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Summary We report a case of adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) with myeloid-like hypergranulation of blast cells. Like most of the granular ALLs described in the literature, the blast cells had L2 morphology and exhibited a common-ALL immunologic phenotype. The clinical findings at diagnosis were unremarkable. Cytogenetic analysis showed a 46XY karyotype. Molecular genetic analysis revealed T-cell receptor (TCR) and immunoglobulin heavy chain rearrangements; no rearrangement was found at the TCR gene locus. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the BCR-ABL translocation was negative. The clinical course of the patient was uncomplicated. On standard ALL treatment protocol he achieved complete remission (CR) within 4 weeks, and he is currently disease free 8 months after diagnosis. The case contributes well-documented data to the characterization of adult granular ALL, with special regard to changes at the molecular genetic level.  相似文献   

48 patients with ALL (3%) treated according to two different protocols survived 5 years or longer. The mean survival time was 13.0 +/- 5.0 years, but 29 patients lived 16.5 +/- 3.0 years. Only 18 patients (38%) were 16.9 +/- 3.0 years in them 1. CCR, the longest remission time amounted to more than 25 years. Of the patients relapsed 9 are 8.4 +/- 2.8 years in 2. CR. Late relapses after 5 years were observed in seven cases the last in the 9th year of disease. After 5 years the survival rate in both protocols was not different. As a late sequelae, there was one patient with intrahepatic block and portal hypertension and one with encephalopathy and imbecility. All patients were able to leave their professional examination, 5 patients married and 6 healthy children were born.  相似文献   

How and where erythropoiesis is maintained during advanced leukemic disease is an important and, as yet, unresolved question in hematology. To address the potential role of T-lymphocytes as cells that regulate CFU-E differentiation during leukemogenesis, an experimental model of disease has been developed in inbred Balb/c mice. Specifically, three-week-old Balb/c By mice were injected with murine sarcoma virus-murine leukemia virus-Moloney (MSV-MuLV-M), which resulted 6-8 months later in the development of immunoblastic T-cell sarcomas with a leukemic phase. Splenic T cells from either normal or tumor-bearing mice were assessed for their relative ability to modulate erythroid differentiation. Quantitatively, T cells, Ly1 or Ly 2,3 T-cell subsets isolated from tumor-bearing animals significantly enhanced erythropoiesis when compared with comparable normal T-cell subsets. These data suggest that the compensatory shift of erythropoiesis from the bone marrow to the spleen observed during leukemogenesis was facilitated by splenic T cells. In this circumstance, the enhanced erythropoietic function may be mediated by splenic T cells, which are selectively activated by virus.  相似文献   

In this review, we provide an overview of recent findings from the Northern California Childhood Leukemia Study (NCCLS) on factors related to the immune system including child's vaccination history and measures of child's exposure to infectious agents, namely daycare attendance, infection during infancy, and parental social contact in the work place. We also provide suggestions for the next stages of studies.  相似文献   

Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) affects both children and adults. Survival in ALL has improved in recent decades due to recognition of its biological heterogeneity. Although children have higher remission and cure rates than adults, both populations have benefited from these improvements. Our aim in this study is to determine the association between HLA-DQB1 genes with childhood and adult ALL patients. To define this association, we compared HLA-DQB1 allele frequencies and allele carrier frequencies in a cohort of 135 adults and children with ALL with 150 controls, using polymerase chain reaction with sequence-specific primers. Allele carrier frequencies in childhood ALL show a deficiency in DQ2 (*0201) (P 0.049 and RR 0.75), but an increase in DQ5 (*0501-*0504) and DQ7 (*0301, *0304) compared to the control group (P 0.001 RR 1.89, P 0.003 RR 1.48, respectively). Allele carrier frequencies in adult ALL indicated an increase in DQ5 (*0501-*0504) (P0.045 RR 2.28). Allelic frequencies in childhood ALL revealed the same increase in DQ5 and DQ7, and a decrease in DQ2. In adult ALL it shows a decrease in DQ7. Therefore, our results in adult ALL were similar to childhood ALL addressing DQ5 allele carriers, which showed an increase in both age groups. We suggest that DQ5 could be more strongly considered as an ALL susceptibility allele, and that this allele may underlie a pathogenic phenotype with a major role in the immunologic process involved in both adults and children with ALL.  相似文献   

Four categories of important factors improving outcome of young adults and older adolescents with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) are biologic type, clinical trials, pediatric vs. adult treatment regimen, and psychosocial challenges. Overall, the outcome of ALL in the age group has improved and beginning to catch up with that in children, as exemplified by CALGB 10403, a pediatric treatment regimen. Each is dependent for optimum development, however, on progress in the others. Without adequate psychosocial support and improvement, progress in clinical trials, translational research, and pediatric regimen application is impaired. Without clinical trials, advances in translational research, optimal pediatric regimen application and adequate psychosocial research are restricted. Overall, we have improved the outcome and outlook of ALL in AYAs, as exemplified by CALGB 10403, but we and our current and future patients still have a long way to go.  相似文献   

Leukemia recurred in a child with acute lymphoblastic leukemia after a bone marrow transplant. The pre-transplant leukemia was of T cell origin whereas the post-transplant relapse leukemia was of B cell origin. The recurrence was shown to be in donor cells by analysis of chromosomes and restriction fragment length polymorphisms. Although the mechanism of leukemia induction is uncertain, the possibilities of donor relapse due to EBV infection or chromosomal exchange were disproven. An alternative mechanism must account for leukemia induction in this patient.  相似文献   

The GIMEMA ALL 0288 trial was designed to evaluate the impact of a 7-day prednisone (PDN) pretreatment on complete remission (CR) achievement and length, the influence of the addition of cyclophosphamide (random I) to a conventional 4-drug induction on CR rate and duration, and whether an early post-CR intensification (random II) by an 8-drug consolidation could improve CR duration. Median follow-up of this study was 7.3 years. From January 1988 to April 1994, among 794 adult (> 12 but < 60 years) patients registered, 778 were eligible. Their median age was 27.5 years; 73% had B-lineage acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and 22% had T-lineage disease; 18% showed associated myeloid markers; 47 of 216 analyzed patients (22%) had Philadelphia chromosome-positive ALL. Response to PDN pretreatment was observed in 65% of cases. CR was achieved in 627 patients (82%). Resistant patients and induction death rates were 11% and 7%, respectively. Random II was applied to 388 patients with CR; 201 had maintenance alone and 187 had consolidation followed by maintenance. The relapse rate was 60%; isolated central nervous system relapses were 8% of all CRs and 13% of all relapses. Median survival (overall survival [OS]), continuous complete remission (CCR), and disease-free survival (DFS) were 2.2, 2.4, and 2 years, respectively. PDN pretreatment response resulted the main independent factor influencing CR achievement, OS, CCR, and DFS; the addition of cyclophosphamide in induction significantly influenced CR achievement in a multivariate analysis. Neither induction intensification nor early consolidation appeared to influence CCR and DFS duration. For the first time PDN pretreatment response proved to be a powerful factor predicting disease outcome in adult ALL patients.  相似文献   

Amsacrine with high-dose cytarabine is effective therapy for Philadelphia chromosome (Ph1)-negative acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). We examined the effectiveness of this regimen in 19 patients with Ph1-positive lymphoblastic leukemia. Four had an antecedent chronic phase of chronic myelogenous leukemia and 15 presented with ALL. There were no complete responders in either group. All 14 patients whose bone marrow could be assessed after completion of therapy showed persistent leukemia. We conclude that patients with Ph1-positive lymphoblastic leukemia have a disease that is resistant to treatment that is highly effective in patients with Ph1-negative ALL.  相似文献   

S D Smith  E M Uyeki  J T Lowman 《Blood》1978,52(4):712-718
An assay system in vitro for the growth of malignant lymphoblastic colony-forming cells (CFC) was established. Growth of malignant myeloblastic CFC has been previously reported, but this is the first report of growth of malignant lymphoblastic CFC. Established assay systems in vitro have been very helpful in elucidating the control of growth and differentiation of both normal and malignant bone marrow cells. Lymphoblastic CFC were grown from the bone marrow aspirates of 20 children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Growth of these colonies was established on an agar assay system and maintained in the relative hypoxia (7% oxygen) of a Stulberg chamber. The criteria for malignancy of these colonies was based upon cellular cytochemical staining characteristics, the presence of specific cell surface markers, and the ability of these lymphoid cells to grow without the addition of a lymphoid mitogen. With this technique, specific nutritional requirements and drug sensitivities can be established in vitro, and these data may permit tailoring of individual antileukemic therapy.  相似文献   

Patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and an intrachromosomal amplification of chromosome 21 (iAMP21) comprise a novel and distinct biological subgroup. We prospectively screened 1630 (84%) patients treated on the UK MRC ALL97 protocol for iAMP21 and herein present demographic, clinical, and survival data on the 28 (2%) children found to harbor this abnormality. They had a common or pre-B ALL immunophenotype, were significantly older (median 9 years vs 5 years), and had a lower white cell count (median 3.9 vs 12.4) compared with children without this abnormality. Notably, patients with iAMP21 had a significantly inferior event-free and overall survival at 5 years compared with other patients: 29% (95% confidence interval [CI], 13%-48%) versus 78% (95% CI, 76%-80%) and 71% (95% CI, 51%-84%) versus 87% (95% CI, 85%-88%), respectively. As a result of this 3-fold increase in relapse risk, newly diagnosed patients with iAMP21 recruited to the current UK MRC ALL2003 trial are being treated on the high-risk arm and are considered for bone marrow transplantation in first remission.  相似文献   

When phenotypic marker analysis of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) cells (102 cases) was performed, a group of ALL cells (15 cases) classified as non-T non-B, and negative for common-ALL antigen (CALLA) was characterized in a focused manner. "Non-T non-B" was defined as negative for T cell properties such as E-rosetting or reactivity with anti-human T-cell monoclonal antibodies (T101, WT1), and absence of any B-cell characteristics (cell surface and/or cytoplasmic immunoglobulin and reactivity with B1 monoclonal antibody). Despite their marked heterogeneity, CALLA(-) non-T non-B ALL cells revealed three different phenotypic patterns in terms of presence of terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT) and of reactivity with antimyeloid (MCS1) or myelomonocyte (MCS2 and OKM1) monoclonal antibodies. Four of 15 cases reacted with some myeloid-specific antibodies, but were negative for TdT. Six cases had both MCS2 antigen and TdT. The remaining five cases expressed no myeloid antigens, but were positive for TdT with some exceptions. These findings showed that acute leukemias with myeloid antigens might be involved in CALLA(-) non-T non-B ALL having no relationship to the presence of TdT, and, furthermore, that the blasts with simultaneous expression of TdT and myeloid-specific antigen (MCS2) might represent an immature stage in hematopoietic differentiation closely corresponding with the bifurcation of the lymphocyte/myeloid pathway. Alternatively, only five cases remained "unclassified leukemia." We therefore think that the detailed examination of CALLA(-) non-T non-B ALL cells using myeloid specific antibodies is helpful in clarifying the characteristics of myeloid precursors and the common bipotential stem cell of lymphoid and myeloid progenitors.  相似文献   

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