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慢性化脓性中耳炎并发迷路瘘管20例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 :探讨慢性化脓性中耳炎并发迷路瘘管的临床特征及治疗方法。方法 :回顾性分析 1992~ 1999年收治的慢性化脓性中耳炎患者 45 0例的临床资料 ,全部病例均行乳突根治术。结果 :45 0例中并发迷路瘘管 2 0例 (4 .4% ) ,18例 (90 % )有主观听力下降 ,13例 (6 5 % )有眩晕史。 9例 (4 5 % )瘘管试验阳性。患耳全聋 2例 ,患耳纯音测听骨导平均听阈≤ 30 d B 11例 ,31~ 5 0 d B 3例 ,≥ 5 1d B 4例。瘘管试验阳性患者患耳听力较瘘管试验阴性者差 (P <0 .0 1)。 CT检查的 9例中 ,2例发现迷路瘘管。术中发现 18例 (90 % )为胆脂瘤性中耳炎 ,2例 (10 % )为骨疡型中耳炎 ,瘘管均发生在外半规管。结论 :迷路瘘管术前尚无可靠的诊断方法 ,最可靠的方法是在手术中探查。对迷路瘘管区的处理应视瘘管的大小、部位、病变性质及患者的具体情况而定。  相似文献   

慢性化脓性中耳炎合并迷路瘘管诊治体会(附32例报告)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的探讨慢性化脓性中耳炎并发迷路瘘管的临床特征及其手术治疗方法。方法回顾分析我科2000—2007年收治的32例(36耳)手术证实的慢性化脓性中耳炎伴迷路瘘管患者的临床资料。其中有眩晕史者24例(75.0%),诉耳呜者28例(87.5%),瘘管试验阳性12例(37.5%)。对于小于2mm的骨性半规管瘘,在彻底清除病变后予肌筋膜覆盖。对瘘管大于2mm者,如迷路瘘管处病变难以清除,予保留一薄层胆脂瘤基质,行开放式乳突根治术;如能彻底清除病变者,予带筋膜的耳屏软骨片封闭瘘管,外面再覆盖-层肌筋膜。对瘘管破坏严重者。在彻底清除病变的同时行半规管阻塞术。22耳行开放式乳突根治术后Ⅰ期行鼓室成形术,14耳行改良乳突根治术。结果胆脂瘤型28耳,骨疡型8耳;瘘管位于外半规管30耳(83.4%),上半规管3耳(8.4%),两者同时有瘘管1耳(2.7%),鼓岬部瘘管2耳f5.5%);面神经骨管破坏致神经裸露16例,3例位于垂直段,7例位于水平段,同时合并有面神经水平段或锥曲段骨管部分缺损6例。30例患者于术后1~12天内(平均3.5天)眩晕缓解。2例行半规管填塞者,术后16天眩晕逐渐缓解。术后纯音测听平均骨导阈值(0.5kHz、1kHz、2kHz和4kHz),12耳与术前相同,较术前下降10~20dB者16耳,较术前下降20dB以上者8耳。随访3月~6年,眩晕无复发。结论前庭症状存在与否,瘘管试验是否为阳性,以及影像学的改变等都不是术前确诊迷路瘘管的可靠指标,术中探查所见是确诊迷路瘘管最重要的依据。手术方法的选择及对瘘管区病变的处理应根据瘘管的部位、大小及患者听力状况和术者的手术经验而定。  相似文献   

慢性化脓性中耳炎并发迷路瘘管19例   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
目的:探讨慢性化脓性中耳炎并发迷路瘘管的临床特征及治疗方法。方法:1991—2000年收治慢性化脓性中耳炎病人352例,全部病例均行乳突开放式鼓室成形术,分析并发迷路瘘管19例的临床资料。结果:352例中并发迷路瘘管19例,均有主观听力下降及眩晕史,12例瘘管试验阳性,19例均获治愈。结论:述路瘘管最可靠的诊断方法是手术探查,对迷路瘘管区的处理应清除病灶,肌膜修复。  相似文献   

目的 探讨慢性化脓性中耳炎并发迷路瘘管的临床特征及其手术治疗方法。方法 回顾性分析1996~2003年经手术确诊的慢性化脓性中耳炎并发迷路瘘管的22例(23耳)患者的临床资料。结果 22例(23耳)中,术前主诉眩晕者 9 例(39.1 %),瘘管试验阳性 8例(34.8 %),薄层颞骨CT扫描提示迷路瘘管10 例(50 %)。术中见胆脂瘤型中耳炎 22耳(95.7 %),骨疡型中耳炎1耳(4.3 %)。瘘管发生于外半规管19耳(82.6 %),后半规管3耳(13.0 %),同时累及上半规管和外半规管1耳(4.3 %),同时累及上半规管和后半规管1耳(4.3 %)。结论 迷路瘘管术前缺乏可靠的依据诊断。几乎是胆脂瘤型中耳炎独有的并发症,最常见于外半规管。术中对瘘管的处理应根据瘘管的大小、类型、部位及患者术前听力状况而定。  相似文献   

慢性化脓性中耳炎并发迷路瘘管的手术治疗   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨慢性中耳炎迷路瘘管的临床特点及手术方法.方法对63耳有迷路瘘管的胆脂瘤型和骨疡型中耳炎行乳突根治术的同时用颞肌筋膜或同种肋软骨片加筋膜一期修复瘘管.结果1718耳慢性中耳炎中并发迷路瘘管63耳,其中胆脂瘤型60耳,在各型中耳炎中发生率最高,骨疡型3耳.瘘管位于外半规管56耳(88.9%),耳蜗2耳,上半规管3耳,外半规管和上半规管同时有瘘管2耳.63耳中术前有眩晕症状的37耳(58.7%),其中瘘管试验阳性13耳(35.1%).有眩晕症状耳平均骨导阈值为40.1dB,无眩晕症状耳为33.2dB.除1耳外,全部病例行瘘管一期修复后,眩晕症状消失.结论用同种异体肋软骨片加筋膜修复慢性中耳炎迷路瘘管是较理想的方法,对瘘管大、病变重者应行二期手术.  相似文献   

迷路瘘管是胆脂瘤性中耳炎最常见的并发症 ,其早期临床特征常不典型 ,易漏诊、误诊。为了增加对本病的认识 ,特将我院 1 985年 8月~ 1 999年 3月收治的 3 1例胆脂瘤性中耳炎并发迷路瘘管者的资料报告如下。1 资料与方法1 .1   临床资料3 1例 (3 1耳 )中 ,男 1 8例 ,女 1 3例 ;年龄 1 5~6 8岁 ,平均 40 .2岁。左耳 2 3例 ,右耳 8例。有反复耳流脓史 2 8例 ,否认流脓史 3例。1 2例有前庭紊乱症状 ,1 4例有头晕或间歇性眩晕发作 ,5例有持续性眩晕。病程 0 .6~ 3 0年。检查示鼓膜大穿孔者 2 2例 ,松弛部穿孔 9例 ,其中鼓膜大穿孔乳突自然根…  相似文献   

慢性化脓性中耳炎并发全聋的临床研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的 :研究慢性化脓性中耳炎 (CSOM )引起全聋或极度聋的相关危险因素。方法 :回顾性分析我院1 9932 0 0 0年手术的伴极度聋或全聋的CSOM患者 6 0例 6 2耳 (全聋组 )的临床资料 ,并与同期不伴耳聋的CSOM患者 6 2耳 (对照组 )进行比较。结果 :全聋或极度聋相关的危险因素包括流脓血、听骨链破坏及镫骨足板或板上结构消失 ,两组比较具有极显著性意义 (P <0 .0 1 ) ;与迷路瘘管有无亦相关 (P <0 .0 5 )。而与病程、并发面瘫及再次中耳乳突手术等因素无明显相关。结论 :全聋或极度聋的发生与流脓血、胆脂瘤对听骨链侵蚀、镫骨板上结构或足板消失、迷路瘘管等相关。胆脂瘤和中耳感染如不及时控制可能导致全聋或极度聋  相似文献   

迷路瘘管,又称局限性迷路炎或迷路周围炎,是慢性化脓性中耳炎的并发症之一,通常是由胆脂瘤侵犯迷路骨质引起。近年来随着影像学技术的发展,术前诊断迷路瘘管的水平明显提高,可以作为术中确定瘘管大小和位置的依据,但在瘘管处理  相似文献   

患者,男,11岁。因右耳流脓、头痛、视物双影,高热12d伴口角歪斜8d,在当地医院治疗无效于1989年7月30日转入我院。体检:痛苦病容,T39.5℃,脉搏92次/min,呼吸24次/min。发育营养正常,右眼上睑下垂,眼球固定于前平视位,视乳头无明显水肿,左眼正常。右侧鼻唇沟变浅,鼓腮时漏气,口角歪向左侧,右额纹消失。右耳廓无畸形,乳突区轻度肿胀,触痛明显,外耳道见大量白色脓液,有臭味,擦净后见鼓膜紧张部中央性大穿孔,残余鼓膜充血,左耳正常。X线:乳突伦氏位及斯氏位片示,双侧气化型乳突,右侧气…  相似文献   

1999年以来我们治疗了真菌感染合并外耳感染4例,现报告如下. 1 资料与方法 1.1 临床资料慢性化脓性中耳炎3例、3耳,左耳2例、右耳1例,均为男性,18~45岁,病史10~20年,外耳道炎1例,病史6年.本次发作病程1月~2年,流稀薄浅黄色分泌物.耳内奇痒3例,伴外耳道表面轻度糜烂,有少量渗血,流黄脓水.中度瘙痒1例,耳内有闷胀感,听力下降2例,耳疼痛1例,阵发性疼痛1例.检查见鼓膜紧张部大穿孔3例,中度穿孔1例.鼓室及外耳道有黄脓样分泌物,分泌物中可有黑色点状污秽物1例,黄白色状污秽物1例,外耳道壁及鼓室内有菌丝样污秽物生长2例.取鼓室分泌物涂片送检,都找到真菌菌丝及孢子.  相似文献   

Conclusion The patients with serous labyrinthitis caused by acute otitis media (AOM) exhibited various patterns of nystagmus in which direction-fixed irritative-type nystagmus was the most common pattern. Differential effects on inner ear function by toxic or inflammatory mediators may be responsible for the various manifestation of nystagmus. Objective This study aimed to investigate nystagmus patterns in patients with serous labyrinthitis, and discuss possible mechanisms. Methods From October 2011 to March 2014, 13 consecutive patients with serous labyrinthitis were included. Eye movements of the patients were serially examined using video-nystagmography, and patterns of nystagmus were investigated. Results The most commonly observed pattern was direction-fixed nystagmus (nine of 13 patients). Of these, eight showed irritative-type, and one showed paretic-type. Direction of nystagmus, although the intensity gradually decreased, was not changed during the course of treatment. One patient showed direction-changing spontaneous nystagmus, which changed into paretic-type direction-fixed nystagmus 1?day after myringotomy. Three patients exhibited persistent direction-changing positional nystagmus in a supine head-roll test. Of them, two showed apogeotropic and one showed geotropic type. In all 13 patients, vertigo and hearing loss were improved after the treatment.  相似文献   

Chronic suppurative otitis media: complicated versus uncomplicated disease   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To determine prognostic factors in patients with chronic otitis media who develop suppurative complications, we performed a retrospective study of all patients with chronic suppurative otitis media who underwent mastoid surgery between the years 1981 and 1989. Patients who developed complications were compared with those who did not with respect to six prognostic variables. The results indicated that patients with complications were younger (p less than 0.001), had shorter duration of ear discharge (p less than 0.001), were more likely to have pars tensa perforations (p less than 0.05), and had a higher degree of mastoid sclerosis in the operated and contralateral ears (p less than 0.001). The presence of cholesteatoma and the sex of the patient were of no prognostic value. Bacteriology of CSF and pus specimens from patients who developed intracranial complications mostly revealed mixed flora (62.9%). Proteus species was the most frequent isolate (34%) and anaerobes were present in 21.3% of specimens. Mastoid abscess occurred in more than half the patients in the complicated group. Brain abscess (57.4%) was the most frequent intracranial complication. On the basis of our findings we recommend that risk factors in patients with chronic suppurative otitis media be identified early to enable effective measures to be taken to eradicate the disease.  相似文献   

目的 探讨经乳突进路治疗中耳胆脂瘤导致的面神经损伤的最佳方法和疗效。方法 对由中耳胆脂瘤引起周围性面瘫的75例患者,采取经乳突进路面神经减压术。75例中累及垂直段13例,水平段及锥段36例;膝状神经节22例,膝状神经节及迷路段4例。结果 术后随访1~6个月,通过House-Beckmann面神经分级系统评分,结果为Ⅰ~Ⅴ级。结论 对由中耳胆脂瘤累及面神经所致周围性面瘫,及时采取经乳突进路施行面神经减压术治疗,可取得满意效果。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM) remains one of the most common childhood chronic infectious diseases worldwide. Although microbial, immunological, and genetically determined factors, as well as Eustachian tube characteristics, are supposed to be involved in the pathogenesis of CSOM, many aspects of the pathogenesis of CSOM still need to be clarified. Optimal treatment strategy has not been established yet. The objective of this review is to present and evaluate the current state of knowledge of CSOM. DESIGN: Systematic narrative review. METHODS: A PubMed search (1966-January 2005) was performed for studies on epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical management, and complications of CSOM. All included articles were categorized according to level of evidence. RESULTS: Five hundred and fifty papers were identified, of which 79 were found to be relevant for this review. The definition of CSOM was found to vary. CSOM is a multifactorial disease. Regarding management of CSOM, there is no consensus as to what the optimal management strategy should entail. No convincing evidence is available for most medical and surgical therapies. Topical quinolones have proven effective, but need further monitoring regarding adverse effects. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Important goals in research of CSOM should be achieving consensus about the definition of CSOM and gaining more in-depth knowledge of the pathogenesis of CSOM, especially the role of innate and adaptive immunity. There is also a need for further well-designed studies on the effectiveness of various management strategies for CSOM.  相似文献   

目的 回顾性分析近期本人施行的65例保留低位骨桥的开放式乳突根治鼓室成型手术。方法 回顾分析2003年1月-2004年3月本人实施的65例保留低位骨桥的开放式乳突根治鼓室成型手术病例,其中胆脂瘤型中耳炎41例.骨疡型中耳炎24例介绍其手术方法并对术后干耳率及听力提高情况进行了统计分析。结果所 有病人均获干耳.鼓膜愈合良好,无明显内陷。干耳时间约为1—3个月,术后随访1年,无一例胆脂瘤或中耳炎复发。干耳后的听力恢复较满意。平均气骨导差缩小在10dB以上共占83.6%,其中10—20dB占38.2%,20—30dB占30.5%,〉30dB者14.9%。结论 保留低位骨桥的开放式乳突根治术在治疗胆脂瘤型或严重骨疡型中耳炎中既能保证彻底清除病变又能最大限度提高患耳的听力.是治疗这类疾病一种较好的手术方法。  相似文献   

Parapharyngeal and retropharyngeal abscess as a complication of cholesteatoma is an uncommon entity. We present the unusual case of a 32-year-old man with chronic suppurative otitis media, presenting with parapharyngeal and retropharyngeal abscess. This was treated with incision and drainage of the abscess followed by modified radical mastoidectomy for chronic suppurative otitis media.  相似文献   

1病例资料患者,女,45岁。因低热伴头晕1周,加重1d,左耳流脓1d入院。患者1周前无明显诱因出现发热,T 37.5℃,觉头晕,无明显头痛,无恶心、呕吐、耳痛及耳鸣。在当地医院门诊输液(阿莫西林)6d,头晕无明显好转,发热停止。近1天觉头晕明  相似文献   

目的总结真菌性中耳乳突炎的临床表现、诊断和治疗体会。方法回顾分析2000年4月-2004年12月.收治真菌性中耳乳突炎4例.行开放式乳突根治术+Ⅰ期鼓室成型术.术腔应用浸有氟康唑的膨胀海绵填塞换药。结果耳部症状消失.乳突腔干燥.修补鼓膜活动可.听力恢复近正常范围。结论慢性化脓性中耳乳突炎反复流脓保守治疗无效者。应做细菌培养.对真菌感染者.应早日行开放式乳突根治术+鼓室成型术.既解除耳部及全身症状.又可获干耳、听力提高的效果。  相似文献   

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