuous evaluation as to the nature and extent of this content. The four stages of the Curriculum Process Model (directive, formative, functional, and evaluative) provide a logical and systematic approach for developing or revising a curriculum. Although the status of gerontological nursing content, faculty preparation, and clinical settings for gerontological experiences have improved, they still do not provide the necessary educational background for students.  相似文献   

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